alyredwyne · 5 years
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first name: alysanne
maiden surname: tyrell
married name: alysanne redwyne
middle name: n/a
nickname/s: aly, alys
year & month of birth: 5th month of 477 AC
current age: 28
star sign: taurus
height: 5'7" / 170cm
weight: 59kg / 130lb
physical build: she is taller than the average woman of the time, and with a longer bottom half than upper; her lower body is also thicker, with visibly wide hips, which accentuates her waist--it used to be very slim, but motherhood widened her girth lightly, and has made her more voluptuous
hair colour: warm chocolate
common hair style: owner of the characteristic tyrell curls, her goal is to accentuate them in every hairstyle, which changes accord to the latest fashion or her latest whim; that being said, she usually goes by the half-up, half down hairstyle, letting the thick curls fall by her back. the details -- flowers, roots, feathers, precious gems and intricately decorated veils -- are the defining change in the look.
eye colour: green, overly bright, as if always glinting with a mischief only she understands
eye shape: deep set
distinguishing facial features: eyes, thick lips, toothy smile
skin colour: pale; she at times wears rouge to make herself look younger than she is
scars: the most prominent ones would be due to childbirth, mostly stretchmarks around her hips and thighs that have yet to completely fade
birthmarks: she has freckles scattered around her body, mostly arms and torso, but there is a single small one on her neck that stands out as it is the only visible one
tattoos: n/a
physical handicaps: n/a
body language/mannerisms: her upbringing inflated her with self worth -- more than she should, some could say -- and the way she walks reflects that: always with her nose up, her eyes looking from above, her body straight; the rigidness is watered down by her dynamic disposition, years of learning dances have taught her when to act, and how to be quick at it, and also a grace in posture that makes it easy for others to assume warmth. that image is aided by the brightness of her eyes and the easiness of her smile, although there is a nefarious glint often hidden away beneath well rehearsed body motions. 
chest/breast: on the smaller side
their hands: small hands, medium, slender and delicate fingers, large palm; they are soft, as they never knew labor, though it’s not all uncommon for her fingernails to appear ruddy -- she has an habit to crush things beneath them and to dig them into her palms, thus why she keeps them mostly short. she washes her hands often in rose water and beauty concoctions, which makes them always smell pleasantly
their arms: although they appear thin, they are a bit wider than she would like, and soft with the excess of skin, but they are still supple and willowy; they have little strength, albeit more than it seems to be, as she is not unfamiliar with picking up her kids, even when they are no longer babes.
their legs: very long, which gives her a large stride; they are also thick, with her calfs being particularly stiff
their feet/shoes: 8 US sized, which is rather small for her height, even if may not always look so, because they are long and slender.
smell, what do they smell like and why: flowers and fresh fruits, the main ingredients to her infusions, beauty concoctions and perfume waters.
touch, what do they feel like: she bathes in milk at least once a week, which softens the skin.
sight, at a distance what do people first see: the thick tyrell curls most likely, or the flamboyance of her clothing -- she knows little subtly, and often wears reds and purples and overall eye catching, rich clothing details.
sound, what do they sound like: usually deep and softspoken, she wishes to portrait warmth and erudition, so she enunciates well and often attempts to show (fake) interest in who she is speaking with; her voice is quick to show emotion, and with as much ease as she offers a gentle and empathetic tone, it can become quickly grating and high of pitch when she is affected.
taste, when kissed what do they taste like: fresh fruits and herbs, such as berries, grapes, mint and honey, something sweet and fresh that reminds you of spring; a deeper kiss may also bring the rich taste of wine and desire.
