wall-maria-fritz ¡ 4 months
"if i was orpheus i would simply not turn around" yes you would. if you were orpheus and you loved eurydice, you would. to love someone is to turn around. to love someone is to look at them. whichever version of the myth — he hears her stumble, he can't hear her at all, he thinks he's been tricked — he turns around because he loves her. that's why it's a tragedy. because he loves her enough to save her. because he loves her so much he can't save her. because he will always, always turn around. "if i was orpheus i would simply —" you wouldn't be orpheus. you wouldn't be brave enough to walk into the underworld and save the person you love. be serious
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wall-maria-fritz ¡ 8 months
i try to explain to light yagami the economic inequality that pushes people into crime and that killing isolated evildoers will do nothing because the systems in place will keep creating criminals and when he gets home he makes me die from a bowel explosion
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wall-maria-fritz ¡ 2 years
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double freckles ✨
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wall-maria-fritz ¡ 2 years
ah yes, the shirt that hits you right in the g-spot 😩
Can’t believe we got Levi vs Kenny Squad four years ago. Still not over this shot
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Pour one out for four years of Levi ruining our lives with that shirt
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wall-maria-fritz ¡ 2 years
it’s 7 am.
you say it's my villain era and what you mean is that when you were six you panicked about wearing the right thing to kindergarten, what you mean is that in middle school nobody was eating, what you mean is that you spent high school prepping for college and college prepping for adulthood and adulthood fucking lost in the system.
what you mean is that you've been good. you were a good team player. you would have never considered yourself perfectionist - those are people more popular, prettier, more successful - but you carry any flaw like a secret in you, terrified someone will desert you for the simple reality of your personhood.
if you were good you could be loved. you could be loved if you were selfless and thoughtful and caring. if you bent over for every person, if you went above-and-beyond, it would absolve you of who you actually were. deep down, how horrible that you had needs. that you had boundaries, that you had desires. you learned young that you cannot afford to cut people out of your life - you would have nothing left. it is better to live in the service of others, to supplicate. to worship. you weren't exceptional, you had to make up for it in some way. to prove to others you were worthy.
if they need you, it's the same thing as loving you. if you are always-there, always-listening, always-friendly, you are filling a role. you have a purpose. you are living correctly.
villain era, you repeat. you mean: yesterday you finally told a man no. for hours afterwards, you couldn't control your heartbeat. you mean: you've been saying positive affirmations on repeat, trying to teach yourself any new thing about how self care is necessary. you mean: three weeks ago, due to a scheduling conflict, you finally told a coworker that no, you couldn't do them a "quick favor". you have felt bad about that ever since. sure, it would have made you work late and it would have been extra stress - but you feel bad about it nevertheless.
you tell your therapist you have been leaning into evil. she asks what that means. when you tell her: sometimes i prioritize my own needs, she doesn't find it funny. she looks at you a long time.
"and that's evil?" she clarifies.
"well," you say. "feels evil to me."
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wall-maria-fritz ¡ 2 years
Last Line Meme
Rule: Post the last line you write and tag the same number of people as words.
Liberio’s salty air only served to remind you of old haunts—of the ocean air and car rides, and the taste of sea salt on wet skin, as stormy eyes watch you fall apart.
Tagging: @peace-for-levi @poisonpeche @levmada @levi-my-beloved @maries-gallery @ovuwo @zest-whiplash @pockcock and anyone else who wants to join!
Last Line Meme
Tagged by @aceghosts <3
Rule: Post the last line you wrote and tag the same number of people as words.
Life didn’t stop at flesh and bone - it was so much more than that.
Tagging: @likesugarandcyanide @lottathoughts @momma-vi @ashiemochi @nocturne-daemon @n1vanfield @resident-mercie @trippin-over-my-fandoms @mydisenchantedeulogy @scariusaquarius @squashfics @duraznit0 @jaelynndreamyyy @macabrecakes and any one else who wants to join in ~
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wall-maria-fritz ¡ 2 years
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My Kryptonite
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wall-maria-fritz ¡ 2 years
ya'll are crazy. Ya'll like this????
no but really, the amount of kudos this thing's got on ao3 surprises me. Thanks folks <3
Calm the Fuck Down, Itadori
Yuuji Itadori x Jennifer Lawrence
Summary: Where Yuuji manages to drag Megumi and Nobara to a Tokyo Comic Con.
A/N: I took this way too seriously, jeezus.
“Calm the fuck down, Itadori”
Megumi wanted to shoot himself in the foot.
He absolutely loathed conventions.
Especially when you got a bunch of idiots with a complete disregard for deodorant and personal space simping around in costumes as if they aren’t fully grown men.
Idiots like Itadori, who was currently wasting his life savings on X-Men stickers.
“Yeah,” Nobara piped in, already side-eyeing a man in a green cape with white and blue wings, and funny looking swords that look like box cutters—he was asking her if he could take a picture with her Petra Ral look.
Who the fuck is Petra Ral anyway? Nobara is SURE she looks way cuter though.
“How are you still so gaga over X-Men anyway?” she continues, with a flip of her ginger hair. “You’re literally a sorcerer, Yuuji. You fight curses in real life.”
Almost like whiplash, Yuuji turns on Nobara with an intensity she’s only seen in battle.
“Never. Disrespect X-Men.”
Yuuji was wide eyed; one hand pointing at Nobara, another clutching a handful of stickers and keychains (when did he buy those?) with a very blue woman on them.
Is she… naked? Nobara wonders, but is immediately interrupted by Yuuji’s incoming sermon.
“X-Men is a poignant commentary on society, Kugisaki. It is a masterpiece that only people with taste can appreciate, with characters so well written—“
But Yuuji’s fanboying gospel was cut short when a smattering of whoops and applause erupted from onstage, as a man dressed as… Thanos in a thong—Thongos, he called himself. Ok.—officially started the day’s most awaited event, and that was to meet X-Men’s Hollywood actors, in the flesh!
It was then that Megumi verbalized what everyone was thinking at this point.
“I didn’t know Itadori knew what ‘poignant’ meant”
Yuuji Itadori raced towards the front of the crowd like it was an orgasm out of reach, tightly clutching onto the barricade (also like he was clutching his [redacted]).
He didn’t know when and how his friends managed to catch up to him, but when X-Men’s glittering line up of beautiful people came out on stage, both Nobara and Megumi looked to each other in complete understanding beside him-- of course Itadori was here to simp for Jennifer Lawrence.
