awakenedchaos · 6 years
“There are always flowers for those who want to see them.”
-Henri Matisse
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awakenedchaos · 6 years
One / Ace: New beginnings, first steps, fresh starts, initiation, conception. Leadership, taking action. Planting the seeds of a project, process, ambition, desire, or plan. Testing the waters. Imagination. Potential. Possibilities.
Two: Duality, partnership, cooperation, sharing, equalizing, balancing. Options, the need to make a choice. Separate paths or directions. Togetherness or a need for it. Attraction. Yin and Yang, the harmony or conflict of opposites.
Three: Scattered or coordinated energies in multiplicity. Communication and connection in groups. Creativity, abundance, growth, progress. Fluidity and velocity of a process, forward movement. Acquisition, collecting, gathering.
Four: The structure, the foundation; the basis for fruition. Nurturance, care, maintenance, caution. Securing current progress. A milestone or significant checkpoint. The seeds begin to sprout. Slow advancement, stillness. Patience.
Five: A sudden change, challenge, conflict, obstacle, or new idea/option that disrupts the present process. Crises, instability, chaos. The need to recreate, reroute, re-evaluate, or regroup. Realization, clarity, a change of mind.
Six: Solving or transcending a problem. Finding a new path or an escape route. Support and harmony. Relief and relaxation following adjustment to a new condition or reality. Acceptance, working with the truth/situation.
Seven: A disruptive halt caused by the need for introspection, intuition, reflection, assessment, and consideration. Deep thought, solitude, inspection of the spirit/subconscious. Cultivating faith, openness, & a new perspective.
Eight: Power & mastery. An excess of energy, a culmination, overflow. Using the knowledge gained to start again; rebirth & claiming what’s been earned. A need to purge what is below to make room for what’s above. Accomplishment.
Nine: Completion, the end, finality. Transition, transcendence, transformation. Wisdom. Overwhelm. Letting go. The peak, the final fruition, the harvest. Resting now that it’s all over – grieving or celebrating the results.
Ten: Coming full circle, starting again. Razing after raising; a state of “too much” and needing to purge, cleanse, flush the remains of the prior process or experience. Opening up to release the old, as well as to take in the new.
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awakenedchaos · 6 years
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awakenedchaos · 6 years
‪The March 17th new moon brings in a sense of completion mixed with a new beginning. This wraps up the end of the astrological year. Think how much you have learned since this time last March. A lot changes in a year. Some truths can’t be out run.‬
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awakenedchaos · 6 years
So You Want To Be A Witch
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I’ve seen a few of these posts going around and decided to make my own. I have noticed that a lot of beginner blogs tend to follow me so I wanted to dedicate this post to them, in terms of how I started witchcraft and how I grew to being a part of a coven and in priestess training. This post will contain some UPG and some tips I discovered on my own as well as what others have taught me from their own personal experiences.
Research - Discovery: I believe witchcraft can be discovered in any means necessary. I have talked about before who I discovered witchcraft through a fictional book and a Google definition search. It doesn’t matter if a witch is born into the craft or discovers it on their own, anyone can be a witch. The term witch tends to be accepted as a gender neutral term, so don’t get too hung up over certain titles (i.e. sorceress, warlock, etc.). Everyone is a witch who wishes to be labeled as such. - Resources: You might have seen online that there are certain books that get recommended for those who just want to learn about the craft. The flaw with this is that the list of books you find out are going to depend who you’re asking or where you’re reading a list from. A lot of books that are on these lists have outdated, biased or even unaccredited information that often tends to say things that do not apply to today’s world. Authors that are most recommended are Raymond Buckland, Gerald Gardner, Scott Cunningham, Doreen Valiente, Starhawk, Silver RavenWolf & Margot Adler. While these recommendations are great, as I stated previously the information may not be accurate anymore. Read the books however and see what speaks to you. Intuition is important in witchcraft. - What To Learn First: There may be some debate on what exactly to learn first and it will also depend on what you actually want to learn. From my own UPG, I read on the different types of witchcraft (i.e. energy work, kitchen witch, etc.) and realizing that you don’t have to be pagan to be a witch. However, if that’s something you’d like to do as well, learning the different types of paganism is useful (i.e. wiccan, eclectic, etc.).  It would also be helpful for you to figure out how a basic altar set up should be, what a Book of Shadows (BOS) and a Grimoire are and how to start working on your own, and if you’re delving into the paganism side of witchcraft, if you’re going to be devoting yourself to a certain deity or just call upon the Lord and Lady (again, this is NOT mandatory in witchcraft).
