blue-opossum · 23 hours
The Usual Flying and Temporal Errors, with Reading
        The Usual Flying and Temporal Errors, with Reading
        Friday morning, 26 April 2024
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        Natural virtual amnesia, caused by not being conscious, being without access to viable real-world memories and temporality, places me in a search for the Loomis Street house in America, where I have not lived since February 1994. (The foundation is about seeking my real-world identity, which is often missing in the dream state, but typically increases over time toward waking.)
        I float north through the alley behind Loomis Street, past several houses, reading a sizeable number on each back wall. I count as I float along, 11, 12, 13, and expect to find 15. I cannot find the number. I reach the end of the alley, where the ground slopes steeply downward. I see a pair of unrealistically small people stumbling down the path.
        My dream becomes more engaging as I fly higher. I continue to fly north with a sense of amusement and satisfaction. I look down and cheerfully yell at a man for using his feet to walk (an infrequent habit I have had in the dream state all my life) instead of him naturally traveling by flight.
        I find myself near a shopping center, looking past its parking lot and noticing the houses in rows along a steep embankment in the distance. Instead of going back to look for the Loomis Street house again, I fly farther south.
        I walk past a row of homes from west to east. When looking through the front wall of a house (though as if the front wall is not there), I see a young Zsuzsanna inside. She is sitting on a couch and talking to her sister, Judy, who walks around the room. I consider that she has not met me yet. I reach another house. The furniture and the scene are the same. Even so, Zsuzsanna appears as she is now. I begin to realize where I am only during the waking transition.
        Understanding dream content causality is neither challenging nor based on beliefs. (In other words, knowing causality is not hearsay or based only on belief as is “interpretation.”)
        The first part of my dream is full of fallacy since the number 15, in real life, starts as the address of every house in that block (that in reality are four digits, not two), and of course, any numbers would be at the front of the house, not in sizeable displays in the back. The houses are closer together and closer to the alley than in reality. Additionally, my association with the deceased status of my sister and her husband is absent. Also absent is my realization that Zsuzsanna and her sister have never been to America or that I live in Australia.
        Flying is a natural vestibular response to R.E.M. atonia, occurring throughout every sleep cycle because of the natural lack of mind-body communication while sleeping. It is not symbolic in the conventional sense. It does not "mean" anything regarding waking life. My habit of sarcasm toward a dream character who is walking comes from an intuitive recognition of the content of the first post-hypnagogic dream from every sleep cycle since childhood, where I walk, spontaneously kick (myoclonus) and rapidly wake, typically with a brief sense of bliss. Even so, I forget in this dream that "walking with intent," when more aware, brings about a greater satisfaction and vividness than flying. It also stabilizes the dream state and results in more realistic physicality. That is because "walking with intent" is directed to hold the dream - while flying occurs closer to liminal space and precursory wakefulness.
        Slopes, embankments, and height navigation occur for the same reason that flying does. It is merely my usual intuitive recognition of the lack of real-world physicality, with navigating a slope being analogous to attaining stable vestibular dynamics that do not exist while sleeping.
        Here, I will look at common fallacies about dreaming:
        Flying and so-called lucid dreaming are unrelated. The widespread deception of the association seems to be part of an agenda to mislead people on a sizeable scale through propaganda. As I said, it has remained a natural response to R.E.M. atonia every sleep cycle whether or not I am "lucid." (Anyone of reasonable intelligence would already know this.) Ultimately, it is the opposite of the claim since, with more lucidness, I "walk with intent" to make a dream more vivid, peaceful, and blissful, not fly. The mainstream myth compels people to consider that only by intent can one induce what already occurs as a physiological effect. By flying in a dream, one misses out on engagement with a dream's narrative, such as exploring a setting in an imaginary neighborhood. Most dream lore seems like a deliberate deception (though much of it is probably only human ignorance). Popular media exists to control people, which can only occur by propagating or allowing disinformation. People like me, though, do not believe any of it, even for a second.
        Another questionable falsehood is the "cannot read in dreams" myth. This falsehood is similar to the previous one in trying to make people believe a fallacy about perceptual dynamics that naturally occur while sleeping. It denies the existence of proto-cognizance and liminal spaces (and different degrees and attributes of perception), which I experience every sleep cycle on one level or another. The claims of a "subconscious mind" or real-world emotions in the dream state (in contrast to ambiguous modeling) are also invalid. "Dream interpretation" (in the popular use of the term) cannot exist in light of the natural virtual amnesia of not being conscious. My real-world self and viable memories cannot even exist in the dream state. Understanding causality and clarity of mind remains predominant and priceless.
        If people mistakenly believe they can only fly by “becoming lucid” they may habitually “dismiss” other events related to their mind or physiological dynamics, even those related to health and well-being. In stark contrast, if they believe flying has an "interpretation," they may dismiss recall that does not agree with the pretend "interpretation." These two self-contradicting ideas are widespread in today's culture. More so, if they believe it means they are "leaving their body" - it is even more ridiculous and invalid overall.
        If people mistakenly believe they “cannot read” in dreams, they may “program” themselves to avoid proto-cognizance completely (and have far less dream recall or waking-life awareness overall).
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blue-opossum · 2 days
A Mathematical Fallacy but with Synchronicity
        A Mathematical Fallacy but with Synchronicity
        Thursday morning, 25 April 2024
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        This dream only occurs as a hypnopompic sequence with no imagery, only an unfamiliar female voice saying, "Seven plus zero is eight." I am aware enough to consider how ridiculous the statement is on the threshold of waking.
