ask-the-kh-crew · 2 months
hey sora! i hope you're having a good day. what's your favourite colour?
Sora: "Hi and thank you! Hope you're having a great day too, wherever or whoever you are :) Mmm, let's see... I like red because I think it looks really good on me, I like blue because it makes me think of-
Wait a second, didn't I answer this question already?
I totally did!
Well, I guess I could just tell you about the colors I left out of my previous answer! I like violet because-"
Donald: "Hey, no fair! You already got me to answer this one, why not let us answer it?"
Sora: "Yeah but- alright, go ahead!"
Donald: "I love gold: how it sparkles, how rare it is, how much munny you can make by selling gold... Hey Sora, are we gonna revisit Agrabah anytime soon?"
Sora: "Don't think so!"
Donald: "Awww..."
Jiminy: "I greatly appreciate the white color of a blank page, because it's just waiting for you to fill it up with inked knowledge! I'll admit the Gummiphone is very useful, but I do miss that feeling of carrying my books around..."
Goofy: "Gawrsh, I don't really got an explanation for why green's my favorite, I just think it looks good on me! What about you, Pluto?"
Pluto: "Woof!"
Sora: "Uhm... let's just assume that's yellow."
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ask-the-kh-crew · 3 months
Don't know if anyone asks this yet or not, but uh, Roxas, do you ever think you'll forgive Riku for what he did in the past to both you and Xion? Like maybe not even fully forgive him, just enough to tolerate being around him if that makes any sense. If not, do you think the two of you will just fight it out here and there out of spite?
Again sorry if I made no sense ^^'
Makes a lot of sense, actually. It's something I used to think about a lot.
It's difficult for me to imagine fully getting over what happened, having everything taken away from us. Even now that we're together again, it hurts to think about the time we spent apart. And when I think about that hurt, I think about Riku.
But I also think about Xehanort, and the way he ruined the lives of so many people aside from us. The more I learn about him from the others, the more I realise how we were all just puppets or pawns to him. It was all so much bigger than me, Xion and Riku. Both of them did what they did because of DiZ and Saïx, and they only did what they did because of Xemnas and the fake Ansem. And in the end, they're the fault of Xehanort, so it always comes back to him...
Plus, if I'm gonna stay mad at Riku for trying to sacrifice me and Xion for some guy I didn't even know, I'd have to blame Xion, too. And there's no way I'd ever do that, so whenever I blame Riku I feel kinda bad. He'd do anything for Sora, in the same way I'd do anything for Xion. Speaking of Sora: when I first disappeared inside Sora's heart, I could still feel and think a little bit, and all I felt was anger. Anger at Riku and this guy he sacrificed everything in my life for. But then, I got to know him a little more, and I saw just how much light was inside him. I accepted that it really had to be him, because he was the one that could bring everyone back. And after seeing him reunite all of us, I can't help but feel like Riku knew he was gonna do that all along. He trusted him, and now I do too. He makes a good other, after all.
Anyway, Xion told me her and Riku already talked about it some time ago: the conversation lasted about an hour, and apparently most of it was just Riku apologising to her over and over. But I didn't feel like talking about it (especially not for that long) and I think he knew that, because he didn't try to talk to me one-on-one for a while. Whenever it was just the two of us, there was just a long and awkward silence until one of our friends showed up again.
But then, a couple of weeks ago, he came to my room after visiting Naminé and asked if he could ask me something. He looked kinda nervous and so I assumed he was here to apologise, but then he... asked me if I could teach him how to skateboard.
Yeah, turns out he thinks it looks pretty rad when Sora does it and he wants to impress him, so he came to me for help. For the past couple of months we've been meeting up every Thurday to practice around Market Street, and I'd be lying if I said it wasn't fun (although it'll take a while before he can do mid-air 360s: he's not exactly a natural).
I still don't know if I can ever truly forgive him, but I don't think Riku could ever truly forgive himself either. The least we can do is to try to make the best out of the awful situation we both found ourselves in. And if we still feel some resentment for each other after that, we'll just have to do what Hayner and I always do when we're mad at each other: have a Struggle match to swing the anger out of us and then have ice cream afterwards. Works every time.
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(Xion keeps trying to take pictures of me and Riku together, sometimes without us knowing. I'm not sure why and it's kinda annoying but I just let it happen atp. No photos of us skateboarding tho because "Riku always looks a little like a dork when he does it" and I don't disagree lmao)
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ask-the-kh-crew · 4 months
To the Age of Fairytales kids: How much do you know about *vague gestures* future stuff? Like with Xehanort.
Brain: "The Book Of Prophecies is supposed to be the key to solving the future's mysteries, but as of late I find that it has given me more questions about the future than answers. It does not mention this 'Xehanort' you're speaking of, but maybe I need to study it even more thoroughly. There has to be something..."