Daily Practice - Getting Started: Once you’ve learned a decent bit and have felt comfortable enough with the knowledge you’ve learned, you can start practicing. I want to note, that you can take however long you’d like to begin actually practicing. If that takes you a week or a year, whatever resonates with you is perfectly fine. - Setting Up Your Altar: It’s important in witchcraft that you have a certain space in order to do your workings in. Some witches are able to have their own room, others tend to place their altar on a dresser in their bedrooms. Whether you’re living alone, with a significant other or with your family, make sure it is a place that ultimately will not be disturbed. If you’re In the Broom Closet or are living with others that you do not wish to know that you’re practicing witchcraft, creating a to-go altar or digital altar would be the best route for you to take. There’s tons of information online, including my own Tumblr, that has altar inspiration. But if you don’t like my own tastes, feel free to do some digging. Most examples are available on this site! - Setting Up Daily Practice: After setting up your altar, it would be ideal for you to begin to set up a practice. What things make you feel more connected with yourself, the universe, deities, etc.? Some examples of doing this are: yoga, gratitude journal, BOS recording, etc. If there’s something you do in the morning, such as exercise, you can even make that witchy. Just about any activity can be spruced up with a bit of witchcraft, go ahead and find out what works best for you. Once you’ve established this routine, STICK TO IT. Make it become second nature to you.
Groups, Covens & Groves! Oh My! - Decide: This is something that is dependent on your own personal comfort. Do you want to continue working alone or do you want to work with others? You can start to work with others right away or even after several years of solitary work. You will eventually come upon varying opinions on the matter, but remember, do what feels best for you. My best friend worked solitary for several years before finding a coven whereas I was searching for one right away, it happens either way. - Finding Others or Groups: If you decide that you’d like to find others or even a group that practices witchcraft, there are a few ways to go about this. There are websites dedicated to finding groups, such as Witchvox and PaganSpace depending upon what needs you have. Other websites will also lead you to these people and groups, such as Facebook or MeetUp. If you know what your practice is, try typing in those keywords. If nothing comes up, type in more generic terms such as ‘‘energy work, healing, pagan, witch, reiki” or similar terms. Keep in mind, this is also dependent upon where you live. If you’re living in the US, the coasts are going to have a better time finding groups and people versus those in the bible belt. Be patient though, the universe provides when asked. There also are organizations that have groups fall under their jurisdiction, such as Ár nDraíocht Féin: A Druid Fellowship (ADF). If you join these organizations, you should be able to find a group in your area in most cases. - Joining a Group: So you found a group and they seem to be the group for you. Talk to the Priest/Priestess/Member of the group and see if they’re accepting new members and how to join if so. This is going to vary depending upon the group, but make sure to take their instructions with care. If you start the joining process but then decide to opt out, then you have the right to do so. Keep an open line of communication regardless if there are any issues or not, just as a point of respect. Every groups joining process is going to be different, so do not expect the same process each time. - Warning Signs: Unfortunately, there are some people and groups who cross the line of boundaries that should never be crossed. Do not do anything you’re uncomfortable doing! As I already stated, even if you’re in the process of joining, you have the right to back out! Do not let someone force you into having intercourse, sharing bodily fluids, forcing you naked if you don’t wish to be, eating anything raw or alive or something you’re allergic to, taking any recreational drugs, cutting yourself or just plain out doing things that are against your personal moral code. Though I personally have not seen any of these things happen, they can occur. If at any point you’re uncomfortable, tell them. If they’re decent human beings, they won’t make you do it. However, if they are telling you ‘‘this is the only way’‘ and you still don’t want to do it, DON’T. Run far away from this group and avoid them.