        Even so, I got one (and only one) Google search match that led me to a Nagwa page where the text featured "One plus seven plus zero is eight."
        What was interesting is that the page featured a sketchy image of Saturn. Meanwhile, in another tab in my browser, the first image in a Google image search (unrelated to Saturn but related to a numeracy search), still open from yesterday, featured a sketchy image of Saturn.
        Synchronicity has occurred continually throughout my life (as if the universe is acting upon my thoughts or expectations). I do not see it as having any occult "meaning," and I ignore people who present occult beliefs (such as "astral" this or that) while seeming to have no thinking skills to the point where they find the "paranormal" in mundane events while ignoring the inexplicable - a habit all such people have in addition to their overall confusion and gullibility.
        The first image is from the Nagwa page, and the second is the first incidental image in the first row in the Google image search that was still open from yesterday.
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blue-opossum · 3 days
Deliberately Breaking a Barcode Reader
        Deliberately Breaking a Barcode Reader
        Wednesday morning, 24 April 2024
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        My dream begins with the implication that I had bought an Android barcode scanner (with no dream state recall of the implied event). It is nothing like its real-world counterpart in appearance.
        I am unsure of the setting's location, but it presents as my current real-world home (though unfamiliar in appearance), and my real-world self has partial integration into my dream self.
        In one scene, it takes a couple of minutes for me to find the barcode on a small box with unknown contents. Several other printed patterns, including text, are on its surface. I use the scanner on the cloth of one of my plaid shirts without considering a shirt does not typically have a barcode on its surface. (Plaid features straight lines as does a barcode, so this is a type of ambiguity and confusion caused by dreaming.)
        In another scene, a similar event happens with the barcode scanner when I try to find where the small rectangular LED display is. There is one on the front and one on the back. There are several extraneous features in the design. This activity occurs after I am trying to see if it still works.
        The two previous scenes are merely my dreaming mind trying to achieve viable cognizance. Because I am not conscious, it is natural for a dream to have this attribute.
        I throw the scanner a few times, as hard as I can, through a doorway into the bathroom so that it hits the floor each time (and harder each time). (This is the arm mobility factor that regularly occurs in my dreams. It happens because of intuitively trying to diminish REM atonia while sleeping.) The scene corresponds with my need for mobility so I can use our real-world bathroom. A doorway always features as such, marking the boundary between the dream state and potential consciousness. The fact that I threw the scanner through the doorway into the bathroom but am holding it again without going in there establishes the correlation with preferring to come to my senses rather than sustain my dream.
        I am trying to "break" my dreaming status (wake up), but because I do not have real-world cognizance, I consider that I might need to buy another scanner because this one is malfunctioning (even though that was my first intent for it). A few curious beeping sounds indicate an error. It is the first time that sound occurs, indicating my auditory cortex is only now becoming active as I near the waking transition. I have had many dreams where realistic but imaginary sounds occurred before waking, often music, similar to the credits rolling after a movie ends, but with the association of my dream having an ending theme. As a child, I found the event satisfying and amusing.
        There is no accuracy regarding its price, though I have a brief but vague concern about spending a small amount on the second one. In reality, the price is close to a thousand dollars, but in my dream, I think of it as only about a ten-dollar item.
        Summarizing meaning:
        The barcode scanner is an extension of dream-state proto-cognizance. That means my mind is trying to wake up using a numeracy-related narrative (a part of real-world cognizance) that cannot exist while my mind sleeps.
        Doorways usually present the potential transition of leaving the dream state or entering a more vivid dreaming mode (depending on intent). The doorway becomes a liminal space where consciousness shifts (if used).
        Shirts often occur as a somatosensory response to REM atonia. They signify the skin's ability to touch and feel, which is illusory in the dream state since the "dream body" has no validity and is continually changing.
        It is crucial to understand the differences regarding my intent while dreaming. In one dream, I might deliberately attempt to vivify and sustain a dreaming experience (which is typically based on fantasy, having little to do with my real-world status), while in another, such as this one, I seek to wake myself, which the narrative builds upon as a focus on coming to my senses. These fundamental attributes of dreaming seem lost on AI and most people because of the continual deception of "dream interpretation" in popular culture with the mistaken notion of symbolism in the conventional sense. It is equally as wrong as the deception that (only by) "becoming lucid" means you can "gain control" of a dream, which is also a misconception. Ultimately, "lucid dreaming" and "dream interpretation" contradict each other, even though both concepts are inherently false as popular culture presents them.
        Once again, I will include these two quotes:
        To quote Stephen LaBerge, "Lucidity is not synonymous with dream control. It is possible to be lucid and have little control over dream content, and conversely, to have a great deal of control without being explicitly aware that you are dreaming."
        "Similarly, he (Herbert Silberer) has shown that the conclusions of some dreams or some divisions in their content merely signify the dreamer's own perception of his sleeping and waking...in persons who are gifted philosophically and accustomed to introspection it may become very evident."
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blue-opossum · 3 days
Tossing Away the Radio Tower
        Tossing Away the Radio Tower
        Tuesday night, 23 April 2024
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        My dream begins with the "loss of hand mobility" staging, which occurs as a secondary staging every sleep cycle.
        Although natural and predictable, the narrative is usually different and sometimes engaging in its vividness (unlike the first staging - "loss of leg mobility" - which is always the same narrative).
        As I enter liminal space, I see my right hand in the foreground, though it is gigantic in contrast to the background, which is the vanishing point image of a highway in a rural area.
