Right Louise is being restarted. I’m going to keep the posts from before because it’s nice to read back, but from now on Loo is back to the start and as she is now. 
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“Yeah, it went well.” She sad as she sat in, “I only rambled a little bit and that was about you, so it went okay.” She smiled. “Right, good... He doesn’t usually fall asleep that quickly... but I guess he’s had a busy day with Una...” She smiled back trying not to over think. 
Premiere || Ben and Loo
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Ben sat in the car waiting for Loo,  he quickly rang Una to find out how Thomas was. She told him he was already asleep on her sofa snuggled up in a blanket. WHen he saw Loo coming back he said goodbye and opened the door for her, “so how did it go?” he smiled as she got in and the driver headed off towards the part. “The baby is fine,” he told Loo, “passed out already,” he laughed.
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Loo blushed before moving over to talk with some other people that came over. People were leading them out and Loo had to go and answer some questions where she spoke softly. Once she finished she thanked the people and went back to Ben getting in the car and going to the after party.
Premiere || Ben and Loo
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Ben enjoyed watching Loo’s work, and laughed and cried at the right times. \when it was over the audience stood up and clapped, including Ben, he leaned over and kissed Loo. “Don’t tell the others but you stole the show,” he winked before going back to clapping and congratulating Andrew on the film. When they were done they all headed to the after party.
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Loo rubbed the back on his hand with her thumb, she was so grateful to him for going all of this and helping her through it all. Loo rested her head on Ben’s shoulder for some of the film watching quietly and watching others reactions. When Ben laughed at one point Loo giggled and Daniel looked over. “He’s really sweet Louise, I’m glad someone is looking after you.” He said before looking back to the film. 
Premiere || Ben and Loo
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Ben gave Andrew a hug and a pat on the back they had a catch up but his hand was always holding Loo’s just to remind her that he was there for her. Once the film started they quietened down and watched the film - Ben getting really into it. 
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“Thanks Hunny...” She said softly. She stayed close to him as they walked in and she sat down, Daniel sat down on her side and Andrew Scott sat down down next to Ben. 
Premiere || Ben and Loo
Ben smiled as she spoke and kissed her back once she had finished talking, “I’m so excited to see it,” he grinned, “I’m sure you’ll be fab.” He took her hand and gave it a kiss before they walked into the theatre together and found their seats which had the perfect view.
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“I’m good” she said holding him close. “It’s nice to see so many people out there to celebrate the film.” She said and blushed hiding her face in his chest. “It’s done and now you get to see the film...” She said with a giggle and moved up and kissed him.
Premiere || Ben and Loo
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Ben smiled keeping Loo close to him at all times, his fingers locked with hers and they didn’t unlock until they were at the other end of the red carpet where he then wrapped his arm around his waste. “Wow, those things are always manic,” he chuckled, “you okay?”
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“Always.” She smiled and climbed out of the car and walked around to stand next to Ben. She smiled as the camera’s flashed, she moved closer to Ben and intertwined their fingers. 
Premiere || Ben and Loo
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Ben grinned at her, “Me too, as much as I like going out to these sort of events I much prefer being at home with you,” he smiled, wrapping his arm around her. They made small talk as they drove to the venue. “Ready to rock and roll?” He asked as they pulled up at the start of the small red carpet.
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Loo rolled her eyes at him. “Fine yes, away.” She giggled and rested her head on his shoulder, “Thank you hunny.” She said before looking him up and down, “I have to say the same back to you, and part of me is glad we’ve got the house to ourself tonight” She winked at him and giggled. 
Premiere || Ben and Loo
“Exactly, and we’re going to enjoy it so no more going on your phone, not unless it’s an emergency,” he said raising an eyebrow. He rested a hand over both her smaller hands keeping them still as he could see how nervous she was. “You look stunning by the way,” he smiled kissing her cheek.
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Loo walked out to the car with him and climbed in, she took her phone out and flipped it over in her hand she shook her head before placing it in her bag again. She took Ben’s hand, “We haven’t been to one of these for a while.” 
Premiere || Ben and Loo
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He smiled as she sorted out his tie, “thanks, I can never get the damn thing straight,” he laughed. “Yeah, I’m ready when you are,2 he nodded wrapping his arm around her as they walked out their flat door and he locked it behind him before giving her the keys to put in her bag. Their car was outside waiting for them so he opened the door for her before getting in to join her.
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Constellations rehearsal photos (Part 3)(1)(2)
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“I know, I know.” She said and tucked her hair back around her ears. She smiled as he kissed her forehead and she moved and straightened his tie. She moved and checked her phone once more before putting it in her handbag and placing that on her shoulder. “We’re ready yeah?”
Premiere || Ben and Loo
Ben had the rest of his make up done before trying to straighten out his tie, “I’m almost ready,” he called out from the bedroom. He played with the tie for a couple of moments before giving up and joining Loo in the living room. “You look gorgeous,” he smiled, “you just need to relax, deep breath, he’s going to be fine” he smiled kissing her forehead.
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Louise Brealey in Inspector George Gently
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Louise Brealey as Jo Parker in Inspector George Gently [1/?]
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Benedict on Sherlock and Molly relationship. (c)
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Premiere || Ben and Loo
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Louise was stood in their flat moving around making sure she had everything, someone had come and done her makeup so she was trying not to smudge it. “The car will be here in a minute.” She said automatically putting baby wipes in her hand bag. They had taken Thomas’ to Una’s earlier that day and she was taking him out before taking him to Ben’s mum’s who was looking after him over night, which scared the hell out of Loo so she was rather panicky over the whole day.
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“Right so I’ve messaged them to say I’m wearing the sparkely one.” Loo smiled and walked over to her boys. “Are you cute in that.”
Late Night Struggles || Ben and Loo
He smiled as she went to get changed before crouching down and watching Thomas jump around, “woah, look at you little springy man,” he chuckled. He leaned in and kissed him on the forehead, “I love you too little one.”
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