Spoilers for the main story of the game, you've been warned!
Okay so now that the game clearly isn't getting updates anymore, I've remembered something about the ending of the main story!
Remember how the powerful spirit at the temple was revealed to be MC's brother? From what I can recall he joins their department as a reaper at the very end!! Which is very interesting as both he and MC will probably try and seek out their last sibling eventually to reunited completely
But other than that... For some reason I imagine MC's brother to be sweet to his sister and only her? And may be the type to be protective of how the department is just full of other guys that clearly aren't good enough for her haha
I also have a weird image of him just picking/prompting fights with people by criticizing them, like: what kind of a devil is afraid of bugs? And MC or someone more responsible has to step in to break them up before something bad happens
Or alternatively, he's really helpful around the department and is well-liked, but a select few are cautious of him because of how young he seems and how there's a look in his eyes that's too mature for someone his age
TLDR: Annd yeah, this is just an idea dump about what MC's brother might be like. Please feel free to ignore lmao I'll be getting back to fulfilling requests soon (the follower event series will be delayed a bit due to time constraints, but I'll do my best to post at least the next chapter by Christmas)
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T_T I can't believe it's officially over
afterlife is officially dead. pain.
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i mean we all saw it coming but .... damn! it was such an enjoyable game w v good characters 🙏🏻good night sweet prince
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omg omg can we have general boyfriend headcanons for Ell??? maybe, like, dates he prefers, how he kisses, how he cuddles?? a playful gender neutral s/o would be nice :))
Really any form of quality time with you would make his day - especially if he's gifted with your smiles and laughter
But if he had to choose, something in nature is always nice! It could just be a stroll or picnic, but Ell always appreciates the relaxing quality of the outdoors
His kisses are sweet and not too long, when Ell pulls away his cheeks are always dusted with a happy blush as he checks if you're content yourself. It did take a while for him to get used to this kind of intimacy, but he can't say he doesn't like how it brings butterflies in his stomach and warms his heart
Cuddling however, is something he picks up rather quickly! Doesn't mind being the big or little spoon, since there are pros to both. Mostly just cares for comfort on both parts
Your playfulness always lights up the room~ Ell likes how it can liven up the air (but gets yelled at by a certain devil because his halo has appeared and it's bright)
Is protective of you when faced with destructive spirits and other hazards, and may forget at times that you could've dodged or handled something on your own (Ell can't help but get caught in the moment, one second later and he's suddenly finds himself by your side)
Very thoughtful and thus gives really good gifts, be it casual ones where he thought of you while he was out or event-based like birthdays. It helps that Ell is a good listener, and he always does his best to help you with your work (which brings in your own role of making sure he doesn't spread himself thin! It's a nice balance where the both of you look out for each other)
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YEeeSs!!! Another AFTERLIFE writing blog!! (Plz excuse my enthusiasm 👉👈) If requests aren't closed, may I ask for the Noctu gang (minus Aitachi coz he a baby) with a short S/o, (g/n, fem, male ect I don't mind 🙃) Thank you~
He usually keeps his comments and teasing to himself in order to not overstep boundaries, but as the two of you get closer Nine can’t help but let some of thoughts slip - be it calling your height charming or asking if you needed help reaching an item on a high shelf
When he teases you or finds you adorable he has a small smile playing on his lips, one that makes you both exasperated and oddly endeared
Nine is mindful of not bringing your height to attention, in case you were ever to react negatively to it. As much as he finds it as another trait that he likes about you, he’s aware of how insecurities may come to surface if the topic is touched on too often.
At first the hunter takes the route of instinct - which is to say, he’s a little protective of you because of your smaller size. As a way to console you however he acknowledges that this also gives you an evasive advantage in fights, where you can likely maneuver easily around bigger opponents.
Your height reminds him of a small woodland creature, and on occasion Kirr finds himself staring because of his mind making comparisons between the two. When you catch him in the act he averts eye contact and says it’s nothing, but the blush creeping onto his ears suggest otherwise, piquing your curiosity
He finds your height cute and wants to dote on you sometimes, but refrains from doing so because despite appearances, he knows you’re stronger than you look
Depending on how short you are, Day may find himself exclaiming it in awe - he means no offense, of course, he just got hit with the realization of how much more lovable this made you!
