biuemondays · 3 years
alright!!! i made a new blog that I'm following ppl on rn so i'll let you know that it's me and i'll be transferring our threads on there since tumblr hates me on here
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biuemondays · 3 years
thinking about archiving this blog and just continuing my threads on a new one
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biuemondays · 3 years
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        if libbie wasn’t a trustful person before, she definitely wasn’t one now. as a woman who had enough power to put ‘the godfather’ to shame she was surprised someone would even try to go after her like this. she knew that she had her hands clean, even though ever single order given was from her. every single decision was run by the infamous libbie cheong — which was shocking as to why she could even get in this mess. “you’ve got to be fucking kidding me. do i look like a complete fucking moron to you, cynthia?” the question was spat out, anger rising in her chest easily. libbie was normally a patient person, but she had been on edge since this whole thing began. cynthia was the best lawyer money could buy, apparently. and in the thirty years that libbie had been doing this, she never needed a lawyer. 
      “i have a feeling it’s a girl one of my lieutenants has been fucking on the regular. but i have no idea how she got in onto this whole thing, and i can’t trust that he’s not in on it either.” she grunted out the words like they were venom on her tongue, tiny hands gripping the edge of the table she was seated at and her knuckles were turning as white as snow. one bad egg could rot the whole barrel. she needed to get rid of him quick, but she couldn’t do it the way she was used to. “you’re telling me i can’t call for him and just shoot him in the head like i normally would?” she didn’t let on if she was serious or not, but she really was wondering if her lawyer had heard anything worse or dealt with someone as riddled with crime as libbie was. “can you work with the fact that it’s probably an undercover detective getting info out by seducing my dumb fuck employee?”
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              a brow raises at libbie’s response. it’s one that she expects but that doesn’t make it any less easier to take. “you look like many things, libbie, but a moron isn’t one of them,” cynthia replies, “and i’m not one either. i’m one of the best you have here. you can try your luck with some other idiot fresh out of law school. you won’t get any better than me.” her confidence, attributed to her lack of losses and her reputation, would hopefully help her out. cynthia’s dealt with her fair share of people who had shady dealings, one even accused of murder. however, she had never deal with someone on libbie’s level before. still, cynthia wasn’t about to back down. 
                cynthia hums for a moment, trying to think of something. the situation was just a bit fucked, especially since the guy was on the inside. and nine times out of ten, the authorities could’ve gathered more than enough evidence. cynthia couldn’t know for sure yet until she dug a little further. “as fun as that sounds, having him dead won’t work. it’ll just make you look more suspicious and ensure more jail time,” cynthia folds her arms across her chest. seeing as the idiot had dragged them both into this mess, the blonde felt tempted to shoot him herself. “of course i can. i could look into the detective, see if he has any dirt on them. and if they don’t, we make some. either way, we make this detective look bad. possibly even worse than you.” cynthia’s no stranger to doing whatever it took to win her cases. “and when you win . . .,” cynthia adds, not bothering to say if, “then you can shoot the asshole in the head. for now, we wait and bide our time. sound good enough for you?”
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biuemondays · 3 years
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            there had been a lot of lovers before prue. like, a lot. like… so, so many that sometimes fallon forgot and she wondered if it was just a fever dream of girlfriends and boyfriends and partners that she just happened to come across. but prue was different and she totally swore by that. sure, maybe her coven had heard it all before but she wouldn’t stop talking about her… she was obsessed. and obsessive fallon usually pissed her family off to no end. but they were happy for her, for finding someone that liked her enough to put up with her. everyone knew the witch could be a lot so prue was okay in everyone’s books. which was why it sucked so bad when she had to walk in at the super wrong time. once the doors opened, a few people were stunned. a few murmurs of ‘who is that?’ and ‘oh my god, fallon’ were scattered through the room and she turned her head to face the girl she couldn’t stop talking and thinking about.         “oh my god, baby! hi!” she exclaimed, giggling a little as she pulled the red hood off of her head and waved at her with blood-stained fingertips. pigs blood, obviously, but that may not have been super obvious to prue. a few groans were given, and she put a hand up. “okay, let me deal with this guys…. don’t worry!” she pulled up the robes and jogged toward the shocked looking girl. someone in the back had muttered, ’not again…’ and she looked sheepish. “can we just… go in here and talk?” she didn’t really give her a chance to answer because she was magically throwing the doors back open and pushing her through them. wiping her hands on the robes, she cleared her throat. “you probably have a lot of questions, which is cool…. but, uh, i don’t think they’re going to kill you? i would just be careful…” shrugging, she glanced around the shop. “soooo…. probably obvious by now, this shop isn’t actually fake magic. it’s very real. and, yes, i’m a witch! and i’m, like, 300 years old but i don’t feel like i am, you know? and bella totally dated edward when he was like… 300 years old. and no one thought that was weird….” for a moment she looked devastated. “oh my god, prue, please don’t break up with me!”