And of course he’d spend every yen to his name just to catch a glimpse of this woman in nothing but a skin-tight blue spandex that left no curve nor valley to the imagination.
Yuuji proceeded to fucking shriek in broken English.
Megumi and Nobara both took a step from Yuuji.
‘Nope! The weird guy? They don’t know him.’
To their horror, they watch a grinning mouth appear at Yuuji’s cheek, already salivating.
“Gotta give it to ya, punk. That IS one fine ass,”
Sukuna’s mouth let its long tongue lick around his lips.
“I hope you got us some backstage passes, kid”
Megumi and Nobara shivered.
But clearly, Itadori and Sukuna weren’t the only ones going absolutely bananas for the X-Men, it might have very well been the entire building cheering for the cast.
It was until a bald guy in a wheelchair signaled for the audience to quiet down, did the sea of sweaty geeks calm down.
After a few introductions, and further hyping, the mic was finally passed to Jennifer Lawrence, whose character was apparently named Mystique.
Like a child showing off to his parents, Yuuji looks at Megumi and Nobara, pointing at Jennifer Lawrence as if saying, “Look! It’s her! That’s her! It’s actually her!”
Yuuji then proceeds to kiss three fingers raised up like he was doing a Boy Scout’s pledge, and raised those three fingers in there air, whistling three drawn out notes.
The idiot was giving her the Hunger Games salute, Jesus fucking Christ.
“Ehehe. Yeah, show her which fingers you’re gonna fuck her with,” Sukuna chuckles.
Which Yuuji responds to by forcibly jockeying Sukuna’s mouth off his cheek, shutting the curse up;
Yuuji Itadori drinks enough Respect Women Juice to give the Sahara a year of rain, alright.
Soon, everyone was giving Jennifer the salute.
Jennifer waves away the salutes, and stage-whispers into the mic with that raspy and sexy, according to Yuuji, voice of hers, and says, “Psst! Wrong fandom guys!”
The crowd laughs, as Jennifer awkwardly prattles about how she’s contract-bound to only talk about X-Men today, and that she really needs her job, ok?
And to be honest? Megumi and Nobara are starting to like her! I mean, who wouldn’t? Jennifer’s such a sweet, and down-to-earth girl. They’re glad that if there was anyone Yuuji was going to simp for, it’s Jennifer Lawrence.
“It’s such an honor to meet you, Tokyo!” Jennifer greets charmingly. “I was so excited to meet you guys, I didn’t even need to take a shot before I got here!” Jennifer shrugs with an exaggerated look on her face.
The crowd ate it all up.
“In fact, I was SO excited that I pumped myself up with enough anime references to say,” and in that magical moment, Jennifer Lawrence send finger guns down Yuuji’s way and winks--
“That’s one HECK of a JJK cosplay, man!”
And oh my Lord, it was like Yuuji died and went to heaven.
Even Sukuna was speechless.
But if Yuuji had to guess, Sukuna might have even been proud of him if only wasn’t you know, a jackass.
Megumi and Nobara couldn’t really remember what happened for the rest of the segment, because they might as well have leashed Yuuji with the way he was going crazy for Jennifer, hollering to her that he got her lasagna and Cheetos in his backpack in more broken English.
In the end, the two are left to rein Yuuji in as he eagerly waits for Jennifer out the backstage entrance, fully armed with an X-Men comic book and that lasagna he promised.
Yuuji was practically vibrating in excitement.
“Yuuji, it’s been two hours. Let’s go back to campus,” Nobara groaned, moaning to Megumi how Gojo better pay for their babysitting hours.
“She's almost out, you guys--!” Yuuji cries back, as the stage doors finally open to reveal Jennifer Lawrence in a much more sensible outfit of dress pants and a smart, low-neckline blouse.
“Eyes up, Itadori,” Megumi mumbles at Yuuji, who was already getting slack jawed at the sight of Jennifer’s cleavage.
Yuuji swallows the massive lump in his throat, and snaps his eyes back up to Jennifer’s hooded ones.
“Oh hey! You’re that JJK guy!” Jennifer greets good-naturedly. She was smiling radiantly at Yuuji and his friends, first shaking Nobara and Megumi’s hands as she laughed, “Damn, you even dressed up as the main character’s friends! You’re all like Hermione, Ron, and Harry Potter except… well, your characters won’t actually die, eep”
“Do we tell her?” Nobara nudges Megumi.
“Don’t you dare.” Megumi hisses back.
The dark-haired sorcerer then turns to Jennifer with a polite smile, and says in perfect English,
“Ooh, we’ll try not to spoil it for you, Jennifer.”
Nobara snaps her head to Megumi.
“Since when did you speak White???”
“Shut the fuck up, Nobara,” Megumi grits out.
Jennifer winked at Megumi, giving him an ‘I-get-you’ look and finally turned to sign Yuuji's comic book, only for him to freeze.
They both blinked at each other for a moment. One almost as awkward as the other.
Jennifer Lawrence though, god bless her, took this all in stride.
“No worries, dude, I freeze up, too,” she says while pretending to freeze up in jest. “Do you want me to sign your comic book?”
And if Yuuji wasn’t absolutely head over heels in love with Jennifer before, he certainly was now.
“I-- I…” Yuuji stammered.
Megumi and Nobara looked worriedly to their friend, there was no way in hell they were gonna let Yuuji fuck up now. Not after a whole afternoon of body odor and overpriced tentacle art, no way.
“Calm the fuck down, Itadori and give her the comic,” Megumi whispers to Yuuji.
And in a snap, Yuuji Itadori was bowing as low as possible, arms out with his offerings, exclaiming to the highest simping power-- “I BROUGHT YOU YOUR FAVORITE JENNIFER!”
Jennifer’s face lit up at the sight of the lasagna, “Oh wow! You got me food! Thanks for remembering!”
She takes the lasagna gratefully, and quickly signs the comic, “What’s your name?”
“Errr… Y-Yuuji.”
Jennifer returns the comic book to Yuuji, now signed--
‘Thank You for the Lasagna, Yuuji! You know me soooo well!
Stay Sweet <3
-J Law.’
And as if each and every one of Yuuji’s dreams came true, Jennifer leaned forward and gave Yuuji a quick peck on the cheek.
Yuuji couldn’t even react, because in a whirlwind, Nobara was taking a picture of Yuuji and Jennifer, a coral kiss mark on Yuuji’s wide-eyed face.
“Calm the fuck down, Itadori,” Megumi groaned for probably the hundredth time now.