If you allowed, he may lift you onto his shoulders so that you can become taller than all of them! Hold on tight, though - he might start to wander around with you like this to show the others out of excitement
You’re probably another calming force in his life that acts as his rock (like Nine), and while Day enjoys the shenanigans that can come along with your height he doesn’t associate it with any weak traits (it doesn’t even cross his mind) - you’re always reliable and cool in his eyes!
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A second part to a previous request, where I wrote Quincy's variation to the prompt "hug me and maybe I'll change my mind" - this time with Sian!
"You should probably take a break, you know." Sian's brow narrows slightly. "It's even harder to focus on work when you just marathon through it."
While your mind was starting to feel a little fuzzy from the last two hours, a stubborn part of you refused to relent. Sure, the weather outside was great, and your mug was drained empty already, but these was the last sets of documents you had to work through!
"I'll do that in a minute," you half-focusedly reply. "Just a bit more and I'm done…"
Sian steps directly in front of your desk, drawing your attention up to meet his crossed arms and knowing gaze. "You're tired."
You are, but it's not like you're just about to agree to that. "It's fine, I'll be fine."
"Nope." Was he always this determined? "There's no way that this is good for you. Let's take a break and come back later; Nine made cookies, and they'll be finished soon if we don't hurry."
Maybe it's the blurriness from staring at papers too long, but you give him a slighted smile. "Hug me and maybe I'll change my mind."
Sian's eyes widen as he blinks at you, a blush already creeping onto his cheeks. "W-Wait, what?!"
His embarrassed expression was always one that you found cute, though you do your best to hide your laugh. "Sorry, sorry - I was kidding." You rise from your seat, stretching your legs and starting to wake up more. "A snack sounds great! And thanks for looking out for me, Sian. It means a lot."
The warm look you're giving him makes Sian turn his gaze to the side. He mutters his reply, slowly making his way to hold the door open for you. "...It's only natural, seeing as you take care of us as well."
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Mansion Mystery (Part 1)
And thus is the launch of my follower event~ Sorry for the wait everyone, but the first part is finally out! Do send in an ask with your votes on which choice to make, or if you’re worried about tumblr eating your ask you can reblog this post with your choice instead.
Warnings: Mentions of blood
The first thing June notices upon waking up is the office he’s in; items are scattered as if someone’s left in a hurry, and there’s a faint metallic scent in the air that he can’t quite identify…
Keep reading
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Mansion Mystery (Part 1)
And thus is the launch of my follower event~ Sorry for the wait everyone, but the first part is finally out! Do send in an ask with your votes on which choice to make, or if you’re worried about tumblr eating your ask you can reblog this post with your choice instead.
Warnings: Mentions of blood
The first thing June notices upon waking up is the office he’s in; items are scattered as if someone’s left in a hurry, and there’s a faint metallic scent in the air that he can’t quite identify…
His back aches slightly from his awkward position on the floor - the wood sure was hard on his joints, huh? Well no matter! This is nothing he can’t walk off!
“I don’t remember coming here…” He mutters to himself, inspecting the shelves around him - it was like a scholar’s paradise, with walls of bookshelves and a grand desk in the middle, complete with drawers full of scrolls plus a quill and inkwell. “It almost feels like a movie set, haha! I can imagine a mystery being written in this room.”
Just as the words leave his mouth, June’s hands freeze as he notices a sheet of paper from underneath a pile, the edges dyed in a rusted color.
He laughs nervously, trying to fight off the goosebumps on his skin - did the room get colder? Yes, that must be it!
A foreboding feeling takes place in his gut when he finally pries the blood-splattered parchment free. There’s a short paragraph written on it, though it looks like it’s been scrawled in a hurry.
‘Do not trust them. Not one of them is on our side. They wear their smiles like the fangs on a wolf, not even Mariotte was true. Brother, when you find this, promise to drive them out of our home before it’s too late. I am leaving for work soon, but I know you’ll return to tidy the study, so please, for once, exercise that atrociously meticulous nature of yours and find this. I can’t place it obviously in fear of others finding it, nor will I have the chance to tell you myself without them catching wind of our awareness.
You had called me a dramatist, a paranoiac, and that I won’t deny. But just this once, I implore you to play along, away from their prying eyes.’
I really hope this was a tv set. June glances around himself, newly cautious. He folds the paper and pockets it away before taking steady strides toward the exit. He realises with a start that there was another door leading to a connected room.