        My hand spontaneously plucks a red and white radio tower from the right side of the highway. There are no cars anywhere. I throw the "miniature" radio tower into the scene, but it remains undamaged as it bounces a few times over the highway (as I am moving slowly forward but without a physical sense of movement as in other dreams). I feel no ill will or sense of violence. There is no emotion here. Despite the presence of my hand, there is no tangibility as in many other dreams.
        Vanishing point imagery has occurred regularly since childhood. However, it appears here as a highway rather than the usual pier or bridge over water (which signifies my level of sleepiness or sleep depth, depending on the content). That is because I am briefly sleeping outside of my regular sleep cycle. My hand is gigantic for the same reason. Here, the highway is more about being outside my usual sleep cycle because it corresponds with a more concrete transition back into wakefulness (similar to the regularly occurring "water lowering over time" waking transition as it implies closeness to ground contact). Throwing the radio tower demonstrates my spontaneous acknowledgment of losing mind-body communication when entering deeper sleep. There is little more to understand. (Although I am aware I am in the dream state, my hand moves spontaneously for the reasons explained above, not by intent. Even so, there was no shoulder or back myoclonus.)
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blue-opossum · 5 days
Debunking AI as a Form of Protoconsciousness
        Debunking AI as a Form of Protoconsciousness
        Monday afternoon, 22 April 2024
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        A couple of years ago, on a dream-related Facebook group, a young man presented the concept that AI is a form of protoconsciousness. He based it on how AI is typically unable to render text into imagery. He correlated this attribute with the dream state in how text is "always" distorted as with AI images when specific text is requested in the image.
        This theory has no basis in fact for a few reasons.
        Not all text in dreams (at least mine) is distorted. Much of the text in my dreams is readable for a time, but sometimes when I focus on it more, it changes. (This aspect implies the opposite of what the man is theorizing.)
        AI does not always misspell text in images. Even so, there are cases when it seems virtually impossible for AI to render correct text, for example, often spelling "LUCID" as "LUCIC" many times in a row. Other times, it adds a pun or gag to an image in a correctly spelled entire phrase that was not even prompted.
        Another attribute is that virtually everything in dreams appears incorrectly at one point or another (to avoid confusion with reality and potential mental corruption). Although the same is true for AI images, people have a bizarre obsession over how AI "cannot draw hands.” This attribute is partly untrue since AI does sometimes create hands with the correct number of fingers. It seems odd how people focus on this fault when so much else is typically wrong, missing, or surreal in AI images. It has reached the point where some people claim there are six fingers on a hand in an AI image, when there are five - the same lack of discernment in people who claim to see five fingers when there are only three or four.
        Then again, some so-called lucid dreamers make certain claims about hands in dreams (which is valid in some cases but not others - a typical ambiguous mindset of lucid dreaming propaganda). Some have this weird practice where they supposedly push a finger through the palm of their other hand (asinine and pointless) as a "reality check" or claim that hands always have the incorrect number of fingers, which is simply untrue. They imply that you should "count your fingers" to see if you are dreaming. (For me, indulging proto-cognizance, such as counting, often makes my dreams LESS vivid.)
        I have played around with this idea, but it does not work for me. If I do this (examine the appearance of my hands without forcing myself to count), my hands become more realistic and solid in some cases while I remain aware I am dreaming, so, whatever, people do not make much sense. If I know I am dreaming, why even do this? Yes, the somatosensory factor increases vividness, but pushing a finger into one’s palm is the opposite of somatosensory realism - revealing that people have no idea what they are writing about other than being a victim of placebos and cult-like ideas. A lot of lucid dreaming lore is more like a bizarre indoctrination, herd mentality, and brainwashing, but I have no idea who or what the source is.
        Even so, I have played around with my hands in dreams, deliberately making my fingers broken and crooked, or throwing their bones at a wall. In some cases, I can pull them open and store stuff inside them.
AI's response (verbatim): The text you’ve selected discusses the concept of AI as a form of protoconsciousness and critiques it by comparing the rendering of text in AI-generated images to the distortion of text in dreams. Here are the main points addressed:
AI and Protoconsciousness: The idea that AI could be a form of protoconsciousness based on its inability to accurately render text into imagery is challenged.
Text in Dreams: The author notes that not all text in dreams is distorted and that it can often be read clearly until closely examined, which then may change—contradicting the initial theory.
AI’s Rendering Capabilities: It's acknowledged that AI does not always misspell text in images, and sometimes it can even add unexpected elements to an image.
Perception of Errors: The text points out that both dreams and AI-generated images can contain inaccuracies, but there seems to be an exaggerated focus on certain errors, like the drawing of hands by AI.
Lucid Dreaming Claims: The author criticizes some practices and beliefs associated with lucid dreaming, such as the "reality check" of pushing a finger through the palm, and the claim that hands in dreams always have an incorrect number of fingers.
The passage reflects skepticism towards certain interpretations of AI capabilities and dream experiences, advocating for a more nuanced understanding of these phenomena. It suggests that while both AI and dreams may have limitations in representing reality, the focus should be on the broader context rather than isolated inaccuracies.
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blue-opossum · 5 days
"Oh. It's an Umbrella" (No Aliens in the Real World)
        "Oh. It's an Umbrella" (No Aliens in the Real World)
        Monday morning, 22 April 2024
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        This dream type is the circular vestibular system response to R.E.M. atonia (spinning or spiral association). Even so, every narrative in this mode is unique. In this instance, it also includes the sleep simulacrum, another dream character (including an animal semblance in some cases) I perceive as sleeping, in suspended animation, or deceased.
