womanirl · 1 year
proving the incel to terf pipeline is real <3
i dont know what prompted this message or what this even means but i now have an uncontrollable urge to tell you that i do fuck. and in that simple way, you have bested me
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womanirl · 2 years
noooo i actually used to be a cody fan until he started making content with his gf who 1) is funnier than him but 2) he clearly does not respect at all. any time she would make a funny joke he would try to out-joke her and totally ruin the punchline and it was super cringe. also his whole persona is ego-driven narcissistic tryhard male energy and it's gross to witness. i got really turned off by that then realized what a misogynist he actually is and this is just the icing on the cake. actually makes me sick tbfh i wish he didnt have all of youtube kissing his ass (tho i think a lot of people realized how unfunny and bitter at heart he really is, even his reaction content all became incredibly mean-spirited over time and it seems symptomatic of a rotten soul)
kelsey deserves better </3
should never trust men. i feel sick
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womanirl · 2 years
"Bill Maher storming it on the matter of 'regional transness' coming at the exact moment an article points out similar middle-class hot spots exist in the UK….Netflix firing all their woke staff…Warner Brothers uncancelling JK Rowling…this is going to be the best birthday ever!"
Holy shit, seriously, you need to watch the Bill Maher segment! He describes paediatric transition as "experimenting on children", mentions Sweden and Finland stepping away from puberty blockers, mentions bone density, fertility and sexual function, and the ACLU calling for the censorship of Abigail Sheier's book. At the end he says children are being used as "cannon fodder" in the 'culture wars'!
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womanirl · 2 years
“EDUCATE yourself” girl i have read every page of your pamphlet backwards and forwards. i can explain every aspect of your beliefs back to you, in exactly the terms you’d use, with all the layers of nuance you’d be so careful to include. believe it or not, it is possible to be an informed apostate.
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womanirl · 2 years
I feel like the most frustrating part about trans activists is how few of them will even acknowledge that gender IS a belief system. They don't even get it, they truly think that because they bought into it as truth, the rest of the world has to follow suit. But it's a belief system, it requires just as much faith as any religion. First you have to believe in the existence of souls separate from the body, then you have to believe those souls can be born into the "wrong" body, then you have to believe feelings of disconnect from your body can (and in many people's minds, must) be solved through physical alteration.
Like...these are all points of contention. Not everyone believes in souls in the first place; your "inner self" is not a tangible, measurable thing, there is no scientific support for souls. Even if you're not religious, believing in souls, and wondering how anyone else could possibly not believe in souls, is the influence of religious thinking. And even among those who believe in souls, not everyone will agree that you can be born with the "wrong" soul.
The thing about systems of belief is that not everyone will agree with yours in particular. Belief is a choice made out of faith, and as much as people hate to hear it, being trans is also a choice made out of faith. Because trans vs. cis is all based on personal identity, you choose to identify as trans when someone else in the same situation with the same dysphoric feelings may not choose to. What makes them so tangibly different? You choose to be part of the trans community, or you can choose not to.
Belief systems can often provide a sense of community, because broadcasting your belief system allows you to find other like-minded people and find support and connections. It's why many people are religious, not because they hold the teachings particularly close to their hearts, but because they feel like their support systems are intertwined with their religion. The religion reinforces itself the more you engage in the community in this way. You see the same thing with gender, people who buy into it form their identities around it and join communities based on shared identities and surround themselves with friends who also buy into gender. All this reinforces gender as a concept, and can also insulate opinions to the point that it becomes surprising/distressing to hear dissension or pushback against those beliefs when they are outside of those spaces. With systems of belief, there's also often the fear of ostracisization from their peers if they question or change their opinions out of sync with the group. Within the community, opinions shift because nothing is static but the goal with fitting in is to have your opinions shift with the group slowly over time.
A belief system can really matter to you. You can find meaning in it if you wish, you can even build it up to be something that you consider integral to your sense of self. It's your life and you can find meaning in that life wherever or however you want. But other people may not feel the same and no one should have any right to force their system of beliefs onto others. You have to accept that there is a wide variety of people on this earth with different thoughts and opinions, and disagreement does not necessarily mean hate. Sometimes disagreement just means you don't share the same belief system.
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womanirl · 2 years
my toxic trait is assuming every woman I know is secretly also a radfem and then being devastated when she starts talking about pronouns
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womanirl · 2 years
The soul suck is so real and I wish more people were honest about the fact that most of our depression and mental illness isn’t an individual ailment but a collective stare down of a future that seems increasingly pointless… Like actually it is very hard to live without family traditions and a purpose/Gods/something greater/collective vision and to design your life around individual accomplishment. For some reason we aren’t allowed to say this… the only acceptable causation is personal trauma and a “chemical imbalance”. 
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womanirl · 2 years
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womanirl · 2 years
just saw a tweet implying that i will always love you was an original whitney song and not a cover she arranged for a movie soundtrack... like yes the rendition is iconic but pleaseeee i beg have some respect for ms dolly
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womanirl · 2 years
seeing "lesbians" talk about d*ck was what peaked me too and what made me delete tiktok. it makes me so angry that so few people (non-lesbians included) are not calling this behavior out and the ones doing are labelled as hating trans people. its so frustrating and then they wonder why so many us of become terfs
sooo true, for me it was the pregnancy between "lesbian" couples but then i snowballed bc i realized how many butch women were being socially coerced into using pronouns and taking testosterone 😢
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womanirl · 2 years
women have uterii not because birthing new humans is their purpose, but because it's their option. your body isn't hurting you as a punishment for not conceiving a baby as if it was a chore, your body is making effort to maintain it as an option for you. you don't have to ever use this ability or value it for yourself, but it's important to remember that your body isn't working to pressure you into it: it's working to keep providing a choice. your body isn't working against you, your body doesn't hate you the way misogynistic narratives about femaleness claim it does.
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womanirl · 2 years
This behavior is what peaked me except from a mutual on my former account who got married to a male and then posted tags about taking prenatal gummies on a post about lesbian mothers. That totally snapped me because it's so fucking offensive to read as someone who will never have biological children with a partner, specifically because we're gay. It's just a complete slap in the face. Fuuuuck these homophobes forever
“t4t” “lesbian couple” except by t4t they mean that one uses they pronouns & the other uses she/they and by lesbian they mean heterosexual
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womanirl · 2 years
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this exactly
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womanirl · 2 years
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womanirl · 2 years
Will Thomas was only ranked #462 when he competed on the men’s team but shot up to #1 when allowed to compete against women.  The number one ranked woman swimmer would only rank #500 if competing against men.  The difference is enormous.  It’s baffling that anyone could not see this.  You would have to be lying to say there is no unfair advantage in allowing men to compete against women.  
And there’s the simple fact that women are not a testosterone level.  They’re not an estrogen level either.  Humanity has known for 200,000 years what a woman is.  All animals know which halves of their species are female.  Will Thomas can pump himself full of artificial chemicals and mutilate his body all he wants, he will never be a woman.  He’s a joke of a human being.
Gender identity ideology is a men’s rights movement.  Sad, inadequate men aren’t women and never can be.
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womanirl · 2 years
i just think women have more to contribute to art and culture than shaking their asses and talking abt wanting men to hit and strangle them.
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womanirl · 2 years
i think instagram/social media social justice is more dangerous than people think it is because it makes otherwise lazy and useless people feel as if they’re malcolm x for posting an infographic with false information and links to donate to a scam. like it actually drives me insane.
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