altskye-blog · 9 years
hey it me jo and omg i’ve missed you all so i decided to give y’all a lil update bc omg i literally almost did something like the skye x skylar x cam situation
anyway i had a party on the 30th and this one guy who’s p popular and rly attractive and rly sweet apparently told my friend to put in a word for him to me bc i guess he wanted to hook up w me but like she didn’t tell me until the day after bc she knows i rly like this other guy so literally i could’ve pulled a skye n hooked up w the guy n possibly made the guy i like jealous idk he says we’re getting married one day???
okok so yeah thats about the whole story lol
wow i miss you all so fricken much and i wish i could come back but my grades are like :////// but like srsly message me on kik (@jordan4197) bc i miss you all so so so so much <3
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altskye-blog · 9 years
for those of you who have or are reading my self para, yes, this is goodbye for skye. i feel horrible because not only have i been neglecting my characters by not being active but i’ve been making promises i clearly cannot keep. for that, i’ve decided to drop both skye and quinn. i need to focus on my last bit of high school and i simply can’t find the time or motivation to be active as skye or quinn. it’s not fair to the roleplay or those of you who’re far more active than me. however, it’s been wonderful to be apart of such an amazing rp with such amazing people
i’d love to stay in touch w as many of you as i can since you’re all lovely and put up w me n my nonsense for this long so i’ll leave some of my social media stuff below:
kik: jordan4197
skype: stfujordann
snapchat: jordaan.kidd
i love you all and the past (idk how long its been) was amazing to be able to rp with such amazing writers n people!! please message me or something on any of the above social things and i promise i’ll answer :)
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altskye-blog · 9 years
see you again // skye rivera
Dear Skye,
It is with great pleasure that I am writing to congratulate you on your admission to the Bachelor of Creative Writing and Bachelor of Fine Arts programs at the University of British Columbia.
The letter had been staring the girl in the face for months, she had been accepted to the school of both hers and her family’s dreams. Not to mention, Skye had the opportunity to visit the campus early as well as settle into her dorm before the Fall semester. However, this meant she’d be leaving all of her friends earlier than she wanted. The brunette talked it over each night with her family because while she had been also accepted into a few local schools, a few within the state and some just across a border, the acceptance to UBC was something she had never accepted. Initially, she had just applied for the hell of it yet she had the slightest bit of confidence that told her she’d get in based on her quite consistent straight As. And thus, a decision was made but she didn’t dare tell anyone about it.
Between finding out Axel was going away and keeping her grades at straight As for the final bit of the school year, she didn’t even want to focus on how devastated her and her friends would be when she would have to drop the bomb. The idea of leaving them all behind was killing her yet, she had dreamed of going to UBC since she was just a little girl and knew it was going to be the right choice in the long run. Besides, she knew she’d be able to stay in touch and at least visit during holidays and the summer. And if anything, she would be back for Jasmine’s graduation no matter what. 
She had been quite distant lately, always hiding out in the library and she was almost positive no one really noticed. However, Skye was catching a plane tomorrow evening, which meant she wasn’t going to school anymore and she wouldn’t be able to see her friends until next Christmas or the summer. And chances are, her friends would notice if she didn’t show up to class anymore. But she left behind three letters; one for Jasmine, one for Shay and one to be read out at the Valedictory Ceremony, because she didn’t have time to say a proper goodbye. The Valedictory one was the shortest, however, as she didn’t quite know how to say goodbye to everyone.
To the graduating class of 2015,
Congratulations guys, we did it. We graduated high school. I wish I could be there to celebrate with you all, but just know that where I am, I’m cheering loud and proudly for every single one of you. Some of you, I didn’t know all too well. But those of you who I did manage to talk to and connect with; thank you. Every one of you, you all opened me up in a way that I never imagined. Without you and all the experiences we shared, I wouldn’t be the person I am today and I cannot thank you all enough for that. Give yourselves a pat on your back and know that I’m smiling and mentally hugging you from here. I love you all, and I’ll see you again at the ten year reunion, I promise.
Love always, Skye
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altskye-blog · 9 years
What the hell did they give you detention for? That’s complete bullshit.
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They shouldn’t be allowed to give you detentions this close to the end of the school year. If a teacher’s gonna try and make me feel like shit, don’t be surprised if I go off on them. Fucking asshole.
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altskye-blog · 9 years
Well, lucky you, huh? Too bad I don’t exactly excel in anything enough to get a scholarship or I would’ve tried for one, at the least. I’ll try to remember to do that, but only if you stop by Starbucks on a Sunday morning or any other afternoon really and I’ll give you a free drink. Anytime, Skylar. Yeah, it’d be weird for me to not be there without my camera, actually. I don’t think so but I’ll take notes for you.
