winchesterhymns · 13 minutes
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i remember my college acceptance letter, a poem by me.
thanks to @samwhump for the encouragement :) <33333
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winchesterhymns · 24 minutes
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It happens all the time.
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winchesterhymns · 26 minutes
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sam being evidently dean's defender/enabler is so hot to me. crazy guy always addicted to his poison. freak to the core. does NOT play about his potentially abusive brother.
even when dean treats him like ass and/or walks over him, sam just forgives him or doesn't retaliate bc he genuinely adores him. not only that, sam'd legit choose dean being awful to him over dean not caring about him at all
he just wants dean even if he'll be horrible to him he will work by that. and he will actively reject better alternatives to remain with him. some ppl say he's a battered wife who's entrapped and while i think that's sexy! I think he's not fully entrapped ima be honest. human nature is complicated. sam is a heavily complex character, but i see how he will seek dean time and time again by his own violation, and i kinda give up. he also gets so irreversibly shattered/empty without dean. straight up a shell of a human. he will never be happy without dean. his life stops at dean. he lives by dean's choice, and he'll kill himself if dean sees it necessary. he will take on dean's outbursts. he will do things dean's way except when it's concerning losing dean, then sam'll get all retaliative and stubborn and not fall through. he will take the brunt of dean's pain if he could. he'll be compliant in hurting ppl precious to him. he will go against his principles he will be everything and nothing all at once for dean, and that's wowie
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winchesterhymns · 22 hours
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yeah dean, now that dad's gone your hole is supposed to be filled by sam, obviously 🙄
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winchesterhymns · 2 days
reasons why Dean/Sam are husband/wife coded: they decide things for each other.
so i rewatched S1E6 last night and made a note of this for my own Wincest purposes. Rebecca offers the brothers a beer, right?
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ID: Screenshot with Sam Winchester on the left and Rebecca off to the right, standing in the kitchen area. She's looking over at Sam and asking, "You guys want a beer?"
she just addresses them as 'you guys' which is a very casual and normal thing to do. the typical response would be for each guy to say either yes or no in response, answering for themselves.
Dean doesn't say 'yes', but he does give a very enthusiastic 'heyyy' which implies that he does in fact want a beer. or rather, he starts to say 'hey' and Sam almost instantly cuts him off with a 'no thanks'.
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ID: Screenshot with Dean Winchester on the left and Sam off to the right, more in the foreground. Dean is smiling and pointing towards where Rebecca is off screen. Sam is not smiling and looking in the same direction at Rebecca. Dean is saying "Hey" while Sam says "No thanks".
i apparently upset my stream site by trying to capture this shot so i don't have a screenshot for it...BUT there's a split second after Sam turns down the offer that Dean's smile drops and he gives his brother this disappointed look. just for a split second, but it's there. and neither boy is given a beer as a result.
Sam wasn't just saying no thanks for himself. he was answering for both him and Dean, and ultimately making the decision for both of them not to have any beer, despite Dean clearly wanting one.
so why does this very tiny insignificant detail matter? well it probably doesn't but it matters to me sdfhdsjfgs
it's very stereotypical (i'm thinking like, American sitcom style) to have this dynamic with nuclear man/woman married couples. the husband wants a drink, the wife does not. though the husband may be considered the 'head of the house' and gets to make the most important decisions (as Dean's responsibility tends to be, whether imposed on him by others or self-imposed), the wife gets to decide more insignificant matters, like drinks.
we even see Sam decide for both him and Dean again when he asks Rebecca if we can take those beers now -- which he only asks to get her out of the room, and Dean knows this right away without having to be told.
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ID: Screenshot of Rebecca sitting on couch, Dean sitting on the head of the couch behind her, both facing where the TV is off screen. Sam is the foreground with his head turned towards the other two. He asks, "Beck, can we take those beers now?" Rebecca replies, "Oh, sure."
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ID: Screenshot of Rebecca leaving to get beers, looking blurry as she goes out of frame. Dean is now looking over at where Sam is off screen, his brow furrowed.
he immediately looks at Sam knowing he's found something on the tape, hence the excuse for Beck to leave.
now remember when i said the wife gets to make inconsequential decisions like what they have to drink? well later on, when the cops show up to the latest crime scene, Sam tries to make a decision that's actually important and about Dean's safety.
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ID: Screenshot of Dean hopping over a fence, slightly blurred, with the back of Sam's head in the foreground. He's shouting, "Dean! Stay out of the sewers alone!"
he very firmly tells Dean not to go in the sewers alone, and even emphasizes this command with a stern 'I mean it!'
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ID: Screenshot of Sam yelling at Dean, who is off screen. Sam is saying, "I mean it!" Dean responds with, "Yeah, yeah."
and in the distance we hear Dean respond to his brother with a dismissive 'yeah, yeah'. which, y'know. i'm not saying that's only something married couples do, but it is very married couple for them.
and ultimately, Dean disregards his wife's command and worry for his safety, going the good ol' fashioned husband route of 'it's easier to ask for forgiveness than to get permission'.
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ID: Screenshot of Dean closing the trunk of the Impala and saying to himself, "I'm sorry, Sam. You know me, I just can't wait."
which, for the record, is a decision Dean makes that ends up being the best decision, since Sam is captured by the monster and once again put in the Damsel in Distress role (that i love so much for him).
well okay this detail isn't totally related to the Husband/Wife argument but it kinda is because i love seeing the small ways that both of the boys are passive aggressive with one another.
in S1E2 we had a snarky comment from Sam about how "people are only missing if nobody's looking for them" or something to that extent, which was clearly about his frustration with the interrupted search for their dad, and Dean calls him out on it instantly.
we started off with Dean telling Sam the plan to get to Bisbee, and Sam diverting from the plan to go help his friend in St. Louis. Dean resists at first, of course, but one look from his baby brother and then suddenly they're peeling out of the parking lot, on their way to St. Louis.
so we get to a point where Sam is lying to Beck about his brother being a cop, and when she asks where Dean's district is--
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ID: Screenshot of Dean looking at Rebecca (who has her back to the camera and is in the foreground, a blurry shape) and saying, "Bisbee, Arizona."