Tips - Be Patient: Finding your perfect practice and a great coven might take some. You’re not going to be this all powerful being within a day or even a few years, just keep doing your practice and living your truth. - You Don’t Need To Know Everything: Someone told me this and I didn’t listen, now I completely understand what they meant. There’s many different aspects of witchcraft and when you’re first starting out, you’re going to want to know all of it. You don’t need to. Focus on 1-3 different areas that interest you. If it’s not as cool as you think it is, move on to something else. - Labels Aren’t Necessary: Just like in school, labels aren’t needed. If you choose to study a certain element and don’t call yourself that type of witch, then don’t. Also, if someone else tries to label your craft, don’t let them. Your craft is just exactly that, yours. - Remember Personal Boundaries: When meeting others, it might be exciting to dig deep into this person’s history with the craft and get all the info from them you could ever want, but just like making friends in school, it will take some time for another witch to open up to you (unless you find that rare witch that will divulge all their secrets). Don’t hound them every time you see them; get to know them. Meeting other witches and groups is a lot like making friends in school. Give them some space, don’t stalk them and hound them and you should be just fine! - Get Creative & Crafty: Witchcraft is what you make of it. Make it uniquely yours.
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awakenedchaos · 6 years
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How pathetic of a person do you have to be to send people messages like this? It truly amuses me. :)
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awakenedchaos · 6 years
Fill your mind with positive energy, and positive energy you will attract. You cannot expect to receive greatness while viewing the rest of the world in a negative manner. So live. Love. Release only good vibes.
Nicole Addison @thepowerwithin (via thepowerwithin)
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awakenedchaos · 6 years
new to your blog but saw your post on bonding with spirit companions and your companions sound really cool!! Do you have any posts/diary thingies that share your experiences with them? If so, you should! I always love hearing people's experiences (also *cough* because if they're similar to mine, it can help validate my own) ♡
Thanks! I have posted about the spirits that I speak to before, but I decided to stop because it can be disrespectful to spirits to share their personal information and such. I’m also a bit of a reserved person so I choose not to share too much about my personal life/practices.
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awakenedchaos · 6 years
Do you know any love spells, rituals, etc? Also do you know any for getting a wish? Thanks! Love your blog btw!
Look up “love spells” and “love magick” on my blog.
As for wishes, you could buy bay leaves and write your wish on it then burn it. I’ve found that method most effective.
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awakenedchaos · 6 years
Can i ask how you use tarot to talk to Aphrodite? I've been wanting to do that but I'm not sure how to go through with it.
Ask her if she is willing to come forth while you have your cards cleansed and in front of you. If she accepts, she will come to you and you may ask her a question while shuffling your deck, intuitively pulling a card to receive the answer.
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awakenedchaos · 6 years
Foodie Friday: Cold and Flu Tincture
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Ingredients: - Catnip -Boneset -Yarrow -Elder flower -Hyssop -Peppermint -80-100 proof vodka
In a mason jar, combine your herbs (measurements aren’t included because different people prefer different proportions). If you are using dried herbs, multiply the combined weight in ounces by five to determine how many ounces of alcohol you will need. Multiply by two if using fresh herbs.
Cover the herbs with the alcohol, screw the lid on tightly, and shake vigorously. Place in a cool, dark place for at least two weeks, shaking vigorously once a day.
Strain into another container through a fine sieve or cheesecloth, then transfer into amber dropper bottles. (It is important to use the dark glass, as it prevents UV degradation of the herbs over time). Label and date your tincture - generally tinctures can last upwards of 5 years. Average dosage is 15-30 drops taken 3 times a day.
Magical Ingredient!
Kitchen witchery isn’t limited to food. It also incorporates aspects of traditional medicine, which is part of why it’s so practical. And with cold and flu season being particularly nasty this year, it seems fitting to introduce another remedy. Tinctures are a long-time herbal remedy, using strong alcohols to draw out helpful qualities in plants that can’t be accessed through water infusion or eating. Typically, they are made using either vodka or brandy, and are tried and true herbal tactics. As usual, practice wisely, and always see a doctor if you are experiencing medical issues - like magic, herbal remedies are excellent supplements, but should not be used to the exclusion of medicinal treatment.
So what is the magical ingredient this week? Well, this week we’re looking at peppermint! Mint in general is indigenous to Europe and the Middle East, but peppermint itself is a hybrid mint that can be easily grown in moist, shady areas. This makes it an excellent kitchen and container herb.
We see peppermint everywhere these days, as candies and teas, as well as in fruit dishes and ice cream. Anywhere we find mint flavor, either peppermint or spearmint are most likely to have been used. Uses for pepperimint as a remedy are also plentiful - the oil and leaves can provide relief for pain and itching (hence why many creams include menthol or peppermint oil), and the fragrance can help with alertness and memory retention. In this tincture its presence is in part for flavor and in part for helping with relaxation and helping clear the sinuses, as well as breaking up phlegm buildup.