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        fallon’s in utter shock. she hasn’t felt this terrified in, like, ever. she’s not sure what scares her more ━ the figures all wearing dark and creepy hoods or the blood that stained their hands. fallon’s hands, at that. what shocked her the most was how fallon fallon was acting ( there were really no words to describe fallon’s larger than life personality at times, a fact prue found alluring but now she found terrifying in this moment ), the brunette waving at her and smiling as though she didn’t just stumble upon some sort of weird cult thing going on. the crowd didn’t look too pleased either, grumbles and complaints heard all around. before prue could try and make a run for it, fallon’s managed to grab a hold of her and was leading her out of the room.
         the second that prue was able to get free, she does. prior to this moment, she couldn’t seem to stay away from fallon but now . . . it’s all she wants to do. “you don’t think so?” prue’s eyes widen, “fallon, what the fuck?” she’s scared out of her mind and fallon’s explanation doesn’t make things better. still in shock, prue could only make out a couple of things. such as the fact that words 300 years old and witch. it was enough for prue who only takes another step back, regarding the woman with fear. “is this some sort of prank? because if it is, this isn’t very funny,” prue replies, despite knowing deep down that this was real. she had known that there was something different about fallon but this was something new entirely. “fuck . . . you couldn’t have told me this sooner? maybe dropped it in an email or something?” prue runs a hand over her face, trying to calm down, “fuck.” that seems to be the only word prue knows how to say, having a feeling that she might be saying that more often throughout the night. “i’m not going to,” prue says, half due to fear and the other half due to just wanting to understand what fallon was, “i don’t want to risk the chance of you hexing me or some shit if i do.” or worse, it being her blood on fallon’s fingers instead.
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biuemondays · 3 years
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— “ aw, blake ! i knew he was my favourite for a reason. so long as it’s nothing too lovey-dovey or electronic, i see no problem with him playing a few songs. maybe when everyone’s waiting for us so we don’t have to listen to it ? ” lily shrugs, taking another sip from her glass. she honestly can’t help the soft chuckle as she thinks about the rest of their family and friends having to endure something from the top gun soundtrack or circa 2000′s cascada. though she knows their wedding will be much more tasteful than that. “ oh definitely. i think we should make all of the key wedding decisions with the help of an obstacle course. it’d certainly make it easier and less stressful ” a soft laugh bubbles over full, rosy lips as she raises her glass a little, acknowledging a few more of their guests. honestly, the prospect of planning an entire wedding is so daunting that the idea of having an obstacle course definitely piques lily’s interest. “ i would disagree. i mean the fact you would jump into harm’s way like some swashbuckling antonio banderas, i think that’s the perfect definition of a special day ” a small, sweet smile lingers on her lips as she still can’t believe her luck that she’s marrying the man of her dreams. she lets a strange kind of calmness wash over her. she’s content, blissful even knowing he’s her family now. “ but obviously i’d like you to be relaxed and calm, right next to me ” she murmurs, taking his hand through the tangle of fancy clothes. honestly, before xavier came into the picture, the thought of getting married was nowhere near the equation nor in her wildest of dreams was ‘ wife ’ a title she ever pictured herself wearing but, like with most things, xavier’s a proven exception to her rule. his comment about another potential addition to their wedding makes her laugh aloud as she nods in agreement, a bright smile slipping onto her lips. “ okay, noted. what if he catches me off guard and i end up spilling all of the beans because he’s lured me into a false sense of security ? or god forbid, he shows up on the day and realises we’ve lied to him ? ”.