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alyredwyne · 5 years
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        it was nearly written that one of her sisterly duties was to worry endlessly about her brothers -- especially her hard headed one. had this been another time, in another place, perhaps she would be his most fierce cheerleader (as she had been, when they were younger, cloaked by the golden innocence of childhood), but he was king now, shouldn’t he be more reasonable? or was he driven by pride to crown his wife -- again? “no one would question your skill, brother.” alysanne assures, brows furrowing lightly as if she was about to scold one of her children. “even if you would step aside, of the sword fight maybe? i hear the lannister king will be competing.” she had not bothered to see who would be competing and what not, for she understood the whole event had ulterior motives to make the smallfolk and the nobles enjoy kings landing once more; but she was positively surprised to know the lion king would partake in the activities. perhaps it was a demand of the crown: a foolish sense of entitlement and pride over personal safety.
plot drop: the feast, evening
“Yes, you are correct,” Emeric said after a long pause, eyes flickering to the person that had approached him. “My name is on the list for competing. It felt only right, seeing as the Iron Throne has thrown such an occasion for us all to enjoy. Even if I am likely not as skilled as I used to be, I believe I can carry myself.”
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alyredwyne · 5 years
( ♛ truth serum ) : how do you think you will die?
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       “whenever i fell with child, i would think that would be it. we girls are taught to fear and rejoice the birthing bed – i was no exception to that, you see. but four times i went, and four times i came out unscathed, so my worries have diminished considerably, especially now that i believe my time as a brooding mare is finished. i suppose i can be more optimistic, and hope i will meet the stranger forty years from now, in the peace and quiet of my home, surrounded by bertie and meg and their children.”
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alyredwyne · 5 years
28: Have you ever been cheated on?
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       “oh, indeed, my husband has made no secret of that. i do not hold him too accountable -- he is a man, and his devotion for me never failed, regardless of his affairs on sea.” at first, lord loras redwyne had been faithful, attempting to pay public respect for his little tyrell wife, but alysanne recalls being in her first confinement and hearing of her husband’s indiscretions, and not feeling anything but contempt and relief. for whatever whore he enjoyed left him less active in the marital bed. eventually, however, she happily realized the distance between them whenever he went on his sailings left her bed free for her own more satisfying encounters.
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alyredwyne · 5 years
70 horrible questions ... Fuck it
01: Do you have a good relationship with your parents? 02: Who did you last say “I love you” to? 03: Do you regret anything? 04: Are you insecure? 05: What is your relationship status? 06: How do you want to die? 07: What did you last eat? 08: Played any sports? 09: Do you bite your nails? 10: When was your last physical fight? 11: Do you like someone? 12: Have you ever stayed up 48 hours? 13: Do you hate anyone at the moment? 14: Do you miss someone? 15: Have any pets? 16: How exactly are you feeling at the moment? 17: Ever made out in the bathroom? 18: Are you scared of spiders? 19: Would you go back in time if you were given the chance? 20: Where was the last place you snogged someone? 21: What are your plans for this weekend? 22: Do you want to have kids? How many? 23: Do you have piercings? How many? 24: What is/are/were your best subject(s)? 25: Do you miss anyone from your past? 26: What are you craving right now? 27: Have you ever broken someone’s heart? 28: Have you ever been cheated on? 29: Have you made a boyfriend/girlfriend cry? 30: What’s irritating you right now? 31: Does somebody love you? 32: What is your favourite color? 33: Do you have trust issues? 34: Who/what was your last dream about? 35: Who was the last person you cried in front of? 36: Do you give out second chances too easily? 37: Is it easier to forgive or forget? 38: Is this year the best year of your life? 39: How old were you when you had your first kiss? 40: Have you ever walked outside completely naked? 51: Favourite food? 52: Do you believe everything happens for a reason? 53: What is the last thing you did before you went to bed last night? 54: Is cheating ever okay? 55: Are you mean? 56: How many people have you fist fought? 57: Do you believe in true love? 58: Favourite weather? 59: Do you like the snow? 60: Do you wanna get married? 61: Is it cute when a boy/girl calls you baby? 62: What makes you happy? 63: Would you change your name? 64: Would it be hard to kiss the last person you kissed? 65: Your best friend of the opposite sex likes you, what do you do? 66: Do you have a friend of the opposite sex who you can act your complete self around? 67: Who was the last person of the opposite sex you talked to? 68: Who’s the last person you had a deep conversation with? 69: Do you believe in soulmates? 70: Is there anyone you would die for?
