warriorpine · 3 years
Sorry to bother you with all these questions but I was wondering if you had any ideas for the suffixes of kits and apprentices who live near the ocean on the beach somewhere in mexico. I don't think it would be very realistic for cats who aren't related to cannon clans to have the same suffixes; so any ideas? Thanks!
So I agree that certain suffixes wouldn't make sense for a clan not connected to the canon clans, but it's also important to plan how you want to base your suffix list. Is it based on body parts relating to certain skills? (like claw for lightning, whisker for hunting, nose for tracking?) Is it based primarily on personality?(like cloud for calm, storm for dynamic and energetic) Or is it another basis?
If you want to make a suffix system based entirely around the water and ocean, I can give suggestions. -storm and -cloud could likely stay, and then you could make use of water based suffixes, like -pool, -stream, etc. You could also include other water and ocean based things, like -scale, -fin, -wave, etc. If your suffixes follow a more traditional system, where they have a specific meaning, then my suggestion is to look at a traditional list, with things like a hunting, fighting, etc suffix, and then build from there. But if its a more lyrical suffix system, then just have fun with it!
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warriorpine · 3 years
hi! i really liked your funeral headcanons. are you comfortable with others using those?
I am!
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warriorpine · 6 years
I keep thinking I should post mine and just make it free for use, but I'm not sure if anyone would want it.
I've been trying to remake family trees for my warrior cats rewrite and oh my god, the level of incest in ThunderClan. May need to come up with some ocs to get rid of most of it. I knew TC had an incest problem but I didn't think it was on this level.
Reworking the ThunderClan family tree is always a lot of work, for sure!
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warriorpine · 6 years
Hi! I fell in love with your blog! It’s awesome and your knowledge about genetics is fantastic! May I ask you where did you learn all of that stuff?
Mostly through lurking on other people’s blogs and some Google. There’s a surprising amount of people out there who have put a lot of effort into it, and I find cat genetics fascinating! If you want some pointers, I’m glad to help :)
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warriorpine · 6 years
I don't know if you take suggestions but Poppy/Jay would be adorable based on their past interactions. She really encourages him, and makes him feel valued. She gives good advice and has a level head, while still being enthusiastic. They're adorable and if I could draw I would make art of them! Just a suggestion :)
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I think they would make a good couple, but even if they don’t end up getting together (they might! Im not sure yet, im always open for people to share their hc’s and ships!) they are going to be very close friends. 
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warriorpine · 6 years
Hc that Dustpelt and Ferncloud were the biggest lovey dovey couple in ThunderClan
Hell Yeah
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(From my Ferncloud tribute, find here)
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warriorpine · 6 years
Clan Values
Each Clan has the same general priorities - food, safety, borders - but they all value their cats in different ways.
ThunderClan focuses on the individual. They consider powerful warriors to be the best cats in their Clan, and any cat who earns the -claw suffix will rise quickly through the ranks of the Clan. In this Clan, the strongest bonds tend to be those between mentors and apprentices. Due to this, these cats tend to have kits later in life, as they seek proven warriors to parent with.
ShadowClan prides itself on being the hardest working Clan and strictly loyal to the Warrior Code. It is difficult for cats to live in the marshes, and not every cat will be able to be a good hunter in lands such as these. They value determination above all, and their best warriors tend to be -heart or -storm cats. The bond between mates tend to be the strongest in this Clan.
RiverClan is family-oriented. Any cat who is good with kits or apprentices is highly valued, and any cat who earns a -flower suffix is likely to have multiple cats courting them. RiverClan cats tends to have kits early in life, and have strong bonds with their kits and grandkits throughout their lives. 
WindClan values teamwork. Warriors who are skilled at working together are invaluable when hunting prey that is faster than even the best warrior, and thus any cat who earns the -whisker or -nose suffix is considered one of the Clan’s best warriors. Due to this, the strongest bonds form between littermates, or cats that are close together in age. 
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warriorpine · 6 years
Most Common Suffixes
-foot (5)
-whisker (4)
This probably wasn’t a surprise. WindClan has a lot of quick cats and a lot of good hunters, otherwise they’d never survive on rabbits.
