windybit · 2 months
Things that will make your computer meaningfully faster:
Replacing a HDD with an SSD
Adding RAM
Graphics cards if you're nasty
Uninstalling resource hogs like Norton or McAfee (if you're using Windows then the built-in Windows Security is perfectly fine; if you're using a mac consider bitdefender as a free antivirus or eset as a less resource intensive paid option)
Customizing what runs on startup for your computer
Things that are likely to make internet browsing specifically meaningfully faster:
Installing firefox and setting it up with ublock origin
adding the Auto Tab Discard extension to firefox to sleep unused tabs so that they aren't constantly reloading
Closing some fucking tabs bud I'm sorry I know it hurts I'm guilty of this too
Things that will make your computer faster if you are actually having a problem:
Running malwarebytes and shutting down any malicious programs it finds.
Correcting disk utilization errors
Things that will make your computer superficially faster and may slightly improve your user experience temporarily:
Clearing cache and cookies on your browser
Restarting the computer
Changing your screen resolution
Uninstalling unused browser extensions
Things that do not actually make your computer faster:
Deleting files
Registry cleaners
Defragging your drive
Passively wishing that your computer was faster instead of actually just adding more fucking RAM.
This post is brought to you by the lady with the 7-year-old laptop that she refuses to leave overnight for us to run scans on or take apart so that we can put RAM in it and who insists on coming by for 30-minute visits hoping we can make her computer faster.
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windybit · 2 months
Happy 7th Anniversary Hollow Knight!!
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Love bug game <3
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windybit · 3 months
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windybit · 6 months
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Senpai says you’re welcome
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windybit · 6 months
Hot hot hot hot chocolate
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windybit · 6 months
My comments aren’t going to be hidden in the tags this time because I’m very passionate about this specifically.
Another issue is that if you want a job with decent pay, they expect you to have a degree (OR 8-10 years of experience). And even if you do have one, you still might get paid like shit because it’s the BARE MINIMUM. Going to college for four years and earning a Bachelor’s degree is not the achievement it was back in the day. And it’s even LESS affordable now than it was 30+ years ago. So companies are expecting all these 20 somethings who have nothing to their names to spend tens, sometimes HUNDREDS of thousands of dollars to get an 8.5x11 signed by some old fuckers that says congrats you learned some shit specifically pertaining to a career path. And even that’s not enough. You have to have 2-5 years of experience SPECIFICALLY pertaining to the job you’re applying for too. Where do you get it? Who the hell knows. I sure don’t. And how are you supposed to get it if nobody will hire you because you don’t have it?
Also have you guys TRIED writing a cover letter? After growing up being told not to brag about yourself, it’s really hard to write a whole letter bragging about yourself in a professional manner.
Third of all, and this is a big pet peeve of mine, so many people say “You need to call them and bother them. Ask if they got your resume and when you can expect an answer.” News flash: you can’t. Nobody posts phone numbers for their HR departments, and I can guarantee they don’t want to hear from you either. You could maybe send them an email, but it’s SO easy to just ignore an email and claim you never received it. Or they actually won’t see it because it’ll get buried under all the other emails they’re getting from the hundreds of other applicants who are also trying to get a job.
For example, my degree is in engineering. Computers to be exact. You would think I’d have an easy time finding a job because everyone needs computer bitches. And you would be wrong. I have been applying for jobs for almost ten months now. I graduated in May. I have had THREE interviews, countless rejections, and even MORE who have just. Not replied at all. The lack of progress has been infuriating. I’m living with my parents, I’m driving a car that they own because I can’t afford to buy one (not even used), and I have no dental or vision insurance because the cutoff age for those is different than for medical. I have loan payments that start in a month. And it’s not that I don’t want to work. I want to work so bad. I want to make money and be able to pay my bills and be financially independent and move out. I had a job, but it was seasonal because I thought for sure I’d have found a full time job by the time October rolled around. Because 8 months should have been more than enough time to find a job. And tbh I love my seasonal job and would probably do it forever if not for the fact that insurance is super expensive and it doesn’t pay the best.
So yeah. Please please please don’t buy into the “nobody wants to work” biz. Yes there are some lazy fuckers out there who don’t want to work. But there are way more of us who are trying and trying to get a job and are just being rejected and ghosted constantly by these companies who won’t even give so much as a reason why. And please, if you know someone who is or has been struggling to find work, don’t tell them what they should or shouldn’t be doing or what they’re doing wrong unless they ask for your advice. Nothing has been more frustrating than the boatloads of unsolicited advice people (mostly over the age of 50) have been throwing out left and right. Just support your friends and sympathize with them as they wade through hundreds of job postings that they’ll never hear back from. And maybe send them one or two if you happen to find one that fits what they’re looking for :)
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windybit · 6 months
Daughter of Hallownest
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windybit · 7 months
So Pokemon Go came out and I legit walked around for three hours in the dark, met like five of my neighbors also looking for Pokemon, and saw a grown ass man trudge into a pond. What a time to be alive.
