bespectacledbelpois · 10 years
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((Ah, I've been gone all day, sorry about that. I'm still the slowest person with replies on the face of the Earth, I guess that much hasn't changed since I rebooted my blog.))
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bespectacledbelpois · 10 years
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bespectacledbelpois · 10 years
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bespectacledbelpois · 10 years
Jeremie remained silent, although he knew Yumi was right. At the moment, they were merely sitting ducks, and there wasn't much they could do to further their situation right now. They were at a standstill, but at least for the time being, Aelita was with them. Safe, with her friends, and at Kadic, at least until Tyron struck again. And Jeremie knew he would. With a man so ruthless and cold like that, Jeremie could tell it wouldn't be over until Aelita's "legal guardian" thought he had won completely.
So many questions still plagued Jeremie about Tyron, questions he was unable to answer. Why was the man so intent on procuring Franz Hopper's research, his life's work? Why had he built a second supercomputer nearly identical to his former colleague's, and what was it exactly that he wanted from Anthea? None of that could be learned until Jeremie managed to get more data on the man, something he hadn't yet been able to accomplish.
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"You're right, Yumi. About holding onto hope. That's what we've always done, and what we will continue to do. I refuse to lose Aelita, and I know the rest of you feel the same way. We'll all fight for her, and for each other, just as we always do."
"And I'll try to get some data on Tyron in the meantime," he continued, switching to explaining mode without even realizing it. "I've been sifting through the codes of the Cortex to try to find the lines -- or even just the characters -- that would be unique to Tyron's supercomputer, something that sets it apart, something that I could use to track it on the network. A sort of IP address, if you will, but more complicated of course. The signal from the Cortex -- or what remains of the signal, since the computer itself was shut down -- is highly masked, and it will probably take me ages to come up with anything useful on him. But I'm thinking if I can find something, anything, that will lead me to him, even the slightest signal, then we can locate him. He knows where we are, and thus we're at a disadvantage. If we knew where his lab was, not only would it level the playing field, but it would bring us one step closer to Aelita's mother." Realizing he was rambling, Jeremie cleared his throat sheepishly. "Er... I'm not too good at being concise when it comes to explaining those sorts of things. Sorry to bore you with all the details."
His concerns were valid, ones that Yumi herself had had. Tyrone had nearly killed all of them save Jeremie who was in the factory, and Yumi who had been caught by one of his men. It had been the worst feeling ever; thinking, knowing that he had murdered her friends. Tryone was, in a way, ten times worse than XANA was. A human who gave no regard for a childrens’ lives? XANA was understandable. But Tyrone? No. The thought of him, the thought of that smirk when he thought he had one burned into her memory, her nightmares. It wasn’t something that she wanted to repeat ever again.
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"You’re not useless," she said again her voice dry with the thought of that horrible man. The terror she felt when Aelita told her that he was her guardian. Hell the look on Aelita’s face had been enough. It startled her. If it was true, Tyrone could swoop in at any time and take her, and there was nothing she or any of the others could do about it. Just the thought made her stomach churn.
"Hey, if we can keep her safe from an AI, we can do the same against Tyrone." Optimism wasn’t one of Yumi’s strong suits but for Jeremie’s sake she would be the optimist of the duo.
He was right though. They had no way of knowing what Tyrone was up to without the Cortex. They didn’t even know if he still knew about them. Certainly he did and certainly he could find them again. What would happen then? They’d have no warning, caught off guard, just like before. The girl supressed the shiver that fought to control her body. It wasn’t something she wanted to think about. It wasn’t something she wanted to deal with. Yet they had to
So much for a normal life.
"We’ll protect her Jeremie," Yumi repeated. "We will. Yeah I know its nerve wracking now. I understand. Trust me Jer, I do. But we can’t lose hope, we can’t lose sight. If nothing else at least we know her mother’s still alive. There is hope for her to have a family again. And who knows, maybe Anthea knows what Tyrone nearly did to her daughter? Maybe she’s going to fight like hell to get back to her? Just because we can’t spy on Tyrone doesn’t mean that things are necessarily all against us. There is still a glimmer of hope. We just….we just have to hold on to it."
