yixhunpai · 2 years
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yixhunpai · 3 years
“sorry im just feeling weird today” little do they know i have been feeling weird since 2006
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yixhunpai · 4 years
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you’re really gonna break your spine if you keep that up sksksk 💀
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yixhunpai · 5 years
I’m really disappointed that I let this page go. I really wanna get back to writing on here so I can finish my series that I posted. 2019 goal: write fanfic
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yixhunpai · 6 years
Catastrophic Karaoke
Pairing: BTS OT7 x reader
Genre: light comedy? lol idk, Vampire!AU
words: 1516
Warnings: strong language, mentions of blood, fainting
Disclaimer: prompt found on @writing-prompt-s and used some oneliners from this list, also inaccurate representation of Goth culture as a whole with no ill intentions.
⟶ Halloween prompts masterlist
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You’re not entirely sure how you ended up here, if you’re being honest. ‘Here’ being standing in the middle of a living room that isn’t your own, your shirt drenched with blood that isn’t yours and surrounded by a group of wide-eyed men while My Chemical Romance on Singstar still blares in the background.
“Um… is this…?” You gesture at your chest, the dark fluid sticking to your naked skin through the formerly white cotton of your T-shirt after Namjoon’s spilled the content of his cup all over it. You still cling onto the smallest shred of hope, the minuscule possibility that maybe they just like to make their party punch this deep red and…thick. Even when the trenchant smell of rusty iron keeps filtering through your nose and making you sick to your stomach.
“___-, we can explain.” Namjoon grimaces upon watching you gag, Jin’s eyebrows shooting up to make a face that translates to ‘We can?’.
“It’s not not blood.” Taehyung helpfully contributes to the situation, earning pained groans from the older men and a fistbump from the only younger one.
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yixhunpai · 6 years
to that chick who told hoseok to stop making his sound effects:
square the fuck up bitch
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yixhunpai · 6 years
Pretty Eyes | Kim Junmyeon Part 1
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Kim Junmyeon X Reader Genre: Fluff, Angst. Slight Smut (all for the future) Warnings: Mentions of death, bloody scenarios, suicide, hints to rape  Word Count: 2.8k Synopsis: “Your eyes truly are beautiful.” 
If someone were to tell you that your eyes were beautiful you would give a gracious smile and say ‘Thank you.’ Because from a strangers point of view and your own they were beautiful. A perfect shade of blue-green that everyone loved, including yourself, but there was a story behind them that you couldn’t tell anyone. You may have beautiful eyes but they hold so many horrors and tragedies that would make people cry. You yourself have cried over these said things many times, but you can’t change the past. Sadly though you relive it every day. The flashbacks of all the events reoccur at the worst possible times and you can never prepare yourself for them. It doesn’t matter if you’re completely focused on something completely different the memories still come back. For you, your beautiful eyes were a curse and you wanted them gone.
You walked into your office building on what you presumed to be just another normal day and for a few hours, that’s all it was. Boring board meetings, coffee galore, paperwork piling up on your desk, and bustling interns. You did your best to avoid the interns because they had a tendency to not pay attention where they’re going and you had a tendency of losing your temper. You weren’t hot-headed but you did have a short fuse today. You had mountains of work to get through and you weren’t in the mood for your papers flying everywhere like in those dumb movies. For the remainder of the day, you kept to yourself in your small office, that you worked indescribably hard for, and finished all the paperwork you had. By the time you finished it all it was already late and everyone in the office had left and you were the remaining one left, other than the janitors. Hearing a janitor knock on your door was the only reason you had stopped what you were doing and made you realize that it was time for you to go home and get some rest to repeat this again tomorrow.
“Stayed late again, Miss (Y/n)?” The janitor was someone you knew very well by now and every once in a while you both would talk about life and things that would take your mind off life. “Apparently. Sorry for the mess Jin Soo. I can stay back and help you if you would like.” You looked up to the younger man in front of you to see him shaking his head. “It’s alright Miss. You should just go home and get some rest.” You gave him a smile and made your leave from the building. It was troublesome on how you spent so much time at the office lately, but you pushed the thoughts aside and your thoughts were immediately consumed with work as usual. Walking to the bus stop seemed to take longer than usual, but you thought nothing of it in that moment. You continued to walk and you found the reason as to why your usual 5-minute walk to the bus stop was suddenly taking you so long, you were walking in the wrong direction. As you realized your mistake you looked at your phone and saw that there was no time to turn around and catch the bus, so you decided it would be best if you walk the rest of the way.  Thus you turn yourself around and begin your long journey ahead of you.  