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              xavier shrugs in response, a playful smile on his lips. “i fear for what those songs might be. my parents are open minded but i don’t think they’d appreciate clubbing music all that much.” he chuckles along with lily, figuring that the idea of an obstacle course could definitely be a fun one. planning a wedding didn’t seem any different from building an obstacle course, both were stressful and the chances of someone potentially getting hurt were around the same. “oh, i could definitely pull off the whole antonio banderas look. i just need rope and a hat. wait, that’s kind of more of an indiana jones thing,” xavier furrows his brows for a moment, turning to look over at lily as she continued on. “i suppose that’s a good idea too. and being by your side proves a less likely chance of me snapping my neck anyways.” as the both of them would walk through the party, xavier couldn’t help but feel happy. maybe it was the atmosphere in the room or the fact that he was doing all of this with lily in general, but he felt over the moon about everything. it almost made planning this entire ordeal seem easy. but he has a feeling that dream bubble might pop after the night was over. “then . . . we change our names and start over. i dye my hair blonde and acquire a french accent. you’ve already got the russian down so we don’t have to worry about that. we could move someplace nice, los angeles doesn’t sound half bad,” xavier began to ramble, right before he would cut himself off and smile over at lily. “i’m kidding . . . i guess. but just in case, remind to buy that hair dye.” chuckles fall past his lips afterwards, the male waving at a couple more people with a smile. “i’m pretty sure i’m going to be knocked out after this. between waving and everything else, you might have to carry me back home since i’ll be so tired.” for a man who ran an entire restaurant, one would think he wouldn’t get so easily tired. but that was xavier for you. “you’re strong enough, right?” he would then tease, looking over at her.
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biuemondays · 3 years
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— beatriz can’t help the laugh as it bubbles over the rim of her lipstick-stained glass. her mouth opens a little, acting as if she’s keen to answer his question, grinning too much for him to think she’s being serious. “ there’s nothing wrong with playing safe so long as it’s not at the cost of something … or someone else. there can be risks but there’s also the rewards ” she assures him, not wanting to overstep the mark that they’ve made since moving in together, especially given the fact they’re not actually together. his next remark catches her completely off-guard, unsure of how she’s meant to react. instead she blushes, a deep pink tint warming her cheeks as she settles her fingers around her wine glass. “ you think i’m adventurous ? ” she questions, a raised eyebrow pointed in his direction. “ maybe not recently but sure, you know better than anyone i’ve had my moments of insanity ” beatriz gives her shoulders a soft shrug, ignoring the surprising intimacy now lingering over the dining room table. it’s not as if she’s a stranger to it, to sharing a glass of wine with kai after a long day yet there’s something a little precarious to such an activity now since they’ve not been a ‘them’ for awhile. luckily, it seems kai’s noticed it too so gladly beatriz gets up from her seat, bottle in hand to acquiesce to his very simple request. “ oh wow, look who’s getting brave all of a sudden ” she teases him, pouring the wine into his glass, her hand sitting a little carelessly on his relaxed shoulder.
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        “that’s . . . good advice actually,” kai couldn’t help but admit, a small smile tugging at the corner of his lips, “i’ll keep it in mind.” his tone lacks his usually playfulness ━ the male now being serious. just because they weren’t together anymore didn’t mean kai wouldn’t listen to her. at times, her words would prove to get him out of even the toughest of situations. and with the male sometimes being stuck and stubborn in his ways, kai admittedly needed a new perspective to help guide him. “believe me, i know,” kai chuckles, nearly saying something that would slip out by accident. something along the lines of how hot her crazy side was at times. even though he would’ve been messing around, it definitely would’ve been too weird. kai’s smiling to himself as beatriz would then get up to help him with another glass, a surge of warmth going throughout his body as she would place her hand on his shoulder. an act done a million times before yet so different this time around. he glances up at her for a moment, a small smile blossoming onto his lips before he’d look away, “just a little more. i guess your adventurous side’s been rubbing off on me, what can i say?” that, and the fact that it had been a long day. it was a miracle that he had constructed all of this but he wouldn’t leave beatriz hanging, no matter their complicated circumstances. “you’re not gonna let me drink alone, are you? i need a drinking buddy.”
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biuemondays · 3 years
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— as mara finally opened her eyes, savannah felt everything fall into place. it took all her patience and restraint not to completely envelope her with sweet caresses. instead, she tilted her head a little to perfectly study her every aspect of her best friend’s face. “ well, i was planning on either singlehandedly solving misogyny for the modern times —… or maybe doing some more of this ? ” savannah chuckled as she leant up to mara’s lips, finally ( and thankfully ) bridging the gap between them. it was always going to be there, she thought, the easiness, the camaraderie and the ability to tease and mock without there being bad intentions behind it. it’s what made their relationship, both incarnations of it, all the more pleasurable and savannah couldn’t get enough of the way it brought them closer. “ i’ve never had someone cook for me after sex before ” savannah hums against mara’s lips as she steals another kiss, so warm and tender and every bit how she expects the pretty brunette to taste, especially once the bubbly sting of champagne’s left her lips. she can’t remember the last time she’s felt as peaceful as she is, without any care in the world or any outside worries to fret about and she knows it’s got everything to do with mara. there’s something about the girl laying beside her, so stunning and perfect, who steals away every worried thought from her mind in exchange for lightness and warmth. “ what’re you going to be cooking, good-lookin’ ? ” sav asks tenderly, wanting so much to pull mara into her embrace so tight and brand her lips as much she could without it coming off as territorial.