Like any plant, peppermint does come with some dangers - in very high dosages, peppermint oil can cause heartburn-like symptoms, and can irritate the skin. In addition, for those with cats, peppermint oil can cause health issues and liver damage to cats (as such, usage should be very limited and done in such a way as to avoid contact with your feline). The plant itself, however, won’t cause harm to your pets, and is often considered a safe snack - the concentrated oil is the danger due to the phenols present.
In magic, peppermint is a very powerful herb for cleansing and consecration, as well as anything from sleep to love and money. Sacred to such deities as Hades and Hecate, it is frequently used as both an offering and as an aid for divination. Fresh leaves can be used in money magic to encourage prosperity, and when placed on faerie altars, can attract benevolent fey to the home.
Wearing mint can be a helpful talisman for warding off illness, and for providing a constant, gentle cleansing energy. And for those who love glamour spells, don’t underestimate the spells that you can incorporate into peppermint toothpaste! Such spells can include both beauty and wisdom in speech!
In kitchen magic, peppermint can be used for its flavor and for its appearance. Adding the leaves as a garnish to deserts or fruit dishes can be a potent way of adding its energies through scent, taste, and visuals. Consider different ways in which preparing peppermint can be used for enhancing magic in the kitchen (for instance, in creating a dish inspired by or empowered by Hecate, perhaps peppermint jelly or a garnish will provide a significant boost to its intent).
It is everywhere, and as such, it is important to not take it for granted! See how peppermint can provide a magical boost in your day to day life - you may be surprised at the various opportunities!
May all your meals be Blessed! )O(
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awakenedchaos · 6 years
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Elie Saab: Spring Couture 2018
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awakenedchaos · 6 years
Hi! I'm new to the Wicca/witch community and I had some questions on worshiping deities and alters. Three deities I was drawn to were Taliesin, Blodeuwedd, and Brigid. Can I worship all three, or do I need to pick between the two feminine deities? Do I need separate alters for each? Any first time alter tips for a baby witch?
You can worship all three, but I would have separate altars for each since they have different energies and such. As for altar tips, there is no set way to create one. You can have a picture/painting of them, candles, offerings, etc. Do what you feel is right.
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awakenedchaos · 6 years
What kind of water should i use?
Sea Water: Water from the sea is great for cleansing and healing rituals. I recommend it for cleansing crystals (but be careful, not every crystal/stone can/should be cleansed in water). It’s also great for banishing and protection spells!
Storm Water: Spells and rituals that has to do with emotional strength, confidence, charge, motivation and force. It’s known for strengthening spells. Storm water is great for curses as well.
River Water: Spells and rituals that has to do with moving on, focusing energy, breaking through rough paths, and warding. Great for powering tools.
Rain Water: This is very multi-purpose, but especially great for growth and rebirth spells. Great for spells that you want to keep gaining power over time.
Snow Water: Great for spells and rituals that focus on purity, endings and change, as well as slow working spells.
Dew Water: I recommend this for love and fertility spells, as well as delicate magic. Great if you’re going to do fae work.
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awakenedchaos · 6 years
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Being a witch involves more than just the use of herbs and pretty rocks and moon water, it also includes preserving and protecting the resources that are very important to our craft and our being. Nature is our only source and needs to be respected and all her gifts used wisely.
Recycling and conserving has become the norm nowadays considering the growing shortage of our natural resources and I am so here for it. Here is my list of ways us witches can do our part:
When you boil your veggies, save the water to feed your little plant babies. Considering we are going through an intense drought for us Capetonians, this is a must. 
Use eggshells and coffee grounds to add nutrients to your soil for your plant babies.
Use old cereal, cookies or bread to feed the local feathered friends. This is especially helpful in winter when food is scarce.
Refrain from planting foreign plants, it could have a negative effect on the native flora and fauna.
Gather as much rain water as you can during the rainy seasons for watering plants. Even make moon water or enchanted water to bring prosperity and give your plant babies a little boost.
Save all your seeds!
Keep all pesticides away from your plants, especially if you plan on consuming them or using them in magic.
If you stay close to the ocean, gather some seaweed, dry it and crush it to be used on plants. It has tons of nutrients to help your lil bebes grow big and strong.
Instead of using plastic tags to mark your herbs, make your own out of twigs and just shave a spot off for writing. Get creative and make your garden look extra magical.
Plant loads of succulents, they use very little water, are super low maintenance and are beautiful to look at.
