The End?
It had been five years. Five years since Warden and Faythie had their first meeting. The first meeting that resulted in them becoming a power couple of Warden's Superjail and Faythie's Guasanovia. The first meeting that resulted in him proposing to her one year afterwards. The first meeting that resulted in them helping each other heal from their childhood trauma. 
And the first meeting that resulted in each other's worlds come crashing down.
Warden lay on their bed, or what SHOULD be their bed, the oppressive darkness engulfing him. The absolute silence rang in his ears, broken only by the sound of his own doleful sobs, his tears falling onto the soft bedding around him. He smelled the sweet scent of her, roses to be exact, which was now fading from what was once her side of the bed, now just his again. This was another twist of the knife in Warden's heart. It was like he was simultaneously slapped in the face, kicked in the crotch, and punched in the gut. His throat was tight and ached badly from his heartbreak, and his chest felt heavy and tight, like he was drowning, or a heavy object had been placed on it. In a way, a heavy burden, burning grief to be exact, had been placed upon his whole being, his heart, soul, and mind. The pain was so severe, his body felt the effects of his loss, too. And Faythie was no longer there to help him through it. If she was, he wouldn't feel so devastated in the first place. 
"Sir, are you okay?", Jared had asked earlier that day, as Warden was slumped over his desk, just barely holding on, forcing himself to do his tasks as The Warden Of Superjail. "Jared! Can't you see I'm working here!?", Warden had hollered back, earning a startled yelp from the shorter man. "Y-Yes, sir! But I just noticed that you've lately been-", Jared had stuttered back. "Get back to work!", Warden had yelled back in short order. "Y-Yes, of c-course sir!", Jared stuttered once more. He wasted no time in scurrying out of Warden's office, leaving the taller man to wallow in his misery. Jailbot, who was silently present and observing during the whole exchange, was also quite doleful in his robot emotions, tears and a sad face periodically appearing on his dot matrix screen. He missed his Mama Faythie, to go along with his Papa Warden. The robot had to constantly be at his papa's side, helping him complete his tasks, due to the fact that his productivity at running the prison had dropped significantly since Faythie was gone. 
At lunch break, Jared, Jailbot, and even Alice grew concerned when Warden didn't come to eat lunch with them. "Warden's been completely miserable ever since Faythie's been gone! Superjail's productivity has dropped significantly over the past few weeks!", Jared lamented, showing Alice and Jailbot the charts to prove it. Alice groaned, and Jailbot beeped sadly. "I'll admit, I've been kinda worried about that creep lately, too.", Alice agreed. "I just wish there was something we could do...", Jared lamented. "I'll try talking to him later.", Alice promised. Then, the trio were left to continue worrying about the imploding mental state of The Warden. 
Meanwhile, Warden remained in his office, not hungry one bit. His grief already made him feel physically sick with an upset stomach. He kept trying to power through his work to distract himself from his heartbreak. He happened to glance up to see a picture of him and his beloved fiancee, which made him cry, his work forgotten. "F-Faythie, why d-did I have to l-lose you so s-soon?", Warden sobbed. 
Later that day, Alice burst into Warden's office. "Warden, what happened to Faythie?", she questioned. This was a shot to Warden's heart. "Who?", he just asked, covering up his grief. Alice just looked at him for a moment. "Ugh, whatever...", she groaned, while stalking out of his office. When he was sure he was alone, he resumed crying. He was thankful his yellow glasses disguised the fact his eyes were red from all the tears. 
Back in the present moment, Warden continued to lay limply in the dark, dark thoughts consuming his mind, the silence continuing its deafening roar. 
"I'm lost without you Faythie..."
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disco light and led
Thank you for the ask! Ask game found here
DISCO LIGHT- Who’s more musically inclined?
My s/i definitely, The Warden cannot carry a note to save his life, and it is unknown if he can play musical instruments or not, whereas she can at least sing sometimes performing at Superjail bar
LED- Who’s more energetic, and how does it affect the relationship?
Warden is, hands down, a hundred percent, more energetic (watch a single episode to see that point in action) and it doesn’t affect the relationship too much it just means that sometimes I can get a little worn out, but to his credit he does tend to calm down a little for my s/i
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PONY BEADS, GLOWSTICKS, and 80'S SHAPES for Warden ofc!!!
ah creator of the ask game themself :D Of course always (well more than) happy to talk about my husband! Ask game found here
PONY BEADS- What gifts have your F/O made for you?
