arielle-nova · 1 month
Honestly, I think it might’ve played a role in the war. However, again, I see Michael being a victim just like the 7 brothers. I doubt jealousy was the sole motive for casting Lucifer out. If anything, it might’ve played a role, but I’d like to think that Father got into Michael’s head once again.
The Root of Michael’s Insecurity
•Michael hasn’t been revealed in game, and we don’t even know if every time we’ve met him, it’s actually been him.
•We learned a little bit about the Celestial Realm through one of the latest moments in game. Which deals with “Father”
I honestly doubt there is an antagonist in this game. This game isn’t surrounded by the “hero vs. villain” concept. It’s mainly about broken characters trying their best to improve themselves. I feel like it’s obvious that Michael is also a broken character. From when we’ve met him (the moments we believe we did, at least) he’s always hid himself. Even when we did meet him in person (not in his own skin) he didn’t give off much confidence to me. To me, Michael seems like a very insecure person.
•However, I believe that ties into “Father” who I assume is Obey Me’s version of God.
I believe Michael’s insecurities didn’t stem from Lucifer simply existing. It might be a far stretch with pretty much zero evidence, but it’s a belief.
I think Father has a role in Michael’s insecure behavior, a major role at that. Clearly Lucifer was the pride of the Celestial Realm, which makes me wonder if he was what Father took pride in. I know it’s far fetched, but hear me out:
Favoritism Between Siblings:
•Lucifer was given the Ring of Light and Michael was given the Ring of Wisdom. While the Ring of Light was made from gold/silver, the Ring of Wisdom was made of brass/iron. That’s a big difference. (Like, c‘mon, at least give Michael silver.) If these were given to each by Father, which I assume they are, that’s clear favoritism. The sheer difference in material alone shows who was the clear favorite.
If I’m being honest, that’s really all the evidence I have of clear favoritism as we don’t know a lot about the Celestial Realm and Father. Hell, we know almost nothing about Michael and other Angels. However, this small, vague amount of evidence still leads me to believe Father has some role to play in the way Michael turned out.
•Michael’s insecure, I feel like that should be a given. He hides himself every time we meet him. Whether it be from a ray of light or even someone else’s body, we never see Michael. This is a man who is hiding himself, it’s a part of his character. Again, insecurity doesn’t stem from someone simply existing. I say, Father’s favoritism is the root of the problem.
•I say Father has favorites between all his children, and Michael is not one of them. Michael being the one Father looks past could be the root of his insecure behavior. It could be why he doesn’t show his face: he is the opposite of Lucifer. Michael is the opposite of Father’s favorite, looks wise at least. It’s been said that Michael and Lucifer are opposites, and Lucifer seems to be Father’s favorite. Michael being very loyal to Father, yet not being his favorite had to take a toll of what he thought of himself. His own creator chose another over him, instead of being fair to each. To add, this might also be the root of Michael’s obsession with Lucifer.
An Obsession Caused By Insecurity:
•It’s been said that Michael was a bit of a creep and has an obsession with Lucifer. He would sneak into Lucifer’s room and even had a shrine with his things. This isn’t even an attachment, it’s a major obsession. I’d say, Michael is obsessed with Lucifer because he’s Father’s vision of perfection. Michael is not the favorite, probably not even after the war. Michael probably found flaw after flaw in himself because of the favoritism Father (shamelessly?) displayed. He doesn’t look like Lucifer, he doesn’t look like Father’s favorite. He probably thought that Lucifer must’ve been what everyone thought was perfection. He must have thought that he was completely flawed because he wasn’t Lucifer.
•If anything, the shrine could be to showcase to Michael what he wished he could be. The thing he desired most, his ideal way of showing himself. Sneaking into the room is creepy in itself. I can’t defend that in any way. But, I’d say Michael did it because he wished to be close to what he wanted for himself.
•Michael most likely found himself pointing out every little thing about his personality and visuals. That’s probably why he hides himself. He looks nothing like Lucifer and is so insecure about it he doesn’t want to be seen. The favoritism got to his head and he sees himself as imperfect.
The Final Statement:
•Michael’s insecure behavior didn’t come from nowhere. I haven’t seen anyone dive into why Michael would be insecure, and I see why: There’s little to zero evidence about the reason. We know nothing about him, and I think that’s the point.
Michael is very insecure, I’ve said that many times. His insecure attitude towards himself probably came from Father and his favoritism. The whole Ring of Light and Wisdom situation, Lucifer being the pride of the Celestial Realm, all of it must’ve come to a head. It most likely broke Michael knowing he would never be Father’s favorite. He is Lucifer’s polar opposite by looks, and most likely personality. They have different interests, styles of punishment, and completely different personalities from the way Michael has acted in the past.
•Not only has Michael hid himself behind someone else’s body, but when in his true body, his first instinct was to run. When Raphael confronted him about his actions, he ran. He physically ran away from his problem. That’s insecurity in its finest form. Again, coming from favoritism. He isn’t Lucifer. He isn’t confident and prideful like him. He doesn’t seem to exert confidence, not the way Lucifer does, at least.
This may or may not be true. It’s a speculation and I had to read far between the lines for this idea.
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arielle-nova · 1 month
The Root of Michael’s Insecurity
•Michael hasn’t been revealed in game, and we don’t even know if every time we’ve met him, it’s actually been him.