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alyredwyne · 5 years
@cedrictyrell + kind of @emerictyrell
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alyredwyne · 5 years
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do you want to search me, too? what’s the point?
killing eve [2.05] smell ya later
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alyredwyne · 5 years
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alyredwyne · 5 years
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        after talking with rhaena, everything seemed to have an ulterior meaning -- which was not something out of norm for her, who was already familiar with subtle machiavellisms, but still. a jolly event after noxious occurrences was something only a cruel monster or an astute creature would come up with, and alysanne was more likely to believe her old friend and the people with her were more of the later. although not officially a piece of this certain game, she was aware everyone had their parts to pay -- and she did hers with some ease, mingling and reaching for acquaintances old and new.
effortless it seems on the surface, but by the way she is visibly startled at the presence of another tells she is not as at ease as she may look. the light tremble in her frame is smoothen by the way she moves to straighten herself, lightly patting her brother’s thigh before placing her handsupon the table and smiling as she continues the idle chatter with her drunken companions.
the curly haired female only turns to the tyrell boy again as he speaks, and for a moment she is reminded of how similar this looked to their past, when they would weave through their uncle’s highgarden court as a looming threat to the late man’s ruling. she remembers gilbert too, who looked so much like them, and poor aemos, whom she had never met, but certainly did not bear any resemblance to them, nor any bloodlines. the root of her concerns bother her -- she should be enjoying her family’s new standing in this glorious feast, but her feminine worries annoyingly strain her rationality.
puckering her lips lightly, she hums as response. “i thought myself familiar with the kings landing weather, but truly, is there any way to conform to this heat?” she laughs off, building an excuse for the both of them. “come with me, brother, i am in need for some air.” she stands, slipping a hand in his arm. only once they are distant that she stops smiling at random strangers, and squeezes his arm. “speak plainly, sweetling, what have you heard?”
kings landing had saved no penny in ensuring the feast was a spectacle; the most sophisticated food had been prepared by the cooks down in the kitchens for most of the nights, with special ingredients imported from all corners of westeros. the sevings seemed to never stop, course after course being brought out amid endless wine, laughter and a thick coat of tension. cedric had taken a step back from the food for a moment, not wanting to overindulge and make himself sick, deciding that getting some air was important. the balcony was surprisingly empty; though he was sure he caught a vision of a dark figure walking behind him for a split moment as he took a second to let the food digest. persephone had told him that the festivities were a cover for something; though neither of them knew exactly what. the sight unsettled him; he was no fool, nor was he drunk – he knew what he had seen.
turning on his heel and making his way back to the gala, he meant to go and inform emeric of his somewhat strange experience when his eyes fell upon the familiar face of his sister. she was clearly in her element, sat with other lords and ladies of the reach, exchanging information and opinions. she had a flair for socialising, as did the rest of her family; the sight made him feel more relaxed. slipping beside her smoothly and taking some roasted game from her plate nonchalantly, he greeted his nobles before turning to alysanne in a low voice.
“something feels off.” he murmured, the noises of laughter and drunken talk beginning to make his head hurt. 
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alyredwyne · 5 years
        “that sounds rather ominous, doesn’t it?” on first sight, she doesn’t believe this woman doesn’t look like a threat to worry about -- there are others more important, goals to be achieved, and women are easily dismissed, she had learned that so early. but there was something unusual about her, and alysanne does not help but to raise a brow, not ignoring her right away. she needed the diversion, anyways. “will you be competing, miss? i am certain there are some competitors who may need to be shown a true champion. will you be the one?”
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“These people. They know nothing of a champion, of a fighter, but they will learn. They will learn.”
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alyredwyne · 5 years
The queen felt unsure of what to do with herself in the presence of her old flame, she had a million thoughts at once, but they were so jumbled that she could not focus on one. She had thought about Alysanne after her relationship to House Tyrell soured, but she had no hope that Lady Redwyne would stand up for her. Why would she? “It seems all the Tyrells have decided to join in the festivities,” Rhaena stated with a strained smile. “You are welcome, of course.” She was more welcome than her siblings, but she still felt unsure about her presence. This woman knew sides of her that many did not and now she could be considered the enemy. It was worrying. A dark reminder of why she had never truly opened up all the way to anyone. 
