"Actually," Annie smiled a bit too widely. "I'm just picking up the book for Jones. She's a bit peeved about my Quidditch skills and I'm not above kissing up. But if you make it worth my time I could be persuaded to give it to you."
Annie examined the Slytherin girl. Being in the same year, they obviously knew each other. Aside from that, both were very driven (Annie could distinctly remember Emma pushing her out of the way to get a better seat at the start of one year) which often resulted in similar schedules. But other than the brunette's relationship with Mulciber, Annie knew little to nothing about the girl. But she looked desperate.
Annie had, of course, finished her essay already. Somehow she had managed to get on Slughorn's good side (mostly by doing the opposite of everything her bumbleheaded brother had done) and he had warned her about the assignment. She had finished it the night she heard about it and was now enjoying the Slytherin girl's predicament.
"What are you getting at, Weasley?" Emma countered, her eyes narrowing. Annie assumed she didn't trust her, probably bad blood between their family's or maybe just general lack of faith in humanity. People were like that, Annie reasoned.
"Sexual favors, I'm so very lonely," Annie smirked at the girl's respounding shock. "Merlin, I'm just taking the piss. If you promise me a few Quidditch lessons, I'll give you the book. If not, well, Gwen's waiting. So, do we have a deal?"
Last Minute {Emma / Annie}
Emma hurried towards the library, a recurring theme in her life it seemed, was to always be running to one place or another. This was of course for the Potions essay that was due tomorrow (first lesson to top it off - leaving no time to finish it in the morning) and that she had, what with all her other commitments, somehow forgotten to do. What with the class being taught by Professor Slughorn it was already hard for her to make an impression in that class, thanks to all of his blatant favouritism to those in his precious ‘Slug Club’. That meant every essay she wrote, and everything she did in that class had to be the best. Not just her best, but the best. So, maybe, considering her high standards she’d set for herself, it wasn’t the best idea to leave it so late. 
The best part about the whole ordeal was the essay required using research from numerous books that no student in their right mind would possess (it was meant to build useful skills), and hence the rather rushed trip to the library to check out these books and rush back to her dorm, where she would rush this essay. 
Emma had managed to get two of the books she needed, and still had one more to go, locating these books had proved much harder than expected, and Emma had actually had to ask for assistance from the librarian as to finding one, which was not an easy thing to do for someone with as high a sense of pride as her. She was just headed towards the isle containing the third book, when she spotted someone else already with it. 
“Excuse me, Weasley, but I need that book,” she started, her tone full of frustration, “Now, if you don’t mind.”
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Sloth & Wrath
I dislike that I fight with my family a lot. They just have their ideas so set in stone and I just...Well, what if they aren't right? I'm more educated than my brother but they take his word as if he's the bloody Minister. It's bullshit and...Well, anyways I wish we saw eye to eye more often.
I hate laziness. Seriously, just get off your arse and do something, I can't stand people who just wait for things to come to them.
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Confidence. I like a man who knows who he is and what he wants. Good hair is a plus as well. Actually...I could think of a few Gryffindors who meet these guidelines.
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7 deadly sins. put one in my ask.
Lust: Something that I find attractive.
Pride: Something that I like about myself.
Sloth: Something that I dislike about myself.
Envy: Something I wish I was better at.
Gluttony: One of my favorite foods.
Wrath: Something that gets me angry.
Greed: Something I can’t get enough of.
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Annie is attempting to balance her extra books on one arm so she can grab a muffin from the Hufflepuff table (they taste better - she'll swear by it) when she hears it. Peeves is teasing James Potter. She sighs and snatches a muffin from one of the Prewetts. The twin she snatched the muffin from complains but she ignores it. Their sister is always hanging around Arthur at the Weasley household and the pair of them have half-convinced Annie's parents to go full muggle. It's not that Annie is against muggles, she likes the lot of them but she likes magic a lot more. So basically, at home she isn't allowed to practice cleaning spells anymore and so the Prewetts owe her a muffin at the least.
"Oi, Peeves." She bites into the muffin as she alters her path to wander by the Gryffindor table. "Really think that's a good idea? Potter's got this place in the palm of his hand, he'll have you stuck in a portrait if you bother him enough."
Peeves blows a raspberry at her but she shrugs and chews her muffin in response. The ghoul begins to follow her, teasing about redheads and their tempers or something but Annie only notices that James nods a 'thank you' at her. She realizes a beat later that Peeves was probably teasing him about Lily Evans - the only thing that actually gets him flustered that much. It doesn't hurt her as some might think - she knows she'll never measure up to the Gryffindor girl. She doesn't want to marry James, she's a realist. She just thinks he's pretty and would be nice to snog on occasion.
She holds her muffin in her teeth and sits at her table, opening the book on the top of her stack. She focuses solely on her studies during the meal, purposefully ignoring the butterflies in her gut at the memory of Jame's grin.
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Good hair, y'say?
I should say mine is Potter. Of course, you obviously agree, considering your thing for gingers. But, yours isn't bad either.
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do you ever get the feeling that you're missing the mark?
Annie struggled to take off her shoulder-pads. She hated this feeling. It was inadequacy and while she wasn't familiar with it, she hated the rare occasion that it happened. Taking a deep breath, Annie felt around in her napsack to find her cigs. Lighting one, she attempted to regain control of her situation. She was the new keeper for Ravenclaw. She had acquired the position not by skill, but moreover because no one else had tried out for keeper after she had declared that she wanted the position. It wasn't that people feared her (admittedly it might have been that to a degree, she mused) but her fellow Ravenclaws had realized long ago it was easier to not fight Annie when she wanted something bad enough.
As she took a deep drag on her cigarette, she made a decision. The only way to get better was, obviously, practice. Regardless of her aching back and arse, she would have to just try more. If only she could find someone to scrimmage with her...
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theblackdogstar replied to your post: So we can all assume that Sirius only sings to get...
ooc: He doesn´t need to sing for that ;) :D
lmao that's fucking true.
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So we can all assume that Sirius only sings to get in a girl's knickers, correct?
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Love, can you not talk so loud? We drank everything.
owls from last night
dorcas to annie:
On a scale of 1 to last weekend, how hungover are you?
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It's nice to be back. I hope you all missed me.
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that was a good hogsmeade trip!
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