Yes. This optimism thing was far better suited for William.
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bespectacledbelpois · 10 years
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Well, there it was. After all this time, Aelita was proposing that the two of them date. Not just go on a single date, but date in general. And Jeremie knew that he wanted it too. But what if he messed up? He knew with his overly-serious and work-focused personality that he might not be the ideal boyfriend. Even Aelita, with a past and childhood like she had, had fun more easily than he did. What if he disappointed her?
That's not worth fretting about now, Jeremie. At least not yet.
"D-date... yes, I'd, um... I'd love that." Despite the deep flush of his cheeks, he forced himself to look at her. "I'm -- I'm glad you said it first, because it's something I've been thinking about for a long time but could never say out loud... haha... I must sound really lame, huh...?"
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bespectacledbelpois · 10 years
Pats him on the back. "I'm proud of you, Jer."
"Proud of me for wh —"
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"Ah. Um. …Thanks? I — I think?"
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bespectacledbelpois · 10 years
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bespectacledbelpois · 10 years
Wow. So apparently this version of XANA didn't like his counterpart either. That... certainly said a lot about his alternate, didn't it?  Jeremie couldn't help but shudder slightly. The other Jeremie really was deplorable, wasn't he?
But that wasn't the point right now.
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Realizing that the person -- was it even a person? -- in front of him was reading off his screen, he rapidly exited out of every running program until the screen was almost completely clear of code. "Beautiful philosophy you've got going there. But you still haven't answered my question: Why are you here and what do you want from me?"
Never the Same: 1x1
"I’ve met him before. I’m not completely find of him either," the virus spoke with the slightest disgust. Although he wanted the Lyoko Warriors dead the former virus wouldn’t make them suffer much. All the blood and everything he’d seen on Jeremy’s twisted doubled had of course managed to send the villain on edge. Yet again the villain drew closer and rolled his eyes after getting a little glimpse of the screen. Despite that X.A.N.A made an effort not to make any…. childish comments. That about described how he was acting now. Not out right terrifying, nor defensive, or even very cautious. He was almost completely comfortable with the situation at the moment, but X.A.N.A knew there was still some danger. "Oh, what’s the saying…? Right you can’t control how life goes. You say one thing and something different happens," the former virus chimed with the slightest sign of calmness. "Life’s unfair an di’m sure you know that," he appeared somewhat sympathetic, but made no other comment as he glanced back at the screen. Silently able to read over the lines of information without any struggle. Perhaps even faster than Jeremy was capable of, but X.A.N.A didn’t really care show as faster or better.
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bespectacledbelpois · 10 years
Jeremie had no idea what Anthea was talking about, or what this "EMPIRE" was. All he could discern was that it was some sort of group pursuing Aelita's mother -- and launching a return to the past would do nothing to prevent this. It would merely prolong the same event from happening again later, not to mention make XANA stronger in the meantime.
He would have to come up with something else.
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The boy swallowed upon being shown Anthea's gun. For someone who had been through so much, seeing a real, dangerous, loaded weapon like that being waved around still made him painfully nervous. The few times that adults of any kind had discovered the factory, especially of the more nefarious variety, had terrified him, although he had managed to deal with those incidents in the nick of time. It appeared that this time, it wouldn't be so easy.
"It's a -- to make a long story short, no, I don't have any weapons here," Jeremie replied defeated. "What we've been fighting is an AI. In a virtual world. By using the scanners. I -- I could lock the elevator from here, but that's not going to hold them off forever..." Jeremie trailed off. He could solve problems on Lyoko under extreme stress, but threats in the real world? Those weren't so easy. Especially for the physically weakest member of the group. "I can't fight. Out of all my friends, especially, I can't fight. Even if I had a weapon here, I couldn't fire it. I know that." As he spoke, he was typing furiously, shutting down the lift as securely as he could.