But Yuuji didn’t care.
Jennifer Lawrence just kissed him.
He’s pretty sure he can be a little manic with disbelief.
“Yuuji, I swear to god, if you don’t stop, I’m deleting the photo from my phone.”
Nobara was done.
In the end, Yuuji may not have anything to eat for the next two weeks, but it was totally worth it.
He managed to convince Megumi to lend him some money.
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wall-maria-fritz ¡ 2 years
{ A Footnote in His Story: First Look}
Levi Ackerman x Reader (and Zeke Jeager)
What's this? Me?? Writing again??? I've been dreaming this up for half a year now, and I just wanted to give you a first look. Your very sweet comments, and reblogs on my previous stories are what have been pushing me to finish this story, and thank you all so so much for the motivation! I hope you never tire of supporting me, and I hope to bring you more fantastic stories! &lt;3
I know I'm very slow on posting anything new, and in replying to requests, but honestly, I'm just anxious to ensure that what I put out is as close to good quality writing as I can. But hey! I still very much enjoy writing my little Levi fantasies~ Love youuu &lt;3
Summary: She was half Marleyan, half Azumabito. And he was the soldier she was never meant to love.
It was like the forest around him grew still. Every cricket, every owl, every wild thing fell silent.
Like the fulfillment of a bad omen, Levi Ackerman read and re-read the Marleyan newspaper delivered to him by a messenger riding from Trost—likely under Hange’s orders. The picture they chose was almost too comically beautiful for the headline they’ve printed. It’s been a week and a half since Liberio, and still, the Marleyan papers have nowhere near exhausted the immensity of the battle’s aftermath. Every day was a higher tally of casualties to report on, every day was another big personality lost to the Tragedy of Liberio—is what Marley is calling it now.
And today, was the one headline he’s been futilely hoping would never be reported.
Levi’s always thought this one would be different. That it would elicit a different response from him. Maybe he would lash out? Scream, cry?
But no.
He just sat. Sighed. And briefly, closed his eyes.
Just like he did with all the others.
He doesn’t know how long he’s sat there, elbows on his knees, paper in hand, eyes closed, but he almost forgot about the man across the fire.
“Do you know why she was named Nikiya?”
Well, perhaps this was different. For once, Levi ignored the grating annoyance that comes to him each time Zeke Jaeger opens his mouth. Levi simply opens his eyes, and returns the direct gaze Zeke was giving him, who was patiently waiting for an answer.
The flickering glow of the flames painted shadows across Zeke Jaeger’s cold blue eyes. Under the firelight, they looked even colder; hollower. One look at him, Levi knew Zeke has known the news far longer than he has. Levi couldn’t tell if the man’s eyes betrayed its own grief. If for once, Levi could recognize something even vaguely human in them.
It may be just because of the shadows dancing across his face that he couldn’t see, but Levi found none.
Ignoring whatever response Levi has been mulling over—if at all—Zeke continues, “Her mother was a ballerina just like her. They say her beauty rivaled even pearls from the Orient. Her father was just a Captain when he fell in love with Emika Azumabito. He was watching her dance as Nikiya from La Bayadere. General Calvi was smitten. Enamored.”
Levi knew this story. Back in Marley, it was like their own little folklore—the Captain destined to be a great General; everything short of a war lord. And the pretty ballerina from far, far, away, destined to die of heartbreak.
And no, the joke wasn’t lost to Levi.
“They had an affair, and came our little Nikiya,” Zeke finishes in that stupid sing-song voice he uses.
And it infuriated Levi.
Before Zeke could even reach for his coffee, before he could even so much as flinch, Humanity’s Strongest has him up by his lapels. Fists tight, teeth bared—like a man afflicted by an animal’s bloodlust.
“She is not yours.”
It came out in a low growl. Every fiber in his being was telling him to kill the smug bastard, but Levi knew what Zeke was doing. He was using Levi’s emotions; to gauge him, to escape from him, hell, maybe even to entertain himself. If Zeke couldn’t fight him, then he’d use every dirty tactic he has, and one of them is to make Levi the fool who allowed himself to feel.
But damn it all.
Damn it all.
Despite the machine of a man keeping him in its grip, Zeke only stared back at the dark glare Levi gave him. He didn’t even bother to put his hands up. He only faced the Captain and asked, so nonchalantly, “Do you know how La Bayadere ends, Captain?”
Levi completely disregards the question, like he didn’t even hear it.
“Did you love her?”
Zeke repeats himself, “Do you know how La Bayadere ends, Captain?”
“Did you love her?”
“Do you know how La—“
“Did you love her, Jaeger?!” Levi shook the man in his grasp. Shook him almost desperately.
He was breathing heavily. He could roar all he wanted at Zeke Jaeger, but he could barely say your name.
Levi’s eyes were blazing, he could hear his men scattered around the forest stirring at his outburst.
Only, Zeke simply replied, a stark accusation slicing through Levi—
“Did you?”
What did you think? Loved it? Hated it? Can't wait for the full post? Hmu! I love love love hearing from you guys, truly <3
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wall-maria-fritz ¡ 2 years
I woke up to this, and my heart is MELTING. Gee themself is a WONDERFUL writer! So wonderful in fact, that they high-key unlocked a new kink for me lmao-- their take on a kitty Levi is just *uuuNhhhNNnnnnggggg*
What are the Levi x Reader fics Recommendations you have? (Characters close to how they are in canon). Mature fics are okay.
i dont read nearly enough but here are my recs that i can think of!!!
Silver Soul (and anything... Afterglow... In the Land of Gods and Monsters) by @bibblelevi . all of sar's content is MUAH gold.
Levi and his Second learn to live in a world without a war as they pine for each other in silence and manage his tea shop.
And So It Begins (canonverse; soft Levi) and Between the Pages (canonverse; slightly domestic; fluffy) by @jayteacups and a TON of their other blurbs/drabbles/oneshots. Such a vivid, poetic style. And that first fic made me cry no cap.
On the field, you are a force to be reckoned with. Off the field, it is almost the exact opposite. Either way, you catch your Captain’s eye, and so it begins. 
The Carnivore by Captain Degenerate on ao3 (Levi enters the modern universe; slow-burn). my comfort fic. not totally in character imo, but the plot makes up for it.
Trying to survive the meaningless void that is existing in the modern world, your peaceful days are left behind when you find an unconscious man on the street.
Dressed unconventionally and clueless about the world you live in, you mistake him for a refugee and decide to take him in for the night.
