waywarddays · 2 years
Every now and then I become completely engrossed in a TV show primarily directed towards children and The Bureau of Magical Things happens to be one of those shows. When I saw who it was created and directed by I immediately knew that I was gonna enjoy it. I’ve watched both season 1 and season 2, it feels like s2 pretty much wrapped up the entire show. Even though that appears to be the case, I would love to see a s3.
As much as I enjoyed Kyra being the main protagonist I would’ve loved to see more about the other characters. Especially with Rusky and Lilly, I honestly felt like both of their stories relied a bit too much on boys (Lilly more than Rusky though). I would’ve also loved to see a romantic relationship develop between Taylor and Imogen, maybe it’s just my perception of things but it felt like that’s where their story was heading early on in season 2.
I’m not sure how popular this show is, but hopefully more people see this post.
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waywarddays · 2 years
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Idk how to explain it but I feel like this is an odd comparison to make considering the sex scenes depicted in Euphoria and in any other HBO show are way more graphic than CW shows. And because of that, the scenes are by far way more unnecessary in Euphoria in comparison to CW. Don’t get me wrong, CW shoes do have unnecessary sex scenes but they’re no where as intense and graphic as the one in Euphoria. CW is a lot more PG-13 than anything.
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waywarddays · 3 years
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me telling people about the cw’s supernatural any time after november 5th
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waywarddays · 3 years
“But if you forget to reblog Madame Zeroni, you and your family will be cursed for always and eternity.”
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waywarddays · 3 years
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Sorry for the wait.
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waywarddays · 3 years
I’m not even done but I fear that I may be doing a little bit too much
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waywarddays · 3 years
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JJ and Pope looking betrayed by the other.
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waywarddays · 3 years
I’m a sucker for reaction channels that end up shipping a ship that I like
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waywarddays · 3 years
The Terrific Two’s
Two kisses
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Two“I love you’s”
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JJ and Pope holding hands (twice)
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waywarddays · 3 years
Bestie I’ve heard people saying that the creator of obx has said that jj and kie are going to be together in s3 but idk if it’s true and I really hope it isn’t
Yeah I’ve heard that too, and I’m not sure where because I haven’t been keeping up with stuff but apparently the writer confirmed JJ and Kiara to be canon in s3. But it just seems weird to confirm a major plot point especially so early.
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waywarddays · 3 years
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JJ as Pope’s bodyguard (canon)
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waywarddays · 3 years
I’m still trying to figure out how to go about this. Do i do “reasons why you should ship JJPope” kinda video or somewhat of a video analysis thingy (I kinda wanna do that more with a voice over and shit but since I don’t live alone and it’s always noisy, that’s practically impossible). I need some more ideas, lol.
Thinking about posting a LONG ass video where I go into depth about how JJPope has potential to be a canon ship on YouTube and tiktok. Like it’ll probably take me a minute to plan out and shit but I’m thinking about. If not this is me insisting that someone does it since apparently Jiara shippers got a dating expert or whatever to prove that Jiara is a good ship.
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waywarddays · 3 years
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waywarddays · 3 years
The whole “it’s brotherly love” “it’s platonic” argument that’s used to dismiss JJpope as a ship is flawed. And can easily be debunked by comparing JJ and Pope’s dynamic with the other Pogues outside of each other. For instance, JJ literally goes out of his way to be in close contact with Pope no matter what. Whether that be him sitting next to him, standing next to him, being faced to face, affectionate, etc. Now I know the argument can be made that JJ’s love language is physical touch and that of course he’d want to be close to people he considered his family; I mean he’s also close with John B. However, in any instance involving physical touch between JJ and Pope, JJ always leans more into Pope’s touch. And even lingers a bit.
For instance, when John B and Pope are BOTH praising JJ for planting the false key. We see John B AND Pope in close contact. However, the difference is that JJ and Pope are practically joined by the shoulder and are at some point JJ is holding Pope’s hand but he isn’t holding John B’s hand.
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When he does the handshake with Pope during the bonfire scene in season 2, we see that they prolong the handshake. To the point where they’re just holding hands. And as they’re doing the handshake the two of them make direct eye contact with each other the entire time. Not once breaking eye contact. Whereas when JJ does the handshake with another person from the group, ie: Kiara the handshake is normal. Very quick, kinda swift and the entire time the both of them are more focused on the actual handshake then making eye contact with each other.
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Throughout season 1 and a little bit of season 2 we see moments where Pope is either distressed or anxious. And in those scenes we usually see that JJ is the main one who calms him down or makes him less anxious through physical touch. In Season 1 Episode 4, when Pope hugs JJ and tells him that he’s going to turn himself in; almost as soon as JJ places his hands on Pope, he becomes less tense. And again, when Pope is worried about his future after walking out on his interview, JJ puts both of his hands on Pope’s shoulder. He relaxes a bit, although he’s still obviously worried, he’s able to calm down. It can also be noted that JJ talks to Pope in a soft tone and that when Kiara speaks to him, he raises his tone just a little bit. Which I think shows how different the dynamic is between JJ and Kiara in comparison to him and Pope. In season 2, this is somewhat reversed because we see Pope trying to approach/get JJ’s attention by speaking in a softer tone to him out of everyone else in the group.
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Unlike the rest of the pogues, we see JJ constantly making intense eye contact with Pope, staring at his lips. In addition, making sexual innuendos and asking Kiara how Pope is in bed. I know a lot of people don’t count the last scene as a JJPope scene since it was improvised. But the scene where JJ makes a sexual innuendo, along with the other scene at the cemetery where Pope’s pants get ripped off and JJ’s like “Nice dude, it's like a small tootsie roll” most definitely count. Once again, comparing JJ’s relationship with John B (which is more of a bromance) to his relationship Pope. These are not the type of interactions you’d have with your brother and if so, that isn’t normal.
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Side note: Aside from that one girl that JJ made out with in season 1 episode 1, Pope is the only other person that JJ’s canonically kissed throughout the show so far. Pope’s also the only person that JJ has said “I Love You” to as well (ignore the last sentence, I’m probably wrong).
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Can’t believe I forgot this scene^
Notice how in this scene, as Pope presses his face into JJ’s neck that JJ leans towards Pope’s touch. Allowing them to get even closer. Someone on OBX twitter also pointed out that Pope has both his arms around JJ in this scene. There’s nothing platonic or ‘brotherly’ about this scene.
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waywarddays · 3 years
If you’re a content creator, like/reblog or comment on this and I’ll go through your edits tag and queue some of your edits!!
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waywarddays · 3 years
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Idk why but this makes me laugh so hard
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waywarddays · 3 years
Thinking about posting a LONG ass video where I go into depth about how JJPope has potential to be a canon ship on YouTube and tiktok. Like it’ll probably take me a minute to plan out and shit but I’m thinking about. If not this is me insisting that someone does it since apparently Jiara shippers got a dating expert or whatever to prove that Jiara is a good ship.
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