Warden isn’t the best at arts and crafts… however! He enjoys the aesthetics of bead bracelets and so has made my s/i a yellow and purple bracelet before
GLOWSTICKS- What does your F/O do to brighten your day, and vice versa?
Really just him being himself brightens my day and makes me so happy, his goofy cheer is infectious. The same vice versa really but he particularly enjoys the quite and serene conversations we share, the fact that he actually has someone to talk to and listen to him is deeply appreciated
80′S SHAPES- What shapes and colors does your F/O remind you of?
The colours are of course purple and yellow for clear reasons, circles are a good shape for him because of the glasses and squares are good for the top hat
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Dreamjail episodes pt2
s7ep2: spot the difference
The warden is replaced with a mysterious doppelganger that wants to destroy superjail
s7ep3: Valentine's Day celebration
It's Valentine's Day and the warden is planning a galactic celebration to get himself a date
s7ep4: rule number one
The warden meets a ghost from the shadow realm
s7ep5: Game night
It's game night at superjail! but the inmates have bigger plans then uno
s7ep6: Galactoids?
Superjail meets mysterious space rulers
s7ep7: long lived
The warden gets in an accident and has a "spiritual awakening"
s7ep8: Father's Day
The warden has complicated feelings about the upcoming Father's Day and so do many others
s7ep9: fake friends
A video game that's way more special than the warden thinks wants to make friends
s7ep10: toothache
The warden gets a nasty cavity and has to leave superjail to go to the dentist so he has to put someone in charge in the meantime
s7ep11: sister in arms
The warden discovers another jailer
s8ep1: Jared kills a space creature and has to cover up the "crime"
s8ep2: Captain cupcake
The cutest little thing crashed on superjail! Yes, he did! yes, he did!
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I took all of my dreams and made more superjail eps
s5ep1: Jackknife lockdown
When jackknife is picked up for the millionth time the warden decides it's time to lock him up for good!
s5ep2: New pair of shades
The warden broke his lenses and when Jared buys him new ones the warden learns more about his origins
s5ep3: giving up
The warden takes on swim teaching and takes superjail to a beach
s5ep4: troubles and twins
A new pair of multi-kind arrive on earth captivating the warden with tricks but what are they really after? And who sent them?
s5ep5: don't eat green snow
The warden finds green goop in the forests and decides to feed it to the residents of superjail
s5ep6: growing pains
The twins birthday is arriving and it comes with big differences
s5ep7: In search of her
Alice goes missing without a trace and superjail struggles to go on
s5ep8: space night: 1
The warden gets captured by aliens
s5ep9: space night: 2
The warden discovers his family tree
s5ep10: rescue mission
Superjail's staff makes a plan to rescue the warden but their gonna need some outside help
s5ep11 among them
Time to find the warden
s6ep1: festival infest
The staff plans a special festival
s6ep2: reflect and rewind
The past of superjail and its residents
s6ep3: too far back
The doctor makes an age reversal ray that knocks the twins back 2,000 years
s6ep4: dry throat
The warden is at a loss for words when he gets sick and unable to speak. Will someone take advantage of the warden's illness? Will the prisoners? The staff?
s6ep5: sibling rivalry
The twins have an argument that causes catastrophe in superjail
s6ep6: missing out
the warden arranges a heart to heart with the twins and their brood
s6ep7: child's play
After the warden finds his childhood doll he promises to prove to everyone how special he is
s6ep8: cowboy baby
Playing pretend goes too far when the warden starts to believe he's a cowboy
s6ep9: nice
The twins are invited to a space party and the warden jealously tags along
s6ep10: Romeo
Alice finds jailbot a botfriend but the warden disapproves of their love!
s6ep11 split up
A malfunction leaves the twins stuck on two separate sides of superjail
s7ep1 hide and seek
Jared losses the wardens favorite hat
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Does anyone else think the warden is an alien?
Only me?
*puts away species I made for him*
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For any f/o :3!
Thank you for the ask :D Ask game found here, answer to pony beads and glowsticks found here
BOWLING ALLEY CARPET- What games do you and your F/O play?
Because of his old man mindedness The Warden can’t get into video games so instead he likes to play classic board games like monopoly and scrabble
BLINKING SIGN- Where was your first date with your F/O?
Superjail hasn’t really got that many great spots for dates but knowing him Warden would’ve probably just built his own fancy restaurant in order to have a date there
HOLOGRAPHIC- Do you and your F/O share a fashion sense?