Shortly after beginning your walk home you find it to be too quiet for your liking and decide to listen to music to make the walk more enjoyable. As you listen to your music, you check to see if you’re going the right way this time and thankfully you are. Despite always taking the bus nowadays and not paying attention to the ride, you still find it easy getting home. It all would’ve been a normal night too if it wasn’t for what was about to happen. When you got home you skipped dinner and went straight to the shower and tried to refresh your tired muscles so you could finish what work you brought home for the night. As you were turning the water off you heard the sound of a window slamming shut. You froze in your spot. You couldn’t find the strength to move and you just stayed in your spot, hoping it was just a neighbor slamming their own window shut. Sadly for you that wasn’t the case. Noises came from inside your apartment like someone was looking for something and obviously not knowing you were home. You shut the bathroom light off quickly and hid in the shower and sat there. You sat there for what seemed like hours but was only mere minutes waiting for the person to leave but the noises didn’t stop and you knew you couldn’t stay here all night. You mentally cursed yourself for not bringing a change of clothes into the bathroom and wrapped your towel the best you could around yourself. After you finished having a mini panic attack from this situation you were in currently you put your hand on the doorknob and took a few deep breaths to try and get your courage up. When you realized you had wasted enough time you unlock the door and open the door slowly to peek your head out to try and get a view of everything going on, but to your dismay, you didn’t see anyone. You slipped out of the bathroom and made your way to the main living area taking the smallest steps you probably have ever taken in your whole life. As you neared the doorway you looked in to see a large figure going through your briefcase. What are they looking for? You look around to see anything you could as a weapon and just grab the heaviest thing you see which happens to be a book holder, which caused the books to topple over and for you to hide. The large figure whipped around as quick as he could to see what the source was and walked over to the fallen books, “Shit, she’s here.” He looks around to he find you, but luckily he hadn’t turned on the lights when he came in and you were hidden by the shadows. You try your best to steady your breathing as he walks around the room tearing every piece of furniture apart to find you. As you start to crawl your way to the bedroom you feel your vision go blurry, ‘No not now, not here. Please..’ Your internal pleas do nothing to stop the flashback from happening.
You’re standing outside a bar near your old place waiting for your taxi because your car was in the shop. Lucky you. You had been waiting outside for almost 20 minutes now and was starting to get cold, as you were beginning to head back inside you heard the most blood-curdling scream. You felt your blood freeze and you stopped with your hand on the handle gripping it as though your life depended on it. You turned around to face the other side of the street to see an alleyway where you assume the scream came from. You let go of the door handle and start to cross the street repeating the same thing in your head over and over. ‘This is so stupid. Why are you doing this?’ You were trying to prepare yourself for whatever you were about to encounter, but there was no preparing for what you were about to see. You saw the source of the scream and rushed over to the young girl and checked for a pulse. It was there, but it was weak and you probably didn’t have a lot of time. As you pulled out your phone you felt cold metal against the back of your head, “Give me the phone.” You could feel the fear welling up in your chest and you handed it to the man as fast as you could. “Please don’t kill me..” You heard a deep laugh and felt what you assumed to be a gun leave the back of your head and the sound of feet shuffling. “I’m not going to kill you, well not yet at least. I want something from you.” You could feel his hands tracing your collar bones and running up your neck to your hair. He grabbed a fistful of it and pulled you to your feet, but your eyes stayed on the girl praying that she could hold on until you could get help, that is if you lived. “Please don’t. If you let me get that girl some help then I won’t tell anyone what happened here. I’ll make up a story just please don’t do this.” You felt the brick of the building against your back and you knew your stupid pleas were doing nothing for him if anything it was just adding fuel to the fire. When you saw him smile from your innocent pleas you felt your dinner start to rise in your throat. He had the ugliest smile you had ever seen and made you completely sick to your stomach to know why he was smiling at you like that. You felt one of his hands make its way to the hem of your shirt and you could do nothing but just close your eyes and pray for this to be over. But nothing happened, there was a complete stillness to the situation and you opened your eyes slowly to see the man still in front of you just not moving and with that, you pushed him away from you. Little did you know what you just did, when the man you saw his head fall back and the blood seep from his neck in a slow waterfall like way. As you looked at the horrific scene in front of you felt a twinge of pain behind your eyes and you shut them tightly to subdue the pain that you were feeling and when you opened them you saw a flash and the pain was gone. You remembered the girl and went through his pockets and found your phone calling for the police and ambulance. Suddenly it occurred to you that you were going to have to explain what happened here and you had no idea how you were going to do that.