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             chuckling at savannah’s little joke, she smiles into the kiss ━ quickly reciprocating it back. mara was glad that nothing was weird between them. nothing awkward or anything like that. they were always close ( although mara had a feeling they were going to be a lot closer now ) and able to talk with another like it was nothing. it was always so easy with savannah, in a way that didn’t feel so easy with other people. “there’s always a first time for everything,” mara responds, reluctantly pulling away from savannah to glance around the room. she’s pretty sure her dress is by the window ━ or was that savannah’s? mara knows for certain that the underwear by the door belongs to her, a revelation with made cheeks slightly tinted pink. she’s quick to lie back down, wondering savannah’s sweet embrace which made her morning that much better. the woman was naturally able to brighten up mara’s day no matter what. playfully rolling her eyes, she’d shrug afterwards as she thought up an answer. “oh, i dunno. i suppose the classic i just had sex with my best friend and really loved it entree. a.k.a pancakes. lots of them. i’m starving, especially after all that we did,” mara shot back, tone laced with a flirtatious playfulness as she leaned forward and stole a kiss from savannah this time around. it was as though mara simply couldn’t get enough of her, unable to properly control herself. “i’d ask for help but i don’t want the kitchen getting burnt down so . . .,” mara playfully adds, pressing a soft kiss to the other’s lips afterwards.
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biuemondays · 3 years
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Abraham reaches for his glass of scotch even as he continues to listen to Gwen’s lilting words, her voice soft and decadent as it reaches his ears. He hopes that the burn of the aged liquor will distract him from the painful tightening that he feels beneath his trousers; that age-old punishment for men regardless of who they are or where they are in life. Still, the longer she stays and weaves her mischief into the air about the sanctity of his study, the less he minds having been interrupted before finding release. Her company is surprisingly welcome. He swallows down the scotch, allowing it to warm him while taking in the soft little flush that blossoms over her cheeks. “Well now you have to tell me,” he insists, curious about just what ‘silly’ dream could give her such an expression. Then again, there’s much about this girl to be curious about. She’s an anomaly of sorts, as different as night and day from his own daughter that he has to wonder at her motivations. “I suppose that depends upon your definition of interesting,” he tosses back wryly, some trace of teasing lingering in his tone as he appraises her. Abraham has a vivid imagination, something that often translates into the realm of fantasy whenever he actually finds the time to sleep long enough to dream. “I think we all dream of such things,” he answers honestly, treating her with more mindfulness than he would ever offer Victoria. “Ambition is built upon such things. To know that you desire more than what you have — that hunger can only manifest itself in so many ways.”
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               gwen giggles, soft and sweet, as she looks away from him all over again. “i don’t know . . .,” she sighs, meeting his gaze once again as she thought it over, “if you really want to hear about it, i suppose i’ll tell you. after all, you and i are kind of like friends too, right? and we could tell each other anything?” gwen doubted that was really the case but she’s merely testing the waters at this point. she nods along to his words, sitting up a bit straighter now as she uncrossed her legs. “oh, i know. i’ve felt it so passionately that i’m scared i might not be able to control myself much longer. especially not with the dreams i’ve been having. ones of intimacy. being with another person,” she pauses for a moment, tongue gliding across her lower lip as she continued to hold his gaze, “it’s not wrong to have those kinds of dreams, is it? to want to be with another person in that way? because i’ve thought about a lot. all the time. even though i’ve never actually . . .” cutting herself off, gwen tucks a strand of pale blonde hair behind her ear in the process. “from what i know, it’s supposed to be special. and you’re definitely supposed to do do it with someone you like, someone you desire the most. for a while, i’ve wondered who that person might be but . . . i think i know who that person is now. the thing is, i don’t even know if he’d want me like that.”