"But... you said lockdown programs. Programming I can do. I may not be able to fight physically, but I might be able to help you with something else. The supercomputer is extremely powerful, and if I need extra power, I can activate a tower if it comes to that..." What he was saying probably wasn't making sense to her, but he was just thinking out loud. "I'm no Franz Hopper, but I'm as close as you're going to get right now. So if there's any way I can help you, please tell me and I'll get on it immediately."
They would have to have a more... detailed conversation later.
"And if these tears should prove the last of my escape." // bespectacledbelpois
The boy’s attempt at an explanation was the last thing that she needed right now. No time to think over what he was saying, no time to try and figure out what he was talking about this ‘XANA’ or how it was related to Waldo. No time to think about how he knew who Anthea was—
Aelita. He knew her name, knew her real name. Were they not in hiding anymore? He would know where she was— No! No. Not right now. She just shook her head. Don’t get distracted. She pulled at his arm again. “There isn’t going to be a later for either of us if I don’t get those lockdown programs running. EMPIRE is coming after me.” If he wasn’t spending time explaining to her, she wouldn’t either. “They’re going to be here maybe half an hour at the most.”
And then what? God, she hadn’t thought this through at all. They would lock themselves in and EMPIRE would just wait them out. They didn’t have any supplies down here, any food or water. Any weapons at least?
She unholstered her gun, uncocking it and sliding the magazine out. “I’ve only got six bullets left. Shit.” She looked at the boy. “Okay, you said fighting against. Please tell me that means you have weapons here.”
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bespectacledbelpois · 10 years
The other's gesture -- it was almost friendly, in an absurd way! -- was completely foreign to Jeremie, and it made him think. It was clear that somehow, inexplicably, his counterpart was trying to comfort him. What a bizarre idea. But Jeremie could sense that he wasn't just imagining it. The other wasn't trying to send him to his death. At least not yet, anyway; who knew what he would do with him later? But that was a problem to deal with when the time came. Not now.
"A video game..." Jeremie murmured, considering the term. Lyoko was certainly anything but a video game, but this wasn't Lyoko. Lyoko was a virtual world programmed by Franz Hopper containing an AI that could exert a tangible effect on the real world, and this was a video game universe that the other Jeremie had programmed himself for his own amusement. They were different. This place had rules, rules that the other knew, rules that weren't dictated by a being like XANA. Maybe, just maybe, if he could follow those rules, he'd actually be able to survive.
Jeremie swallowed. "Fine. I'll... I'll make an attempt."
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Refusing to glance over at the other to see what was almost certainly a smirk on his face at his victory, Jeremie took a deep breath, sweat beginning to bead up on his brow. Or maybe it was just his imagination, since they were in a virtual world. Either way, his fear at least was real.
Without thinking about it any more deeply, Jeremie charged at the creature, his heart thudding dangerously in his chest. If he wasn't killed by this monster, he certainly would die of heart palpitations later; Jeremie and adrenaline did not get along very well. Barely able to look at the thing he was facing, he swung a foot at it, wincing at the contact and at the bizarre noise the creature emitted. He knew he must look like a fool, but all he could do was continue to swing at the spider in an organized and helter-skelter manner while dodging widlly, hardly glancing down to see what he was doing. He had no idea if he was making progress or setting himself up for death. if the other had been terrified, he was even more so, and how he wasn't completely paralyzed by the fear by now was beyond him.
Eventually, he couldn't sense the presence of the monster any more, and dropped to his knees, feeling utterly exhausted and dizzy. He didn't know if the creature was still around, waiting to strike, or completely dead. Or briefly incapacitated. And he didn't care. That was all the effort he had in him, and if it wasn't enough, that would be problematic, but he wasn't sure what he could do about it.
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"You’re complaining again," Jeremie pointed out. " You agreed to do as I say in order to get through this. I’m not asking you to kill yourself. I’m asking you to meet the game’s requirement for moving on to the next area. Beating the enemy gets you a weapon. I already have one, so I don’t need to fight anything else right now."