You held your head in pain and just stared at the floor hoping you didn’t make any noise like last time and that your towel stayed on, but your hopes were destroyed when the man appeared over your body and began to stare at the opening that appeared on the highest part of your thighs. You looked up at him and could feel the same fear well up in your stomach as that night. “Take whatever you want just please don’t hurt me.” The guys head went sideways and you swallowed the lump in your throat hard clinging to the book holder in your hand. “Where are the papers on Kim Lo’s case. I know you have them so don’t try and play dumb with me.” You looked at him with a confused expression on your face, not because you didn’t know what he was talking about but because of how he knew that you had the papers. It was supposed to be kept quiet around the office that you had the papers for his case. You weren’t the lawyer handling his case you were just looking for any information on his call history to see if he had any contact with the victim prior to the night of the murder. From what you had seen through the call history Kim Lo had no contact with him, he actually was with his girlfriend the night of the murder something the cops had overlooked. “I don’t have them.” You lied straight through your teeth and fear. If you let anyone get ahold of those documents then you could kiss your job goodbye. You hoped your lying had gotten better since the last time you had tried to lie to someone. “I’m going to ask you one more time. Where are the case documents?” You didn’t utter a single word to the man and kept your gaze on the wall beyond him. You heard a low groan emit from his throat and he knelt down to your level to whisper in your ear. “You either tell me where they are or you die. Take your pick girl.” You honestly had to weigh the choices in your head and at this point, you would gladly accept death. You would be free of all the night terrors that haunted you while you slept, of the flashbacks that haunted you while you were awake, and of the migraines that followed each. You looked up to the man and felt the words you so desperately wanted to stay on the tip of your tongue, but you couldn’t get them out. “They’re in my purse..” You felt yourself shrink in front of the man as he stood and walked out of the room, “Good girl.” You curled your legs up to your chest and held them there until you heard the door open and shut as the man left. When you knew he was gone you felt the tears stream down your face before you even felt like crying, “Your weak, (Y/n).”
You don’t when you fell asleep but somewhere in between the heaving sobs and the screaming into your pillow you must have fallen asleep in your bed. By the time you woke up though it was time for you to face your boss and tell him you no longer have the documents. You dressed as nice as you could considering you were probably going to get fired today, but nonetheless you went to work with your head held high and a confidence that could only get you so far. When you made it to work you didn’t bother to get your daily muffin and coffee, you just dropped your stuff off in your office and made your way to your bosses office on the next floor up. Standing in the elevator it felt nostalgic it felt like the first time you had ever taken this elevator up to see your boss. You weren’t in trouble the first time though, he was praising you for your outstanding work that month and asked if you wanted to be hired on full time and for the first few minutes you couldn’t do anything but stare at the man in disbelief. You eventually said yes wholeheartedly because you loved working there and couldn’t imagine working anyplace else, but now you actually had to start thinking about where you were going to work after this. You jumped slightly when the doors to the floor opened and you made your way out hesitantly walking to your bosses office slowly. As you walked you couldn’t help but notice one of the new assistants he was fairly cute, tall, and it looked like he actually knew what he was doing. He definitely would be having a job here soon, and as you passed him he gave you a smile that felt comforting and for whatever reason, it calmed you down to some extent. You could swear there as a forcefield stopping you from knocking on your bosses door that day because when you got close to knocking there was something stopping you. As you stood there with your fist raised to knock the door swung open and there stood there looking down at you. “Miss (L/n). I was just coming to get you. Please come in.” You smiled meekly and walked into the office closing the door behind you. “Is there something wrong with my work, sir?” Your boss just laughed and shook his head as he sat down in his chair. “No, not at all. Your work is exceptional and it appears that you have been working overtime to complete the paperwork you always have. I was just wondering if you would like a pro-” “I lost the Kim Lo case paperwork.” You had to tell him. You couldn’t keep it a secret, this was one of the biggest cases in the news right now and if any of that information leaked then it would be big trouble for anyone involved for him and for the firm. After your little outburst, your boss had no words he just stared at you with a blank expression and you couldn’t understand why he wasn’t saying anything and the only reasoning you had for it was because he was waiting for the right words to yell at you with. “Miss (l/n). Please go back to your office until I call you back here.” You nodded shamefully and got up from your spot and made your leave from his office and headed to yours. You were definitely getting fired.
