amicsa-blog · 7 years
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"King of kings"
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amicsa-blog · 7 years
I had a ptsd episode and I’m not really feeling up to it right now.
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amicsa-blog · 7 years
As everyone is aware in the US it’s Thanksgiving tomorrow, my activity will be non-existent tomorrow as I am also going Black Friday shopping -- wish me luck on that end.
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amicsa-blog · 7 years
she’d like to use that big ass sword for other things mkay. if ya catch my drift. @ringsworn
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amicsa-blog · 7 years
"I'm thinking of firing Gladio, there's a job opening do you wanna protect me?"
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    “ME for Gladio? Are you out of your fucking mind, Noctis?” Plus he’s hot pls don’t fire him.
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amicsa-blog · 7 years
{{ Please reblog this if you’re a mun who’s open for angst plotting. Death, pain, drug abuse, alcohol abuse, illness, misery, fighting, screaming, tears, hate, disgust, trauma, graphic gore, etc; I’m in need of threads. Thank you. }}
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amicsa-blog · 7 years
"Maddie I love you more than I could ever love anybody else. Marry me?"
                not quite sure what this shit is; break attempt????   ♔ accepting
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      It was like a shock to her system, an electric shock to bring her back to life, but it only froze her in her steps. The candy in her mouth swished around the roof of her mouth slowly as she was left speechless. NOTHING was working on getting him to realize she was awful for him. Absolutely nothing. All she would bring to his life is misery and despair. She had to be the one with a clear mind, one that could take charge of the situation at hand regardless of her feelings for Noctis. The female’s jaw tightened, her eyes dropping to the floor and she felt like there was a brick lodged in her throat. Closing her eyes momentarily, only opening them with some form of anger washing around, “You think I’d actually want to marry you?” She inquired, she had to make it believable regardless if she could feel the strings of her heart snapping like rubber bands. She let out a humorless laugh, shaking her head, “Oh Noctis. You’re so innocent, really you are. And that’s not a good thing. I don’t love you. I never have. And I N E V E R will.” In that moment she felt her insides screaming Noctis’ name, all she wanted was him, to feel the warmth he let off from her being so close she could hear the beat of his heart. “Quit making yourself look like an idiot and go back to your room.” She had to hold her composure for at least ten more minutes, a little bit longer. “LEAVE!” As time passed, and quite a few ( more than a few ) were exchanged with him, he left and she found herself in the middle of her bed, her cheeks stained with tears of what could have been in the right time, if she was a different person and not so goddamn damaged.
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amicsa-blog · 7 years
Break my muse in 15 words or less.
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amicsa-blog · 7 years
Reblog this if you're older than Google.
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amicsa-blog · 7 years
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                   “Yet you’re in my house. Doesn’t matter who invited you, my house my rules” his words were only half a joke, he meant it. Kindness given to him would be returned in some form, even if she showed up out of the blue, it’d be wrong to just eat in front of her without offering her anything. 
Formulas themselves weren't’ the thing he was having issue with, it was remembering them & knowing which to use. Hopefully they’d be able to use their notes on the test. When she turned the paper around to show him, his mind was already fading from the subject at hand “—so what made you show up here? How far away do you live?”
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         “Fair enough. But I don’t think it’s fair for me to accept food for something that is like breathing to me.” She said shrugging. “I can see this isn’t a battle I’m going to win, is it?” She knew he wasn’t going to back down just by the way he handled the situation. Maddie wasn’t one to accept gifts easily especially in the form of food. She didn’t see the point of it, but she knew he wasn’t going to give up so she’d have to bow at some point.        At the question she stiffened, she wasn’t sure how to answer that question, unless she answered it honestly and he didn’t pry into it. Maddie forced a smile when she took her eyes off the book, “Not far.” She said shortly, not wanting to add the Why do you ask? question at the end of it. By not far, she meant under five miles, which was a stroll to her. “Okay, so I did one of them,” She changed the subject quickly, “Want me to do the rest and you can just copy my work down in your handwriting?”
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amicsa-blog · 7 years
"Kiss me"
              Kiss me – scars   ♔ accepting
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    Maddie noticed a scar, somewhat faint of a line which means its been years since the incident happened. It took quite sometime to have him even take his shirt off around her, she questioned why considering she had no issue doing it, but he DID. She just thought maybe it was a self image thing, but she didn’t comprehend that one. Noctis was… handsome, as was the rest, she thought that since they were in High School together. Each one had their own sense of beauty they brought to the table, but Noctis was much more innocent than the rest of them, at least from what she gathered over time. She was in her hotel room, late night visit from Noctis to keep the questions and anger from the rest at bay and keep it as secretive as possible.   The Prince had always treated Maddie as if she was a person rather than an object. She felt a strong pull towards him regardless if she’d admit it. He was getting a shower, something about not having to wait for a shower since they share rooms, and Prompto was with Noctis. She didn’t ask too much detail, but she wondered to the threshold of the bathroom door, steam was pouring out in buckets from the bathroom. She was just going to talk, nothing invasive, but more so innocent until she saw that scar. That scar that stretched out across his back, but was faint. Quietly, and without notice, she walked behind Noctis, her hands wrapped around his abdomen as she looked over his shoulder and through a mirror at the Prince himself. She finally saw him without all the extra additives.    Slowly, the blonde struggled to pull herself away feeling that longing desire to want to stay in the position she was in, her fingers grazed across the scar, not speaking a word, not asking what happened or how he got it; not wanting to know the story. In which was followed by a kiss that started from the top of the scar to the bottom and she came back up to the position she was in before, kissing the side of his neck.