Cue the rest of your life.
Ackerbond by @levi-my-beloved (canonverse; amazing out of this world thorough take on my headcanons)
After a night spent on paperwork and tea, something in Levi shifts drastically, something he can’t exactly pinpoint. All he knows, is that he has to keep you safe. No matter what.
this fic by @poisonpeche (dadvi; modern au). im such a sucker for dadvi and their style of writing is so intense it just GRIPS you. alla is also fairly new to tumblr, so go support!
Leather and Scales by @happybird16 (hot as hell. i died. bondage with mer!levi)
Levi had been surprised at first, when you’d asked to fuck him. He doesn’t think he’s ever been upside down before, much less seen so much leather prior to today.
Give and Take by @1252291 (pwp; riding Levi's face) and all of their aot works.
Kinktober Day 12 by @anlian-aishang (dadvi; lactation kink) because it is one of the hottest things i've ever read goodbye
With the Musicbox in the Candlelight by @wall-maria-fritz (canonverse; canon-divergence; gripping as hell). UGH just. i have a soft spot for Levi being vulnerable and his rage mode. UGHHHH i cant explain it i just love this fic to pieces.
Kenny the Ripper has discovered the ultimate carrot to his stick– Levi’s fiancée. Levi races to rescue her; out for blood and on a rampage. Nothing but a humble baker, and none the wiser for all the horrors that Levi’s job entails, Reader witnesses the darkest, most monstrous sides of her betrothed that she was unprepared to see.
‼️The Two of Them‼️ by fuchsiaring on ao3
It roils in his chest: desperate, aching, empty. It sears his throat, stings his eyes. He’s dizzy with it, how it hurts, how he needs it. It burns like a wound, sweet like the summer breeze, and Levi relishes, lets it swell, lets it overtake him. --OR-- 5 times Levi cries during sex + 1 time he doesn’t
THIS ONE THIS ONE!!!!! This is't LevixReader but it's my fav eruri fic of all time and will never stop screaming about it when it comes up. I can't put into words how fucking amazing, gut-wrenching, hot, and heart warming it is. the best ever.
possibly my fav fic of all time???
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wall-maria-fritz ¡ 2 years
Will be posting chapter 2 soon!!! So bumping this~
The Paramour : A Levi Ackerman x OC
PART 1: A River
Summary: A midsummer evening and a Railway Banquet sets the stage for an illicit affair between a Captain and a Duchess-- where they learn that all things magical is fleeting, at best.
WARNINGS: smut MDNI, infidelity, witchcraft, slight voyeurism
A/N: I've been reading wayyy too much royal historical fiction, and I can thank Philippa Gregory's wonderful writing for that! This fic is inspired by the story of Elizabeth Woodville-- the Yorkist Queen of England back in the 14th century-- and her mother Jacquetta, the Duchess of Bedford. Their bloodline comes with a myriad of myth and folklore as they claim to have descended from a serpentine water goddess. They've been known to be famously beautiful women who seem to have an uncanny ability to be at just the right place, at the right time in history-- whether it's to be at the winning side of a war, or to bewitch commandeering kings. Because of that, most have suspected them of being witches.
No one knows if they truly practiced witchcraft, but I believe that life's little wonders is really just magic normalized.
Part 1: A River Consider the hands that write a letter. That write poetry and prose.
Consider the hands of mothers that sew stitches upon rounded bellies for their newborns.
Consider the labor of these actions, the intentions of these actions, the intimacy of these intentions.
Consider then, the manifestations of these intimacies.
These were Victoria’s considerations as she sealed her letter with emerald wax. Her house’s insignia of a twin tailed mermaid rising up and out of a river gazing back at her, almost telling her to be at peace; her intentions have been heard.
She turns to the round jar she’s filled with salt and water, and gazes into the green scrap of fabric peeking just beneath the salt.
Soon, the water would be soaking the fabric through the salt.
And Victoria, a non-believer though she was, prayed to the Goddesses that the name she’s sewn in red thread through that fabric, would live.
Wall Sina
Midsummer, 853
Western Sina was always particularly gorgeous during the summertime. The poppies, begonias, and petunias peppering the landscape were in full bloom just in time for the Midsummer festivals. They made the heady haze of the midsummer heat almost… magical.
Well, almost.
For a soldier trotting along one of Sina’s riverbanks, the immense heat meant another much-needed water break for him and his horse. Not to mention, the humidity had left him feeling sticky, despite already abandoning his cloak and jacket in his satchel. So in just a light cotton shirt which he’s unbuttoned down to his sternum, the soldier hops off his steed in one graceful motion to cool down by the riverside.
The soldier tied his horse to a nearby tree with a bridle long enough for the beast to reach the rushing waters of the river. Before going to refill his own canteen with water, the man briefly caressed the great mane of his horse, as it lapped happily. Poor thing was exhausted, he knew. Especially since they’ve been riding since early morning from central Wall Rose.
Once satisfied that his horse was secure and drinking up, the soldier bent down by the riverbank. His shirt sleeves already rolled up to his elbows, the man took a scoop of the river’s cool, flowing water and splashed it upon his face. A steady hand went to slick back his dark locks with the coolness of the water, and repeated the action.
With small rivulets of water sliding down the sharp planes of his cheekbones-- down to his jaw, and then over his Adam’s apple, only to disappear into his shirt-- the man took a moment to rest his eyes.
Head tilted up, the soldier indulged himself. Sinian countryside was indeed beautiful, and the man quietly lamented over the fact that he hadn’t been able to appreciate the delights of the Surface much anymore. What with the arrival of Marleyan emissaries, and the deal to be brokered between Paradise and Hizuru, it seems like he just couldn’t catch a fucking break these days.
The soldier grunted out a sigh, and proceeded to fill up his canteen with water, and then drank some up himself. ‘There’s no helping it,’ he thinks, ‘It’s the price I gotta pay to—tch.’ The man scoffs at himself.
No point regretting to fight the good fight all because he couldn’t find time to look at trees.
But still, for one reason or another… the soldier stops.
Gunmetal eyes swept over the lush scenery, taking in the blooms, and the river.
With eyes closed, he took a deep breath of the sweet, sweet summer air; letting the warmth of the sun bask against the angles of his face, letting the sunlight create little explosions of light behind his eyelids. A breeze ruffled his raven hair, when—
It felt like a breath whispered against the prickles of the soldier’s undercut.
Then there it was again, the whistling.
The man’s eyes shot right open, completely sure he had not imagined the noise. Then it came again, clearer this time—
A woman’s whistle.
