atypicalgaybookworm · 3 years
A day that gets harder and makes me stronger (TW: Abuse)
Fathers day 2016 was the last day I saw my dad. He was unable to speak but the sparkle in his eye showed that he was proud of me and always would be proud of me today. Sometimes it's hard to find that spark again. The only father figure in my life now is my father in law. He's great but nothing like my biological dad.
And there's the rapist that my mom married. In middle school, he abused me a few times. Then, I remember going to therapy with the rapist and my mom and all he said was "I'm sorry" and that was the end of it. No talk of it, nothing. My rapist still felt me up every now and then.
I remember my mom telling me to never tell my father so I didn't. I now realize it's because he would've done the right thing and call the cops. I still would have to deal with the trauma but I would have respected my mom more since she chose to ignore it so I ignored it until recently.
My wife and therapy have made me stronger and I will keep myself together even through the hard days. I love you dad. I will keep making you proud of me.
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atypicalgaybookworm · 3 years
I knew I wanted to be a teacher when I was young and inspired by everything around me. Part of it was because I loved my teachers. They challenged my brain and gave me courage whenever I was frustrated. My dream of being a teacher never wavered. I threw my high school cap holding onto that dream and went through countless all nighters going through college preparing for my first class. My other inspiration were from my brothers. They have autism and my mom along with myself had to help them through the broken system. Often times they asked me questions of how to socialize with others since their teachers never helped with that. With my childhood knowledge, I went into USD, unaware of the dark times ahead.
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atypicalgaybookworm · 3 years
Testing out first post
Hi nerds and non-nerds! After reflection inside and outside of therapy , I decided to start fresh with a new tumblr. Quick summary about me: I am an educator who got thrown under a bus and now works at a call center. I'm not sure if I plan to give tips or advice for other educators in tough classrooms but I definitely understand that what they teach you in college is not what happens in the classroom. I am happily married to another woman, play video games and read books in-between calls.
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