Cannon in D
Some stories start when a stranger comes to town. Others start when a hero goes on a journey.
This one starts with both.
It was sunrise. The village was slowly waking. Little did they know, a stranger, the likes of whom had never been seen before, was passing through.
The Excitable Knuffel startled, instantly excited.
Izzy grumpily turned over in her bed.
The Excitable Knuffel rushed out the door in his slippers, looking for the parade, or cannon, or both. Preferably both.
He first saw the drum, the obvious culprit of the noise. As someone who made a lot of noise, he was talented at spotting potential sources for it. (And, he thought, he really should have brought his drum. He liked to be prepared for parties, and drums made everything better.)
Then came the sandals, industrially marching. Really, the Excitable Knuffel thought, he should get sandals. Marching looked fun.
Finally, he saw...a bunny? An electric pink bunny? Wearing sunglasses? Stranger things, the Excitable Knuffel supposed.
He bravely approached the stranger, held out a finger in the universal sign for ‘wait,’ and rushed home.
He had a drum to collect, and a parade uniform to change into.
When the Excitable Knuffel was ready, the stranger was inspecting the town square.
BOOM! the Excitable Knuffel greeted cheerfully.
BOOM BOOM BOOM! came the enthusiastic reply.
The Excitable Knuffel turned and started marching. BOOM! Follow me!
(Marching was fun.)
“...and this is my favorite flower, and this is my house, and this road leads back to the town square, and...”
BOOM! BOOM! BOOM! the bunny nodded solemnly.
“...and this is Izzy! Say hi Izzy! I made a new friend!”
BOOM! went the bunny, and Izzy squeaked.
“Izzy’s shy,” explained the Excitable Knuffel, whisper-shouting. “Oh! We should go meet the Queen! Follow me!”
The Energizer Bunny may not be part of the kingdom, but you could be! Come visit!
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Maybe Someday; a kingdom of knuffel fanfiction
“The Queen is here, the Queen is here!” an excitable knuffel announced.
It was a peaceful day—or, it was, until the excitable knuffel made himself known—and the Queen was visiting their village, as she did with many others between her royal duties. It was tradition now, one without remembered origins, much like the Queen herself.
Some things just were.
“Oh, I hope she likes these flowers,” came a soft voice. “I gathered them myself this morning.”
“Don’t worry so much, Izzy,” a knuffel braiding Izzy’s hair replied. “She’ll love them. Just...don’t squeeze them so hard; they’re not trying to run away.”
“I’m just nervous,” Izzy admitted. “The Queen is so kind, and wise, and good. I want to be just like her someday.”
Her friend laughed. “All knuffels are wise, Izzy. We know tomatoes are fruits, but ketchup isn’t jam!”
The excitable knuffel produced drums out of nowhere and started banging them. “We’re going to be LATE!” he warned darkly. “LATE!”
Every knuffel in the village (and some from those nearby) was in the main square, anxiously craning their necks to catch a glimpse of the Queen.
“Oh no,” Izzy moaned. “They all brought flowers. What if the Queen can’t hold them all?”
“I’m sure she thought of everything,” her friend soothed. “Look! She’s there! With a giant basket, too!”
Izzy only saw other knuffels pointing. “I’m too short, and we’re in the back. Maybe we were late, after all.”
“The Queen’s here all day; she’ll be able to meet us, Izzy!” But as the crowd shifted, Izzy and her friend became separated from each other.
Ominously, booming started.
Upon a moment’s reflection, Izzy realized the excitable knuffel had started pounding his drums again.
She hated crowds and noises.
The sun was almost setting, and she had been bustled about all day, politely, as knuffels were gentle souls. But she was about to meet the Queen!
Izzy glanced at the flowers, and her heart sank. They were limp, exactly as her friend had warned. The Queen would probably throw them away. She had so many other, prettier flowers.
At the sound of footsteps and a tinkling laugh, Izzy panicked. She was about to meet the Queen and give her day-old flowers! She couldn’t even look in the Queen’s direction, choosing to look at her feet instead.
“I’m sorry they’re wilted,” Izzy whispered, placing her flowers delicately in the basket. “They were prettier early today.”
The Queen smiled, eyes shining. “Izzy, right?”
Izzy startled. “How - ?”
“I met your friend earlier, and she told me who to look out for.” Lowering her voice conspiratorially, she continued, “Don’t tell anyone, but I used to be shy, too.”
Izzy glanced up in wonder. With a wink and a smile, the Queen was gone.
The Queen used to be like her! Maybe she’d be like the Queen someday, too.
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