ask-kiadi · 1 year
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Name: Kiadi (pronounced “key-o [like the first ‘o’ in operation] - dee”)
Bio (to be updated as the plot progresses): An amnesiac Obstagoon with an unusual color palette, he wakes in an unfamiliar land and must find the answers to unlocking his past… and his future.
Personality: Normally stoic, but prone to fits of sudden anger. An opportunist, he takes whatever advantage he can get, however underhanded it might be. Despite that, he has a strong sense of justice, and absolutely no patience for evildoers.
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ask-kiadi · 1 year
(OOC Information post):
Hi! I’ve been wanting to start an askblog for a while, and figured now would be the best time.
This askblog will have a general plot, and may contain dark or sensitive themes, such as trauma (and/or abuse), violence, and perhaps even character death. If it comes to that, there will be a content warning, as well as a “post skip” that will convey any events within the post without the potentially triggering themes.
This is a very story-heavy askblog. I consider it most akin to the “flake n rudy” askblog, in that asks can (of course) be sent and received, but they will have NO bearing on the actual plot. Asks here will primarily be for fun character interactions (and also for cool drawings). If you are alright with all that, please… feel free to ask away. :)
Please keep in mind that I am still new to this whole askblog thing, and I haven’t quite grasped how to use Tumblr yet, so please let me know if there are any formatting errors (especially since I am exclusively a mobile user), or anything like that!
I’ll have a short character info post up (as of this first OOC post being typed), and then I’ll hopefully be able to get the story rolling, and the asks incoming (or outgoing!) :)
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