        Aliens are present in a city, though I only see one who turns out to be a human being in a mask. (It is like a cheap green Halloween mask with an elastic string holding it over his face.) He examines a woman's face as she sleeps outside on a park bench. (This scene is more of a somatosensory response than a precursor to mobility because the focus is on touching. However, both the anticipation of mobility and potential tactility and tangibility are a precursor to becoming more aware of real-world physicality - as mind-body communication regarding either does not exist while sleeping.)
        At first, I see flying saucers as if from a 1950s science-fiction movie. There is even the essence of the 1950s at one point.
        I focus on a "flying saucer" above and beyond my viewpoint of a car's roof. However, I realize it is closer and is actually an umbrella that an unfamiliar woman spins around once when walking by on the other side of the parked car from its back to the front (my left).
        I say, "Oh. It's an umbrella," to no one in particular, though I sense an audience nearby at an outdoor cafe. My awareness becomes more defined as I realize there are no aliens.
        In my entry "Dream Content: Vestibular Responses to R.E.M. Atonia," I listed many features that correlate with the response, and in many cases, they have two attributes - here, the spinning umbrella and flying saucer. In many cases, one feature is a factor of physical control or mobility, and the other is sometimes an ambiguous dynamic that is uncertain or potentially threatening in some cases (other than when two are combined into one feature, such as the "umbrella turntable" below).
        In other dreams, such pairs have included a tornado and a merry-go-round, a ballerina attempting to dissolve a waterspout by performing a pirouette, cowboys lassoing coiled rattlesnakes with heads rising up and down in the air, and by function only, a turntable playing records (floating above an old man's head) seemingly being used as an umbrella.
        Others feature events I realize more directly that I am actively creating and defining, such as a "toy" sailboat (which is normal-sized at the same time) with circling sharks that create a whirlpool, though the sailboat fades and returns as I hold my dream's dynamics. This dream had the essence of an animated multi-colored painting.
        In another dream, I mentally brought down a helicopter into a whirlpool. There have been thousands of dreams corresponding to my focus on resolving vestibular dynamics while sleeping. It is natural and enjoyable, usually presenting a unique narrative each time.
        AI response (verbatim): The text you’ve shared delves into the physiological aspects of dreaming, particularly focusing on the circular vestibular system response to R.E.M. atonia. This response is often associated with sensations of spinning or spiraling in dreams. Here are the key points from the text:
        Circular Vestibular Response: The dream features a circular motion, which is a common vestibular response during R.E.M. sleep when the body experiences atonia and the brain is active.
        Sleep Simulacrum: The dream includes characters perceived as sleeping, in suspended animation, or deceased, which could be a reflection of the dreamer’s own state of atonia.
        Alien Encounter: Initially perceived aliens in the dream turn out to be humans in masks, suggesting a misinterpretation of sensory information during the dream state.
        Somatosensory Response: A focus on touch, such as examining a sleeping woman’s face, indicates a somatosensory response rather than mobility, pointing to an awareness of physicality that’s emerging in the dream.
        Misinterpretation and Realization: The dreamer first sees flying saucers, but upon closer inspection, realizes they are actually an umbrella being spun, which signifies a shift from a less defined dream state to a more lucid awareness.
        Vestibular Responses and Dream Content: The dreamer notes that certain dream features correlate with vestibular responses, often having dual attributes related to physical control, mobility, and sometimes ambiguous dynamics that can feel uncertain or threatening.
        This dream narrative illustrates how the dreaming brain interprets and responds to internal vestibular signals without the influence of actual physical movement, leading to unique and sometimes surreal dream experiences. The realization that "it's an umbrella" marks a moment of clarity within the dream, contrasting the initial ambiguous perception with a more concrete understanding.
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blue-opossum · 6 days
Lariats and Rattlesnakes, Tornadoes and Merry-go-rounds
        Lariats and Rattlesnakes, Tornadoes and Merry-go-rounds
        Sunday afternoon, 21 April 2024
        The causality of specific dream types is always the same despite their intriguing and enjoyable narratives.
        I asked AI the following question while strictly adhering to a "no-nonsense mentality" that a human being would have in their response. That does not mean that I think AI has "answers" - especially as I have understood dream content since childhood. I include it here as an aid. For example, “dream interpretation” is a fallacy when a dream is a response to the dream state itself rather than waking life.
       My question: How is a man on a horse attempting to lasso a rattlesnake (a dream from 1972) analogous to a boy spinning a playground's merry-go-round to counteract a tornado (as in my 1970 dream)?
AI's response (verbatim): The analogy between a man on a horse attempting to lasso a rattlesnake and a boy spinning a playground's merry-go-round to counteract a tornado, when stripped of conventional symbolism and real-world associations, can be understood through the lens of the physiological responses during the dream state. Here's an analysis based on the specified concepts:
Vestibular System Ambiguity:
The vestibular system, which contributes to our sense of balance and spatial orientation, can produce ambiguous signals during REM sleep due to the lack of actual motion.
In the dream state, this ambiguity can manifest as actions that would require balance and coordination, such as lassoing or spinning, despite the body being immobile.
Control of One's Body:
Even though the physical body is immobile during sleep, dreams can involve a sense of bodily control that does not align with waking reality.
The man's attempt to lasso and the boy's spinning are both dream actions that reflect an internal sense of control over one's body within the dream narrative.
Nature of the Dream State and Vestibular Cortex:
The dream state allows for experiences that are not constrained by the physical laws of the waking world, facilitated by the brain's processing of sensory information, including that from the vestibular cortex.