Rhaena wanted to remind her Alysanne they did not have a life together, not one that could be in anywhere compared to her life with her husband, at least. They were only letters, she told herself, as she had told herself many times. She had been so young and innocent back then, but she was different now, she had grown and shed the scales of the dragon princess she had been before. “I see.” She remembered the letters and she knew Alysanne’s marriage had not been a happy one, but it had certainly been blessed by the gods. While they lost contact years ago, she knew of the children born. “Be sure to bring them my sympathies,” the Targaryen requested. 
She fell silent as Lady Redwyne spoke of Aemos. Ah, so no one had told her yet. In the darkest parts of her mind, she imagined the Tyrells were happy about the loss of the prince, happy that they would be forced to step down to save his life. It was most likely untrue, something she realised when the fog in her mind lifted, but it did not stop her from imagining it. Her lavender gaze fell to the ground and she stood wringing her hands. Suddenly, she felt tears sting her eyes, and she almost panicked. No, she would not cry in front of a Tyrell, no matter their past, she refused to let Alysanne see her weakness. Despite her inner protests, a tear escaped and she was quick to turn around. “I am afraid that is not possible,” she admitted with her voice shaking while furiously wiping away her tears. Slowly, she turned to face Alysanne again, trying to look brave. “He has been stolen.”
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        alysanne could not blame the targaryen queen for holding a grudge towards her family -- although it seemed rhaena and her family were the root of the unfortunate events that had spiraled and made the kingdoms part, the tyrell could imagine it should feel like an affront to have so many enemies cornering her at once. alysanne pitied her, and despite the offense she felt about the distance forced between them, she failed to put fault entirely onto her once most darling dragon princess.
the chilly encounter causes lady redwyne to consider excusing herself. it certainly would be kinder, and the most chivalrous (genuinely so, not just to appear the higher person as she usually does) move in case, but before she could dip her head in a respectful bow, her old friend’s appearance glooms. she had mostly seen rhaena as someone prone to introspection and melancholy -- which sometimes is a charm on itself -- but right now it was worse, to the point alysanne swore she had seen tears staining her ivory skin before the woman had turned. the tyrell’s eyes widen and her lips part lightly, but she does not move immediately. there is a part of her that is thoroughly self centered, and imagines the targaryen queen might be as shaken as she hoped she would be, because of her presence, but then rhaena speaks and alysanne’s heart shatters.
“oh, rhae!” she gasps, in a heartbeat slithering close to her silver queen and wrapping an arm around her, careless of what is proper and whose family betrayed whose. rhaena may be a lannister queen (what a revolting, disgusting thought), but she was a woman, still as petite as the first time they met, and now she was a mother in pain. alysanne’s thoughts wander off to her own children, and how despaired she would have felt if she was the one in rhaena’s shoes; then she wonders if emeric knew. 
oh, how it must have taken strength for her friend to still be standing here....
“i am so sorry, rhaena. i truly am,” her voice is low and sympathetic, but steady. the news hurt her, but she believed that since rhaena seemed so at odds with her family, the targaryen would think she was faking -- and for once, she is not. “how….” she starts, but pauses. this is not a reasonable situation, but she still needed to act as such, and not to poke at fresh wounds. “please tell me you have been taking care of yourself, dearest. he will need you to be strong, too. he still has mother’s milk, no? he will be ravenous for you, for your love. he is just a babe, no matter how nefarious this kidnapper, this man is, he would not hurt a child.” so she hoped, at the very least.
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alyredwyne · 5 years
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Heida Reed sitting for her original makeup test for Elizabeth in Poldark…By Pippa Woods
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alyredwyne · 5 years
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        she listens attentively, eyebrows raising as he voices out his opinions. i did not know you were such an envious man, poison tickles the back of her throat but she swallows her words, downs a sip of arbor red and gives him a curt nod as a sign of acknowledgment. "one could say so, but if i may, combat or barbaric are misused words in this context, your highness. do you truly believe a sparring match to be more gruesome than, shall we say, the battle of the whispering wood?" he had read it to her, with her, so many years ago -- she hoped he would not miss it. "but then, you are correct, in some ways. watching does seem more interesting than to actually partake on the experience." she half lies, half declares, mostly to please him, as she glances at the men bellow. she had watched men sparr since she was a child, so she had gotten used to it. "would your father allow it, anyhow? you may be far too precious to fall prey to possible fatalities, especially now, my prince. some still seem hostile about new titles, and kingdoms." treachery, she remembers the official words to be.