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yixhunpai · 6 years
finding out you have a daddy kink
When xiumin heard you talking on the phone with your best friend over your huge daddy kink, he'd immediately be turned on and would make you end the call with her so he could try this new kink out with you asap.
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The exact moment suho found out, he’d instantly push you up against the nearest wall, teasing you at every single chance he’d get just to get to hear the word daddy escape your lips once again.
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Whenever lay found out you had a daddy kink, you’d be done for. This man would seriously use this kink to his advantage at every single chance he’d get.
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Tbh baekhyun would’ve known all along you had this kink, but was simply waiting for you to admit it yourself. The moment you did, he’d stop whatever he was doing and would take you up against the nearest surface with the biggest smirk planted on his face. 
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“Is that so babygirl? I can’t wait to hear the word daddy coming out of those beautiful lips tonight while I fuck you sweetheart. You’ll be a good girl for daddy hm?”
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Chanyeol had found out about this kink of yours recently. However you weren’t supposed to know he knew, so he’d try his hardest at trying to make you call him daddy yourself, and when you did, you can rest assured you weren't going to be able to walk the next day.
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He’d be mad at you for not telling him sooner as he would’ve liked you to be straightforward with him on your kinks. Nonetheless he’d make sure that next time you’d tell him what was on your mind, after he was done with you.
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I think out of all the members kai would be the most turned on by this, the moment he found out about your hidden kink, he’d be sure to explore it and make up for all the times he wasn’t able to use it.
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“Did you just say daddy? Listen, I want you on our bed undressed right now baby, I’m going to make you regret not letting me in on this little kink of yours sooner”
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~Admin Ari♡
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yixhunpai · 6 years
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Friendly reminder that about 85% of EXO’s kisses so far have involved Yixing,formerly known as the straightest of them all
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yixhunpai · 6 years
Pretty - Hoseok
Group: BTS Member: Hoseok Type: ANGST, minor bit of smut word count: 1466
Warnings: blood mentions, sexual content, death mentions
A/N: Inspired by Pretty by The Weeknd (song and MV). I promise i’ll write some happy smut later, i was just feeling really angsty while listening to the song!
When a whore of a white dove sings her song That’s all we want to hear
He looked at the thick blanket of white clouds in the clear blue sky, watching from inside the plane as it was finally making its landing on the ground of his homeland after a whole year of being away. The small, rounded rectangled window revealed glimpses of the town he knew so well and missed deeply. It wasn’t necessarily the town he missed rather than the house in it, where you would be waiting for him.
He smiled as he imagined you impatiently anticipating his return after 365 days without him. How he’d worship you when he’d finally set foot in the house you shared together. He’d make love to you all night, the day after, the night after that day and the day after that night. Being apart for such a long time is hard. It changes things. It changed you. He knew that. He tried to text and call you as much as he could, but words through a mobile device can’t keep a woman warm. His lips pressed together into a thin line at the thought of it. He promised himself he wouldn’t get jealous. He couldn’t expect you to stay lonely and frustrated while he was away, choosing his career over his relationship. He accepted the fact you slept with other men while he was gone. But as soon as he lands, you’ll be his again. He consoled himself with that thought when things got hard.
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yixhunpai · 6 years
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© ʙᴇ ᴍʏ ʏᴏᴜᴛʜ
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yixhunpai · 6 years
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151009 EXO Sehun at One K Concert © aiolos do not edit, crop, or remove the watermark
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yixhunpai · 6 years
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always so extra when he spots his fansites
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yixhunpai · 6 years
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yixhunpai · 6 years
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yixhunpai · 6 years
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a cutie stuffing his mouth with kimchi ♡
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yixhunpai · 6 years
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EXO // Monster
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