From beyond it he can hear the whirring of a machine, as well as a curious humming of a person at work. The voice seems to be a familiar one - could it be one of his teammates?
Just as he’s pondering on which way to go, there’s a loud crash and the noise of glass shattering outside, where June assumes the main hall would be.
Now, where shall our noble soul reaper go?
The main hall
The connected room
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I’m super sorry for the lateness of this notice, but due to irl stuff the launch of this event will start on 15th October, so you have until then to dish in some character votes if you haven’t already!
Thank you for 130 followers!!
(Yes, I clowned and got caught up in school so I didn’t have time to post at 100, I’m really sorry T_T)
But other than that… This is so amazing??? You guys are awesome and I appreciate the support so much!! As I’ve mentioned in this post I’ll be setting up a follower event - the option that got chosen was 3, which is:
Everyone gets to vote on top 4 characters, which I will then use to become the main cast that we will experience an interactive story (murder mystery?) from. For this I’d be posting chapters every 1-2 weeks and leave two choices at the end of each, which you guys will then vote on. Whichever choice gets the most votes will become the next course of action the characters take, and we’ll see how the mystery unfolds~
So the first course of action is voting on 4 characters from the soul reaper teams - you can just send in their names to my ask-box and I’ll record them in a tally! Keep in mind that the story will be from the POV of these 4 characters rather than it being a reader insert.
You will have until 10th October to vote for the 4 characters which will make up the main cast.
The content will be a sort of haunted mansion mystery where they have to find their ways out, and any potentially triggering content will be listed at the top of the posts!
Additional note: Requests for this concept are officially closed. Thank you to those who interacted with it! I’ll look forward to writing them out~
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4. hug me and maybe i’ll change my mind with Quincy and Sian (separate)? If two characters isn't too much. Please and thank you!
Sian's part will be in another post - hope you don't mind and thanks for requesting!
"Quincy…" You utter slowly, trying to prevent his revolt. "Calm down, we can talk this out."
Said devil doesn't back down, clutching onto a spray-bottle of poison. Quincy narrows his eyes at you. "How stupid do you think I am? I'm not giving up my only means of defense against those monsters!"
"We're getting organic pesticides! They'll be here in a week's time!"
"A week too late!" Quincy snaps back, before glaring downwards. "I don't get what's so bad about my method anyway, it's not like it's killed anyone yet."
"How about I borrow you repellents in the meantime? As long as they stay away it should be fine, right?" You offer. This would be coming out of your personal supplies, but it'd just be for a week anyways.
"...why can't we just poison them to death?"
"Hug me and maybe I'll change my mind." Quincy quickly settles into the words, fixing you with an expectant stare and crossing his arms.
He wasn't expecting you to actually do it. Just how desperate were you to keep him from spraying poison in the corridors?!
You retract from the hug, giving him a smile. "Well, that's settled, then." Wait, when did you manage to swipe the bottle from him? "Thanks for your understanding, Quincy. I really appreciate it!"
He's left with an odd feeling in his chest as you wander off, a bounce in your step. Quincy knows he gained more than lost just now, but why does it still feel like he's been defeated?
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Thank you for 130 followers!!
(Yes, I clowned and got caught up in school so I didn’t have time to post at 100, I’m really sorry T_T)
But other than that... This is so amazing??? You guys are awesome and I appreciate the support so much!! As I’ve mentioned in this post I’ll be setting up a follower event - the option that got chosen was 3, which is:
Everyone gets to vote on top 4 characters, which I will then use to become the main cast that we will experience an interactive story (murder mystery?) from. For this I’d be posting chapters every 1-2 weeks and leave two choices at the end of each, which you guys will then vote on. Whichever choice gets the most votes will become the next course of action the characters take, and we’ll see how the mystery unfolds~
So the first course of action is voting on 4 characters from the soul reaper teams - you can just send in their names to my ask-box and I’ll record them in a tally! Keep in mind that the story will be from the POV of these 4 characters rather than it being a reader insert.
You will have until 10th October to vote for the 4 characters which will make up the main cast.
The content will be a sort of haunted mansion mystery where they have to find their ways out, and any potentially triggering content will be listed at the top of the posts!