He could see very well how this situation would seem absurd to the other. The other’s mindset wasn’t something he thought about too often, but he did take that into consideration here. In less than an hour Jeremie had brought him into a bizarre world that he knew nothing about. He wasn’t used to fighting monsters like this at all. He didn’t go to Lyoko on a regular basis as his friends apparently did, right? He’d even been apprehensive of getting into a scanner that time Jeremie had wanted some data on him.
Not that Jeremie had done any monster fighting himself before this. It was his world though, and he knew how things worked. He knew what the monsters did, where they would be, where to go, what they could obtain and use. He couldn’t be nervous about something he knew so well, even with the oddness that seemed to be going on.
The other had every right to be anxious. All of this was a lot to throw on someone in such a short period of time. Seeing Jeremie fail against one of the game’s creatures didn’t help. Half fail, maybe. He’d at least defeated the thing before he went down.
He felt he should do something to try and calm the other’s nerves about this. There were going to be other enemies to fight, and whether he liked it or not, the other was going to have to fight them. How to go about this calming stuff though? It seemed like a hard thing to do when the situation was just going to remain dangerous.
He sighed in frustration and flicked the other in the head. He couldn’t think of any good way to be calming, but maybe trying to get the other to be more accepting of the idea might work. It had better work. They were wasting time standing around here, and Jeremie still happened to be dying from poison.
"You’re not thinking about this the right way. It’s a video game." He gave the other a hard knock on the shoulder. "Even that much will damage that thing. Yes, it’s going to try attacking you, but you can’t think about that. Just keep hitting it until it dies, and if you start feeling tired, use that health potion you’ve got."
He actually felt pretty confident that the other could win that way. Well, provided the difficulty of this enemy hadn’t also been altered. Players reaching this point shouldn’t have any health potions on them. The other also didn’t have any ill status effects, and should still be at full health. So he had that to his advantage too.
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bespectacledbelpois · 10 years
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"You're at a school. A boarding school, called Kadic Academy. ...In France." Jeremie eyed her suspiciously. "How can you be here and not have any idea where you are?" Was it XANA's doing? It wasn't like he could just ask the strange girl something so bizarre out of nowhere, though.
"Well, Jeremie, it’s nice to meet you."  Anna attempted to smile, despite the fact that she had no idea where she was and everything looked strange and it was kind of freaking her out. "Um, could you maybe tell me where I am?
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bespectacledbelpois · 10 years
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Code Lyoko Featuring Subdigitals | 6/11 | Secret Life: Ulrich & Jeremie
Half trained, half skill You can make me out In this virtual centre This way, any way You can make me out In this virtual centre
Right now, we’re fighting for our world When we know that we’re surrounded Got no time for girls, they just clash Hey now, we are on our own And we’re here to bring the sunshine To a million homes In a secret life
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bespectacledbelpois · 10 years
"Trust me," Jeremie replied. "I can't really enjoy anything without you around." He paused, realizing that sounded ridiculously sappy. "Ah... yeah. Um. Sorry if that sounds kind of... silly."
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I love you. Jeremie's face felt hotter than it ever had before. The two of them had been through so much together with so many unspoken feelings between them that hearing her finally confess to him was a bit much. For a painfully long moment, he just stared at her and blinked; he couldn't get a single word out of his mouth.
But he had to try.
"Aelita... I... I feel the same way, of course. What I mean to say is... I love you, too. More than anything." His heart was pounding wildly. Why was it so hard to admit to something he had known for such a long time? "I can barely remember my life before I knew you. Honestly, you... you were my first friend. And I know everything we've done together, fighting XANA and losing sleep over it, hasn't been ideal. All the time I wish I could just lead a normal life with you, but I know we'll never be the same after all this. Despite that, though... I'd do it a million times over, for you. I don't regret one moment of it." He continued to hold her hand tightly, as if afraid she would vanish before his eyes -- something he was honestly always afraid of as long as XANA was around.
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bespectacledbelpois · 10 years
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((It's almost 4 am and I still owe three long drafts, but I'm gonna clock in for the night, sorry about that. I'll try to work on my drafts tomorrow.))
