baby--shark · 1 month
the year is 2024. homestuck has long since faded into obscurity. I cut out an article on the unpredicted rise of the juggalo party this presidential election, pinning it to my cork board coated in a layer of various clippings, maps and photographs held up with tacks connected by colorful string. meteors. excerpts from pesterlogs. clown sightings, some salvaged from 2016. one of the few surviving photos of andrew hussie flutters to the ground. his expression, enigmatic. his prophecies, invaluable.
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baby--shark · 9 months
Hey so I don't know if it has already gone out to everyone, but I have the 'new tumblr layout' and as such I won't be logging into tumblr anymore unless I need to check something. Feel free to message me on discord or something if you need to get in contact.
Came back from a vacation to this and honestly, very upsetting. I didn't use twitter much at all because I hated their layout and now Tumblr, the website I never stopped using for years, is trying to turn into a Twitter clone. How sad.
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baby--shark · 10 months
A day late, but posting a story of when we first got married to celebrate our anniversary:
The thing about having an autistic husband, is as much as I love him, he just is not capable of picking up on behaviors or facial expressions and knowing what they mean. He needs me to speak the words I’m feeling.
Early on, this was a problem. When I was exhausted after work and didn’t have the emotional energy to deal with anything, I needed some time alone.
I would say “I’m tired,��� get up and leave a room.
He’d follow.
I would shut a door.
He would open it, and keep talking to me.
I had to actually speak the words, “I would like a little bit of space for a while.”
And then he would say, “Oh.” In a sad voice.
And then I’d feel like an asshole, because he always seemed so sad when I did that. I didn’t want to hurt him. I loved him, and I thought I was a bad wife for wanting time for myself. Things were not good.
One day, I came home, and on my desk was a card, laminated. It was simple, black text on white background, in 36-point font. It said:
I love you. Fuck off.
And he took my hands and said the reason he was sad wasn’t that I needed space— he needs his sometimes too, but I pick up the signals and leave him alone.
He felt bad that he couldn’t understand me, and I always looked so uncomfortable and guilty when I told him.
So now I have a card that I can hand to him, any time, and he will understand and go away for an hour and nobody feels guilty.
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baby--shark · 11 months
hey guys so apparently this is a thing a lot of people don't realise but like. if you have had writer's block/ art block for like. six months. a year. two years. that's maybe not a block. that's maybe depression. and you should maybe look into treating the source of the problem instead of just beating yourself up for not being able to write/draw. be kind to yourself and know that your struggle to create isn't based in laziness or a lack of skill or talent.
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baby--shark · 11 months
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So I think the best strat here is for the users who did get the new layout to just stop using the desktop version of the site for a while, like a week or a month or however long their 'experiment' is supposed to last, while the users who didn't get the new layout should keep using the desktop version like normal or, perhaps, use it even more than usual.
My guess is that they're doing basic A/B testing on the new layout to see if it would boost engagement: the userbase is split roughly 50/50 between the 2 versions and they are going to be comparing the engagement data between the 2 groups of users to see if it's worth it switching everyone to the new layout or not.
Basically, if you got the new layout and don't like it - don't use it. If engagement metrics of group B (new layout) are lower than those of group A (no change), the experiment will be considered a failure and they will have to reverse the change.
If your tumblr suddenly looks like twitter - it's a sign to log off and go touch some grass! (or just use the mobile app since that engagement data isn't relevant to this particular experiment)
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baby--shark · 11 months
tape casette recorders are compatible with literally every. single. thing. im out here living in 2095.
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baby--shark · 11 months
I’ve been getting back into Valorant lately. Unfortunately most of the people I used to play with aren’t around when I am anymore. Anyone looking for another person to play with? I don’t do ranked, but otherwise I’d be happy to play with new people.
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baby--shark · 11 months
Okay so I did some research, very basic research, on the user base of tumblr and how many of us there are.
There are at least 300 million unique visitors worldwide on this site. Over 500 million blogs.
Listen. Tumblr is $30 million in debt. This is Super easy for us to solve.
If each user gifts one blog crabs, which costs slightly over $3, that would be roughly $600 million at least. Far more than enough to get Tumblr out of the red zone.
If we want tumblr to stay afloat and not change something as integral about their operating system, we need to show them they can be profitable without reducing themselves to common social media sites. What we have here is special. It is different. We are the social media site people run to when theirs collapses and for good reason.
If we want this to work, we have to make it work. We can even make it into a game. Just how long can we outlast the other social media sites?
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baby--shark · 11 months
i recently noticed that @ jetblackcode created a really interesting tool that lets you see your tumblr stats, one of which is a comparison between the number of notes you've gotten on all your posts to the entire userbase! so, i figured a fun reblog game would be to put in your blog and tag which color you got:
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i've colored the buckets on the histogram so that it's easier to tell where you landed on the graph rather than just using numbers ^_^
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baby--shark · 11 months
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baby--shark · 11 months
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baby--shark · 11 months
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every year I post this meme and every year people get more mad at me than they did the previous year
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baby--shark · 11 months
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苗疆miaojiang style fashion designed by hanfu stores
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baby--shark · 11 months
ok this is insane but like.. the new tumblrinas are more acclimated to the culture than some normal users. i mean it. like every single reddit refugee post has an INSANELY CLOSE like to reblog ratio and there all mutualing each other and sending each other asks and dms. like wtf. how are you better at this.
in all seriousness i think its because we welcomed them with such feral delight. like every single tumblr user individually saw the reddit refugees and were like "ok listen. we love you honey and hope you're feeling good and here are the instructions" and they did SO MUCH MORE THAN WE THOUGHT THEY WOULD!!! AND NOW ALL OF THEM ARE LIKE HAVING SO MUCH FUN AND IM SO HAPPY FOR THEM!!!!
and also not to keep going but i adore how everyone is so so emotional about this. like every single reddit refugee is like "oh my god why are you so nicee i havent felt this happy in years holy fuckkk..." and were all like "its ok!!! im so glad you are having fun you are doing such a good job yknow? youre perfect at this!!" anyways if YOURE a reddit refugee lets be mutuals
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baby--shark · 11 months
Because @staff is too cowardly…
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baby--shark · 11 months
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baby--shark · 1 year
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I can relate to this on every level
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