Additional note: Requests for this concept are officially closed. Thank you to those who interacted with it! I’ll look forward to writing them out~
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Hello! Finally another afterl!fe imagines, I'm so happyyy ^^ May I request 80 with Noah, Licht and Sian please? Thankyou ^^
80: I wish you could see yourself through my eyes
I hope you’ll like this! Thanks for requesting ^^
“Careful,” Noah helps pick up some books from the pile in your arms, chuckling fondly. “Our manager is hard at work again, huh?”
You adopt a sheepish grin at that. The books were stacked so high you could barely see in front of you. “Well, I have to do my best with my duties.” Feeling lighter now, you reposition the items to a more comfortable position, starting to move toward the storage rooms. “Everyone is working hard to fulfill their wishes, so I feel like I have to keep up somehow.”
He frowns at the tired tone in your voice. “Have you been overworking again?”
“Um…” You’re not sure how to answer; should you spare him with a white lie?
Noah reads your expression, speaking gently. “You’re doing more than enough, you know that? We all admire you for looking after the entire department and tolerating us.” He settles into a soft smile. “If only you could see yourself through my eyes, dear manager.”
Uneasiness creeps in as you examine the flyer Licht handed you. You feel bad, but you have to tell him sooner rather than later.
He notices that you don’t seem as excited as he’d thought you’d be. “What’s wrong, darling? Is everything alright?”
“I…” You sigh, combing a hand through your hair. “I don’t think you should bring me as your date.”
Before he could misunderstand, you quickly continue. “It’s not because I don’t want to spend time with you! It��s just… I don’t look the best in yukata.” Heck, you weren’t even sure how to put it on or even style it. “And I’ve never been to japanese festivals like these before… I might just become a hindrance to you.”
Licht smiles kindly, taking your free hand. “Hey, it’s alright. You don’t have to go if you don’t want to.” Though there is one thing he has to clarify. “But just so you know, you’d never be a hindrance to me. In fact, I wish you could see yourself through my eyes, then you’d understand how lovely you are.”
You and Sian were hanging out in the music room, where he’s let you look over a song he’s drafted. You’d been giving constructive criticism and cooing over his work, which he knows he should think on too much since you’re just a genuinely nice and sweet person, but god you just look so cute from his spot across you-
“I wish you could see yourself through my eyes,” he all but mutters out, hidden behind his notebook but keeping his eyes on you thoughtfully.
Unfortunately for his health, you heard him. You jumped a little and stare at him in surprise, not expecting that compliment. Ah, is that your face burning? You hope it isn’t showing on your cheeks. “I- I’m sure you don’t mean that…” You try to wave it off, averting your eyes, suddenly feeling much more timid than before.
Sian’s own face is dusted with a bit of red, but he otherwise maintains his cool. Pouting slightly, he responds in the same quiet tone. “Well… I kind of did. But it doesn’t matter, anyone would agree that you’re a great person. Even that nerd Cyrille, though he’d say it in some dumb complicated way."
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1 and 55 with Theo 😂😂😂
It's not an oddity to see Theo sanitizing an area or two, but what is surprising is seeing him allow others to help, seeing as it's hard to keep up to his standards.
Ever the perfectionist, he takes up the job of polishing the windows while you spray the surface with the solution he's prepared. It's a comfortable atmosphere as the two of you get to work, almost done with the last one until an unforgivable thing happens.
A cockroach climbs down from a hidden corner, heading straight for your hands when you were about to spray a spot beside it.
“Eek!!” You exclaim, almost shouted before moving away. “Get it away from me!”
At this, Theo flinches before looking up to see what the fuss was about, only to freeze and take a step back from the window.
Can you blame him? Cockroaches are gross, and they’re terrifying when they fly.
But then he remembers that you were probably afraid of it taking flight as well, and makes a move toward you, but that was his biggest mistake.
See, June was here. He was taking care of taking down the curtains and sending them to wash. And just at this moment the boy was carrying a bundle of it in his arms, view severely minimised and not realising that there was currently a horrendous creature interrupting your cleaning.
“Hey guys, what--”
The two of them collide, one of their feet kicking the bucket of water by the floor and splashing the water everywhere.
Well, it got mostly everywhere, anyways. Since you were standing and not on the ground only your feet and lower legs got splayed. Though the other two were not as lucky, their clothes now soaked and the scent of disinfectant stronger than ever.