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I can’t believe how lucky I got to be invited to play on scholarship. Without it, I would be in the very same boat as you. I’ll still be working the whole summer, though. Stop by the restaurant during dinner hours sometime and you’ll see me there. I’ll make sure to bring you by some extra sauce and always refill your drinks first. Thanks, Skye. It wouldn’t be right without having you behind the camera in the stands. Do we really have to go to that? Like, is it completely mandatory?
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altskye-blog · 9 years
sobs im trash tomorrow ill be on i promise pls dont hate
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altskye-blog · 9 years
i havent been that active lately and i apologize but this weekend is a lil hectic but anyway ill be on quinn n skye tomorrow during the day and then again tuesday when im home from school (if i end up going) but i cant be on much tonight because im throwing a party (wtf) so yeah
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altskye-blog · 9 years
“I mean, I’m not sick of it just kind of bored of it. But I mean, it’s a great job and I get discounts on coffee.” She shrugged, “I also haven’t been there in a couple of weeks because of school so...”
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“I can never get sick of it – I love it too much. You work there? Really? Because I’ve never seen you around there.” Mason pointed out, “Well, I never pay much attention, so there’s that as well.”
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altskye-blog · 9 years
✗ messages erased
[m] i saw a pretty girl at work today and for some reason i could picture her and you together but for some other reason that makes me sad[m]isnt it weird that you had a thing w my best friend???[m] my mom saw my eye and flipped shit which then lead to my dad flipping more shit and threatening me that if i ever talked to you again, i’d be disowned[m] i dont want to live a life without you[m] my dad came home drunk and told me he saw you and talked to you… i’m so sorry
✔ message delivered
[2:24am] i’m not mad jsyk
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altskye-blog · 9 years
I don’t feel lucky with all this stress piling up but the idea of getting out here is nice to think about. 
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Junioritis sounds like a wannabee version of senioritis. Ugh, you’re lucky you’re getting out of here already. I feel like I’ve been waiting for my time to come since like, a million years ago.
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altskye-blog · 9 years
Oh my god, don’t even get me started. I still have to figure out which school I’m going to attend and I need to find a second job to help pay for tuition. Not to mention, I have to keep my grades for the final report cards at all As to avoid being disowned and I want to help out with the yearbook as much as possible. But I’m glad to hear your team’s doing pretty good, Skylar, and I hope you guys make it to the playoffs and whatever else. If so, I’ll be there to take pictures. Yes, I did hear about the meeting.
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Don’t you think it’s crazy how summer will be starting soon? I can’t believe that it’s already here. I just want the days to keep on going by until we get this stupid school year over with. Finals for classes are coming up and I am not looking forward to that whatsoever. The only good thing about this time of the year is the baseball playoffs. The team’s doing pretty good so far, I wouldn’t be surprised if we end up playing until the final bracket. Wait, oh, shit––I think we have some graduation meeting tomorrow. Did you hear anything about that?
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altskye-blog · 9 years
track: 38 of ? ♪ "still riding through the strip catching licks with my dog"
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altskye-blog · 9 years
text || skye ⇄ my other half
jasmine: ilymore
jasmine: yeah you can tell the principal that i still like him
skye: ily most
skye: okok i will dont worry
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altskye-blog · 9 years
accidental affection
send me ✗ for my muse to fall on yours and land on top of them
send me □ for your muse to fall on mine and land on top of them
send me ♕ for your muse to get dared to kiss me
send me ♢ for my muse to get dared to kiss yours
send me ♫ for your muse to catch mine singing in the shower
send me ♩ for my muse to catch yours singing in the shower
send me ♡ for your muse to drunkenly confess feelings to mine
send me ☽ for my muse to drunkenly confess feelings to yours
send me △ for my muse to get trapped in a small closet with yours
send me ❅ for my muse to cuddle up next to yours while asleep on the couch
send me ❥ for your muse to cuddle up next to mine while asleep on the couch
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altskye-blog · 9 years
Me neither. I don’t really know, I’m still debating on staying local or moving away. What about you?
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I couldn’t see it any other way. Yeah… So where are you going to college?
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altskye-blog · 9 years
That’s, wow, that must be a lot for you to go through. Yeah, time flies by —I hate it.
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Yeah, that soon. Its crazy really. I mean, it seems like I just entered highschool, now I’m already leaving.
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altskye-blog · 9 years
Oh probably, chances are though it just wouldn’t be referred to as senioritis since you’re not a senior. But you could probably call it junioritis or something. I know the feeling though, that happened to me last year.
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Is it possible to get senioritis if you’re not a senior? I swear, I’ve been going through all the symptoms lately.
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