belltale-ut-au · 4 years
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Name: Sans
NickName: Chime
Age: ???
Species: Skeleton
Height: 4,7 - 4,8 ( I think? )
Date of birth: December 4th ??? ( year unknown
Birth place: Snowdin ( probably )
Occupation: ? ( unknown )
Basic stats
HP: 9-12 ( could change )
Endurance: 3
Intelligence: 11-12
Abilities: can heal, ( sans normal abilities ) When his eye glows his other eye has a bell in it ( not literally ) that alarms him when it senses something that’s going to happen, it can also alarm the attacker sometimes when he is going to send something at them, ?? ( some other things I will add later )
Known weaknesses: any insects/arachnids/bugs that aren’t butterflies
Likes: honey hot sauce, candy, seeing his bro and friends happy, hugs :3
Dislikes: insects/arachnids/bugs except for butterflies, seeing his bro sad/hurt and seeing friends hurt, coffee
Favorite food/beverage: honey and hot sauce
Personality: usually nice and sometimes can be shy, usually doesn’t stand up for himself if he gets bullied but if someone he cares about or his bro is being bullied he stands up for them and if that same person tries to bully him he will stand up for himself
Accessories: small bells are attached to his clothing and slippers
Clothes: a yellow/gold and black jacket with creamish and whitish floof with black and yellow/gold slippers with one small bell attached to the front of it, white socks with a small bell attached to the back of each of them. He has those hand glove things that don’t cover his fingers
Other: ( I’ll add more when I come up with it )
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( this is the actual image since I forgot to add the eye color and a close up of his glowing eye to the image/drawing )
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belltale-ut-au · 4 years
Designs of characters and Comic coming soon! Just setting this blog up and i need to draw the designs!
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