arkham-anarchist · 1 year
*kicks down the fucking door*
guess whos back
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arkham-anarchist · 2 years
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arkham-anarchist · 2 years
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arkham-anarchist · 2 years
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arkham-anarchist · 2 years
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Bless me father for I have sinned.
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arkham-anarchist · 2 years
Wanna starta post more on here again lol
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arkham-anarchist · 2 years
99.9% of “fiction effects reality” arguments are genuinely just people being uneducated, but instead of vying for a better education system everyone thinks the solution is to dumb everything down to a toddlers reading comprehension
Which is frankly a disservice to toddlers because small children are literally sponges for knowledge and incredibly intelligent but lack the skills to convey this
Like. The jaws effect? That’s just people not knowing about sharks
People buying Dalmatians after seeing 101 Dalmatians?? That’s just people not knowing you should research dogs before buying them. Which, as someone who has gone to school for dog training, lemme tell you that just happens every day anyway regardless of the influence of fictional dogs.
I saw someone use Minecraft letting you feed parrots cookies and people doing that irl and killing their birds as evidence that fiction effects reality and bro??? That’s just evidence that those people don’t know how to use google to look up “can parrots eat cookies”????? I literally google everything I give to my pets to make sure it’s safe, that’s not fiction effecting reality that’s just you being a bad pet owner??
Also please note literally nothing referenced here is “problematic media”, I referenced a classic horror film and a childrens movie, both of which are so popular I could say those titles to anyone and they’d probably know what I was talking about.
Like maybe the solution to all these problems actually isn’t to erase problematic media from human consumption at all but to encourage people to ask questions and do their own research into things, instead of blindly following whatever they read or watch. But a lot of y’all don’t wanna do that because
A. It means people will question YOU
B. It means you might have to question yourself
C. It’s hard to strive for a better educational system and easier to blame fiction
And coincidentally, creating a better educational system would probably eliminate those first two problems by teaching people that it’s ok to question yourself and others, getting rid of the idea that being wrong or making a mistake is an inherent human flaw that makes you a bad person.
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arkham-anarchist · 2 years
completely untested theory but
i think not only has social media eroded ideas of privacy (”if you have nothing to hide why do you care?”), but in a much more harmful way it promotes the notion that there should be no difference between public thoughts and private behaviour. But this is totally bogus because people behave differently according to different situations. This isn’t being “fake”; it’s just being proficient at navigating social situations.
The way I behave with my friends and my family, the way I behave in private, is not for public consumption. Nor should it be. Publicness is a matter of choice, it shouldn’t be mandatory. People are not entitled to anyone’s private thoughts on anything. People have a right to decide what they wish to show in public and what they wish to hide from public view and consumption.
This separation is vital not only for people as social beings, but for their mental well-being as well. There’s literally no upside to feeling that your self is constantly out there for everyone to see and dissect.
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arkham-anarchist · 2 years
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🌟🌊Dark Mer x Pirate🌊🌟
Feel free to use with credit <3
Requests open!!
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arkham-anarchist · 2 years
a pirate who always gets the most money for their treks because they’re able to go through the land of the sirens without ever getting thrown off-course
a siren who was never allowed to sing with his sisters because no man would ever fall for a male siren
a late at night voyage where a lonely siren boy sings a song and a lonely pirate cannot help but be drawn towards him
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arkham-anarchist · 2 years
when you try to reblog a post but it’s tagged “freaks dni” and your hand singes and burns like when a demon touches the bible
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arkham-anarchist · 2 years
“do NOT tag this generic textpost i made with fandom stuff” my brother in christ you’re posting on tumblr 
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arkham-anarchist · 2 years
I’m like knee deep in my tired bitter bitch energy tonight so I just wanna say from the bottom of my heart: DNI’s are the most performative form of activism, right up there with most callout posts and policing fanfiction/fanart/peoples personal sexuality and gender labels
Don’t get me wrong I’m sure they have their uses yeah but about 99.9% of the time I never actually see them being used correctly
Like if I had a nickel for every “TERFs, Nazis, etc” or “usual DNI criteria” I’ve seen I wouldn’t even need to work
I get wanting to make it clear that your blog isn’t a safe space for certain people and that certain people aren’t welcome but over half the time I see these blogs spouting Radfem and white nationalist rhetoric anyway so I’m pretty sure most of you are just kinda parroting things that sound like good talking points without doing any of the research
I’d also be rich if I had a nickel for every person who’s followed me while having my exact content listed in their DNI. I’d think if it’s that much of an issue you’d be scouring blogs to make sure they DONT post that content.
Or then I get DMs from people bitching me out for not reading their DNI, when I reblogged the post they’re talking about from another blog, who reblogged it from another blog, and another blog.
Like I’m sorry but you just can’t regulate the internet like that. I understand setting boundaries and wanting to make it clear that you‘re blog isn’t meant as a place for people to be hateful and bigoted - but I feel like your actions should do that on their own. Like no I don’t think any TERFs are following me, probably cause I have a bunch of posts in obvious support of trans people and actively against Radfem ideology. No I don’t think any Nazis are following me, because I’ve made it very clear what I stand for and that it does not align with their views. They’d get nothing out of being here except annoyance and anger.
DNI’s work for like, following, I GUESS??? But a lot of the people listed probably don’t give a shit anyway? This isn’t a testament to the person making the DNI but moreso to the fact that I don’t think Nazis are gonna see “Nazis dni” and go “Aw shucks guess I better leave :/“
Idk like. I’ve seen them used well, yeah. I can understand the appeal. But I think a LOT of you lean way too heavily on a series of words on a screen instead of curating your own media consumption and making your own view points on things known. Also I don’t see what the point of DNI’s is if you yourself don’t even follow your own listed criteria. I’m sure at one point these had a genuine use but at this point I think so many people have just slapped them on their blog so they look ✨woke✨ without actually knowing what any of the words mean or what ideologies are behind them or even really caring that much about them in general.
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arkham-anarchist · 2 years
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My boy Jerome needs some love. So enjoy a random gifset of Season 4.
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arkham-anarchist · 2 years
anits really fucking hate survivors and it’s extremely gross. making someone tell you their trauma (and then usually going to invalidate it anyway) is gross. people don’t owe you explanations on why they do things that don’t hurt people. just block and move on.
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arkham-anarchist · 2 years
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You hear them pass a bill Rehearse your foolish drill Walk along your treadmill Until you lose desire
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arkham-anarchist · 2 years
i literally cant with Jerome’s body language whenever he’s with Bruce. it screams possessiveness on so many levels
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