Elrena: "I don't know anyone named Xehanort, but it's kind of a lame name if you ask me. Sounds like an old geezer."
Ephemer: "Really? I think it rules! Would name my kid that, honestly."
Player nods.
Lauriam: "I think it has a sort of majestic quality to it. If it's from the future, I guess it might be important to remember it."
Elrena: "Hey, Lauriam? What's up with those two?"
Ventus and Skuld are both standing in the corner, looking incredibly distraught.
Ephemer: "Hey! You two doing alright?"
Ventus: "I don't know...I just got this awful feeling when you guys mentioned that name, but I have no idea why."
Skuld: "Yeah, that's exactly what happened to me, too. I think I might have to stay away from this 'Xehanort'..."
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ask-the-kh-crew · 4 months
H-hey everyone... *sniff* it's SorAaa- AGH- ughh...it's meeee againnnn...
Sorry for not posting for some time, I've really wanted to, I promise, but some things got in the- the- *OUGH OUGH OUGH*
in the way...
So about 10 days ago I decided to actually start working on my Flare-spells again (mostly to get Donald off my back about it), but it's just way too quiet and lonely in Merlin's Forest! So I told Merlin I knew of another forest, (the one in the world of Rapunzel and Flynn!) and asked him if I could train there instead. He said yes, but only if I promised not to get distracted.
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I can't help it, okay?! The festival is just way too much fun, and I'd never pass on the opportunity to dance with Rapunzel and the others again! The problem is that someone there infected me with something, because after that I've been sick and lying in my bed for the past week :c
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I know some of you had questions for the others and I'm sorry you've had to wait for so long! I didn't want to bring my phone to anyone else in fear of making them sick too. And yeah, I could've just sent them my Tumblr password, but if Tron ever found out about that he'd never stop scolding me for it (he values cyber-security above ALL ELSE)!
Anyway, I've been doing a bit better for the last two days, so it seems like I can finally start going outside again soon (playing Classic Kingdom games in your room all day gets so boring after a while). Hope all of you are doing well! This is captain Sora, ou- ahh- AHH-
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...Ehh, out.
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ask-the-kh-crew · 4 months
King Mickey—how is Pluto? 🐾
Gosh, Pluto and I are best buds, but he's so curious about everything around him, he's always running around and into trouble! Every time he gets the opportunity to travel to another world to sniff around, he takes it!
Last week he even ended up at Xion's place in Twilight Town. I wanted to go pick him up right away, but Xion said she'd love to hang out with him again, so now her and Roxas are taking care of him for the month. Xion sends me photos every other hour, and it looks Pluto's smile never fades! Roxas walks him around Sunset Hill every day: Pluto even met a new pal there!
So even though I can't always be next to him, I always trust Pluto's alright. Thanks for asking, pal!
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ask-the-kh-crew · 4 months
Sora, this might sound kinda mundane but what is your favorite color?
Mmm, let's see... I like red because I think it looks really good on me, I like blue because it makes me think of the sea, I like green because it reminds me of the giant trees back home, I like yellow because it reminds me of the Paopu fruit, I like pink because it reminds me of Kairi, I like orange because it's like a sunset, I like white because it's like light and I like purple, black and grey because they remind me of Riku!
It's difficult to pick one, honestly. If I had to narrow it down to three, it would be pink, purple and blue, in that order. Thanks for asking, thinking of an answer wasn't mundane at all!
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ask-the-kh-crew · 4 months
Sora, what if you ask the guy in the Organization Coat if you can meet "The Kiddos From The Age Of Fairytales"? I think it'd be fun for you if he agrees!
I asked him, but he just responded with "As if! We can't risk the hero ruining our big plan right before the finish line!", so I'm guessing that's a no :c Although he did tell me I've apparently already met at least 4 of them, and that they were all there during the big battle on the land where darkness was to prevail and light was to expire...I don't know which 4 people he's talking about specifically, but I hope I can meet them again soon!
That guy in the Organization coat heard that, laughed and mumbled "Might be sooner than you think"...?
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ask-the-kh-crew · 4 months
Ventus and Lea.. Who won the rematch?
Lea: "The kid put up a good fight, for sure! Even tried to do that fancy Icy Slider move without Aqua's help, but my fire melted the ice away before it could hit me. I practically beat him with my raging flames afterwards."
Ventus: "Yeah, right! I still hit you with some really powerful commands Terra taught me recently (also, what do you mean 'kid'? I'm pretty sure we're almost the same age)!"
Lea: "And you think that's enough to take old Axel out? I'll have you know I died and came back many times, but no one axes Axel!"
Ventus: "The real way the fight ended was that he threw his chakras at me at the same time I threw my Keyblade at him, and it caused this AWESOME explosion!"