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biuemondays · 3 years
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“Who needs to try?” He asks between flashes of the camera, moving around to get her from ever conceivable angle. “Darling, you’re fucking gorgeous!” Is he flirting? Yes. Would his best friend have his head on a platter if he knew? Oh, absolutely! Does the knowledge stop him? Not in the slightest! Chance is having far too much fun to give up this little game between them and the alcohol currently circulating through his system only spurs on such reckless behavior, much like the blaring music and that darling little flush on Camille’s face. If he’s reading the room right, and he’s almost certain that he is, she’s having just as much fun as he is. He takes a few more snaps before standing next to her again. “Alright, alright,” he holds his camera in one hand, stealing back the cigarette with his other so that he can take a deliberate drag of nicotine into his expanding lungs. His gaze rakes over her again, a calculating glint in his eyes. “Would I be crossing a line if I asked you to push the top of your dress down to your waist?”
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             camille smiles, feeling all the more willing to put on a show. she’s having just a little too much fun, long since forgetting all about her brother. camille’s focused entirely on herself and chance, of course. she poses and lets herself go completely, allowing herself to be free. hiding herself most of the time and pretending to be someone she wasn’t, camille was glad that she didn’t have to do that with chance. one could argue that the male was growing to be a bad influence ━ if only they knew that camille was just as bad. glancing up at him after he would ask something new, she merely smirks. “i’ll do you one better,” camille replies, deciding to take off the dress entirely before placing it to the side. the things that liquid courage and desire will make you do. “is this good enough?” she asks, tone dripping with sweet innocence as she glanced back up at him.
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biuemondays · 3 years
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Content that her room is mostly as she left it, Cherry makes herself at home by falling somewhat gracelessly onto the corner of her bed. Truth be told, she’s already missing the independence of living on her own but is there really anything more comforting than coming back home? “It is a lot, isn’t it?” The redhead laughs, allowing her gaze to trail over the abundance of soft pinks and creams that decorate every corner of the room. She reaches over, grabbing her stuffed rabbit from its home atop one of her pillows before hugging it close. “I suppose it doesn’t really fit a masculine aesthetic, huh?” Amusement tinges her words as she allows her gaze to rake over him, knowing that any number of the boys she’d grown up with would have pitched a fit over having to stay in such a girly room for any period of time. And yet, here’s this grown man who had put up with it for months at his point just to help out her parents.
“You know, I was pretty suspicious when my mom first told me about you.” She admits her qualms openly, crossing her legs on the mattress as she holds the bunny tighter. “You just show up out of the blue and it’s a bit weird, right? And your name!” Cherry laughs, allowing her gaze to rake over him as he leans against her wall. There just had to be something somewhat ironic about a man named after the bible’s first murderer taking up a pastor’s life! “But all they ever want to talk about anymore is how you’ve been such a great help to them,” she continues, a little more serious now. A part of her feels like she owes him in some way, for taking care of the two most important people in her life while she was out trying to live her life. “I guess what I’m trying to say is thank you, you know? I know it takes a lot to devote yourself to Christ and people like that — it takes strength and courage.” She makes a face, scrunching her nose in embarrassment. “Point being, I’m excited to get to know you the way that my parents do.”
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           his gaze unintentionally seems to follow her every move, drinking in her features as much as he could. at her question, he laughs along with her ━ easygoing shrug following behind it. amusement, much more genuine this time around, fills his features upon noticing her hug the stuffed rabbit. despite her age, she seemed to still carry an innocence that was admittedly alluring to a man like him. one that was ironically sinful despite the current company he kept. cain’s chuckling again, shaking his head at her words. “not really. but it was comfortable so i made due with it. as long as i had four walls and a roof, i was fine,” he admits, knowing that he had been in much worse.
              features remain neutral at cherry’s words. cain supposed that she had every right to be suspicious of him. not even he would trust himself, but maybe that’s because he knew all that he had done. “ah, the irony,” cain chuckles, remembering when the pastor had first told him about the uncanny coincidence. cain, the brother driven to so much jealousy that he killed his brother adam. “you don’t really have to thank me. i was just doing the right thing. anyone could’ve done it, i’m sure.” cain’s not too convinced, however. he’s seen the worst of people ( hell, he was one of them ). most would’ve turned their head and not even bothered to help. cain wouldn’t have, if it hadn’t been for the scheme he had in mind. “i’m excited to get to know you too. honestly, i feel like i know you already ━ thanks to your parents. you’re the apple of their eye and all,” cain remarks. they did talk about cherry a lot, only helping to connect the dots between their words and whatever else he had found around her room. “must be nice. having parents who care about you like that,” he then adds, looking away from cherry afterwards, “you’re pretty lucky.”