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bespectacledbelpois · 10 years
Hearing Aelita's nickname for him made him blush even more, and Jeremie had to fight the urge to pull her close to him and wrap his arms around her. How could he have ever thought he could live alone, isolating himself, and without her?
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"I p-promise I won't vanish again like that," Jeremie murmured, stammering slightly despite himself. It was honestly hard for him to focus with her calling him cute nicknames like that. "I'll let you know if I have something I need to do, and... and we can do it together."
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bespectacledbelpois · 10 years
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bespectacledbelpois · 10 years
Jeremie could do nothing but gape as his brain went into overdrive. When the woman put her hand on his shoulder, he flinched considerably, not believing what he was feeling. She -- she was real. And not only was she real, but she was Aelita's mother. Franz Hopper's wife.
Anthea Schaeffer.
There was no doubt in his mind on the matter. Jeremie recognized her from the few photos Aelita had gathered from the Hermitage, and there was no mistaking the resemblance. But how could this be? And what was he supposed to do about it? Call Aelita?
It took him a moment to realize she was asking him an endless barrage of questions that he ought to answer. Jeremie could see that as stunned as he was about the woman's unexpected appearance, she seemed as rattled as he was just to have discovered him here, if not even more so.
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"H-hey!" Jeremie yelped, startled by the woman's sudden movement as she grabbed his arm. "I don't even know where to begin..." he muttered, glancing back and forth between Aelita's mother and the supercomputer. Taking a deep breath, he launched into what he hoped would be a sufficient response. "I know how dangerous this place is, believe me. My friends and I have been fighting XANA for a long time. XANA -- you know, the AI that -- that your husband created." He knew she would be confused that he knew so much about her, but he had no time to be detailed about this. The woman seemed panicked, and so Jeremie assumed there was a reason for it. He had to be quick.
"I'm a... a friend of your daughter's. Aelita? Aelita Schaeffer?" Oh god, if he was wrong by some slim chance, he had no idea what he would do. "You've got to trust me. And what do you mean, it's going to get more dangerous here? Are -- are there people after you?" Jeremie wondered fleetingly if they were the men in black Aelita always dreamed about. If they were tailing Anthea, and she had brought them here, then he knew he was in trouble. He wasn't sure he'd be able to start a return to the past fast enough to get rid of them, and even so, what if he did so and then couldn't find Aelita's mother again afterwards? What if this was his only chance? A bolt of fear ran through him. "I know I've left a lot unexplained but you have to tell me what's going on, and then I promise I'll explain everything -- like why I'm here -- later. Okay?" A note of desperation had crept into his voice.
"And if these tears should prove the last of my escape." // bespectacledbelpois
The lift’s door opened and Anthea slowly stood up, resting a hand against the wall to support herself. Get to the computer, get those programs running first. Then rest.
She pushed herself off the wall, stumbling a bit. Her legs were at their limit. The computer terminal had a chair, she could sit down there and give her legs a rest while she—
Someone was in the chair already, staring at her. A boy, maybe fourteen, fifteen. She blinked, taking a moment to process. Everything in her mind, was slowed as her body slowly left fight-or-flight mode. Why was someone in the factory? Was she imagining things because she was so worn out? She must be. No one else knew about the factory. No one else even knew how to get down here. CARTHAGE had made sure of that.
She limped towards the chair, reaching a hand out and expecting the mirage to fade. Instead, her hand met resistance. The boy’s shoulder was solid. She jumped, adrenaline rushing through her system again. Waking her back up. He was really here, and he was about to be caught in the crossfire.
Her eyes were wide. “What— what are you doing here?” She took a step back, shaking her head. “No, no. You can’t be here, it’s dangerous. You need—you need to get out of here.” She ran a hand through her hair, thinking. Would the soldiers be here yet?Could the boy escape in time? What was he doing here? It didn’t matter, he just had to leave.
She grabbed his arm. “Look, I don’t know what you’re doing down here. I don’t care what you think you’re doing messing with this equipment. You’re not in trouble with me or anything. But this place is dangerous and it’s about to get even more so. You need to get out of here.”
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