MULCHING is a water saving essential !!!
Don’t toss the weeds, find out what their properties are and how you could use it. Even if it is just for fertilizing or making a tea for your plants.
If you have any fur babies, find some plants that they like. Find out what plants they like, e.g catnip for kittens.
The same way some witches make their own wands or magical tools, why not make your own magical gardening tools from recycled or recyclable materials?
Share your reapings from Gaia with your community.
Any other suggestions?
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awakenedchaos · 6 years
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Astronomy witch aesthetic (x)
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awakenedchaos · 6 years
Sigil Magic Resources
[Are Charging and Activation the Same Thing?]
[Basic Sigil Advice]
[5 Types of Sigils]
[A Handy Guide to Sigils]
[How to Use Sigils]
[Linking Sigils]
[Name Sigils]
[Sea Witchcraft: Maritime Signal Flags as Sigils]
[Sigil Triggers]
[Sigils and How to Use Them:  -  (A Master Post)]
[Sigils with Triggers] (cw: alcohol mention)
Spell Circle Masterpost: [Part 01]; [Part 02]
[Ways to Know If Your Sigil is Charged]
[Ways to Use Sigils]
Sigil Creation:
[The “Aphotic Sequence”]
[Basic Sigil Creation]
[Constellation Sigils]
[Creating a Sigil]
[Creating a Sigil]
[Creating a Sigil]
[Emoji Sigils]
[Gem Code]
[Hand Tapping Sigils]
[How Caito Makes Sigils] and [A Clearer Explanation]
[How Do You Make Your Sigils?]
[How I Create Sigils]
[How I Draw My Sigils]
[How I Make My Sigils]
[How I Make My Sigils]
[How I Make Sigils]
[How I Use the Keyboard on My Phone to Create Sigils]
[How Simon Makes Sigils]
[How to Create a Sigil]
[How to Do a Sigil]
[How to Make Acoustic Sigils]
[How to Make Sigils]
[How to Make Sigils]
[How To: Making Sigils]
[Leaf Sigils Tutorial]
[Making Sigils with Strange: Breaking Up Letters Into Basic Shapes]
[Making Sigils with Strange Method 1: Using the Saturn Square]
[Making Sigils with Strange Method 2: Letter Shaping]
[Making Sigils with Strange Method 3: The Sigil Wheel]
[My Audio Sigil Method]
[My Sigil-Making Process]
[A Peek at the Process]
[Richtor’s Method for Making Sigils]
[The Sigil Circle - Sigil Making Method]
[Sigil Crafting Guide]
[Sigil Making Process, by Richtor]
[Sigil Making Process, by Rook]
[Sigil Squares]
[Sigil Tutorial]
[Sigilmaking Alternative Style]
[Sigil-Making Quick Tips]
[Sigilmaking with Lee]
[A Small Guide to Sigils]
[Steps to Make a Sigil]
[Three Sigil Design Methods]
[Tips for Creating Sigils]
[Tips for Making Sigils]
[Using a Sigil Base]
[Using Planetary Squares to Create Sigils]
[Verbal Sigil Creation]
[Witch Tip: Making Your Sigils Look Better]
[Wich’s Sigil Wheel]
Sigil Charging / Activation:
[To Activate a Sigil]
[Activating Sigils on Skin]
[Active and Passive Sigil Activation]
[Basic Sigil Activation]
[Charging a Sigil]
[Charging/Activating Sigils] (cw: gif)
[Charging and Firing Sigils] (cw: sex mention)
[Charging Methods]
[Charging With Your Own Energies]
[Charging Your Sigils-A Brief Explanation]
[How Does a Sigil Activate If It’s Written on Skin]
[How to Charge Sigils]
[Jigsaw Puzzle Sigil]
[A Personal Method of Charging Sigils]
[Plant Magic: Sigil Charging]
[Short Term Sigil Activation]
[Sigil Charging Method: Blood and Pain]
[Sigil Charging Method: Sex, Orgasm and Semen]
[Sigil Charging Method: Sunlight]
[Some Basic Ideas on Charging Sigils With the Elements] (cw: gif)
[Using Transmutation to Charge Objects/Sigils]
[Ways to Activate a Sigil]
[Ways to Charge a Sigil]
[Ways to Charge a Sigil] (cw: blood, death, sex, pregnancy mention)
[Ways to Charge Sigils]
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