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biuemondays · 3 years
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“i promise that you have no reason to be nervous,” priya said sincerely, rising from her crouch on the floor and adjusting the angle on her studio lights. “you’ve completely saved me stepping in. “my deadline is tonight and these dresses fit you beautifully.” when wedding season was quiet, priya had to make ends meet still. “honestly fo many people would kill for your bone structure. you’re killing it here.”
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              “really?” the little ounce of insecurity that dakota feels has gone out the window, momentarily glancing down at the dress. used to wearing sundresses at most, this was a complete change. but a welcomed one. dakota had to live a little and do something spontaneous one of these days. “you’re too nice to me honestly,” dakota smiles, giving her a small dismissive wave of her hand, “you’re gorgeous too. plus, i bet you’ve seen tons better than me.”
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biuemondays · 3 years
closed starter for @biuemondays·
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priya adjusted her lense before focusing on today’s model. “just tip your chin up a little… just like that. perfect.” she hummed in approval as the shot lined up. “this lighting looks gorgeous on you.” 
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          dakota can’t help but smile. she wasn’t a model in the slightest but upon agreeing to do this, she couldn’t help but feel like one. “thanks,” her smile only grows but she has to stop herself before she’s full on blushing. “i’m honestly a bit nervous about all of this.”
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biuemondays · 3 years
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ANYA TAYLOR-JOY for 78th Annual Golden Globe Awards. 02/28/21
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biuemondays · 3 years
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biuemondays · 3 years
babe you got flagged as a smut blog and now you won’t show up
i know dfkjsbdfkjsdb i am so mad
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biuemondays · 3 years
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She said people try to be good but they’re really sick and rotten, her most of all, and every time she tried to make the world a better place, something terrible came up inside her and pulled her back down into hell. Took her deeper and deeper into the blackest nightmare. Every time it got harder to go back up to the light.
Twin Peaks: Fire Walk with Me (1992) dir. David Lynch
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biuemondays · 3 years
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  morgan’s cheeks went a bright red as she took a longer sip of her wine to give herself a little bit of liquid courage. no one had called her ‘smoking hot’ in who knew how long and hopefully she wasn’t reading too much into all of this. prue just wnated to help her out, that was all and she understood that. “well, it’s going to be put to the test a bit.” she said with a small chuckle. “this weekend my mom wants the both of us to go to this charity event.” it’ll be the first big event where the two of them would actually have to act like a married couple. their stories should be straight by then, and she wasn’t too worried she just hoped that prue could handle everything. the smile on her face widened when she thanked her, and she couldn’t help but to take her hand and give it a small squeeze. “i’m looking forward to being married to you, too.” 
  when it was time for the two of them to turn in for the night, morgan finished cleaning up between the two of them and after putting everything away, she knew that she should show prue where she’d be sleeping. everything was perfectly set up since she could finally use all the space that she had. she could just assume that she didn’t want to sleep anywhere close to her, this was just all for show. maybe if they were an actual married couple things would be different, but they just had to look like one on the outside. “i’m just happy i can use some of this stuff.” she said with a chuckle as she showed her to the guest room that she had in the apartment. “i’m just down the hall… like i said you can have your own space and everything.” she didn’t want to lead too much on, but she couldn’t help but to keep an invitation open for her. “usually i stay up and watch a couple of movies… if you ever want to pop in.” 
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          “ooh . . . that sounds exciting.” although she’s teasing, prue knew that she didn’t really have much of a choice but to go. the girl admittedly dreaded going to events like that but for morgan, she would. it was all a part of their agreement anyways and if they were going to be able to play the part of happy newlyweds well, prue would have no choice but to sell the role well. morgan would admittedly be the only highlight of the event, prue willing to go as long as it was with her. cheeks heat up slightly when morgan would hold onto her hand. fingers interwoven, prue finds a comfort in her touch that she never would have found before with anyone else.
          prue wasn’t all that tired when it came time to unwind. admittedly, she was still very much giggly after all of the champagne she had had. but prue allows for morgan to show her to where she’d be staying in. even though it was the guest room, it looked better than any guest room prue had ever seen in her entire life. “this . . . is awesome,” prue chuckles, turning to look over at morgan again, “i don’t know if i’m ever going to be leaving this room again.” leaned up against the wall, she folds her arms across her chest as she would then hear morgan’s offer. “i’m in. i can’t sleep now, not when the night’s still young. i’m down to watch anything you want honestly,” she readily agrees, holding onto morgan’s hand all over again, “even incredibly cheesy rom-coms if you have any.”
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