Muscles taut, and senses heightened, the soldier braced himself for an ambush; he gripped the knife he had tucked in its scabbard against his side, as he stalked the source of the noise.
It came from upriver, and seemed like it had a pattern to it? A rhythm. Not quite like a tune, but not quite like a whistle one would use to call one’s horse either.
If the man were honest, it sounded almost… haunting.
He let the shade of the trees and the rustling of the leaves hide him and his footsteps, ready and alert for any enemy to jump out at him. He knew riding alone without his squad would leave him vulnerable to Marleyan attacks if there were ever to be any, but it was a situation he couldn’t avoid, seeing as his men were still busy helping finish up the new railway line.
And he had been summoned by his commander and the brass to the capital. He thought that perhaps taking the relatively unfrequented countryside of Yerckel would keep him off anyone’s tracks. Well, he was wrong.
It was then that he rounded an old oak tree, when a clearing revealed to him a woman in the river’s waters.
A naked woman in the river’s waters.
Maybe because of a lack of better judgement, or perhaps because he was only a simple man;
This soldier who was very ready to rain brutality upon a person, stopped and stared.
The woman was…exquisite.
She had her eyes closed, head looking up and out into the expanse of the clear blue sky; still whistling the haunting tune. Her hands, small and delicate as they were, deliberately stroked the watery surface of the mighty river rushing around her nude form.
There was something melodic in the reply of the summer breeze to her whistling, as it whisked lightly through her long copper tresses; in the same way there was something intimate with the way she seemed to caress the river.
As if she were trying to soothe it.
Call it lust or wonderment, the man allowed his gunmetal eyes to rove down this woman’s lusciousness—from the soft way her coppery-red hair curled around her shoulders, to the fullness of her breasts, to her trim waist, and down to the roundness of her hips; there was almost something sensual in the way the water lapped against her pliant-looking ass.
And oh, it elicited something primal in him.
The man was no stranger to a woman’s bare body. He’s spent his formative years in the Underground, after all. And while he was never one to be controlled by his carnal needs, becoming Captain has given him reason to take on a couple of lovers these past few years. But these dalliances were always ones that he sought out.
Never before had a woman seduce him enough to tempt him where he stood.
Then the whistling stopped.
The moment the soldier saw the woman tilt her head-- a single emerald eye flashing towards his direction—he immediately ducked back behind the oak tree.
‘Idiot. Horny fucking idiot,’ the soldier cursed himself. ‘What the fuck happened to self-discipline?!’
Before he could dart back and return down river, onto his horse, and where he should fucking be, he found a knife quickly pressed against his jugular.
That, and a beautiful woman with red hair and glimmering emerald eyes, pressing him against the oak tree with her own petite body--
Her own petite, still wet and dripping body, whose nudity was only protected by a single white towel wrapped around her torso; it barely covered her thighs.
“Who sent you to peep, Scout?”
Venom all but dripped from her gritted teeth. As beautiful of a visage as she was, the woman was furious. A complete turn-around from the serene scene he saw earlier. And from what the captain can tell—a veteran in his own right—he could easily manhandle the woman to release him, if he wanted to.
Bold as she was, the woman was on her tiptoes trying to pin him against the tree, which meant that her stance was unstable. She also wasn’t gripping her knife as well as she should, which told the captain that this woman was no fighter—she’s just a spooked civilian.
The captain calmly, and carefully put his hands up.
“What makes you think, I’m a Scout?”
A knowing look danced around the woman’s eyes. Her plump lips, curling into a smirk.
“Because I know who you are, Captain Levi Ackerman.”
In a flash of movement—far too quick for the woman to see it happening—she was turned and pinned against the hard planes of Captain Levi’s body, his brawny forearm clutched around her throat. She couldn’t move, she could barely breathe, and the flimsy little towel she had keeping her decency had unraveled from her body amidst the action.
She was left defenseless and completely bare; left to this hardened soldier’s mercy.
Levi steeled his nerves at the predicament he found himself and this mysterious woman in. But try as he might, her shivering body was unmistakable, especially since her curves were flush against him.
Her pink nipples have hardened to tiny little buds as the summer breeze blew against her nakedness, and goddamn does Levi wish he were fighting an ambush instead.
Levi clenched his jaw, and tightened his grip on her hands from behind her back. “How do you know my name? I’ve never seen you before.”
‘Because I would’ve remembered seeing a face like that,’ Levi finished in his thoughts.
“Are you good soldiers of Paradise in the habit of seizing helpless women, now?” she bit back, refusing to look her captor in the eye. Instead, she was eyeing her knife. Now on the grass, her mind raced to find a way to get the weapon back in her hands.
“Answer the fucking question,” Levi growled out, choking her harder. Although the irony of her accusing him of seizing her, despite having been the first to bring a knife to his throat, wasn’t lost to him.
“My—husband!” The woman choked. “He’s an officer—in the Military P-Police! He’s told me about you—Humanity’s Strongest.”
Levi loosened his grip. A husband, huh? Not surprising considering…
“If you let me go, I promise I won’t tell him about… this.” The woman blushed, now dawning on her that something stiff was poking at her ass.
Levi grunted out a sigh, already frustrated with the misunderstanding. “I’m going to release you, and then I’ll turn around to let you get dressed. Try anything, and I promise you I’ll have you in another choke hold.”
He releases the woman, who gasps in for air. Levi turns to give the woman some privacy, while in the process kicking her knife away from her and towards him. He picks up the blade.
“Give that back!”
“I’ll give it back once you’re dressed,” came the captain’s gruff reply. Levi felt the sharp glares the woman sent him behind his back, before he heard her shuffling to put her clothes on. While waiting, he examined the odd blade in his hand.
“I didn’t mean to uhh… invade your privacy. I heard your whistling, and thought it was an ambush waiting to happen,” Levi calls out. He wasn’t one to explain himself, but he knew his hands weren’t completely clean in this situation.
He heard the woman scoff, “Ah yes, that explains why you stayed slack jawed and stupid when you saw that I was in fact, not an ambush.”
Levi was only silent.
Woman had a point.
He continued to turn the blade over, still listening to the dressing woman.
“Besides, if the Marleyans really wanted to ambush you, they would do it in land they’re familiar with; not some backcountry in Yerckel. I believe they call guerilla warfare, was it? Otherwise, the Marleyans would infiltrate rather than invade.”
Levi stopped turning the knife, eyebrows furrowed. “What makes you assume I was thinking about the Marleyans?”