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windybit · 8 months
i really hate coming out but still want my extended family to know, so my mother took it upon herself to invent the game “guess which one of my kids is gay.”
the rules are simple.
sit down with uncle so-and-so
he says something about gay people in passing
my mom says “there’s a gay person at this table right now. guess which of my kids it is!
he looks frantically between the three of us trying to figure out if she’s joking or not and trying desperately not to offend anyone but also she won’t continue with the conversation unless he makes a guess so he has to make a guess
we all enjoy his discomfort immensely
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windybit · 9 months
Bot accounts and Real people with accounts.
I’m pretty sure the tumblr community is well aware of this problem and probably loads of other people have already made posts about this, so I’ll keep it brief.
So recently blogs like this keep appearing in my followers list (these are recent ones)
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Now when you get a spam blogs or p*rn bots you’re supposed to blog them. But some these blogs are actual people who are new on tumblr and have the default icon, so you’re supposed to check before who block them. But here’s the problem…
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some of these blogs don’t have anything. No posts, No description, No title. So you’re gonna automatically assume that these are spam and block them.
Now I hate fact that some of these blogs belong to actual people and I’ve been blocking and reporting on blogs like these for the past few days, and that they’re probably wondering why there being blocked or reported. ( sorry to the people who own blogs like these that I blocked you)
So a couple of tips for new blogs on this site,
1.You could change the title (a catchphrase, a favorite quote, a random sentence etc.) or type small description, or whatever random stuff you like!
2. You could change the your avator or icon (it be a picture of you, a cartoon, again it’s your choice do whatever)
3.If you’re not planning to frequently post stuff and just sign in to check out other people’s stuff, just put a put a post something like this just to show you’re new here.(again u can write down anything)
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if you’re reading this and new to this website I hope you found these suggestions useful and should stop you from getting blocked immediately. Happy posting.
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windybit · 9 months
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windybit · 9 months
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sea of clouds
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windybit · 1 year
It's been a lot of work over a lot of time but I think I can finally share this...
PMD:EoS, but with all of the starters!
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...except grookey and sobble, sorry about that 😭
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This is a public mod available to download now! It adds in all starters except the aforementioned two from unova all the way to paldea, as well as zorua and rockruff, and allows evolving eevee into sylveon.
Speaking of which, fairy type has been patched into the game! Dazzling Gleam replaces milk drink and moonblast replaces judgement, which was unused.
All non-traditional starters are no longer available as hero options in this due to lack of space, but are still available as partners.
Partners across both rescue team and all three versions of explorers are available too, including Cubone, Munchlax, Machop, Riolu, etc
Credits for all additional improvement patches, sprites and portraits are included in the download, as well as an explanation on how to patch the game and the full starter list.
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The mod is split in two versions to accommodate all the partners - MIDDAY version and MIDNIGHT version. The download includes both, as well as the tool required to patch your game! You'll need a clean US copy of pmd eos at hand.
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You can find the download for this rom hack here!
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windybit · 1 year
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Random Animal Generator - Perchance
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windybit · 1 year
Sorry for missing another Monday! School’s crazy, and I quit my job because I simply Do Not Have Time for anything.
Got a FNAF one this time! Never Be Alone got stuck in my head when I first heard it, and although this might not be one of my best works, I still had fun with it and enjoy listening to it. I should probably look at giving some of the early The Living Tombstone stuff a try too because they’re all bops...
Here’s Never Be Alone by Shadrow, I think for FNAF 4? I don’t remember off the top of my head, but that sounds right. I can’t remember when I arranged this one either, so let’s just say within the last two years. Enjoy!
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windybit · 1 year
Famous love machine
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windybit · 1 year
Last week was spring break and I was having A Time packing for my trip, so I missed Monday. I meant to post yesterday, but between class and my new cold, I just forgot. Anyways! Monthly Music Monday number two!
For anyone who might see this and doesn’t follow me, I had COVID in January and was really bored in my room alone so. This is the end result. I think I completed the whole arrangement in roughly 12 hours over the course of two days, but that whole week was a fever dream so who’s to say.
Unlike last month’s arrangement, this one actually uses MuseScore 4′s new soundfonts, just because I thought they actually worked well here. I don’t like the way the trumpets sound in the new MuseSounds, but as far as I know there isn’t a way to make them sound less... distant is the word I’ve been using. I have to jack up the volume on the mixing so you can even hear it in combination with the other instruments. All of the brass, except for maybe tuba, have that issue. Dynamics are just wildly unbalanced and inconsistent, especially when in use with woodwinds (I actually have to turn most of them down because they’re super heckin loud). But other than that the actual sounds themselves are lovely and I do like working with them for the most part!
This is The Apex of the World from Fire Emblem: Three Houses, arr. January 2023. Enjoy!
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