blossoming-witness · 2 days
Can we all band together and hold hands and smite all the weirdo catholic orbiters that keep trying to call themselves feminists
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blossoming-witness · 6 days
I wanted to write something and I forgot, making a note so maybe I'll remember later...
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blossoming-witness · 6 days
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Referring to JK Rowling, of course. Interesting how these unhinged cultists never conjure up similar, overly detailed rape and torture scenarios about conservative men whose opposition to trans ideology stems from homophobic and misogynistic views (like Matt Walsh, Ben Shapiro, or Jordan Peterson).
Interesting how these rape and torture scenarios are reserved exclusively for the one woman whose opposition to trans ideology stems from radical feminist and gender abolitionist views.
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blossoming-witness · 6 days
Like that's literally "the TERF way"
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yet another episode of "agreeing with feminists while condemning feminists"
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blossoming-witness · 7 days
Pensandolo bien, me gusta más cómo lo pensé en español:
Las mujeres que se identifican como hombres trans siempre quieren presentarse como hombres feministas deconstruidos que no les da vergüenza mostrar su lado femenino. En cambio, los hombres que se identifican como mujeres trans siempre quieren presentarse según los esquemas más tradicionales y machistas de feminidad.
Have you noticed how trans identified women always want to be woke, feminist men that aren't intimidated by showing their femenine side, while trans identified men always want to be traditional, girly women with tons of internalized misoginy? Of course there are exceptions but it's an interesting tendency
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blossoming-witness · 8 days
Have you noticed how trans identified women always want to be woke, feminist men that aren't intimidated by showing their femenine side, while trans identified men always want to be traditional, girly women with tons of internalized misoginy? Of course there are exceptions but it's an interesting tendency
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blossoming-witness · 9 days
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it is not your job - caitlyn siehl
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blossoming-witness · 10 days
I don’t know how to comment this.. "also like 90’s lesbian" so for you gender is like a feeling from some aesthetic? I don’t wish any bad to the person who made this post, but it just doesn’t make sense
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blossoming-witness · 10 days
randomly remembered the time I argued with a fellow feminist from a local group and she refused to read the sources I provided bc the publisher belongs to a mega company that owns many publishers, including academic ones as well as tabloids, so she claimed the papers I linked were tabloid lies.
like... I don't think you have the intellectual high ground you claim to have if you can't discern a peer revieved paper from a tabloid article, it's not my fault one big company owns almost ALL press in this country whether they're serious or trash??
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blossoming-witness · 10 days
“If we say “pregnant people” instead of “pregnant women,” abortion becomes a people’s rights issue instead of a women’s rights issue. And then you can’t complain if men decide.”
— Helen Saxby
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blossoming-witness · 10 days
It’s really funny to me how sex, out of all the social categories, is the least ambiguous yet is treated like it is the most by TRAs. Have you ever seen a TRA explain why transracial is wrong but transgender is ok? They always yap about how gender is a social construct… as if race isn’t? They’re like well racial differences are real and it can be determined with genetics. Like. So close! That is eugenics ❤️
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blossoming-witness · 10 days
I'm still not over "the moral necessity of being sexist to JKR" or whatever the exact title was, like imagine the same performative liberal crowd was talking about "the moral necessity of being racist to Ben Carson" or "the moral necessity of being homophobic to Milo Yiannopoulos" or "the moral necessity of being antisemitic to Michael Cohen" hello how progressive can you pretend to be if you only oppose bigotry when it's directed at people who agree with you
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blossoming-witness · 13 days
Lo queer pierde la rebeldía del performance como una critica irreverente a la cultura cuando se medicaliza.
La disforia pierde su materialidad como condición psicológica que problematiza a quien la vive cuando se reduce a performance.
Hay una contradicción latente al interior del mismo movimiento queer/movimiento trans, y es esta misma contradicción la que lo aleja del feminismo. Porque el feminismo sí toma como base la materialidad del cuerpo para poder hablar después de las reglas sociales a las que tenemos que rebelarnos, pero siempre asume esos dos como niveles separados.
El performance no se puede medicalizar, no está ligado a las hormonas ni a las ondas neuronales ni a nada corporal. Cualquiera puede retar a la sociedad a través de una expresión queer de la autoimagen, de la ropa, del maquillaje y del arte hecho con el cuerpo.
Pero la disforia no se puede reducir a la superficialidad, no podemos definir la experiencia disfórica como el deseo (o rechazo) de vestir de rosa, jugar con barbies o usar ciertos pronombres. Porque la disforia tiene que ver directamente con la percepción que tenemos de nuestro propio cuerpo, nuestros organos y cómo vivimos sus funciones.
Queer como movimiento de performance contracultural, y disforia como condición clínica que necesitar rechazar los roles de género para sobrellevarse, no son lo mismo. Tienen elementos vínculados y relacionados entre sí, pero asumir que son lo mismo problematiza uno y el otro.
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blossoming-witness · 14 days
im thinking of jobs that involve contact with the private area. doctors, beauty salons, tattooist/piercer. they all wear gloves and work in sterile environments, also the worker is clothed.
im thinking of jobs that involve saliva. also doctors, covid test stations. again, sterile environment, worker is clothed, probably even wearing a mask, and gloves.
im thinking of jobs where the worker has to get naked. actors and actresses, models. they are at least supposed to have a coach on set and an agent supporting their safety.
none of this is implemented in prostitution and never will be because it destroys the illusion of it being about sex and not money and power exerted through it. sex cant be regulated or professionalised and thats beside the point that with all possible regulations it is still unwanted sex.
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blossoming-witness · 14 days
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it’s so sad that radfem means radical feminist instead of meaning women in skin tight clothes that symbolize the start of modern diet culture!
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blossoming-witness · 19 days
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Like an utter fool I let both World Unicorn Day and National Farm Animal Day go by this week and didn’t post any unicorns or farm animals. Those two things are basically all I draw. Unforgivable. Please accept these apology ungulates.
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blossoming-witness · 19 days
Leftist men will be like Yeah I guess “misogyny” is bad but you have to consider that some men are wxrking clxss and differently abled so :) and also queer so they’re attracted to women in a gay way lol & sex has been dismantled and has no bearing on the way I interact with the world and holy shit I hate white cis women
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