Not really, I love his fashion sense but I’m not able to dress that fancy (like ever!)
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Hey! I really like your headcannons! Could you make one about the Warden from superjail?
Yandere Warden (Platonic & Romantic Headcanons)
TW: Mentions of Violence & Death, Incarceration, Implied Child Abuse (not by the Warden), Emotional Manipulation, Toxic Mindsets.
A.N. - My first post of 2022. Time for a siesta!
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The lens through which the Warden views relationships is tainted by an isolated and brutal childhood, with the unruly treatment by his father and his prison cell for a bedroom curbing his emotional growth. His only semi-positive connections to living beings are his employees Jared and Alice, so he aspires to rush his friend into a deep and lasting relationship before it develops naturally. The Warden does his best to plough through the early awkwardness via disregarding boundaries and struggles to reap the intimacy that he has fantasized about for years.
As the world he was born into provided little kindness and exterminated innocence like a pest, the world he created in Superjail has a similar absence of morality. The Warden believes that he is a decent man and claims to hope for the redemption of his prisoners, yet he uses his aptitude for causing others pain to resolve any issues in his friend's life. If someone is giving them trouble, he offers to have the offender imprisoned in solitary confinement on bogus charges.
When his friend enters the same room as him, the Warden ignores everyone else in favour of bombarding them with casual observations about the misery of the prisoners and complaints about their alleged neglect of him. He refuses to understand the concept of them having other responsibilities and ideas for how to spend their day, and he responds to anyone else desiring their company by calling the person clingy and trying to shame them into dropping the subject. His idea of quality time revolves around supplying his friend with snacks and drinks while the two of them watch the grotesque execution of inmates.
The Warden overflows with excitement whenever he has the opportunity to interact with his partner, and he sees no need to bridle or disguise it. He fabricates the silliest and most illogical reasons why he needs to interact with them at any given time, ordering either Jared or Jailbot to send them to his office when the frequent urge to seek their attention strikes him. These sessions typically involve conversations about a future rendezvous that his partner is not aware of and what he phrases as a relationship destined to last forever.
Despite his lack of a verbal and behavioural filter, the Warden enjoys a rich inner life that is not immune to insecurity. He falls prey to self-doubt when it comes to inviting his partner to social events, and he is overjoyed by their simplest expressions of approval. To avoid contemplating the possibility that his affection is unrequited, the Warden aims to smother them with so many compliments and so much of his undivided attention that, in his mind, they have no justification for rejecting him.
If the Warden, during one of his strolls through the prison, even thinks that he overhears someone mentioning his partner, he rushes to join the conversation and hijacks it with random facts and personal thoughts about them. No one is more knowledgeable about their interests and preferences than himself in his opinion, and anyone who tries to correct him or expresses doubt in his supposed expertise is subjected to angry rants about just how wrong they are. If his partner disagrees, he still treats the event like an inside joke and never admits that he may have invented a truth to seem close to them.
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yandere-toons, all rights reserved.
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Yeah, I've since learned to give those people the finger, after struggling with them.
Faythie x Warden - First Meeting (Part 1)
“OK, cut! Good job, everyone!”, the female director praised through writing on a whiteboard, then showing it to everyone, while smiling. “Take five!” (The female director had lost her voice almost two weeks (yes, two weeks) before, singing her face off (don’t worry, not literally) and playing guitar at a public New Year’s party, with a band she annually performed with, that band having some members who were her a few of her best friends).
The cast dispersed, leaving the female director to preview the next scene. Her name was Faythie, a fairly attractive woman, in her late 30’s to mid-40’s, chocolate brown eyes, layered hair with multiple shades of brunette, and natural blonde highlights that glowed gold in the sunlight, and was so long it just barely reached her back, with hair over her shoulders, covering part of her chest. She was also fairly tall, 5'4" to be exact, was slightly overweight, but also slightly curvy at the same time, and had slightly yellow and crooked teeth, with borderline buck teeth, and fairly sharp teeth, especially her canines. She also had a small freckle near the corner of her mouth. However, above all, she was a very successful, wealthy, powerful, famous, and well-respected individual of her world, a tiny galaxy called Guasanovia. She had already accomplished a great many fantastic things at this point in her life, and would accomplish much more by the end of her life.
On this cold January day, a frigid gust of wind chilled Faythie down to the bone. She pulled her “Russian Dictator” coat closer to her, while she examined the script and storyboards. She found that the next scene required a take in which a burglar steals a purse from a woman (cliche, Faythie realized, rolling her eyes; but she didn’t write this script or storyboards, so whatever, she was getting paid anyway).