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amicsa-blog · 7 years
Reblog if you do NOT roleplay smut with minors!!
Seriously, this is very important.
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amicsa-blog · 7 years
Send "Kiss me"
and I’ll generate a number from 1-45 to determine where my muse will have to kiss yours:
Keep reading
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amicsa-blog · 7 years
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                       “Ignis told me it’s rude to have somebody over & not feed them” he’s going to order enough food for two, and even if by then she’s still refusing he can just have leftovers. Math seemed to confuse him more and more as he got older. Numbers came easy as a child, he had a knack for math as it was such a straightforward thing. You ended up with one answer, and there could only be right or wrong. Now though, as formulas got harder to remember and so many steps went in to finding one simple answer, he started losing interest.
 “—I use to be. Not like i’ll ever need this stuff in the future” it was the truth too, he had one future job, and rocket scientist or mathematician wasn’t in his cards. He’d handed her the questions sheet so that she could have a look once she was beside him.
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      “Technically you didn’t invite me over. I just showed up randomly and out of the blue, so I don’t think that rule applies here.” She stated, not wanting him to waste his money on her. She’d eat at home, maybe, if they had enough left over from everyone having their fair shares, but they seemed to always cook precisely, without much waste unless her foster mother was in a good mood -- which was highly doubtful.      “You over think it too much. The formula’s are there for you to plug in numbers and get an answer it’s no different than regular math.” She looked down at the paper and began scribbling numbers down in a rhythmic system until she reached the end, having a correct number that was proved through the work she did before it. “Does that make sense?” She said turning it around facing Noctis now. 
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amicsa-blog · 7 years
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                      Once settled back in, he picks up his notebook, eyeing all the crossed out formulas & his fingers reach for the sheet of paper with all the problems on it. By the time Maddie arrived he had only gotten through two & still had 8 left taunting him on the page. After a moment of consideration Noct decided NOT to stick his tongue out at the paper, he might scare Maddie away. He wasn’t going to think about the fact that his place was a mess or what she possibly thought of him after seeing the state of it. 
“Good” he decided, she had come as a gift from the gods. “If you help me, I’ll order you food as payment?” Since Ignis wasn’t cooking tonight & he’d jump off his balcony if he ate another container of cup noodles, ordering dinner seemed like the only good idea.
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     Maddie didn’t think much of the place’s current condition. All men, that she’s met at least, seemed to be slobs unable to clean up after themselves, or just lacked the motivation to do so. She found herself in quite a few situations of playing ‘maid’ for them, but she wasn’t going to do it here. If he didn’t feel the need to not want his house to smell like a month old sandwich and gym shorts, than that’s on him.     A laugh escaped her. “I don’t need payment to help someone out. I’ll do it for nothing.” She said quite frankly. “Here, lemme see it.” She said snagging the book from his hand, only skimming over it briefly before looking at him. Curiosity struck her features, “Not much of a numbers person are you?” The blonde reached behind her, grabbing a pencil from her bag. “Come on, I’ll show you how to work through it.” She said with the motion of her head that pointed towards the couch. Her legs led her to the couch, kicking a pair of what looked like shorts laying on the floor to the other side of the room and made a beeline for the couch.
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amicsa-blog · 7 years
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                        The prince had been going over his homework when he’d heard the knock at the door. Strange. He doubted it was specs, he had his own key & for as long as he’d been living here Noct didn’t think he could remember Ignis knocking even once. Ignis just seemed to come in, clean up and cook like he owned the place, but not tonight, he remembered a text about a meeting lasting longer than usual & that Noct would be on his own for dinner. 
With a groan he pushed himself up of the couch and reached the door, not bothering to ask who it was before opening it. “Oh, hey” was his response. He hadn’t expected Maddie to show up out of the blue, but it was a welcome surprise. Leaving the door open for her to enter, he headed back to his spot on the couch, picking back up his notebook. “Are you any good at algebra?”
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He didn’t seem too enthusiastic to see the blonde standing at her door. And usually that would offend her if she wasn’t constantly offended back at her house. So instead she just shrugged it off, not thinking too much of it, or trying not to at least. She walked in, her green cloth backpack hanging on by one shoulder, and she shut the door quietly behind her. Maybe she SHOULD have gone for a walk instead of coming here. It’s not like she was formally invited, and she felt a little ... out of place. “Algebra?” She inquired softly, though seemed to be unlike Maddie in the tone she used. “Yeah, Math’s the one thing I’m good with, why? Stuck on a problem?” She said, her hand coming up to readjust her bag.
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amicsa-blog · 7 years
              @ringsworn  ♔  high school
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  School had came to a close and as usual it was a sorry excuse for a distraction back at the foster home. But the group seemed to welcome the outcast no problem, which she was grateful for. Her attitude made it nearly impossible to make friends. There were days when she came to school, and was absolutely dreading coming ‘home’. Pitiful excuse for a home is what that place was, so when she found any reason, small or big, she’d leave. Not like they cared, one less mouth to feed that evening. Maddie found herself knocking on Noctis’ door, if he wasn’t home, she’d find herself walking aimlessly around the town, anything to get away from the place she was at.
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