You wince, asking them if they’re hurt anywhere. At least it isn’t mud water or something, you manage to think.
“For gods sake, i'm covered in it!” A worked up Theo is the first to speak. “Hahaha! I’m fine, Y/N! Nothing a man couldn’t handle. And don’t worry, brother Theo, so am I! We’re in the same boat!”
You weren’t sure if June meant to make that water-related pun, but quickly go to get them towels before Theo can combust from stress. The former waves you a safe trip as the latter tries to compose himself, not being able to stay mad at his roommate.
No, it was that cockroach that caused all this trouble, he thought. Theo makes a note to apply something around the department to rid them of such pests for good.
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Aure’s Masterlist
Quincy with an Angel!Reader Theo with a Yandere!Reader Noah with a Flirty!Reader Nine, Kirr & Day with a Short!Reader
19 Soul Reapers AU: Nine
“Stop petting me, I’m not a cat.” - Quincy, Nine “You hate when I’m right.” - Youseff “Kiss me goodbye?” - Licht, Noah, June “Can I hold your hand?” - Nine “Get that thing away from me!” + “For gods sake, I’m covered in it!” - Theo “I wish you could see yourself through my eyes.” - Noah, Licht, Sian “Hug me and maybe I’ll change my mind.” - Quincy, Sian
Follower Event: Mansion Mystery
Part 1 (June)
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hmm.. can you do nine for that “imagine if a character never became a soul reaper” post please?
"Nine... Mind if I be your plus one for tonight? We'd be the perfect pair of tens to dazzle the room~" "Mr Licht... I'm sure you don't mean that. I know you're planning to ask Miss Manager to be your partner during the mission." "You wound me, darling! To answer that with such a serious expression!"
What an odd dream... Was that Licht talking to someone? The other voice sounded polite and gentle... It's the first time you're hearing it, but somehow you're filled with a sense of nostalgia as you recall the conversation.
You try not to think about it too much, yet the next few nights are plagued with similar dreams featuring the same mysterious voice. The latest one included this 'Nine' person playing the piano - very skilfully at that. He might even give Theo a run for his money...
You can barely recall his face, but clearly remember thinking he was beautiful. Though something told you that calling him "pretty" wouldn't be a good idea.
The others start to pick up that you're distracted and try to help by providing distractions or possible remedies. One day you're doing paperwork in your room when a soul reaper knocks on the door.
Day enters and you brace for his usual energetic self, only to be met with a much more muted and worried version of him instead.
This in turn spikes your concern - what could've made him so quiet today?
"I think something is missing..." Day tries to explain. It turns out that when he woke up this morning, he'd turned around in bed to address someone, but realised that he didn't even have a roommate.
"It's weird, though... I thought for sure there'd be someone there, like my instincts were expecting it.."
On the same day is a scheduled mission at a famous university. In order to cover the campus most of the soul reapers went with you to the human world. While you were checking on everyone's progress you come across Licht, who was talking to a student there. Unlike the usual starstruck conversations you were used to however, this person seemed like he'd rather be as far from this flirty stranger as soon as possible.
"I'm sorry, but I'm not in the music department," he was saying. "I don't think I'll be much help with finding your way to class."
"Licht, let's not bother the students." You sigh a little, making your way there. "Sorry about him, he's-"
You're struck into dumbfounded silence as you meet the person's eyes. It feels as if electricity is running through your veins - what was happening? He didn't seem like a vengeful spirit...
"Darling~!" Licht greets you, cheerful as ever. "This is Nine, isn't he quite beautiful? I think he might just be able to fluster Sian like Quincy did at the start!"
You manage to snap back into reality, albeit still feeling a bit dazed. "Licht, you shouldn't just go around calling people beautiful. They might be uncomfortable with it."
Your words seem to surprise Nine, and he takes a moment to observe you properly. "...Have I met you before?" He asks, gaze focused and seeming to be analysing something before he catches himself. "Ah... Sorry, I'm not sure what got into me..."
"It must be the weather. I'm feeling a bit lightheaded myself," you smile at him kindly. This, however, enables Licht to redirect the conversation (and group) to one of the cafes on campus. Somehow Nine finds himself dragged along for the trip, and here you are, just having picked up the to-go orders from the counter and offering a sympathetic, if not apologetic look to Nine.