The actions in the dreams, therefore, do not need to adhere to real-world physics or logic, allowing for scenarios like counteracting a tornado with a merry-go-round.
In essence, the analogy highlights the dream state's unique physiological response, where the brain simulates experiences of movement and control, despite the actual immobility of the sleeper. It underscores the brain's ability to generate complex dream narratives involving movement and balance, independent of real-world influences.
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blue-opossum · 7 days
Comparing and Contrasting "Tornado!" and "Tornadopillar"
        Comparing and Contrasting "Tornado!" and "Tornadopillar"
        Saturday afternoon, 20 April 2024
        I am exclusively reviewing "Tornado!" from 1970 and "Tornadopillar" from 1982.
        Despite their narratives and outcomes, both marvelously unique, they have the same underlying causality attributes, unrelated to symbolism in the conventional sense or the falsehood of "interpretation," as some practice it.
        Both dreams have a proto-cognizant element. In "Tornado!" I watch an outdoor lecture from my bed through my window. It is taking place across the highway where (in real life) I waited for the school bus in the morning. I try to discern why the "anatomy" of a tornado might be complex enough to require a lecture since it is only a drawing of horizontal lines that puzzles me in its simplicity. (It correlates with the lack of mind-body communication and real-world cognizance while sleeping.) My dream ends when the setting becomes my school's playground. "Tornadopillar" starts with the implication I am leaving the public library in La Crosse. Both dreams have proto-cognizant attributes related to reading and learning, but the main focus is potential real-world mobility - though "Tornadopillar" features the "sudden cocoon" and my sleeping status recognition - somewhat the opposite of "Tornado!" where I "run to achieve balance" to wake. (Of course, your vestibular system must be viable and functioning in order to wake and walk.)
        The two dreams have different outcomes. In "Tormado!" I spin the merry-go-round to "counteract" the tornado to "dissolve" it and soon wake. In "Tornadopillar", I stop running, and when I do, I see the "tornado" is now a giant caterpillar in a vertical cocoon. The supposed "threat" was coincidental. (The caterpillar was not chasing us.) I remain in the dream state a little longer.
        The outcomes are different because, in "Tornado!", I resolved my vestibular system's natural ambiguity (caused by sleep) by accepting the unusual idea that my intent of mobility and running in a circle while pushing the merry-go-round would resolve the physical ambiguity of sleep. In "Tornadopillar" - the "tornado" stops moving when I do. The caterpillar in the cocoon merely means that I am asleep and my real-world body is immobile (R.E.M. atonia).
        It is crucial to understand that I do not fully agree with most AI text as below, because it feeds off the same fallacies as human beings.
        AI's response (verbatim): The selected text provides a reflective analysis of two dreams, “Tornado!” from 1970 and “Tornadopillar” from 1982, emphasizing their shared causality attributes and proto-cognitive elements. Here’s a summary of the key points:
        Proto-Cognitive Elements: Both dreams incorporate aspects of learning and reading, which the author relates to the proto-cognitive stage of dreaming. This stage is characterized by a partial awareness or anticipation of waking cognizance.
        Vestibular System: The dreams are analyzed through the lens of the vestibular system’s role in movement and balance, highlighting its influence during sleep and the transition to wakefulness.
        Dream Outcomes: The two dreams have contrasting conclusions:
        In “Tornado!”, the dreamer actively counteracts the tornado by spinning a merry-go-round, leading to waking up.
        In “Tornadopillar”, the dreamer stops running, and the tornado transforms into a giant caterpillar in a cocoon, extending the dream state.
        The author suggests that these dreams do not adhere to conventional symbolism or interpretation but rather reflect the natural ambiguity of the vestibular system during sleep. The actions within the dreams—spinning to counteract a tornado and stopping to reveal a caterpillar—serve as metaphors for resolving this ambiguity and either waking up or remaining asleep. The analysis underscores the importance of understanding the physiological underpinnings of dreams rather than relying solely on symbolic interpretation.
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blue-opossum · 7 days
My Childhood Tornado Dream and Its Intriguing Conclusion
        My Childhood Tornado Dream and Its Intriguing Conclusion
        Saturday afternoon, 20 April 2024
        My "Tornado!" dream can be found on the dream journal website.
        Tornado! (dreamjournal.net)
        I wanted to have an image for this dream's content, but AI rarely "understands" anything. It does not even know what a playground's merry-go-round is and instead always visually renders a carnival's carousel.
        In addition to reviewing an intriguing childhood dream - "Tornado!" (13 September 1970) - this entry examines the AI deception and how it merely mirrors and perpetuates the overall ignorance of human society. In posts like this, I will take a close look at the virtually endless mistakes people (and so-called AI) push about "meaning" (in contrast to understanding and validating causality) regarding specific types of dreams.
        I will start with the "anatomy of a tornado" part of my dream. I watched the outdoor lecture in the area where I waited for the bus with Kenny and Karen, who lived across the street. The giveaway attribute here is the word "anatomy." Tornadoes do not have "anatomy." The human body has its anatomy. In other words, the vestibular effects of walking to the bus stop, getting on the bus, and riding the bus are the foundation for this part of my dream. (Unlike the AI misunderstanding, I only experience the sensation of walking quickly to the bus, not riding it.)
