yourcleverbarnbitch · 9 years
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Water buffalo!!! #thingsisee #interesting #milkingbuffalo #learnsomethingnewtoday #theyrecool! #kindaugly
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yourcleverbarnbitch · 9 years
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I might not be a fan of spiders but sometimes they look cool. #nighttime #spiderweb #gatespiders #theyareathing
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yourcleverbarnbitch · 9 years
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Cow watching is more interesting than birds. #howardwolowitz #fluffycat #cowwatcher #cowcat #moo #meow #fall #mmmmbeef
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yourcleverbarnbitch · 9 years
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If you have a fat fluffy cat and you don't reenact the lion king at least once....you're doing it wrong. #howardwolowitz #fluffycat #instacat #instalionking #fluffycatcrazyblonde #poorguy #ilovemyfluffycat #catsofinstagram #fluffycatproblems
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yourcleverbarnbitch · 9 years
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Oh Howard 😊 #howardwolowitz #instacat #instafluff #ilovehim #catsofinstagram #fluffy #cat #4legsarebetterthan2
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yourcleverbarnbitch · 9 years
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My late night snack buddy....🐱🐈🍪#howardwolowitz #fluffycat #instacat #instafluff #snackbuddy #nosnackforfatcats #hesprettycooliguess #crazycatladystartercat #hehastablemanners
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yourcleverbarnbitch · 9 years
I wasn't being bitchy ftr, I genuinely found it comical. Small bales are usually measured by weight, the bigger they are usually you just get dimensions. You can have large (3x3x8 usually) which are large flakes as well as your round bales (5x6, 4x5 etc,) then you have compressed bales.....hay is one of those variables withbhorses you need to give a lot of room for wiggle...on both price and size of bales.
Budget planning for your future horse: a guide for prospective first time horse owners
I’ve seen a lot of post about affording a horse so I decided to make this theoretical budget plan for first time horse owners. Ok first off this is roughly based on my own experience with paying for horses, and your prices and my prices could be wildly different based on class, location, and personal situations. Let’s budget for this theoretical horse as if you’re not wealthy but not scraping by for money.
Board typically costs $150-$800 a month depending on the facility and care plan. Let’s say your board is $200 for just a stall and turn out.
An average horse will eat like 2 bales of hay a month. A bale of quality horse usually costs $10-$20, depending on what kind of hay you’re getting and where/who you buy it from. Let’s say you pay $15 a bale, that’s $30 a month.
You’ll probably have the farrier come out every 3-4 months depending on your horse. Farrier prices vary drastically but let’s say it’s $30 for a trim and $150 for a full set of shoes. Divide that by 4 and that’s $7.50 a month for a trim and $37.50 for full shoes.
Lessons are like $25 to a few hundred dollars a session depending on your level and who gives you the lessons. Let’s say you take lessons that are $60 a sesh. 4 lessons a month is $240.
Teeth floating is like $200 I think. You need that yearly so divide by 12 so we’re looking at $17 a month you gotta put away for that.
Vet costs are the wild card. But let’s say it’s $200 a month for at least insurance for vet care.
Now the random stuff you buy almost monthly; let’s just round and estimate. Supplements and grains - $50 a month. Salt lick - $2 a month. Shampoo, sprays, coat care - $10 a month. Hoof conditioner - $12 a month. Fly spray - $10 a month. Horse treats - $5 a month.
Not including the initial price if the horse, vet check, truck+trailer, tack, riding gear, show fees, and other expenses for various replacements and repairs, we are looking at about $814 a month to own a horse. Maybe round up to a thousand dollars a month for wiggle room or more expensive board. This is the estimated cost for owning a horse month by month. If you have your own property, have a bare foot horse that doesn’t need much feed, and and just stick to the necessities you can bring that cost down to $455 a month and still have a happy, healthy horse. Mustangs are great horses for the low budget horse lover since most mustangs are great barefoot and can’t be feed high quality hay and grains anyways(makes them colic). Anyways, I wish you guys well with you horse endeavors and I hoped this helped you with decision making and budget planning for your future horse! My next budgeting post will be all the initial expenses and necessities for those first time horse owners!
