arredoval · 7 months
Safe for now. It does still forcefully install XIGNCODE3, but you can switch back to GameGuard and then remove XIGNCODE3 safely. Remember to delete it from registry, too.
Still no word from Sega about how long they plan to keep GameGuard around, and it's not very likely that they'll keep it forever. Why pay for two anticheat contracts, after all.
Even with Sega using the least aggressive configuration for XIGNCODE3, that doesn't mean it's not a privacy concern. Yes, GameGuard and XIGNCODE3 collect mostly the same data, but the big difference is that XIGNCODE3 sends that data off without consent when tripped. GameGuard only dumps it into crash logs, which you then have the option of sending for troubleshooting purposes. Or at least, as far as I know that's how they've both worked. Any time I've asked the people who pick these things apart, they brush me and everyone else off with "Everything's spying on you so don't worry about it", so who knows ¯_(ツ)_/¯
Best news regarding that is that their configuration for XIGNCODE3 doesn't disallow Linux, so if you're both super worried about privacy and super unwilling to quit, using a virtual machine is about as easy as it can get. You'll just have to go the extra steps to mask that it's a virtual machine, since anticheats really don't like those. Bastards.
(I, an idiot, didn't read up on recent news and launched it thinking my existing install would be opt-out rather than opt-in, and XIGNCODE3 did not like the tools I had open for archival work that had nothing to do with the game. Wonder if that'll come back to bite me.)
I doubt there's anyone around still, but anyone who still follows this blog and plays PSO2 or NGS should really look into how horribly invasive Wellbia's XIGNCODE is.
The short version is: It records all file activity in a 48 hour period and will send that list off if you trip the anticheat (for which numerous false positives are possible). It is buried deep enough in your system that it takes registry editing to remove even after uninstalling the game. It bogs down your system and causes performance issues. We do not know if it will be installed on our systems regardless of opting out to continue using GameGuard instead.
I'll be uninstalling if that's so. I've been with the Phantasy Star series since PSO1 on Gamecube, but this is enough to finally get me to throw Sega out.
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arredoval · 7 months
I doubt there's anyone around still, but anyone who still follows this blog and plays PSO2 or NGS should really look into how horribly invasive Wellbia's XIGNCODE is.
The short version is: It records all file activity in a 48 hour period and will send that list off if you trip the anticheat (for which numerous false positives are possible). It is buried deep enough in your system that it takes registry editing to remove even after uninstalling the game. It bogs down your system and causes performance issues. We do not know if it will be installed on our systems regardless of opting out to continue using GameGuard instead.
I'll be uninstalling if that's so. I've been with the Phantasy Star series since PSO1 on Gamecube, but this is enough to finally get me to throw Sega out.
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arredoval · 11 months
are you gonna post stuff again?
Who may I ask is calling
I don't sign in here very much anymore. I did have a folder of stuff I meant to queue up but it seems so mundane and not worth it anymore. I also don't really take shots that would end up in the pudding tag anymore, so I don't have much new stuff even though I'm still playing NGS.
So I don't know. Should I dump my dumb crap in my queue?
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arredoval · 3 years
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Just kidding. I’m doing things last minute way too often…
Merry Christmahannukwanzadan and a happy new year.
…All the dots got messed up with tumblr’s compression. Please full view.
Full size
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arredoval · 4 years
I’ve been meaning to post an awful lot of screenshots, but I’ve felt too guilty to. A very nice person offered to host my crap after I’d asked for recommendations a while ago, and I pretty much stopped making progress on moving everything over there.... approximately right after I got the CSS how I wanted it. lol (I partially blame that whole ordeal for my entirely burnt out motivation. what a nightmare it is if you don’t know CSS.)
I feel bad that I basically haven’t done anything with this nice offer of theirs, and posting all this videogame stuff shows how little I’ve been working on it. It’s just been difficult to focus on anything for real the past... long time. Everything is really, really scary and I just want to sleep until this stupid country gets its shit together. I’ve checked my voter registration like every week out of paranoia and I’m ready to stand in whatever line at the polls wearing a mask and catch c19 anyway and maybe die from it.
I’ll load up my queue again, I think.
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arredoval · 4 years
I’m mad that the only act of defiance I can muster up is to delete the 4th of july screenshots.
This country is fucked.
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arredoval · 5 years
I am filled with anxiety.
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arredoval · 5 years
I’d like to ask for a recommendation from anyone who can give one.
So I used to have an actual website at one point. Like an actual site I could upload files directly to and had its own domain name and I could do whatever the hell I wanted with it.
I posted a lot of different stuff there, but it was mostly for song lyrics. Japanese songs with their lyrics romanized, translated into English, and some times even adapted to fit for English vocals.
The person who hosted me let me go a few years ago, so I was in the process of moving (and improving along the way) everything to a tumblr blog. I never finished, and I don’t think I want to now. While tumblr is still an excellent platform for browsing that kind of content when done right (I originally built my site using nothing but html; navigation is important and I know how to make navigating a tumblr blog easy), the banning of various content back in December and the loss of many accounts (both due to said content and from p●rn bots stealing them) and user trust has me not really wanting to continue with tumblr anymore.
So I want a different platform on which to post things like those song lyrics. Somewhere I can post all my crap in an organized fashion, rather than spreading it out near anonymously over a thousand wikis that are specific to games and anime. But I’m not very familiar with the landscape of the grand ol’ internet these days, so I don’t know what’s good. Pillowfort look(s/ed?) good, but it’s still not out of closed beta and seems to be taking its sweet time getting anywhere. Not to mention it may not even succeed.
I’ve looked at Wordpress (my old site was powered by it with a custom CSS eventually), but it seems that unless you’re willing to give them money to use a custom CSS, your options for layouts are pretty awful for navigation between hundreds of pages. Or maybe I’m not looking hard enough. But I’m not sure how well Wordpress works for exposure anymore.
So where should I go with my suitcase of many things of varying quality? Ask box is open, anon is on.
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arredoval · 5 years
My backups are done...
Now to sleep for 500 years and clean up the digital mess I made along the way. Like stuffed full client order lists.
Happy protesting tomorrow.
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arredoval · 5 years
Ever been so angry that you puke
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arredoval · 5 years
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My attempt to make the meme sweater into an acceptable piece of clothing.
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arredoval · 5 years
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The sharpness of the water line is just a little too jarring when it’s over such a strange shape of sand.
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arredoval · 5 years
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I tried to cosplay Endrance.
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arredoval · 5 years
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arredoval · 5 years
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Please... don’t spawn this trial when I’m using DB...
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arredoval · 5 years
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I don’t like pushing the camera into enemy models.
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arredoval · 6 years
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Nicole found a long lost family member.
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