Submission and GG!
This will be the final post of the blog. After using Gdevelop for a whole semester and creating 4 games with it, I have learned that Gdevelop while simple, is quite useful. I used to think that it would just be like Scratch, but although it is similar, allows for much more complex ideas to be turned into games to be played.
Reading the Book by Fullerton was also very interesting and helpful as it gave me a lot of insights on the game development process and what is the best course of action for each stage. It was very long but it was equally as helpful and splitting it into a few chapters a week was the best way to go about it as reading took quite a bit of time. 
I actually had a lot of fun using Gdevelop and creating games this semester as there was no real “code” but rather building blocks were used. I am not a big fan of coding languages as I cannot understand them well and have no interest in learning them either, but Gdevelop was very simple to understand and would definitely recommend it to any other new game developers.
Our group put our best efforts into creating Builders Vs Bots and I hope whoever got to playtest it and will play it in the future has loads of fun with it and feels inspired to make their own games.
Well, this concludes our journey together. GG!
Resources used in this Blog were-
Group Owned
Fullerton, T. (2018). Game Design Workshop: A Playcentric Approach to Creating Innovative Games, Fourth Edition (4th ed.). CRC Press LLC. http://ebookcentral.proquest.com/lib/qut/detail.action?docID=5477698
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Builders Vs Bots Postmortem
In Chapter 11 they talk about how the game actually needs to be “fun” for the players and the way to make it fun is by making it challenging. You can’t appeal to everyone with one idea, but you can appeal to most. So, once we had the concept down after forming our groups our main goal was to introduce as many fun and challenging aspects to the game as possible, new enemies were considered, special powers and rewards were considered and some rewards and challenges such as the electrical barriers were added.
The way we developed the game was, that different people had different jobs, i.e., some people were in charge of helping everyone make sure the code worked, others were level designers, and some helped with the documentation a lot. Everyone had an important job, but everyone still took part in all the jobs a small amount. If we had planned it properly and each person designed a level instead of just 2, we could have had 4 original levels which would have been improved by later cooperating with the team. We lacked in many levels but that’s okay because we made up for it with our interesting mechanics such as the block throwing and de-spawning after a certain amount have been spawned.
The one thing that I would change about the design of the prototype would be its platforms and blocks. I think with proper management we could have easily added a variety of throwables which would act as the players “Special abilities” and would have made the game a lot more fun. We could also have made the level look more appealing and added music to attract even more players as good music really connects with the players and makes the level even more fun. More special abilities would allow for more complex puzzles in the game which was one of our most suggested points after the playtesting, they wanted more puzzles because what we had was fun.
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E-Book Reading
Chapter 16- Networking is very important in the video game business as you need some reliable sources that can help you promote your game and get the most out of it. Having contacts in the right places also help fund your project so the entire development process can go smoothly.
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These are all the different stages of a game’s production that I learned about today. There is a lot of stuff going on behind the scenes than you would think.
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Assignment 3 Playtest Party
This week was the playtest party, and the results could not be better. Everyone who play tested the game thought it was a very cool idea to have the builders throw boxes which work as weapons and platforms. They also quite enjoyed the levels and thought the puzzle solving was very fun and challenging. Although they found a few errors with the hitboxes overall they loved the game and said that if it were a real polished game, they could see themselves losing hours on it. It was very positive feedback and with that we have been working on the game and making it near perfect for the final submission. 
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Assignment 3 Update
Another groupmate and I have been working on the level designs and getting the game ready for the big playtesting party for next week. We have managed to complete 2 levels so far which are ready for playtests. 
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We have added several features to the game such as a reward coin, explosions on robot kill, deadly lazer barriers, victory and game over screens since last week and are still working on more. In the video you get to see one of the unfinished levels of the game and some of its features.
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Assignment 3 Start-
This week we began working on Assignment 3 and submitted part A. Me, Andrew Giblin, Max Powell and William Della Formed a group during class and presented all our One Sheets that we had done. Eventually we decided to progress forward with Max’s game “Builders vs Bots” as our assignment 3 game because it had a really interesting mechanic of throwing boxes which can be used to kill enemies and climb on them to reach higher spaces. We started working on Part A together and submitted it. We have already started discussing what else needs to be added for part B and C.
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E-Book Reading
Chapter 11- You need to make sure that your game is actually “fun” to play. In order to make it more fun, depending on the player feed back your game should have goals for players to exceed, have tough puzzles, challenges and opponents for the players to face as to add some difficulty to it because if the game is easy there will be no fun or replay ability for the player.
Chapter 12- The Game designers’ job is really important during the game development process as it is their responsibility to make sure that the play experience is good enough for the players. From start to finish they need to make sure that the gameplay works well at all levels and how much synergy there is between each game component i.e., the background music and the type of level.
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This week I finished the One Page Document for Assignment 2. With this completed I have finally finished Assignment 2 officially and am ready for the mid sem break.
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F1 Simulator 8-Bit Postmortem
The readings mentioned to not edit any ideas you have and pursue what you are passionate about. I was passionate about reliving a fun gaming experience from my childhood and I decided to follow through with it and created F1 Simulator 8-bit.
If I could do it again, I’d like to spend more time studying car games and learn the proper code to untrack enemy cars because I could not do it with the time given due to my other commitments. I would also like to manage my time better once again in order to give this project enough time. I did not estimate properly how long it would take to incorporate everything that I wanted to in this game and was once again bound by time.
The one thing I would change about the game’s prototype design would be to be able to shove opponents off track and build a lead for yourself, but my lack of technical knowledge stopped me from being able to achieve that goal. I would also like to add different maps, powers and enemies.
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Racing game update
I got the opponent AI to follow the path but I could not code it to get pushed off track and get back on so I have decided to progress with the cars just being immovable so the player can’t make them stray off their path and if the player collides with them, they get knocked away instead for making the wrong move.
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Map of the stadium
Coding the competing cars has been extremely tough as I need to create an AI that follows the path and can get pushed off track by the players. If pushed off track it needs to get back on the path and continue racing.
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This week I managed to finish the One Sheet Document for Assignment 2. I used a game I previously made called Cyber Boy - Flood escape as the assignment 2 game. 
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These will be the available cars for the players to play as in the game’s different levels.
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E-Book reading
Chapter 9- When playtesting games make sure that you can trust the people that are playtesting to give you honest answers. People who do not know you will often sugarcoat some stuff and not give you an honest opinion on the game because they want to be polite but if you do it with friends and family, they are more likely to tell you what is wrong with the game and what they would expect from such a game.
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F1 Simulator 8-Bit Elevator Pitch
F1 simulator much like the name, is a game based around Formula 1 cars which travel super-fast around a stadium racing against each other. It is set in a stadium in New York where there is a tournament going on. There will be several levels in the game and each level will present a new car design for the player to play as. Each level will take place in the same stadium but bring new opponents and cars with different speeds. It will be a race between 5 cars and whoever finished 2 laps first wins.
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