All the cast and crew returned from their break after the five minutes was up, and took their places. Faythie instructed everyone on what to do for this scene. But take after take after take was shot, and despite everyone trying their best, the actress playing the woman getting her purse stolen couldn’t get it right.
So, Faythie decided to just SHOW everyone how to perform the scene. She jumped off her director’s chair, and took her whiteboard and dry erase marker with an eraser on the other end with her. She politely motioned for the actor playing the burglar to step aside, and he did. She took his place, then wrote on the whiteboard, “Pretend you’re actually getting your purse stolen by a real burglar, and you need a hero to come by and help you.” She stopped to think for a moment, then added, “And your purse is an expensive, antique family heirloom that’s worth a lot of money.”
She showed the whiteboard to the actress, who read it, then a lightbulb seemed to go off in the actress’s head, who exclaimed, “I think I got it now! Thanks, Faythie!” Faythie smiled and mouthed, “You’re welcome.”, then motioned for the actress to act out the scene without the cameras rolling.
They started to act out the scene, with Faythie acting like she was a real burglar actually stealing a real woman’s purse, and the other actress acting like she was a real woman whose purse was actually being stolen by a real burglar. The other actress got it perfect that time! In fact, so perfect, the other cast and crew started to applaud them, when suddenly…
A WHITE, LARGE, OBJECT CAME SWOOPING FROM THE SKY, just like how a hawk swoops down to catch a helpless baby bird that has fallen out of a tree, grabbed her by her wrist, and dragged her through the sky, and into the clouds, while everyone below watched in shock and horror. They lived in a strange, technologically-advanced society, however, not as strange as what Faythie was about to experience…
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Anything else?
Faythie x Warden - First Meeting (Part 1)
“OK, cut! Good job, everyone!”, the female director praised through writing on a whiteboard, then showing it to everyone, while smiling. “Take five!” (The female director had lost her voice almost two weeks (yes, two weeks) before, singing her face off (don’t worry, not literally) and playing guitar at a public New Year’s party, with a band she annually performed with, that band having some members who were her a few of her best friends).
The cast dispersed, leaving the female director to preview the next scene. Her name was Faythie, a fairly attractive woman, in her late 30’s to mid-40’s, chocolate brown eyes, layered hair with multiple shades of brunette, and natural blonde highlights that glowed gold in the sunlight, and was so long it just barely reached her back, with hair over her shoulders, covering part of her chest. She was also fairly tall, 5'4" to be exact, was slightly overweight, but also slightly curvy at the same time, and had slightly yellow and crooked teeth, with borderline buck teeth, and fairly sharp teeth, especially her canines. She also had a small freckle near the corner of her mouth. However, above all, she was a very successful, wealthy, powerful, famous, and well-respected individual of her world, a tiny galaxy called Guasanovia. She had already accomplished a great many fantastic things at this point in her life, and would accomplish much more by the end of her life.
On this cold January day, a frigid gust of wind chilled Faythie down to the bone. She pulled her “Russian Dictator” coat closer to her, while she examined the script and storyboards. She found that the next scene required a take in which a burglar steals a purse from a woman (cliche, Faythie realized, rolling her eyes; but she didn’t write this script or storyboards, so whatever, she was getting paid anyway).
All the cast and crew returned from their break after the five minutes was up, and took their places. Faythie instructed everyone on what to do for this scene. But take after take after take was shot, and despite everyone trying their best, the actress playing the woman getting her purse stolen couldn’t get it right.
So, Faythie decided to just SHOW everyone how to perform the scene. She jumped off her director’s chair, and took her whiteboard and dry erase marker with an eraser on the other end with her. She politely motioned for the actor playing the burglar to step aside, and he did. She took his place, then wrote on the whiteboard, “Pretend you’re actually getting your purse stolen by a real burglar, and you need a hero to come by and help you.” She stopped to think for a moment, then added, “And your purse is an expensive, antique family heirloom that’s worth a lot of money.”
She showed the whiteboard to the actress, who read it, then a lightbulb seemed to go off in the actress’s head, who exclaimed, “I think I got it now! Thanks, Faythie!” Faythie smiled and mouthed, “You’re welcome.”, then motioned for the actress to act out the scene without the cameras rolling.
