beaumontbasher · 7 months
The tension in the air was thick, and quite possibly one of the most uncomfortable silences of their entire time together since they'd been on the run. However, there was also something... Different about it. There was something haunted in Dimitri's deep brown eyes that snapped Rose's heart in two just to look at. It had been there since he'd been restored, and yet, at this moment, it seemed more intense. Rose noticed it all: the way Dimitri had been even more silent, the way his jaw was tightly set, the clenched fists, the tension in his muscles. Dimitri was right next to her, and yet, he was a million miles away. Rose had never done well with silence, especially from him, but after what had happened, she almost felt afraid to speak up.
Yet when had that ever stopped her?
"Careful there. If you keep grinding your teeth, you'll end up needing dentures much sooner. You're already barely clinging onto your twenties as it is, comrade," While the brunette tried to keep her voice light in what could very well have been a feeble attempt to lighten the mood, there were unmistakeable traces of weariness and caution in her voice. Rarely she held back, especially with Dimitri (though that had admittedly changed the past few weeks) but she was still unsure of how to approach the topic of what had happened, which, the dhampir was willing to bet her entire life savings of about $20.67 that the incident with the Strigoi was what was causing Dimitri's shutdown.
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beaumontbasher · 7 months
seeking choices: stories you play rp
i'm a simple gal. this dumb app has me in a chokehold, and i dare to be somewhat creative.
i'm down for most things & i'm happy to discuss with my partner. i'm semi-lit to adv. lit, and i only really ask for decent grammar/punctuation and that you're willing to add fuel to the fire when it comes to building a rp plot.
17+ please. i can do platonic and romantic rps alike. some of my favorite stories (and characters i can write) are: (just ask if you have a specific character in mind)
the crown & the flame:
kenna rys, dominic hunter, val greaves, sei rhuka, raydan lykel, annelyse adair, whitlock, tevan drammir, etc
the royal romance/the royal heir:
mc, "liam" rys, maxwell beaumont, drake walker, hana lee, bertrand beaumont, savannah walker, olivia nevrakis, madeleine amaranth, kiara theron, penelope ebrim, lena rys, etc.,
mc, adrian raines, kamilah sayeed, lily spencer, priya lacroix, gaius augustine, rheya, etc
immortal desires:
gabe adalhard, cas harlow, mc
arthur, lancelot, mc
most wanted:
dave reyes, samantha massey, pretty much any of the side characters
the royal masquerade:
"hunter" fierro, "kayden" vescovi, mc, annalisa, percival beaumont, theodosia nevrakis, cyrus vescovi, renza fierro, etc
if you have a book/character pairing in mind, feel free to ask! those were just a few of the ones that came to mind, but my rps aren't limited to them. i'm cool with canon compliant or divergent. we can also discuss more in dms. hope to hear from ya!
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