--he gives her this dry smile before saying Bisbee, Arizona and looking directly at Sam. who says nothing, ofc, but he does kind of look down for a split second.
okay now i'm done. this has been "overthinking and looking way too deeply into every little thing" with Emmett.
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winchesterhymns · 2 days
Dean going crazy cuz Sam insists on doing fucking yoga stretches shirtless and in his boxers every morning and dean can just barely stop himself from pulling his boxers down and fucking him silly in downward dog
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winchesterhymns · 3 days
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last kiss — pearl jam
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winchesterhymns · 3 days
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sam and dean / their exchanged body language during each other's separate turns
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winchesterhymns · 3 days
When the Wincest brainrot is so real that you create a family of oc's and throw them into a normal world where they have the same fucked dynamics as the Winchester's but you really go to town on the incest aspect and traumatize the shit out of the siblings, and it's only when you're in the shower that you remember you've given them the family name Cain, so now you've obviously gotta make a family playlist and a playlist for each of the siblings
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winchesterhymns · 3 days
I've been missing young Winchesters. It's got:
• The age gap (10-14? 12-16? 14-18? 16-20? 18-22? Any is great),
• the hiding (Dad and school (and Bobby?), their feelings from each other),
• the "oh it's so wrong we should stop but I don't want to", "I'm corrupting him but I can't stop" feelings or the not realizing what's wrong with what they're doing,
• the complex and strong feelings of being moody teenagers without any sense of stability or present parental figure, experiencing the world for the first time
• the being stuck together alone for hours everyday in enclosed spaces like motels or The Car or maybe a library
• really being teenagers with all the stupidity and the confusion and, you know how teenagers are
• the age gap
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winchesterhymns · 3 days
I just love the idea of Sam and Dean being the new kids but instead of being the “cool kids” or something similar they’re actually just fucking weird and creepy as hell.
Dean stops getting dates slowly, and Sam stops making friends and they just have each other and all the other kids avoid them like the plague.
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winchesterhymns · 3 days
I love how the full brunt of Sam's rage runs completely frozen, as opposed to how Dean flares up. Everything is obsessively even and symmetrical. He practically made art out of his weapon storage, ffs. His guns are ordered by size, in addition to being mirrored.
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Just look at that wall. He used the wall tiles as guides. The map is occupying equal sections of squares; papers are all level, with even margins. And it's over the bed, of all places, hard to access and where normally you'd hang artwork or something.
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The books on the table are squared and aligned with the binder edges. The hand towel in the bathroom is folded in precise thirds and hung exactly in the middle. No housekeeping will have stepped into this room either, not with that wall, so we know that's all Sam.
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The more I watch this scene, the more I applaud set design for nailing the details. It shows a fascinating opposition in their characters, but also how they need to be together to be human. When separated, it's like they each only have one half of the human condition, and they need to be together to be whole and functional.
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winchesterhymns · 3 days
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does he realize how much he sounds like a jealous possessive boyfriend
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winchesterhymns · 3 days
The diversity of wincest shippers is so interesting. Some are like, "i actually don't see anything gross or wrong about it." Some are like, "i don't think it's cute at all. The incest is the horror." And then i think there's a bunch (myself included) who are like
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winchesterhymns · 3 days
Saw a post about schizophrenic John hunting "ghosts and demons" and coming home drenched in blood and the boys are like "goddamn my dad's a hero" but then I got to thinking, how long would that hero worship last?
Like Dean would be in high school before dropping out and his classmates would be like "pfffft vampires" and he's like "yea no for sure for sure" but he knows the truth. Dean loves loves loves his denial. But I genuinely can't pinpoint when he'd start to question it. Not without Sammy initiating the questioning.
Sam would crack a psychology textbook and within minutes be like "oh god oh fuck Dean we need to LEAVE he needs HELP". And Dean loves his Sammy but he looooooves his denial. To leave with Sam would be to abandon his dad who may or may not be a demon hunter or have a disorder.
Sam still leaves for Stanford. Still goes on to study law. Maybe if he becomes a good enough lawyer he can keep John out of jail. It's not his fault. He's riddled with grief and guilt and demons would have been a less cruel fate than his Mary being ripped away from him because she was sick. Because if it wasn't the demons it was the pregnancy, the depression, it was his Sammy that killed her. He's the demon. And that's so so much worse. He polluted her with his tainted blood.
John using his dying breath to sic Dean on Sam. He's gonna die, he can't do it. But Dean can avenge him. Because John knew the truth. He figured it out. Sam has to die.
Only then does it hit Dean. It was never a choice. John or Sam. Not really. When it came down to it, Dean would eat lead before harming, let alone killing his little baby brother. Maybe he stays in his sweet sweet denial because then there's not innocent blood on his hands. Maybe he breaks down and Sammy's there to pick up the pieces.
The show would end by season 3 but it would be damn interesting.
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winchesterhymns · 4 days
does it ever kill you that as spn seasons go by, sam gets bigger, stronger and can snap into a deadly machine anytime he needs to but a single paper cut will have him turning around to look at dean like 🥺🥺🥺 and dean will react like the world as he knows it is completely falling apart because of it every. single. time.
chef kiss, no notes
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winchesterhymns · 4 days
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