•We learned a little bit about the Celestial Realm through one of the latest moments in game. Which deals with “Father”
I honestly doubt there is an antagonist in this game. This game isn’t surrounded by the “hero vs. villain” concept. It’s mainly about broken characters trying their best to improve themselves. I feel like it’s obvious that Michael is also a broken character. From when we’ve met him (the moments we believe we did, at least) he’s always hid himself. Even when we did meet him in person (not in his own skin) he didn’t give off much confidence to me. To me, Michael seems like a very insecure person.
•However, I believe that ties into “Father” who I assume is Obey Me’s version of God.
I believe Michael’s insecurities didn’t stem from Lucifer simply existing. It might be a far stretch with pretty much zero evidence, but it’s a belief.
I think Father has a role in Michael’s insecure behavior, a major role at that. Clearly Lucifer was the pride of the Celestial Realm, which makes me wonder if he was what Father took pride in. I know it’s far fetched, but hear me out:
Favoritism Between Siblings:
•Lucifer was given the Ring of Light and Michael was given the Ring of Wisdom. While the Ring of Light was made from gold/silver, the Ring of Wisdom was made of brass/iron. That’s a big difference. (Like, c‘mon, at least give Michael silver.) If these were given to each by Father, which I assume they are, that’s clear favoritism. The sheer difference in material alone shows who was the clear favorite.
If I’m being honest, that’s really all the evidence I have of clear favoritism as we don’t know a lot about the Celestial Realm and Father. Hell, we know almost nothing about Michael and other Angels. However, this small, vague amount of evidence still leads me to believe Father has some role to play in the way Michael turned out.
•Michael’s insecure, I feel like that should be a given. He hides himself every time we meet him. Whether it be from a ray of light or even someone else’s body, we never see Michael. This is a man who is hiding himself, it’s a part of his character. Again, insecurity doesn’t stem from someone simply existing. I say, Father’s favoritism is the root of the problem.
•I say Father has favorites between all his children, and Michael is not one of them. Michael being the one Father looks past could be the root of his insecure behavior. It could be why he doesn’t show his face: he is the opposite of Lucifer. Michael is the opposite of Father’s favorite, looks wise at least. It’s been said that Michael and Lucifer are opposites, and Lucifer seems to be Father’s favorite. Michael being very loyal to Father, yet not being his favorite had to take a toll of what he thought of himself. His own creator chose another over him, instead of being fair to each. To add, this might also be the root of Michael’s obsession with Lucifer.
An Obsession Caused By Insecurity:
•It’s been said that Michael was a bit of a creep and has an obsession with Lucifer. He would sneak into Lucifer’s room and even had a shrine with his things. This isn’t even an attachment, it’s a major obsession. I’d say, Michael is obsessed with Lucifer because he’s Father’s vision of perfection. Michael is not the favorite, probably not even after the war. Michael probably found flaw after flaw in himself because of the favoritism Father (shamelessly?) displayed. He doesn’t look like Lucifer, he doesn’t look like Father’s favorite. He probably thought that Lucifer must’ve been what everyone thought was perfection. He must have thought that he was completely flawed because he wasn’t Lucifer.
•If anything, the shrine could be to showcase to Michael what he wished he could be. The thing he desired most, his ideal way of showing himself. Sneaking into the room is creepy in itself. I can’t defend that in any way. But, I’d say Michael did it because he wished to be close to what he wanted for himself.
•Michael most likely found himself pointing out every little thing about his personality and visuals. That’s probably why he hides himself. He looks nothing like Lucifer and is so insecure about it he doesn’t want to be seen. The favoritism got to his head and he sees himself as imperfect.
The Final Statement:
•Michael’s insecure behavior didn’t come from nowhere. I haven’t seen anyone dive into why Michael would be insecure, and I see why: There’s little to zero evidence about the reason. We know nothing about him, and I think that’s the point.
Michael is very insecure, I’ve said that many times. His insecure attitude towards himself probably came from Father and his favoritism. The whole Ring of Light and Wisdom situation, Lucifer being the pride of the Celestial Realm, all of it must’ve come to a head. It most likely broke Michael knowing he would never be Father’s favorite. He is Lucifer’s polar opposite by looks, and most likely personality. They have different interests, styles of punishment, and completely different personalities from the way Michael has acted in the past.
•Not only has Michael hid himself behind someone else’s body, but when in his true body, his first instinct was to run. When Raphael confronted him about his actions, he ran. He physically ran away from his problem. That’s insecurity in its finest form. Again, coming from favoritism. He isn’t Lucifer. He isn’t confident and prideful like him. He doesn’t seem to exert confidence, not the way Lucifer does, at least.
This may or may not be true. It’s a speculation and I had to read far between the lines for this idea.
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arielle-nova · 1 month
Welcome to my Corner!
•I go by Arielle on here, pronouns are she/her
•I make Angelology content for the most part and even do some from fandoms (Obey Me mostly) Or I make them from my own thoughts from my personal creative works
•I am an aspiring author that loves anything to do with Angels and mythology in general
•I can do character analyses on characters from games, shows, movies, etc. (Or mythology)
•I’m a huge nerd when it comes to mythology (Greek, Norse, Roman, etc)
•I’m a Michael enthusiast (Obey Me Michael) *Even though we have only scraps about his character*
•I also absolutely love Raphael from Obey Me, same as Michael
•I have my own ideas from my personal creative writing projects. (Angelology sometimes other mythologies)
•I’m always open to request and more!
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