“Because,” He heard the woman laugh, “You’re Captain Levi! Everyone knows you don’t approve of the Marleyans.”
Fair enough, Levi thinks. Although, he would have to discuss non-disclosure concerns within the MP’s to the Brass, considering how much this woman knows. No civilian should know this much about military Intel.
“Oi, what’s with your knife? How the fuck are you supposed to defend yourself with a blade like this?”
It was then that he felt the woman’s presence beside him. He turned to find a slender hand extended out for the knife. Levi wordlessly set the knife in her palm, calloused fingers brushing against soft skin.
“Because that’s an Athamé; a ceremonial knife.”
The woman was now dressed in just her white shift, champagne-colored stays, and a light petticoat.
She noticed his steel eyes sweep over the bare skin of her legs, while she slid her feet in her sandals.
“A ceremonial knife for…?”
The woman flicked a lock of coppery hair to her back. She looked at the captain with a furtive glimmer in her green eyes, “You men wouldn’t understand.”
It was then that Levi got a good look at the woman’s features. Her eyes were a strange shade of green. They look green at first sight, but not quite. They looked almost shifty; like the waters of a river flowing between shades of blue and green.
Levi decided not to question it—the knife and the weird eyes.
As the woman took a moment to plait her red hair, Levi voiced out a question that’s been at the back of his mind;
“Earlier. Why would you think someone sentme?”
Hair now braided to rest against a collarbone, the woman bundled up her discarded towel with a huff, “Well Captain, as you might imagine, no self-respecting man would let his wife bathe naked and alone at a river.”
Her lips quirked up, eyes peeking up at Levi through thick lashes, “You’ll never know what strange men lurk in the shadows.”
Levi rolled his eyes. “Right. Well I’m—“
“You’re here for the Railway Banquet, yes?” The redhead looked up at the soldier, just now registering that the man never once changed the unfazed look on his face since he released her from his grip.
‘Well,’ she supposed, ‘I guess when you’re Humanity’s Strongest, nothing could unfaze you.’
“Please, nearly every soldier who’s passed through Sina this week is here for it,” the woman explains when Levi remained quiet. “The Crown has been making a fuss out of the new railway system. And it’ll fall on the same week as the Midsummer festival, so everyone’s looking forward to it. I’ll actually be part of the celebrations.”
Every year, the Crown would hold week-long celebrations for the Midsummer festival. But this year is special, because festivities would be extended for another three days for the Railway Banquet.
“Oh?” Levi cocked an eyebrow, only looking mildly interested at best.
“Just as a staffer. Which is why,” The woman smiles, “I’m here to tell you that you’re going the wrong way.”
Levi blinked.
She giggled, “I’m afraid you took a wrong turn, Captain. The river forks downstream, so you must have followed the wrong bank. Which err…” the woman mumbled to herself, “… is probably how you found me, considering how often I’m here and barely see another soul.”
Levi meanwhile, just let this strange, strange woman ramble on. He dared not show how fucking delightful her giggle sounded to his ears. And so to bring himself back to reality, he asks, “Then how the fuck do I get to Mitras from here?”
“Well, do you know how to get to Mitras from Yerckel?”
“Of course,” Levi quipped in a tight, gruff voice. He was getting annoyed by this woman’s question-answers. Why can’t she just, answer a fucking question directly?
“Then I’ll show you the way to Yerckel, and you can go from there!” She looked expectantly to the soldier. “I hope you brought a horse with you, Captain.”
“…You’re riding with me?”
“Oh if you insist,” the woman replies airily, already walking downstream in a lively strut.
Levi glanced at his new riding companion. The woman walked regally—shoulders relaxed, back straight, and chin held high. Although, she didn’t do so with an air of pomp; she did it as if it all came to her naturally. Like the way an equestrian would ride a horse. Or how he, Levi, would hold a blade in reverse.
He also wondered if he should let a lady ride saddle with him in just her shift and petticoat, and nothing else. She was essentially in her undergarments.
She didn’t even have stockings on.
And while Levi didn’t particularly mind, he didn’t wanna go prancing into Yerckel looking like he just stole a man’s half-naked wife.
“Are you sure you wanna ride with me looking like that?”
“Like what?” the redhead challenged, “Marleyan women have been known to wear far less.”
She then looked to the finely-cut profile of the raven-haired man beside her, and winked.
“Don’t worry, my husband isn’t home.”
Levi refused to look the woman in the eye. Not knowing that she could already see the tips of his ears burn red.
The pair stopped before Levi’s black steed where he left it tied to the tree. Loyal as ever, the animal has just been patiently drinking from the river, waiting for his owner. Levi approached the horse, and quietly stroked the animal’s mane in thanks.
“That is one magnificent beast,” the woman beamed.
The woman watched Levi smooth a strong but gentle hand over the steed’s fine midnight coat—almost the same lovely shade of ebony as its rider’s hair.
It was absolutely endearing how this morose man was so tender to his horse, the woman muses.
Levi simply replied with, “He’s a good old friend.”
And it was true, the Captain couldn’t count the number of times his horse has saved him from the maw of a titan. At the end of the day, his sole partners in every battle were just his blades, and his horse.
The woman took a little step back when this force of a man suddenly mounted his great steed in a single powerful heave up. For a brief moment, the sunlit Captain’s graceful movements made him look like a storybook hero about to ride valiantly into battle; every little bit like Humanity’s Strongest.
Levi pulled at the reins in one firm hand to settle the beast, and extended the other to the lady watching him; her plump pink lips slightly agape in awe. It certainly wasn’t the first time he’s seen someone look at him with that expression, but with this woman?
Levi tried his best not to smirk at the sight.
“Right. Your turn brat.”
The woman looked up to the soldier. A breeze wafted through his raven hair, briefly blowing the strands away for the sunlight to reveal the blue of his stormy eyes.
It wasn’t something someone would notice immediately, but the Captain was incredibly handsome.
‘Handsome,’ she thinks, ‘in the same way that a thunderstorm is beautiful.’
Dangerous and alluring all at once.
Levi meanwhile, with a thin eyebrow raised, took her silence and stillness as fear. “You aren’t afraid of horses are you?”
“Absolutely not. And I’m no brat, thank you very much.”
She took his hand, and gave a sharp gasp when he pulled her up. The woman knew this guy was strong, but she didn’t expect him to be strong. It literally only took him one brawny arm to pull all her weight up, and now the poor girl was desperately ignoring how the Captain’s solid body felt against her back.