Day and Kirr were around the area and so they regrouped with the three of you. The former almost exposed them as soul-reapers but Licht manages to cover up the slip quickly enough. If Nine noticed, he didn't attempt to address it, instead joining in the conversation and relaxing the tension, asking where you guys needed guiding to.
Nine isn't one to try and get close to others, but this group's just essentric enough that his curiosity was piqued... They didn't seem like students from the school, but they weren't giving off a dangerous vibe either.
One was chatty and the other reminded him of a puppy, but they weren't so bad, compared to the judgemental and unfair treatments he's been used to so far.
That "manager" girl... She's the most suspicious, if only because he was hit with a pang of nostalgia when she started speaking. His heart feels like it's hurting a bit, too, in a way that he can only describe is similar to heartache. Which made completely no sense, since he's only met her today.
With these mysteries in mind, Nine acts as their guide around the campus, retelling some long-based rumours about the auditorium halls and such.
Along the way they pick up a few more essentrics, and Nine was barely able to remember their names before they arrived at their destination: the concert hall.
During the purification process the reapers almost lose control of the vengeful spirit, until Nine finally butted in and talked them down (it was a music student that overexerted themselves from practicing and applying to competitions)
By then he's already figured out what everyone is and the entire situation. But there is still one slightly confusing thing. You.
If nothing else, your actions and role during the purification only confused him more; you didn't seem to have a weapon like the others, so you weren't a Soul Reaper. But you seemed close to every person on the team (which sparked a bit of longing in him that he didn't expect) and seemed to be able to sense the presence of the vengeful spirits.
Curiouser and curiouser... It seems his questions haven't all been answered yet.
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Imagine if...
Your favourite character (or just any one from the cast, really) never ended up as a soul reaper.
During one of their missions they defeat a person alongside the vengeful spirits in the area (kind of like in part 2 of the main story). Said person becomes bitter about what happened and looks for a way to get revenge on the soul reaper that had the main hand in their downfall.
The person manages to strike a deal with another being/spirit to turn back time to when the soul reaper was still alive, and either prevents their death from happening (so that they don't end up as a soul reaper in the future) or starts to antagonize them into becoming vengeful spirits themselves.
This causes an effect in the present where everything is the same except.. there are 19 reapers instead of 20. And you, the Manager, feels like something is off whenever this is brought up, but has no idea why. When you fall asleep the next day you get dreams surrounding the missing soul reaper, but you're confused because while they feel familiar, you've never met them before...
Send in the name of a character and I'll write more with them in this situation. I'll be taking about 4-6 of these kinds of requests and make a post to let you guys know when the slots are filled.
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Spoilers for the Masquerade event going on right now! You've been warned!! Below is just me ranting about the story and such
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I'm sorry but Nine getting all these special effects for the event is giving me so much life - also he helped us tie our hair?? And we danced with him?? This isn't good for my heart-
June stopping a chandelier from falling on us and Licht also injuring himself while getting us out of the way? Not to mention Jamie buying a limousine and driving like a lunatic just to prove June wrong,, when did he find the time to go make money?? And since when did everyone start having meditation sessions outside--
As you can tell, I really enjoyed this event - best of luck to everyone on getting the cards and ranking (if you're trying to aim for that)!
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For details on requests and my rules, please search for "info post" on the blog!
So somehow we're almost at 100 followers (tysm btw, I really appreciate all the support!!) And I was wondering what kind of celebration event you guys might want to see? I have a few ideas which I'll write down below, so it'd be a lot of help if you guys could send in an ask voting for which one you prefer!
1. Character interactions (you send in a dialogue or similar addressing one or two characters, and I'll answer as them!)
2. I put the entire cast of soul reapers into a generator to form four teams, and each team will go through a scenario/AU (like an escape room, running an aesthetic cafe, a dnd-esque team in a fantasy world, etc) - this will probably be in the form of headcanons
3. Everyone gets to vote on top 4 characters, which I will then use to become the main cast that we will experience an interactive story (murder mystery) from. For this I'd be posting chapters every week and leave two choices at the end of each, which you guys will then vote on. Whichever choice gets the most votes will become the next course of action the characters take, and we'll see how the mystery unfolds~
I'll make a tally and set up the event accordingly, so be sure to send in a vote if you have a spare second! I'll be taking votes from now until we reach 100 followers (I'll announce this when it happens)
Wishing everyone a good day/night,
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