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“I will not be participating in any of the events.” Ronan said, eyes on the training knights. Always training. “I find the idea of needless combat to be, if you’ll excuse me, barbaric.” This, of course, had nothing (And everything) to do with the fact that he could not use a sword to save his life, a very unfortunate fact. “I will however be enjoying the show.” He was human, after all.
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alyredwyne · 5 years
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costume series: elizabeth’s red sleeved evening gown from poldark s04e05
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alyredwyne · 5 years
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@ironforgedrp as netflix posters.
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alyredwyne · 5 years
hc: wine
       as a girl, she was hardly ever allowed to have any alcoholic beverages at all, if not watered down, so her contact with wine was that, and any low dosage infused on desserts and plates. truly, alysanne never minded–her opinion of the drink is that it made stupid men even more so, and the red tinting it left on women was unflattering. however, she did marry a wine lord, and horas left dozens of barrels for his little fiancee during their short courting period; she told herself she better grow accustomed, but even nowadays her tolerance is far from her best trait, and alysanne discovered with pity that she was not exempt from the drink’s haze, so she still (secretly) prefers to sort of abstain, keeping a ratio of 2/3 of water to each goblet she has. when she drinks for the sake of actually getting drunk, by some odd reason desiring to put herself in some stupor, she favors honeyed wine, or a special less bitter brew horas has gifted (and named after her) for their wedding.
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alyredwyne · 5 years
lynesse remained quiet, letting the lady instruct her on what to do. she was still intimidating, and had a certain iciness to her that every trueborn tyrell seemed to possess. lynesse often wondered if there was a reason for that outside of blood, but she knew better than to ask. her eyes did, however, focus heavily on the young boy with red hair. it seemed to make her uncomfortable and her stomach turned as she watched him be a child.
she took a seat where she was instructed, smiling politely. her posture was rigid, and her arm remained over her stomach. still far from showing, she could not risk someone who was familiar with the condition catching on. persephone and emeric now knew, but for some reason the idea of alysanne and worst of all cedric knowing was far from comfortable for lynesse.
“you seem very well, m’lady. have you been feeling well? i am sure…it has been a lot, no?” she tried not to pry too much. lynesse was far too young to imagine what being a widow must feel like. but she had no idea how the late lord redwyne was as a husband, and she was not about to assume. her head shook at the question for wine, though. “unfortunately i have had too much of it too often and my stomach cannot bear it any longer,” her voice carried a nervous laugh. “i do appreciate the kindness, though.”
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        they had not met many times, and alysanne thought she was perhaps the most distant of the tyrell lot, but alysanne considered herself acquaintanced enough with this girl to know something was off. all the times they had met, lynesse was lively--too much so, the redwyne had heard the girl’s own father speak. but now, the contrast screamed to alysanne that something was off. she had been taken, as her queen had, so alysanne tries to convince herself that, for now, that would explain it.
“yes, a husband’s loss is heartbreaking.” her voice is monotone, and the way she was lethargic in settling her own arms against her lap was a tell that she had decided not to care for the grieving widow facade with this one. “the children miss him. he was their father, after all. i am not certain you are familiar with children, young as you are, but do you believe the change of airs might aid in that longing?”
the denial gets an eyebrow raise from the redwyne. her intentions to keep herself contained begin to grow weak, and her quickness of mind can not be put to rest--but she does not guess it certainly yet, nor she acts on it. yet. with the refusal, she requests some tea and a few assorted cakes instead, honoring her role as the impromptu hostess. “you seem rather worn out, lady lyn. i heard you have been arranged to a dornish lordling. have you met him yet? is the distaste with the match the reason for your exhaustion? i am certain my good sister has offered, but i could always try my hand at dissolving an unwanted marriage.” the dornish were often at odds with the reach, after all so she could not blame the girl if this was the case. however, the futile topic was but an attempt of lady redwyne’s fishing--she can only hope this girl would take the bait.
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