blue-blur · 20 days
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damn, i can't believe sonic x fully used dark sonic's potential by making an entire story revolving around this transformation and didn't let it fade into obscurity
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blue-blur · 24 days
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I think a lot of fans seem to forget or are ignorant to the fact that Sonic can fly a plane just as well as Tails can and has never been portrayed in any competent Sonic media to be a poor pilot.
In the manga image, he's just having engine trouble.
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blue-blur · 24 days
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blue-blur · 26 days
i'm always hung up on how shadow could've killed them. like, he didn't suddenly become the ultimate lifeform after taking a 50-year-long nap, you know? he ALWAYS had those powers and that strength. those soldiers chasing him through the ark would've been easy for him to take out. but he didn't. he didn't fight. he just ran. why? because it's wrong to kill? because he didn't think THEY would kill maria? because he didn't WANT to kill them? fascinating. maybe he'd never known violence before that moment. maybe he didn't even think about it.
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blue-blur · 29 days
I forgot to share it here, but I drew Shadow in jail a week ago. I'll release him when the trailer is out
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Rebloging my shadow reeves art too, for more manifestation
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blue-blur · 29 days
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The two kings!
From the official Amy Rose's Fortune Card Deck
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blue-blur · 1 month
Thinking about the theme of a person suffering for the sake of the world and vice versa in 06. Silver wondering if sacrificing a person's life to save the world is right and Blaze doing exactly that with herself, Shadow knowing that the world will eventually betray him but still choosing to protect it, Mephiles trying to influence him to do the opposite, and Elise's father forcing the decision on her, which leads to her wanting to choose her own happiness over the fate of the world
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blue-blur · 2 months
I dare you to actually draw Shadow with your eyes closed and show us the result.
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blue-blur · 2 months
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blue-blur · 2 months
What if the ancients were a lot more unnerving?
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Idea sparked by @/conorandkanohi on Twitter
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blue-blur · 2 months
are u a fan of the metal sonic is sonic roboticized thing? idk if you already answered a question like this,
this theory has an actual canon basis which, frankly, drives me insane.
eggman never making another metal sonic- wouldn't it be easier for him to win if he could just build an army or metal sonics.... unless he couldnt?
in sonic generations you fight silver in crisis city. you fight metal sonic in stardust speedway bad future. despite those two events being erased from the timeline.....
metal sonic being obsessed with sonic. he thinks he IS sonic. why in the world would eggman program him into thinking that... unless maybe he was the real sonic, after all?
everything about sonic heroes but specifically metal sonics line about seeing him as he is now, no longer afraid. and his attempt to turn everyone into robots.
I think there's just enough scraps of information to make a hypothesis: that metal sonic came from the bad future, where eggman succeeded in taking over the world and turned sonic into a robot. the future eggman either wanted to get rid of sonic or decided to give it to his past self to "secure his victory". eggman, excited, takes metal sonic under his wing, but this effects the timeline and causes eggman to lose instead of win. this sets off a chain of events that leads to our sonic winning and going on to bigger and better adventures; sonic was supposed to fail on little planet, but thanks to the butterfly effect, he succeeds. and metal sonic is left in the aftermath with no future to go back to, with no home to return to.
metal sonic being sonic is some next level horror type shit that drives me nuts. the idea that the embodiment of freedom and free will and the indomitable spirit being turned into the very oppressor he fought against, completely unwilling, turned into a weapon of war instead of an attempt at creating peace. your entire identity is stripped from you- your personality, your ability to properly feel emotions, your ability to think for yourself and do as you please- gone. forced to obey the very man that turned you into this metal monster, that either killed all of your friends or turned them into monsters just like you. forced to serve the man who's actively destroying the world you spent so long trying to keep safe, polluting and turning the beautiful planet as cool and blue as you into an industrial wasteland.
did eggman realise his mistake, in his haste to take over the world, and sent metal sonic back to stop his past self from taking over? did eggman simply want to get rid of metal sonic when he became faulty, when he started to overcome his programing? did eggman send him back to give his past self an even better advantage? or did sonic manage to do it all himself, after months of fighting the programming?
doesn't matter. what matters is that metal ends up in the past, ends up back in the hands of the monster he served for months on end, the monster who turned him into a monster, the monster that finally tamed wind and chained freedom.
but the worst thing of all.... is seeing your past self.
free and unburdened and flesh. free and fast and winning. free. winning.
its you, but its not you, because this sonic succeeds where you failed. this sonic stops eggman from using the time stones to conquer the world, this sonic defeats you in a race and saves amy and saves the entire world and you. failed. again.
because, as time tells, as you continue being forced to fight against your fleshy doppelganger, like an attack dog, over and voer again, you realize the pattern. he wins. you lose.
he gets stronger, goes on tougher adventures, sees things you only ever dreamed of seeing back in your shitty little cell when eggman was holding you captive. he defeats monsters and men and gods alike and he grows stronger and older and better and wiser and you don't change. you're still that stupid eleven year old who got captured by your worst enemy, you’re still that faulty, cracked weapon of war who's starting to lose sight of your mission of serving eggman. you're still you, the sonic that fails, the sonic that keeps failing because you can't get stronger, because you cant get better and faster and wiser.
and its driving you insane, being the sonic that loses, being subservent to the man who took away your ability to bleed, and something snaps in your coding, and you can finally see clearer than you have in years.
you lock up the man who turned you into this beast and you hunt down sonic's friends, stealing their data, copying everything you can. you can't defeat sonic by yourself, because you're the sonic that loses, but if you copy their abilities, if you become something more than sonic, perhaps you can finally be the sonic that wins. you can finally succeed and he can finally fail and after years of that asshole rubbing it into your face, at being constantly reminded of just how badly you fucked up, you can finally come out on top.
you'll prove to the world that you're the real sonic, that you're the sonic that wins, and you'll force everyone to feel the same terror you've felt since you were eleven and you watched your flesh melt into titanium. you'll turn this entire world into robots like you, into a mechanical wasteland, and you'll never, ever, ever be alone again. finally, they'll understand your pain, they'll understand you, and they'll respect you, because you became the sonic that won.
but things don't work out. because the universe seems to favour this sonic, because maybe he's just got more luck than you, because maybe you were just doomed from the very start. but sonic wins- he and his stupid friends that used to be your stupid friends win and they defeat you and you're left in the aftermath, once again, as the sonic that loses.
and then eggman finds you and reprograms you and you are back to square one. and you are back to being a puppet. and you are back to being strung along. and you are back to being the sonic that loses.
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blue-blur · 2 months
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🗺️ Hello, traveler! 🗺️
After all this time on this journey, it is time to share the memories collected along the way. You can download the journal for free now!
-> GET IT HERE! <-
This zine features: 🌎over 100 pages! 🌍art and fics representing many corners of the world 🌏poetry 🌎worldbuilding 🌍10 yummy recipes (all are vegetarian by default!) 🌏two printable DIY merch items 🗺️world map
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blue-blur · 2 months
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been struggling a lot recently but ill be dammed if shadow the hedgehog wont save my soul
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blue-blur · 2 months
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a Pandora AU commission :]
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blue-blur · 2 months
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maybe in another life
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blue-blur · 2 months
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two of them
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blue-blur · 2 months
quick random poll because this has been bugging me since frontiers came out
cutscene in question -> X
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