avoidantcactus · 6 years
If you don’t have means to a therapist or mental health professional
Check out therapistaid.com. There’s worksheets there that you can download for free.
Of course it would be a lot more beneficial if you have a therapist to help you through it but not everyone has access to one.
It’s a free site where you can have free downloads of worksheets on many things.
If there’s something there that you think would be helpful, print it out and complete the worksheet on your own.
It’s hard to be accountable for yourself but at least there’s a way for you to have some insight and work on yourself.
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avoidantcactus · 6 years
my personal fav anxiety is “i’m in the wrong place” anxiety that isn’t alleviated until u see someone that u know should also be in the same place as u
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avoidantcactus · 6 years
just avoidant things: dreading a long reply from someone you messaged, because then you feel obligated to respond, but when you get a short reply you feel like you’ve annoyed them and so you can never speak to them again
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avoidantcactus · 6 years
my counselor: how are you doing?
me: good, how are you?
my counselor: good, what brings you in today?
me: im doin real bad karen
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avoidantcactus · 6 years
I waste so much valuable time trying to mentally prepare myself to do important things that really aren’t that big of a deal and I’m so jealous of people who can just Do things
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avoidantcactus · 6 years
hey friend
dont kill yourself tonight ok
you have a really pretty smile and i know its not always easy to manage one but itd be a bummer if we never had the chance to see it ever again
youre really important and you matter a lot so stay safe and try and have a nice sleep
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avoidantcactus · 6 years
my friend: [needs comfort]
me: oh Dang what are the Comfort Words
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avoidantcactus · 6 years
HOT TIP read through the notes on this post you guys omg, I have like 6 new strategies to try and everyone is so helpful and empathetic
Ridiculous yet effective ways to deal with Executive Dysfunction
Dealing with executive dysfunction and ADHD becomes so much easier when you stop trying to do things the way you feel like you should be able to do them (like everyone else) and start finding ways that actually work for you, no matter how “silly” or “unnecessary” they seem.
For years my floor was constantly covered in laundry. Clean laundry got mixed in with dirty and I had to wash things twice, just making more work for myself. Now I just have 3 laundry bins: dirty (wash it later), clean (put it away later), and mystery (figure it out later). Sure, theoretically I could sort my clothes into dirty or clean as soon as I take them off and put them away straight out of the dryer, but realistically that’s never going to be a sustainable strategy for me.
How many garbage bins do you need in a bedroom? One? WRONG! The correct answer is one within arms reach at all times. Which for me is three. Because am I really going to get up to blow my nose when I’m hyperfocusing? NO. In allergy season I even have an empty kleenex box for “used tissues I can use again.” Kinda gross? Yeah. But less gross than a snowy winter landscape of dusty germs on my desk.
I used to be late all the time because I couldn’t find my house key. But it costs $2.50 and 3 minutes to copy a key, so now there’s one in my backpack, my purse, my gym bag, my wallet, my desk, and hanging on my door. Problem solved.
I’m like a ninja for getting pout the door past reminder notes without noticing. If I really don’t want to forget something, I make a physical barrier in front of my door. A sticky note is a lot easier to walk past than a two foot high cardboard box with my wallet on top of it.
Executive dysfunction is always going to cause challenges, but often half the struggle is trying to cope by pretending not to have executive dysfunction, instead of finding actual solutions.
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avoidantcactus · 6 years
How you can tell a tv show was written by a man: when periods are an inconvenience in that they make nearby females less fun for men to be around and not because of their ability to cause a week and a half of physical and emotional discomfort and pain to the actual person with a bloody uterus
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avoidantcactus · 6 years
Ridiculous yet effective ways to deal with Executive Dysfunction
Dealing with executive dysfunction and ADHD becomes so much easier when you stop trying to do things the way you feel like you should be able to do them (like everyone else) and start finding ways that actually work for you, no matter how “silly” or “unnecessary” they seem.
For years my floor was constantly covered in laundry. Clean laundry got mixed in with dirty and I had to wash things twice, just making more work for myself. Now I just have 3 laundry bins: dirty (wash it later), clean (put it away later), and mystery (figure it out later). Sure, theoretically I could sort my clothes into dirty or clean as soon as I take them off and put them away straight out of the dryer, but realistically that’s never going to be a sustainable strategy for me.