-flower (5)
-tail/stream (3)
RiverClan has a lot of cats who are good with kits/apprentices, and a lot of good hunters. Remember, -tail is agile, and that would help with fishing too.
-tail (6)
-heart/pelt/fur (2)
With all the thick undergrowth in ThunderClan territory, they need to be agile to catch prey, so the -tail is expected. -heart ties for second, which is fairly unusual in this Clan, but it might just be because they’re so small after leaf-bare. (Apprentices aren’t included of course)
-heart (5)
-storm (4)
ShadowClan is the Clan that holds the Code in highest regard, and so they are the cat with the most - heart cats. Likewise, they tend to get a lot of -storm warriors, that is: determined, impatient cats who can be pessimistic one moment and inspiring the next.
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warriorpine · 6 years
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warriorpine · 6 years
Prefix page is finished!
You can see it under ‘Worldbuilding’
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warriorpine · 6 years
Clan Positions: Leader
The leader is the warrior who holds the highest rank in the Clan. These cats are responsible for the entire Clan. They must know each cat, from the elders to the kits, on an individual level, and must know the Clan as a whole in order to keep it safe.
It is the leader who decides when a kit is ready for apprenticeship and to whom the kit is mentored. A poor mentor or one with an opposing personality can ruin even the best apprentice (see: Ravenpaw and Tigerclaw) and a well-suited one can raise a nervous kit into the best warrior in the Clan. 
The leader must also determine when a apprentice is ready for their assessment, and must decide their warrior name. A cat’s name is meant to reflect on their skills or personality, and it would be shameful for a cat to receive a name that did not suit them, to the leader, the warrior, and the Clan as a whole. If a cat suffers an injury worthy of a name change, it is the leader who must decide what is suitable.
Any leader must understand the abilities of their Clan. Starting a battle when the Clan is weak only weakens it more, while surrendering land to an enemy can reduce the morale of their Clan. Battles well fought will gain them fame, but battles the Clan loses and dead warriors will be laid at their feet.
A leader gains their position by being chosen by the previous leader to be deputy. If the current leader dies, their deputy is automatically given the position of leader unless the Clan protests. A refusal to accept a leader happens rarely, for the Clan normally would have spoken while the previous leader was still alive.
If the Clan chooses to protest, nine cats must speak against the promotion of the deputy. In a show of good faith, the deputy will stay in camp while the medicine cat travels to seek the aid of StarClan and returns to the Clan with the news. If it is decided the deputy cannot be promoted to leader, the medicine cat must choose a new leader. 
According to the warrior code, the Clan must obey the word of it’s leader unless nine cats speak out and disagree. If that occurs, the leader is required to listen to the voice of their Clanmates. Such drastic measures are rarely taken. If a cat is not wise enough or humble enough to be leader, the Clan should have long since chosen a different cat.
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warriorpine · 6 years
ThunderClan Relations
I wanted to take a brief look at ThunderClan relationships. 