        AI verbatim: "The simple diagram could represent a need for straightforward explanations or a desire to simplify complex situations." This conclusion is nonsensical. Dreams often lack valid detail and clarity, such as when focusing on sketched content or (in some cases) trying to read text. However, the summary also implies a contradiction in the "cannot read in dreams" falsehood. On the one hand, there is the false claim that one cannot read in dreams, yet on the other hand, something simple or with a lack of detail supposedly symbolizes something. Dream lore is an endless wave of rubbish. In short, this part correlates with proto-cognizant anticipation in trying to see the horizontal lines as straight and to bring order to my perception. Whether or not I can read in a particular dream depends on dream state dynamics in real-time and depth of sleep or dreaming mode, not waking life.
        AI verbatim: "Spinning the merry-go-round and expecting the sensations of riding a bus may symbolize your ability to navigate life transitions or maintain stability even during uncertain times." This paragraph is more idiocy. The sensations of riding a bus have nothing to do with anything here because I began to walk and run in a circle to spin the merry-go-round. The bus-riding vestibular anticipation (virtual amnesia because this was not a school day) was an attribute of the imaginary lecture. This content was an attribute of the usual hand and leg mobility factor. Leg mobility comes before walking to, getting on, and riding a bus. Moving my legs is an intent. Riding on a bus is a passive experience. In my first stages of sleep, I always experience the “loss of leg mobility” content first (with my spontaneous kicking and waking), followed by passive riding in a vehicle (or flying, depending on my sleep depth and liminal mode).
        AI verbatim: "The lack of danger despite the tornado's presence may symbolize a feeling of resilience or confidence in handling life's challenges." Wrong again. I am always at least intuitively aware of being in the dream state (not the same as various levels of lucidness) and, by habit, often map and create dream content while experiencing its physiological dynamics. Why should I fear something that I perceive as my imagination? (I have rarely experienced fear in the dream state with a real-world quality.) The entire concept of intuitive dreaming (as well as lucid dreaming, which has nothing to do with "dream control" despite the endless asinine propaganda) is absent from people (and AI) who pretend to "interpret" anything.
        AI verbatim: "Running in a circle to counteract the tornado suggests a proactive approach to managing difficulties. It's as if you're taking control by using the merry-go-round as a protective mechanism." This idea is so asinine it is unbelievable. The outcome merely corresponds with vestibular dynamics in approaching the waking transition as I move into hypnopompia (and increasing liminality) and viewing the scene (including my imaginary dream self when nearing the waking point).
        In liminal space, I focus on leaving the dream state and achieving real-world mobility. It does not add up that so many people cannot comprehend this predominant factor of dreaming and waking.
        It is all about naturally coming to my senses in waking from the dream state, yet somehow, the self-evident truth is lost on people who do not (or cannot) even reach that level of awareness or mental clarity. It is mind-boggling. Even so, I found the content fascinating. It is one of my favorite dreams from that month.
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blue-opossum · 7 days
Dream Content: Vestibular Responses to R.E.M. Atonia
Dream Content: Vestibular Responses to R.E.M. Atonia
Saturday afternoon, 20 April 2024
This notice features an incomplete list of dream content corresponding with well-defined vestibular system responses to R.E.M. atonia and intuitive to lucid recognition of the waking transition's precursory dynamics. These markers correlate with specifics, sometimes simultaneously with two or more in this list, which I will again address in a future notice.
Airplane propeller
Atom (diagram or animated image, for example)
Ballerina performing a pirouette
Blender / Electric mixer
Bola (weapon)
Carousel (as at a carnival)
Car wheel
CD/DVD drive (or holding a CD/DVD)
Clothes dryer
Coiled rattlesnake (rising and lowering its head)
Corkscrew or corkscrew shape in an unusual location
Disk sander
DNA helicase
Electric Fan (including ceiling fan)
Ferris wheel
Flying Saucer
Helm of a ship
Hurricane (or weather map with above-view hurricane image)
Ice skater performing a spin
Knife-sharpening machine
Lasso / Lariat (in motion)
Merry-go-round (as in a school's playground)
Numbers six and nine (being drawn)
Office chair with wheels
Planetary orbit
Potter's wheel
Record player turntable
Rock tumbler
Roulette wheel
Satellite dish
Spinning coin
Spinning reel (part of a fishing rod)
Spinning wheel (as used to spin thread or yard from fibers)
Spiral staircase
Steering wheel
Toy top
Train (including a toy train) on a circular railroad track
Umbrella (when spinning or moving)
Washing machine drum
Wind turbine
Yin Yang symbol
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blue-opossum · 8 days
Dreams as Delusions: Another Amnesic King Street Fiasco
        Dreams as Delusions: Another Amnesic King Street Fiasco
        Friday morning, 19 April 2024
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        My dream self's natural and predictable physical response to R.E.M. atonia regarding illusory motions begins my dream, as is often the case. Former classmate Johnny drives me to the King Street mansion in La Crosse. I have a Ragdoll cat with me that I plan to put in "my" second-floor L-shaped apartment at the end of the hall.
        So far, compartmentalized virtual amnesia serves up several temporary delusions. I have no recall of my life in Australia (since February 1994) other than the Ragdoll cat, a male, Auberon, that my dream self does not recall died and which mostly stayed with Zsuzsanna's sister.
        Additionally, Johnny lived in Florida, never Wisconsin. In my dream, he waits outside while I am in the house.
        I enter the downstairs area where my former landlady and her husband lived. At first, I talk with her about my rent status. I owe her back rent, and she writes the total of what I owe her but is not angry at this point.