They started to act out the scene, with Faythie acting like she was a real burglar actually stealing a real woman’s purse, and the other actress acting like she was a real woman whose purse was actually being stolen by a real burglar. The other actress got it perfect that time! In fact, so perfect, the other cast and crew started to applaud them, when suddenly…
A WHITE, LARGE, OBJECT CAME SWOOPING FROM THE SKY, just like how a hawk swoops down to catch a helpless baby bird that has fallen out of a tree, grabbed her by her wrist, and dragged her through the sky, and into the clouds, while everyone below watched in shock and horror. They lived in a strange, technologically-advanced society, however, not as strange as what Faythie was about to experience…
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Okay, got it.
Faythie x Warden - First Meeting (Part 1)
“OK, cut! Good job, everyone!”, the female director praised through writing on a whiteboard, then showing it to everyone, while smiling. “Take five!” (The female director had lost her voice almost two weeks (yes, two weeks) before, singing her face off (don’t worry, not literally) and playing guitar at a public New Year’s party, with a band she annually performed with, that band having some members who were her a few of her best friends).
The cast dispersed, leaving the female director to preview the next scene. Her name was Faythie, a fairly attractive woman, in her late 30’s to mid-40’s, chocolate brown eyes, layered hair with multiple shades of brunette, and natural blonde highlights that glowed gold in the sunlight, and was so long it just barely reached her back, with hair over her shoulders, covering part of her chest. She was also fairly tall, 5'4" to be exact, was slightly overweight, but also slightly curvy at the same time, and had slightly yellow and crooked teeth, with borderline buck teeth, and fairly sharp teeth, especially her canines. She also had a small freckle near the corner of her mouth. However, above all, she was a very successful, wealthy, powerful, famous, and well-respected individual of her world, a tiny galaxy called Guasanovia. She had already accomplished a great many fantastic things at this point in her life, and would accomplish much more by the end of her life.
On this cold January day, a frigid gust of wind chilled Faythie down to the bone. She pulled her “Russian Dictator” coat closer to her, while she examined the script and storyboards. She found that the next scene required a take in which a burglar steals a purse from a woman (cliche, Faythie realized, rolling her eyes; but she didn’t write this script or storyboards, so whatever, she was getting paid anyway).
All the cast and crew returned from their break after the five minutes was up, and took their places. Faythie instructed everyone on what to do for this scene. But take after take after take was shot, and despite everyone trying their best, the actress playing the woman getting her purse stolen couldn’t get it right.
So, Faythie decided to just SHOW everyone how to perform the scene. She jumped off her director’s chair, and took her whiteboard and dry erase marker with an eraser on the other end with her. She politely motioned for the actor playing the burglar to step aside, and he did. She took his place, then wrote on the whiteboard, “Pretend you’re actually getting your purse stolen by a real burglar, and you need a hero to come by and help you.” She stopped to think for a moment, then added, “And your purse is an expensive, antique family heirloom that’s worth a lot of money.”
She showed the whiteboard to the actress, who read it, then a lightbulb seemed to go off in the actress’s head, who exclaimed, “I think I got it now! Thanks, Faythie!” Faythie smiled and mouthed, “You’re welcome.”, then motioned for the actress to act out the scene without the cameras rolling.
They started to act out the scene, with Faythie acting like she was a real burglar actually stealing a real woman’s purse, and the other actress acting like she was a real woman whose purse was actually being stolen by a real burglar. The other actress got it perfect that time! In fact, so perfect, the other cast and crew started to applaud them, when suddenly…
A WHITE, LARGE, OBJECT CAME SWOOPING FROM THE SKY, just like how a hawk swoops down to catch a helpless baby bird that has fallen out of a tree, grabbed her by her wrist, and dragged her through the sky, and into the clouds, while everyone below watched in shock and horror. They lived in a strange, technologically-advanced society, however, not as strange as what Faythie was about to experience…
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Like, how she affects their lives and the pecking order?
Faythie x Warden - First Meeting (Part 1)
“OK, cut! Good job, everyone!”, the female director praised through writing on a whiteboard, then showing it to everyone, while smiling. “Take five!” (The female director had lost her voice almost two weeks (yes, two weeks) before, singing her face off (don’t worry, not literally) and playing guitar at a public New Year’s party, with a band she annually performed with, that band having some members who were her a few of her best friends).