She willed her mind to please not flashback to when he had her naked and pinned against him back upriver.
Captain Levi looped his arms around her waist to grip at the reins, effectively enveloping the redhead in his warmth.
A warmth that, she found, she did not at all mind despite the summer heat.
The woman swallowed, noticing the veins snaking along the Captain’s powerful forearms as he controlled the horse. While Levi didn’t exactly tower over her, riding beside him like this, had her feeling especially miniscule—fully aware that this man can break her like a twig.
A tingle ran up her spine, daring her to take peek up at Levi, whose eyes were trained on the path. She watched a muscle jump from his clenched jaw, his Adam’s apple bobbing up from the movement.
Unbeknownst to her, the formidable Captain too, was having trouble controlling his wandering thoughts.
“Does he have a name,” she asked to fill the quiet, “Your horse?”
“We’re not encouraged to name our horses. Not wise to get attached to em’ when they can get killed so easily in a battle.”
The woman mouthed out a quiet ‘Oh.’
She almost looked sorry for the creature when she turned back to caress the animal’s mane before her.
Now, Levi couldn’t tell you why he said what he said next.
Perhaps it was because he knew he’d never see this woman again anyways, that he thought it okay to divulge this.
Or maybe because he didn’t want this charming, gorgeous thing to have even the slightest hint of sadness in her eye. Nevertheless, he nudges her conspiratorially;
“But I like to call him Farlan.”
Rough and steady hands held her waist as the woman was brought down from Farlan, the horse. She still couldn’t quite get past how mighty Captain Levi’s strength truly was, because she felt her stomach flutter when he carried her down—like she weighed nothing.
They’ve stopped in front of Yerckel’s village clock tower, after their ride was spent in relative silence. It was then that the woman looked up at her unlikely ride back.
“I hope you enjoy the Banquet, Captain.”
And before Levi could say any more, the beautiful woman with the shifty eyes went up on her tiptoes, and gave the broody Captain a kiss on the cheek.
“And thank you for the ride. Take care.”
In a gentle sweep of copper hair and silk petticoat, the woman was already walking away.
And Captain Levi just stood there. Looking on, dawning on him that he never even learned this lovely woman’s name.
For a moment, he entertained the idea of chasing after her, and asking for it. But at the end—
The Captain just mounted his horse and galloped away.
A/N: Alright, alright. I know I promised a one-shot, but I just fell in love with the idea, and the next thing I knew I wrote 3,700k words for their FIRST meeting SKSKSKSKSB
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wall-maria-fritz ¡ 2 years
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I’m on an Erwin x Marie train today!
I love these two so much grrrrr
Lemme just get the art itch out of my system and I PROMISE I’ll start working on The Wingman chapter 7
(who knows? maybe you’ll see this scene in it 😉)
The Wingman Art Masterlist
Maria's Art Masterlist
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wall-maria-fritz ¡ 2 years
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I always liked to think Marie was the driving force behind Nile.
Also, yes I still promise to update The Wingman 😭 Life is just crazy, pls be patient with me 🧡
But hey! I have other fics and artworks! Wanna check them out?
Maria’s Scribblings
Maria’s Art Masterlist
The Wingman (Erwin Smith x Marie)
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wall-maria-fritz ¡ 2 years
Hey it’s Maria! Here to ruin your day 🥰✨
The thought passed my mind and so you have to think of it too—
doesn’t Logan Paul (with his beard and blonde hair) look a little too much like Zeke Jeager?
k byeee
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wall-maria-fritz ¡ 2 years
I just dreamt of Levi and holy shit should I make this a fic?
Hello! Yes! I'm still alive!!! I had to stop writing bc Ms. Depression is just so ✨💕💖obsessed 💖💕✨with me uwu.
Alright so I just really had to share this dream I had last night because I can't stop thinking about it, and it's got a lot of fanfic potential! Let me know if you wanna see it written down, or if you just want to share with me YOUR Levi dreams! Pls, I wanna know what your nasty lil subconsciousnessess (?) conjure up of him lmao.
Things written in parentheses () are my real life thoughts and reactions to the dream~ So here's my dream: I had cheerleading practice (I was an actual cheerleader back in the ye old days of high school.) And since it was just training, I was in workout clothes-- the tiniest cycling shorts, a good ol' sports bra, and since I've never liked showing my small ass boobs, I had a loose crop top thrown over the sports bra. But here's the thing; the crop top had a big print saying "LEVI'S" in blocky letters. NOT the brand logo of Levi Strauss m'kay? No "est.'s" no nothing. Just that:
"L E V I ' S" in big bold letters across my boobs. And that was fine. I was just doing the usual routine I did, with all the stunts and stuff. And then Levi arrived.
Levi was in the dance hall.
I started panicking, trying to hide my shirt from him, lest he thinks that-- god forbid-- that I had a crush on him. Not that I did! Of course. (This is a lie.)
And did I mention that the "LEVI'S" not "Levi" no, the "LEVI'S" is all over my boobs?!????
At this point, I wasn't even sure if he's already seen me with the shirt, shaking my ass, and doing your run of the mill cutesy cheerleader-y stuff.
And then I happened to remember (bc of course, even in my fantasies, my own brain is still against me) that Levi is our star basketball player (????? idefk. ????? This 5'3 man??? a basketball player???? Also, back in my highschool boys only really could choose between volleyball and basketball teams to be an athlete in. It was very lame.) And that I had to introduce him at our opening intramural parade, (It was a lil' gimmick my school had where a cheerleader was paired to a varsity player to cheer for them during their intros. We were a small school so we had time for this) which was why Levi, and the whole bulk of the basketball team is here, so that we can practice the flow of the opening and I asdgvkle;shkaeoshj
And so inevitably, the basketball dudes and my fellow cheerleaders have noticed my shirt, and I wouldn't be surprised if one of the guys have already told Levi and/or Levi's already seen me in it thanks to all the dance hall mirrors, depsite me constantly ensuring that my back was turned to him.
I was blushing, (screaming, crying, shitting even) and just constantly cursing at myself with why. Why now? Why today?
Soon, our coaches and the Sports Coordinator whistled, calling us over to formation to finally practice for the intrams opening, and were told to pair up.
I don't even look up.
My eyes stayed glued to my rubber shoes.
I felt Levi walk up to me, and wordlessly stand next to me.
He doesn't say anything. Doesn't comment on anything. And I still refuse to look at him.