        Suddenly, my dream's narrative contradicts itself. The woman is no longer my former landlady but a young, unfamiliar woman. I tell her that she first appeared as my landlady and pretend to look around for my landlady’s ghost as I say that I now recall my landlady died. The woman seems spooked. Her husband seems cheerful and vaguely reminds me of my landlady's real-world husband but much younger.
        My dream is ambiguously divided into two simultaneous narratives, the second in which my landlady is still alive, and the other woman is also present. My landlady does not want anything to do with me, and I can no longer live in my apartment. Her level of anger and seeming hatred is incredible. I get a vague impression that she might keep my belongings and sell them to get some of the money I supposedly owe her. It includes many hard-cover science-fiction books.
        My vestibular response to R.E.M. atonia becomes predominant. As a result, I ascend the staircase to the second floor. My dream is most vivid at this point (as is typical of illusory physical responses to R.E.M. atonia), several times more vivid and focused (and stable) than any of the other content. However, I have to hold onto the left railing as I ascend, because there is only a narrow part of the staircase present, hardly big enough to stand on. I ask myself why I would want to live here under this condition.
        Even so, my dream's narrative eventually branches off into self-contradicting changes again. When I reach my room, the unfamiliar woman had moved many of my belongings into storage and may throw them out. I realize this when the room is first empty, but then suddenly changes and contains some of my belongings. Again, my landlady is deceased at this point.
        At another point, I argue with the same woman downstairs about how I have the right to live here because my former landlady offered the housing (without me paying rent) if I did not have another place to live (real-world recall). My recognition of becoming homeless in the wintertime becomes part of my "delusional" awareness.
        Even so, I take the Ragdoll cat outside to take him back with me wherever Johnny will be driving me. Atypically, I do not have a recall of the Loomis Street house where I actually lived a few times.
        My dream's narrative changes again, and I demand that the room remain as mine. I tell her that I want everything back in my room. My dream self projects absolute authority at this point.
        I go downstairs again but cannot find Johnny's car at first. I see a truck with an unknown driver driving away. Soon, I see him (in a convertible), and he hands me a plate with two sizeable sandwiches. He is somehow ordering a meal, with drinks, even though we are in the street in a suburban location and no other vehicle is nearby. My proto-cognizance is not viable enough to recognize the ridiculous nature of the entire continually changing scenario. I offer to pay for the meal as my dream loses cohesion (even though I had no money at any earlier point in the narrative - but I am now holding a considerable amount in American bills).
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blue-opossum · 10 days
Dreams as Delusions: Another King Street Fallacy
        Dreams as Delusions: Another King Street Fallacy
        Wednesday morning, 17 April 2024
        My King Street dreams have had an incredible variation of astounding falsehoods regarding the natural virtual amnesia of the dream state (to prevent associations with waking life to avoid memory corruption). I last saw the King Street house in 1994 (though I had not lived there that year).
        In this one, I have a current real-world recall of my family but not the recollection that they never lived in America. In this dream, I also do not recall, at any point, my former landlady being deceased.
        Although I recall my former landlady, I do not have a viable recollection of my friend Leonard living here as in similar dreams.
        An unusual scenario unfolds with a security guard entering "my" second-floor room where I lived in real life years ago (the middle room of the east side of the mansion). He says I can no longer live here because I owe rent. Even so, I explain how Zsuzsanna and our children also live in the house (though down the hall). Zsuzsanna can pay their rent because she works in La Crosse. This aspect seems to be justification for me living here even though she and our children live in different rooms, that is, that the rent equates to being for all rooms, not just one. So, she would be paying the same rent with or without me living in “my” room or our older son and daughter in theirs.
        Supposedly, my landlady had hired the security guard but did not tell him to kick me out. I see her for a short time in the outcome.
        This dream had a completely different set of false associations and false recollections than my later dream - "Another Amnesic King Street Fiasco" on 19 April 2024. The only similar part of the two narratives implies that I should not be living in the King Street mansion. This factor is true (as I have lived in Australia since February 1994), but I have also had dreams without this attribute. Ultimately, it is a factor in my depth of sleep and dreaming mode.
        Which memory patterns are active (though always wrong in detail) and which are missing (which is often most of them), has incredible variation from dream to dream, even in the same sleep cycle.
        Dreams are as wrong as possible (sans transpersonal liminal space - which is technically not originating from the dream state) to an extent to which I have always been amazed, even in high levels of lucidness. The loss of real-world memories and cognizance has presented even in light sleep, but not in every dream.
        This dream had no vivification factor regarding my otherwise predictable vestibular response to R.E.M. atonia with that incredibly realistic but imaginary physical essence. In this dream, protoconsciousness was a type of formal authority, but this attribute of protoconsciousness has (to my memory) not appeared in any of the thousands of previous phony King Street narratives - not in this specific way.
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blue-opossum · 15 days
The Grave of My Father
        The Grave of My Father
        Friday morning, 12 April 2024
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        There is an online service that shows the contents of graves. I discovered it after typing a real-world Internet site called "Find a Grave."
        In the first segment, where I set up three searches, with only the recall of my father's name (the same as mine), I only see the top of the caskets, which erroneously look like doors made of narrow planks.
        There is a sense of peace and satisfaction with no associations with the macabre despite the imagery at times, which continually changes (as is typical of dreams).
        There is one segment where I can move dirt from the sides of the casket solely by using my computer's keyboard. I do this with the original three caskets. This part is more like a meandering distraction from the original narrative. I have concerns about the caskets falling into a deep rectangular hole when removing dirt from the sides.
        Finally, I see into my father's casket, but there are ambiguous implications with two simultaneous self-contradicting views from above of his legs only. His left leg twists over his right. The image is in a right-side panel, while the left appears differently.