The cast dispersed, leaving the female director to preview the next scene. Her name was Faythie, a fairly attractive woman, in her late 30’s to mid-40’s, chocolate brown eyes, layered hair with multiple shades of brunette, and natural blonde highlights that glowed gold in the sunlight, and was so long it just barely reached her back, with hair over her shoulders, covering part of her chest. She was also fairly tall, 5'4" to be exact, was slightly overweight, but also slightly curvy at the same time, and had slightly yellow and crooked teeth, with borderline buck teeth, and fairly sharp teeth, especially her canines. She also had a small freckle near the corner of her mouth. However, above all, she was a very successful, wealthy, powerful, famous, and well-respected individual of her world, a tiny galaxy called Guasanovia. She had already accomplished a great many fantastic things at this point in her life, and would accomplish much more by the end of her life.
On this cold January day, a frigid gust of wind chilled Faythie down to the bone. She pulled her “Russian Dictator” coat closer to her, while she examined the script and storyboards. She found that the next scene required a take in which a burglar steals a purse from a woman (cliche, Faythie realized, rolling her eyes; but she didn’t write this script or storyboards, so whatever, she was getting paid anyway).
All the cast and crew returned from their break after the five minutes was up, and took their places. Faythie instructed everyone on what to do for this scene. But take after take after take was shot, and despite everyone trying their best, the actress playing the woman getting her purse stolen couldn’t get it right.
So, Faythie decided to just SHOW everyone how to perform the scene. She jumped off her director’s chair, and took her whiteboard and dry erase marker with an eraser on the other end with her. She politely motioned for the actor playing the burglar to step aside, and he did. She took his place, then wrote on the whiteboard, “Pretend you’re actually getting your purse stolen by a real burglar, and you need a hero to come by and help you.” She stopped to think for a moment, then added, “And your purse is an expensive, antique family heirloom that’s worth a lot of money.”
She showed the whiteboard to the actress, who read it, then a lightbulb seemed to go off in the actress’s head, who exclaimed, “I think I got it now! Thanks, Faythie!” Faythie smiled and mouthed, “You’re welcome.”, then motioned for the actress to act out the scene without the cameras rolling.
They started to act out the scene, with Faythie acting like she was a real burglar actually stealing a real woman’s purse, and the other actress acting like she was a real woman whose purse was actually being stolen by a real burglar. The other actress got it perfect that time! In fact, so perfect, the other cast and crew started to applaud them, when suddenly…
A WHITE, LARGE, OBJECT CAME SWOOPING FROM THE SKY, just like how a hawk swoops down to catch a helpless baby bird that has fallen out of a tree, grabbed her by her wrist, and dragged her through the sky, and into the clouds, while everyone below watched in shock and horror. They lived in a strange, technologically-advanced society, however, not as strange as what Faythie was about to experience…
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Ok, got it.
Faythie x Warden - First Meeting (Part 1)
“OK, cut! Good job, everyone!”, the female director praised through writing on a whiteboard, then showing it to everyone, while smiling. “Take five!” (The female director had lost her voice almost two weeks (yes, two weeks) before, singing her face off (don’t worry, not literally) and playing guitar at a public New Year’s party, with a band she annually performed with, that band having some members who were her a few of her best friends).
The cast dispersed, leaving the female director to preview the next scene. Her name was Faythie, a fairly attractive woman, in her late 30’s to mid-40’s, chocolate brown eyes, layered hair with multiple shades of brunette, and natural blonde highlights that glowed gold in the sunlight, and was so long it just barely reached her back, with hair over her shoulders, covering part of her chest. She was also fairly tall, 5'4" to be exact, was slightly overweight, but also slightly curvy at the same time, and had slightly yellow and crooked teeth, with borderline buck teeth, and fairly sharp teeth, especially her canines. She also had a small freckle near the corner of her mouth. However, above all, she was a very successful, wealthy, powerful, famous, and well-respected individual of her world, a tiny galaxy called Guasanovia. She had already accomplished a great many fantastic things at this point in her life, and would accomplish much more by the end of her life.
On this cold January day, a frigid gust of wind chilled Faythie down to the bone. She pulled her “Russian Dictator” coat closer to her, while she examined the script and storyboards. She found that the next scene required a take in which a burglar steals a purse from a woman (cliche, Faythie realized, rolling her eyes; but she didn’t write this script or storyboards, so whatever, she was getting paid anyway).
All the cast and crew returned from their break after the five minutes was up, and took their places. Faythie instructed everyone on what to do for this scene. But take after take after take was shot, and despite everyone trying their best, the actress playing the woman getting her purse stolen couldn’t get it right.