Lea: "It was pretty rad, but it was so big we got caught by 'responsible adults'."
Ventus: "Aqua wasn't too happy with us: She scolded Lea to hell- I mean, HECK and back."
Lea: "Sometimes I can't help but feel like I'm on thin ice with that woman, but I have no idea why... Oh by the way, Ventus, wanna set things on fire with me, Roxas and Xion later?"
Ventus: "Ooh, you betcha! Oh and thanks for the ask! I like your profile picture!"
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ask-the-kh-crew · 4 months
Sora, what’s your favorite picture you’ve taken?
Ooh, there are so many that I couldn't possibly choose just one! Here are a couple:
Our header image is one of my favorites, but it took a lot of time and coordination to get right. Naminé was too shy to want to be in the photo at first (she insisted we'd take it without her and she'd draw herself in afterwards), Axel kept changing poses because "he wanted people to remember him perfectly", Ventus couldn't stay still and for me it was really difficult to time my jump right for the shot, so at some point we decided that Aqua would just hold me in midair with her magic (see how her right hand isn't visible? It's because she's holding her Keyblade to magically keep me in place)!
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My friends say I always "try to take selfies at the worst possible moments", but I'm always just trying to make the best out of a bad situation!
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Sometimes my Dream Eaters get really quiet and almost seem kinda somber, like they're thinking of someone or something. I wonder why... Anyway, Pence told me to add that text because it would be "dank", whatever that means.
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The Lantern Festival was so pretty! I really wanted to take more photos together with Donald and Goofy, but those Nobodies ruined the moment!
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Uhhh I have no idea how I was able to take a photo of this, I guess you get to keep your Gummiphone even when you break the laws of nature? Those sad stars in The Final World should just communicate with their loved ones through Kingstagram!
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Oh, I made this one while me, Roxas, Xion, Axel, Saïx, Hayner, Pence and Olette were playing hide and seek! I was just hanging out on top of Central Station but it took them hours to find me. Some people need to remember that this place is so much bigger than just the Tram Common, The Mansion and The Clocktower!
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Ventus and Axel wanted a rematch for their sparring match they had when they first met in Radiant Garden, and Roxas and I wanted to watch. Saïx and Xion weren't too happy about it, though :/
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And I think I'll keep it at that for now! Thank you for the ask and I hope I can share more of my photos some other time :)
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ask-the-kh-crew · 4 months
Hey Donald and Goofy! Have you been on any adventures lately?
Goofy: "Gawrsh, thanks for askin'! I guess the last big adventure we had was when we tagged along with Sora and the others to defeat Master Xehanort."
Donald: "And it's a good thing we did, because we were the reason for why he was able to fight back against that beam of darkness Master Xehanort shot!"
Sora: "Do I even need to say it?"
Donald: "But after that it's been pretty quiet, so I finally get to catch up on all my missed dates with Daisy."
Goofy: "Although Donald often insists to join Sora when he goes to different worlds to meet up with his friends!"
Donald: "Well, he may be a full pint now, but he's still got a knack for getting himself into trouble!"
Sora: "Heyyyy! Are you ever gonna stop treating me like a kid?"
Donald: "You ARE a kid! You're 15!"
Sora (mumbles): "15 and a half..."
Donald: "I'll allow you to fight the Heartless by yourself when you've mastered your Flare spells! You're on your phone too often these days!"
Sora: "Aw, but Merlin's lessons can be so boooooringggg..."
Donald: "No excuses!"
Goofy: "A-hyuck, seems like those two'll continue arguin' for a good while, so I'll be the one to wrap this up. Once again thanks for the ask! We may not've gone on many adventures recently, but when something threatens the worlds again, you can count on this Trinity to save the day!
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ask-the-kh-crew · 4 months
Hi everyone! It's me, Sora! I recently got this Gummiphone from Chip and Dale and I thought I should start using it for more things than just calls and selfies (Jiminy often scolds me for taking too many, but it's not my fault his Journal only has storage space for 200 photos)! Naminé and Xion told me about this really fun app called Tumblr (apparently they post their drawings and seashells on here) so I'm gonna try it out!
If you have anything to ask me, my friends or my foes, just send us an ask and we'll answer :) Also, there's this strange guy in an Organization coat who tells me he can take my Gummiphone to people from different times so you can ask them stuff too (like "the kiddos from the age of fairytales")..? Not sure what that's about -and I'm not even sure if I should trust him at all- but hey, the more the merrier!
Looking forward to interacting with all of you! May your heart be your guiding key ♡ This is captain Sora, out!
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(Oh and no inappropriate asks, please! Donald and Goofy said I'm not allowed on the internet anymore if they see anything weird on my phone :c)
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