One-eye - Speckletail (littermate), Half-tail (mate), Mousefur, Whimbrelfoot (kits)
Speckletail - One-eye (littermate), Small-ear (mate), Lionheart, Goldenflower (kits)
Small-ear - Speckletail (mate), Lionheart, Goldenflower (kits)
Half-tail - Pinestar, (littermate), One-eye (mate), Mousefur, Whimbrelfoot (kits)
Robintail - Darkpelt (mate), Dustpaw, Ravenpaw (kits)
Bluestar - Whitestorm (nephew)
Dappletail - Aspentail (kit)
Rosetail - Patchpelt (mate), Swiftkit, Snowkit (kits), Thistleclaw (littermate)
Patchpelt - Rosetail (mate), Swiftkit, Snowkit (kits), Leopardfoot (littermate)
Lionheart - Speckletail, Smallear (parents), Goldenflower (littermate), Frostfur (mate), Cinderkit, Brackenkit, Brightkit, Thornkit (kits)
Goldenflower - Speckletail, Smallear (parents), Lionheart (littermate)
Brindleface - Rabbitfoot (mother), Frostfur (littermate), Redtail (mate), Sandpaw (kits) 
Frostfur -Rabbitfoot (mother), Brindleface (littermate), Lionheart (mate), Cinderkit, Brackenkit, Brightkit, Thornkit (kits)
Willowpelt - Swiftbreeze (mother), Spottedleaf, Redtail (littermates), Whitestorm (mate), Tawnystripe (former mate), Darkstripe, Graypaw (kits)
Redtail - Swiftbreeze (mother), Spottedleaf, Willowpelt (littermates), Brindleface (mate), Sandpaw (kit)
Spottedleaf - Swiftbreeze (mother), Redtail, Willowpelt (littermates)
Tigerclaw - Leopardfoot, Pinestar (parents)
Whitestorm - Thistleclaw, Snowfur (parents), Willowpelt (mate), Graypaw (kit)
Darkheart - Tawnystripe, Willowpelt (parents), Graypaw (sibling)
Whimbrelfoot - One-eye, Half-tail (parents), Mousefur (littermate)
Mousefur - One-eye, Half-tail (parents), Whimbrelfoot (littermate)
Aspentail - Dappletail (mother)
Dustpaw- Robintail, Darkpelt (parents), Ravenpaw (littermate)
Ravenpaw - Robintail, Darkpelt (parents), Dustpaw (littermate)
Sandpaw - Redtail, Brindleface (parents)
Graypaw - Willowpelt, Whitestorm (parents), Darkheart (sibling)
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warriorpine · 6 years
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ShadowClan hunts in the marsh, so likely not. However, I'd hate to give all the other Clans their pretty genetic traits and then not give ShadowClan one. And colorpoint seems like it would stand out quite a lot.
I have considered making Mink or Sepia cats more common than full on Siamese colorpoint, though.
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^ this guy is a Siamese colorpoint
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^ and this one is Sepia/Burmese
Mink is between the two colors, with a lighter body shade but not quite white.
I’m thinking about changing up ShadowClan genetics. How do we feel about curled ears?
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warriorpine · 6 years
I’m thinking about changing up ShadowClan genetics. How do we feel about curled ears?
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warriorpine · 6 years
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Lionheart - large, handsome amber tabby tom with hazel eyes
Frostfur - short fur, bicolor, very pale gray molly with green eyes
Brackenfur - short fur amber tabby tom with amber eyes
Thornclaw - amber tabby tom with white toes and amber eyes
Brightcloud - bicolor amber molly with blue eyes
Cinderpelt - grey molly with hazel eyes
These guys worked out pretty well. Thorn, Bracken, and Bright have a very similar golden-brown look which suits the siblings, as they inherited their father’s amber fur. Cinderpelt is just a non-tabby cat, as that gene is recessive.
Remember, just because I named them doesn’t mean they’ll all live to get those names!
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warriorpine · 6 years
How do cats find out that a cat is trans? If Rusty walked into camp, woulnd he know by scent that Redtail was born female and misgender him?
Well, first, Rusty isn’t stupid.
If he’s introduced to Redtail and told “this is Redtail, he’s the Clan deputy” or “that’s Redtail, he’s Sandpaw’s father” then he’d understand that Redtail identifies as male and thus use the same pronouns that everyone else around him is using. 
Second, if Rusty did accidentally misgender Redtail, someone around him would tell him that Redtail is trans - as Redtail is open with his identity and has made clear his preferences - and Rusty would then apologize for his mistake and start using the correct gender to refer to Redtail.
Rusty is a cat. He isn’t going to question Redtail on why he identifies as he does. He’s going to accept what Redtail wants and move on with his life. 
The same applies to any cat. 
Because cats aren’t -phobic. 
Cats accept you as you are.
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warriorpine · 6 years
I love your page!
Thank you!
I admit, I’m not writing much but I really like just taking my time with the worldbuilding. That’s the fun of writing for me.
I’m glad you like it, anon!
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