So, Faythie decided to just SHOW everyone how to perform the scene. She jumped off her director’s chair, and took her whiteboard and dry erase marker with an eraser on the other end with her. She politely motioned for the actor playing the burglar to step aside, and he did. She took his place, then wrote on the whiteboard, “Pretend you’re actually getting your purse stolen by a real burglar, and you need a hero to come by and help you.” She stopped to think for a moment, then added, “And your purse is an expensive, antique family heirloom that’s worth a lot of money.”
She showed the whiteboard to the actress, who read it, then a lightbulb seemed to go off in the actress’s head, who exclaimed, “I think I got it now! Thanks, Faythie!” Faythie smiled and mouthed, “You’re welcome.”, then motioned for the actress to act out the scene without the cameras rolling.
They started to act out the scene, with Faythie acting like she was a real burglar actually stealing a real woman’s purse, and the other actress acting like she was a real woman whose purse was actually being stolen by a real burglar. The other actress got it perfect that time! In fact, so perfect, the other cast and crew started to applaud them, when suddenly…
A WHITE, LARGE, OBJECT CAME SWOOPING FROM THE SKY, just like how a hawk swoops down to catch a helpless baby bird that has fallen out of a tree, grabbed her by her wrist, and dragged her through the sky, and into the clouds, while everyone below watched in shock and horror. They lived in a strange, technologically-advanced society, however, not as strange as what Faythie was about to experience…
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It's on the @wardenxfaythiesupremacy account.
Faythie x Warden - First Meeting (Part 1)
“OK, cut! Good job, everyone!”, the female director praised through writing on a whiteboard, then showing it to everyone, while smiling. “Take five!” (The female director had lost her voice almost two weeks (yes, two weeks) before, singing her face off (don’t worry, not literally) and playing guitar at a public New Year’s party, with a band she annually performed with, that band having some members who were her a few of her best friends).
The cast dispersed, leaving the female director to preview the next scene. Her name was Faythie, a fairly attractive woman, in her late 30’s to mid-40’s, chocolate brown eyes, layered hair with multiple shades of brunette, and natural blonde highlights that glowed gold in the sunlight, and was so long it just barely reached her back, with hair over her shoulders, covering part of her chest. She was also fairly tall, 5'4" to be exact, was slightly overweight, but also slightly curvy at the same time, and had slightly yellow and crooked teeth, with borderline buck teeth, and fairly sharp teeth, especially her canines. She also had a small freckle near the corner of her mouth. However, above all, she was a very successful, wealthy, powerful, famous, and well-respected individual of her world, a tiny galaxy called Guasanovia. She had already accomplished a great many fantastic things at this point in her life, and would accomplish much more by the end of her life.
On this cold January day, a frigid gust of wind chilled Faythie down to the bone. She pulled her “Russian Dictator” coat closer to her, while she examined the script and storyboards. She found that the next scene required a take in which a burglar steals a purse from a woman (cliche, Faythie realized, rolling her eyes; but she didn’t write this script or storyboards, so whatever, she was getting paid anyway).
All the cast and crew returned from their break after the five minutes was up, and took their places. Faythie instructed everyone on what to do for this scene. But take after take after take was shot, and despite everyone trying their best, the actress playing the woman getting her purse stolen couldn’t get it right.
So, Faythie decided to just SHOW everyone how to perform the scene. She jumped off her director’s chair, and took her whiteboard and dry erase marker with an eraser on the other end with her. She politely motioned for the actor playing the burglar to step aside, and he did. She took his place, then wrote on the whiteboard, “Pretend you’re actually getting your purse stolen by a real burglar, and you need a hero to come by and help you.” She stopped to think for a moment, then added, “And your purse is an expensive, antique family heirloom that’s worth a lot of money.”
She showed the whiteboard to the actress, who read it, then a lightbulb seemed to go off in the actress’s head, who exclaimed, “I think I got it now! Thanks, Faythie!” Faythie smiled and mouthed, “You’re welcome.”, then motioned for the actress to act out the scene without the cameras rolling.
They started to act out the scene, with Faythie acting like she was a real burglar actually stealing a real woman’s purse, and the other actress acting like she was a real woman whose purse was actually being stolen by a real burglar. The other actress got it perfect that time! In fact, so perfect, the other cast and crew started to applaud them, when suddenly…
A WHITE, LARGE, OBJECT CAME SWOOPING FROM THE SKY, just like how a hawk swoops down to catch a helpless baby bird that has fallen out of a tree, grabbed her by her wrist, and dragged her through the sky, and into the clouds, while everyone below watched in shock and horror. They lived in a strange, technologically-advanced society, however, not as strange as what Faythie was about to experience…
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I'd like to add a third part, but I don't know what to put in it.