How many garbage bins do you need in a bedroom? One? WRONG! The correct answer is one within arms reach at all times. Which for me is three. Because am I really going to get up to blow my nose when I’m hyperfocusing? NO. In allergy season I even have an empty kleenex box for “used tissues I can use again.” Kinda gross? Yeah. But less gross than a snowy winter landscape of dusty germs on my desk.
I used to be late all the time because I couldn’t find my house key. But it costs $2.50 and 3 minutes to copy a key, so now there’s one in my backpack, my purse, my gym bag, my wallet, my desk, and hanging on my door. Problem solved.
I’m like a ninja for getting pout the door past reminder notes without noticing. If I really don’t want to forget something, I make a physical barrier in front of my door. A sticky note is a lot easier to walk past than a two foot high cardboard box with my wallet on top of it.
Executive dysfunction is always going to cause challenges, but often half the struggle is trying to cope by pretending not to have executive dysfunction, instead of finding actual solutions.
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avoidantcactus · 6 years
Executive dysfunction is like all of your abilities are on cooldown and you’re mashing buttons to try to do anything but your brain is just like “i can’t do that yet. that’s still recharging. i can’t do that yet. that spell isn’t ready yet. that’s still recharging.”
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avoidantcactus · 6 years
when u have a 2am mental breakdown but u wake up fine the next day
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avoidantcactus · 6 years
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avoidantcactus · 6 years
“This is also a song about those periods that you go through in your life when you are totally mentally ill, right. But I’m serious, because I really strongly think that, like, I think there’s two- well I generally resist there’s ‘two kind of people in this world’ ideas, you know, because I think that can’t be true. If that’s true, then it’s just a football game and we should all play a gigantic football game and whoever wins gets all the toys. But I think there are people who struggle with feeling that they can’t keep it together and then there’s people who are lying. But you have those times, especially for me, if you’re living by yourself where you sort of retreat into your own self a little too hard accidentally, right. And then before you know it, it happens very quietly where you’re suddenly, like, somebody calls you and says, 'Hey man, I was thinking about going to breakfast at Larry’s. You want to go to Larry’s?’ And you just immediately, without thinking about it, go, 'Nah, I don’t think so.“ And this means that you have sort of entered into this other realm. Whereas a month ago, you would have said, 'Yeah, Joe, let’s go to Larry’s. Why not?’ And now, no. This is your best friend, he knows you very well. You could show up in whatever condition you want to and he will understand. But now you’re just instinctively now saying no to everybody because you have now come to this sort of relationship with the room that you live in. And the room has it’s own needs. And it is funny in retrospect, but at the time, it’s this sort of weird dark pact that you make. I consider that environment Satanic in the extreme and when you leave that place, you remember it with fear and trembling.”
— John Darnielle introducing In Memory of Satan, Bottletree on 2013-06-22
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avoidantcactus · 6 years
Good Self/Mental Health Care Apps
Daylio: pictorial mood tracking. Pick a smiley face and current activity to log your emotions at any time throughout the day. Moods and activities are customizable
NotOK: panic button. Set five contacts and write a message to send out during a crisis. In a crisis, hit the button and your contacts will be contacted.
Booster Buddy: wake up the cartoon animal by doing three self care activitities throughout the day. Also has optional activities for a variety of mental health issues, including psychosis.
7 Cups: chat anonymously with a stranger about your problems, get an e-therapist, or participate in a group chat with people with similar struggles. LGBTQ friendly.
Calm Harm: alternatives to self harm, gives you activities to do while you ride out the urge to hurt yourself
Tap Tap Fish: not a self care app, but a very calming game where you grow your own reef. Great way to feel like you’re taking care of something
Symple: symptom tracker app. Allows you to track a variety of symptoms throughout the day
Anyway those are the ones that I know, if anyone wants to feel free to add more!
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avoidantcactus · 6 years
Progress is progress no matter how small it may seem, how long it took, or how many steps back you had to take to achieve it, even a mile started out as an inch
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avoidantcactus · 6 years
Hey pals any recs for like music/general things to do if ur just having the shittiest of shit days & you have no friends around to make you feel better & are too fragile to reach out via text cause that’s where we’re at rn
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