Everyone's snickering at us. While i'm just standing there, looking everywhere but Levi, and knowing just what a sight we made-- the basketball team's star player and his blushing, stuttering cheerleader wearing her tiny little shorts with her tiny little crop top with big bold letter's proclaiming who's she is, all over her tiny little breasts.
While waiting for instructions, and watching the others demo where the players enter/where the cheerleaders do the stunts for their players, I sneak a peak up at Levi.
And because I'm not God's favorite, Levi catches me peeking up at him. His steely eyes flash down to mine. And just as quickly, I whip my head back to face front-- definitely not conspicuous winkwink.
He shortens the distance between us the tiniest bit while still listening to the intructions. Still looking ahead, he whsipers to me, "Have you memorized your routine?"
"Of course!!!" I replied way too loudly, way too enthusiastically. I blush even redder.
Still schooling his face into the usual composure Levi has, his lips give me an almost imperceptible quirk up. if it weren't for the odd playfulness in his eyes, I would have thought his jaw muscles just jumped.
"Good," was all he said.
Eventually, I had to perform my short routine for Levi's entrance. Our Sports Coordinator who was leading the practice, pretends to holler out his name, "Our three-year MVP and Team Captain, Levi Ackerman!"
His teammates and my squadmates whoop and cheer for him as an "audience" would, as a photo of him mid-dribble is flashed on screen. The drummers start the beat, and Levi comes jogging in, looping around the whole court, as I-- with a red, red face-- start my routine.
And my god, it was not like any other cheer routine I ever had to do in all my years in that snooty, catholic high school I went to, because I was giving everyone front row seats to some hardcore ass shakery with a sprinkling of toe-touches and round offs here and there, for the sake of calling it a cheer routine.
I finish it all off with my arms up in a high V, my body straight and as rigid as an arrow, while Levi shoots a ball, as the gym goes wild. (somehow we were already at the gym and not the dance hall??) My coach hollers out an "Excellent [My surname]!"
With the ball bouncing away behind him, Levi turns to me with a debilitatingly handsome half-smile. I could feel the rapid rise and fall of my chest from the exertion of the routine. But more than that, I could feel my heart thumping, almost as loud as the drums beating away at the corner of the gym.
Levi comes to firmly squeeze my shoulder-- a confident, reassuring squeeze-- and says to me in a conspiratorial voice that was for my ears only, almost like he was telling me a dirty secret--
"Great job. That's my girl."
So yep, that's me exposing just how Levi trash I am lmao. I want to write something self-indulgent based on this dream so baaadd. I don't even know what yet. But the idea of a flustered cheerleader who quite literally has Levi's name all over her, just activates the same brain that wishes Levi would mark her and claim her as his. (Shut up, you think the same thing too, don't lieee)
That's all! Also, I see AALLL of your comments and reblogs and tags and requests!!! Especially on The Wife! You guys, honestly, you all warm my heart. Thank you. I've been so, so sad, and your little squeals and squees have brightened many a sad, sad day. Imagine crying to the Call Me By Your Name soundtrack, and then ding! Tumblr tells me you guys loved The Wife so much, ya'll are begging me for a sequel! And you know what? Maybe I will give you a sequel!!!
But yeah! Thank you for being patient with me and my unplanned 5 month long hiatus. I love this community so, so much.
Maria's scribblings MASTERLIST
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wall-maria-fritz ¡ 2 years
Hecc this is the sweetest thing 🥺😭
But oi, she gushes like this about us but really, @peace-for-levi is ALL of this and MORE ❤️
tell me about your favourite tumblr user(s)
it's 3AM so i will probably fall asleep mid-writing this!
naturally all my moots are STUPIDLY talented and they are my favourites. like share some talent dust with the rest of us plebs (it's me, i'm the pleb) over here? 🙄
no but if i am being honest and sappy, some of these people have helped me through some very dark moments. they're so loyal, funny, TALENTED (2.0) and the sweetest bunch. once you get to know them, i promise you you will count your lucky stars that they wandered into your life. they are honest, give you wake-up calls if needed, support you in every way, listen to you, cheer you up with memes or talk about your shared interests. not to mention, these people are SO smart too. i am a dumbass irl and online but these people have brains to burn! they have all had their fair share of, well, life thrown at them but i truly believe that in spite of some of these less-than-fortunate experiences, it has shaped them into the wonderful people they are and i have come to love. they are all coming to my wedding if someone finds me tolerable enough to marry! i can safely say i wouldn't be here without them as 2021 was probably the toughest and the year my mental health challenged me the most. i am an emotional mess, mental health disaster and a hot-pot of other issues, but i am so grateful that these people help me crack a smile on the darkest days when i see no light left in the world. i am a mess, but i genuinely feel so loved by some of these people. some of these special people include (but not limited to): @choke-me-levi @anlian-aishang @levi-my-beloved @maries-gallery @levmada @nelapanela94 @pockcock @sakurashell @wall-maria-fritz @deludedimagines
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wall-maria-fritz ¡ 2 years
Request Rules
I've been receiving questions about my request rules, so I thought I should refine them. As I've said on my previous post, I'm open to writing about pretty much anything, with only a few restrictions when it comes to smut asks.
1.) I will write for:
Levi Ackerman
Erwin Smith
Miche Zacharias
Zeke Jeager
Reiner Braun
Historia Reiss
Petra Ral
Pieck Finger
Angelo Lagusa
2.) I'm usually an x reader writer, but I don't mind pairing the female characters to the male ones I said I'd write. (like say, rivahisu and rivetra) I don't mind male to male pairings either (like eruri or zevi) but I must say I'm not very good at writing gay pairings but hey! That's why we practice eh?
3.) For SMUT asks, I'll be a little nitpicky and only accept NON-ANONYMOUS asks. This is so that I can ensure that I'm not entertaining minors here. That said, if I don't see your age readily stated on your profile, I will NOT write your ask. This is to protect the younger ones as best as I can, so I hope ya'll can understand.
4.) For obvious reasons, I will not write about sensitive topics such as p**dophilia, inc*st, b**stiality, or anything along that vein. Anyways, whichever request I fulfill will be up to MY discretion. I say this, because someone might request for something involving heavy mental health topics like say, anorexia or schizophrenia, that are simply too complex for me to understand and will be very very very careful about writing (if at all) out of respect to those who actually suffer through these. Again, you guys can still request for heavier topics, but what I write will be up to me.
That's all! Go crazy, you guys! I'm doing this in order to get past my writer's block, so keep them asks coming~
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