Faythie x Warden - First Meeting (Part 1)
“OK, cut! Good job, everyone!”, the female director praised through writing on a whiteboard, then showing it to everyone, while smiling. “Take five!” (The female director had lost her voice almost two weeks (yes, two weeks) before, singing her face off (don’t worry, not literally) and playing guitar at a public New Year’s party, with a band she annually performed with, that band having some members who were her a few of her best friends).
The cast dispersed, leaving the female director to preview the next scene. Her name was Faythie, a fairly attractive woman, in her late 30’s to mid-40’s, chocolate brown eyes, layered hair with multiple shades of brunette, and natural blonde highlights that glowed gold in the sunlight, and was so long it just barely reached her back, with hair over her shoulders, covering part of her chest. She was also fairly tall, 5'4" to be exact, was slightly overweight, but also slightly curvy at the same time, and had slightly yellow and crooked teeth, with borderline buck teeth, and fairly sharp teeth, especially her canines. She also had a small freckle near the corner of her mouth. However, above all, she was a very successful, wealthy, powerful, famous, and well-respected individual of her world, a tiny galaxy called Guasanovia. She had already accomplished a great many fantastic things at this point in her life, and would accomplish much more by the end of her life.
On this cold January day, a frigid gust of wind chilled Faythie down to the bone. She pulled her “Russian Dictator” coat closer to her, while she examined the script and storyboards. She found that the next scene required a take in which a burglar steals a purse from a woman (cliche, Faythie realized, rolling her eyes; but she didn’t write this script or storyboards, so whatever, she was getting paid anyway).
All the cast and crew returned from their break after the five minutes was up, and took their places. Faythie instructed everyone on what to do for this scene. But take after take after take was shot, and despite everyone trying their best, the actress playing the woman getting her purse stolen couldn’t get it right.
So, Faythie decided to just SHOW everyone how to perform the scene. She jumped off her director’s chair, and took her whiteboard and dry erase marker with an eraser on the other end with her. She politely motioned for the actor playing the burglar to step aside, and he did. She took his place, then wrote on the whiteboard, “Pretend you’re actually getting your purse stolen by a real burglar, and you need a hero to come by and help you.” She stopped to think for a moment, then added, “And your purse is an expensive, antique family heirloom that’s worth a lot of money.”
She showed the whiteboard to the actress, who read it, then a lightbulb seemed to go off in the actress’s head, who exclaimed, “I think I got it now! Thanks, Faythie!” Faythie smiled and mouthed, “You’re welcome.”, then motioned for the actress to act out the scene without the cameras rolling.
They started to act out the scene, with Faythie acting like she was a real burglar actually stealing a real woman’s purse, and the other actress acting like she was a real woman whose purse was actually being stolen by a real burglar. The other actress got it perfect that time! In fact, so perfect, the other cast and crew started to applaud them, when suddenly…
A WHITE, LARGE, OBJECT CAME SWOOPING FROM THE SKY, just like how a hawk swoops down to catch a helpless baby bird that has fallen out of a tree, grabbed her by her wrist, and dragged her through the sky, and into the clouds, while everyone below watched in shock and horror. They lived in a strange, technologically-advanced society, however, not as strange as what Faythie was about to experience…
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Here's one:
I now need to give you my headcanons about the Warden’s powers because here they can be sufficiently hurt/comforty
We all know about Warden’s powers. He can shapeshift and summon things and that’s cool but Superjail has given him a gift that’s very useful as a warden but hellish for everyday use
He can hear. Everything.
This is why he’s so loud- if he’s the only thing he can hear, he can drown everything else out. Otherwise everything gets unbearable fast.
I'm listening! (You're really dedicated to this Encanto thing, huh?)
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I mean, I'd like to improve in my fanart. It's just that I'm better at fanfictions.
I now need to give you my headcanons about the Warden’s powers because here they can be sufficiently hurt/comforty
We all know about Warden’s powers. He can shapeshift and summon things and that’s cool but Superjail has given him a gift that’s very useful as a warden but hellish for everyday use
He can hear. Everything.
This is why he’s so loud- if he’s the only thing he can hear, he can drown everything else out. Otherwise everything gets unbearable fast.
I'm listening! (You're really dedicated to this Encanto thing, huh?)
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