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yourcleverbarnbitch · 9 years
....when horse girls try and talk about hay and all they can communicate is "square ones with flakes" lol made my night.....
Budget planning for your future horse: a guide for prospective first time horse owners
I’ve seen a lot of post about affording a horse so I decided to make this theoretical budget plan for first time horse owners. Ok first off this is roughly based on my own experience with paying for horses, and your prices and my prices could be wildly different based on class, location, and personal situations. Let’s budget for this theoretical horse as if you’re not wealthy but not scraping by for money.
Board typically costs $150-$800 a month depending on the facility and care plan. Let’s say your board is $200 for just a stall and turn out.
An average horse will eat like 2 bales of hay a month. A bale of quality horse usually costs $10-$20, depending on what kind of hay you’re getting and where/who you buy it from. Let’s say you pay $15 a bale, that’s $30 a month.
You’ll probably have the farrier come out every 3-4 months depending on your horse. Farrier prices vary drastically but let’s say it’s $30 for a trim and $150 for a full set of shoes. Divide that by 4 and that’s $7.50 a month for a trim and $37.50 for full shoes.
Lessons are like $25 to a few hundred dollars a session depending on your level and who gives you the lessons. Let’s say you take lessons that are $60 a sesh. 4 lessons a month is $240.
Teeth floating is like $200 I think. You need that yearly so divide by 12 so we’re looking at $17 a month you gotta put away for that.
Vet costs are the wild card. But let’s say it’s $200 a month for at least insurance for vet care.
Now the random stuff you buy almost monthly; let’s just round and estimate. Supplements and grains - $50 a month. Salt lick - $2 a month. Shampoo, sprays, coat care - $10 a month. Hoof conditioner - $12 a month. Fly spray - $10 a month. Horse treats - $5 a month.
Not including the initial price if the horse, vet check, truck+trailer, tack, riding gear, show fees, and other expenses for various replacements and repairs, we are looking at about $814 a month to own a horse. Maybe round up to a thousand dollars a month for wiggle room or more expensive board. This is the estimated cost for owning a horse month by month. If you have your own property, have a bare foot horse that doesn’t need much feed, and and just stick to the necessities you can bring that cost down to $455 a month and still have a happy, healthy horse. Mustangs are great horses for the low budget horse lover since most mustangs are great barefoot and can’t be feed high quality hay and grains anyways(makes them colic). Anyways, I wish you guys well with you horse endeavors and I hoped this helped you with decision making and budget planning for your future horse! My next budgeting post will be all the initial expenses and necessities for those first time horse owners!
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yourcleverbarnbitch · 9 years
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yourcleverbarnbitch · 9 years
Fictional doctors: this patient has a medical mystery and is suffering and we can't solve it, we need to invest more time, effort and resources in figuring out what's wrong and helping this patient live a happy life
Real doctors: idk what's wrong so im going to assume you're faking lol good luck
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yourcleverbarnbitch · 9 years
and this article didnt touch on the bajillion other things too. livestock, dangerous chemicals, enclosed spaces, working at heights, working while tired, the list could go on and on. still it has some interesting numbers, a lot of farmers never think about the risks while they work, thats what happens when youre doing what you love. 
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yourcleverbarnbitch · 9 years
This made my day!!!
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So this is the kind of news we have here in Canada😂
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yourcleverbarnbitch · 9 years
True story...
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yourcleverbarnbitch · 9 years
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Fat n Sassy! #fatnsassy #howardwolowitz #instacat #instafluff #instanap #comfycat #crazycatlady #catsofinstagram
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yourcleverbarnbitch · 9 years
Omg yes!
When I try to keep up with what’s “cool” these days
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yourcleverbarnbitch · 10 years
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Holstein baby loooove!!! She's too cute! #holstein #calf #minimoo #prerty #baby #homesweethome #bathingsuitmatchesmynails
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yourcleverbarnbitch · 10 years
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