        As the imagery changes continually, I see close-ups of his right foot from above. It looks partly skeletal yet has "rubber bands" (dry sinew) in a sparse basketweave pattern over his foot. It resembles a perfect lattice in some areas. The more I focus on it, the more it looks like a wooden lattice and less like a human feature.
        At another point, the imagery changes again, and it is like looking at his remains (suspended in an undefined space) with the bottom of his feet in the foreground, where the legs are now even, but the feet are unrealistically small and bird-like - like small talons spread apart.
        As my dream continues, I see a distant cutaway view of the casket from the right side of the area. I see his profile (oriented upward). Soon, all I see are underground brick walls. However, I eventually see many different images of the supposed depths of where people work with the upkeep of the cemetery (a nonsensical concept as lawn maintenance and such occurs above ground). I see unrealistic heads sitting on pipes in clusters of three, though some seem to be sculptures and masks. Some do not appear to be human faces.
        At one point, below the viewing panel, are various historical newspaper articles about my father. I feel peace, joy, and satisfaction as I read several of them. One article is about him hunting ghosts in the 1940s. One panel features a movie where he wears a mask that resembles a lizard man. It involved military exercises. He carries an AK-47.
        This dream seemed to last about an hour. The mode was solely visual, Proto-cognizant staging (reading) typically occurs before waking with this mode. All in all, the content was far more sustained than usual, including the reading segment.
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blue-opossum · 16 days
The Cat Ornament (segment of a long dream)
        The Cat Ornament (segment of a long dream)
        Thursday morning, 11 April 2024
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        All dreams in this mode from early childhood until now have held the same meaning, which intuitively corresponds with R.E.M. atonia dynamics and anticipation of attaining real-world physicality and mobility (a precursor to mind-body communication that cannot exist while asleep), the predominant natural causality of dream content for a person with higher clarity and intelligence.
        Yesterday, one of my dreams, "A Kung Fu Cat Emerges from a Letter to Me," featured a cat as the emergence factor. This dream does as well, but it becomes more vivid because of the type of transition and R.E.M. modeling while sleeping. This dream segment is predominantly based on R.E.M. proprioception in contrast to proto-cognizance as yesterday's dream with the Kung Fu cat.
        In my dream, it is a day before Christmas, and I realize I have not bought any gifts for any family member. The setting is where I live in reality, though incorrect in design (to prevent confusion with reality and real-world memories).
        While shopping in an unfamiliar gift shop, I buy a sizeable ornament for my oldest daughter. It is a ceramic figurine of a calico cat on a base inside an alcove.
        As I walk through an unfamiliar neighborhood in daylight, intuitive recognition of R.E.M. atonia corresponds with dream state content, as it always naturally occurs in this mode.
        Statues have been a factor in correlating with this status every sleep cycle for 60 years, though that feature is often in an earlier stage of my sleep cycle. Here, I become more aware of the true nature of the dream state and the waking transition (as a precursor to "walking with intent" in contrast to yesterday's dream where I was seated on my knees in a post office during the outcome - again, with proto-cognizance in contrast to physical modeling).
        I see the ornament contains a living cat because sections have come off from around its head. I am baffled as to why people would do this to a cat. I am concerned for its well-being as its eyes remain closed while it struggles to escape the ceramic shell.
        It meows and struggles as I see dusty pieces of ceramic break off from its fur as it wiggles its legs. I realize I have absolute control over this type of R.E.M. staging, so I accelerate the process so that the cat is suddenly without any hindrance and walking down the sidewalk.
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blue-opossum · 16 days
Christmas Shopping with Endless Money
        Christmas Shopping with Endless Money
        Thursday morning, 11 April 2024
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        In this dream, I go Christmas shopping for family members. I atypically recall most of my current real-world status other than the date.
        I am uncertain about money at first. Zsuzsanna tells me to use my credit card. However, my dreaming mode changes - and I enter the stage where I summon what I want.
        Part of the influence comes from a vivid somatosensory response (tactility and tangibility). I summon two large stacks of Australian fifty-dollar notes. I am vaguely annoyed that I cannot fit all the money into my wallet, so I carry it around with both hands for a few minutes. I hold the wads of cash in front of me.
        The curious attribute of this type of dream is that despite the regular potential for creating endless money, I sometimes have an unusual concern about cashiers looking at it more closely and realizing it is "fake." Even at the highest level of dream content creation, there is sometimes a lack of logic in my response. (Certainly, the money is "fake," but so are the cashiers. Everything builds on my imagination.) Even so, this focus typically changes where I am no longer concerned.
        I am thinking about buying my oldest daughter a necklace. At another point, I want to buy my youngest son the best LEGO kit available. I walk into an unknown store. I see a LEGO kit that looks like the planet Saturn atop a building. The ring is transparent plastic. Small figures and cars are near it. It may be a fancy car park.
        Unusual proto-cognizant staging follows this scene. An unknown chubby man (remaining on my right) cheerfully starts talking about LEGO. He wants to contact me at a later date. He wants my phone number, but I do not recall it. He gives me his phone number and address, including the city, but it is gibberish. Even so, I consider I do not have a way to write it down.
        After he leaves, another man starts talking to me as we walk from the area. I cannot understand him much, either, regarding the city's name. He seems unsure of what the other man said.
        Clarity in proto-cognizant states varies by extremes. It depends on my dream. Sometimes, the wording of something is vivid and clear, though in other modes, I cannot discern what a person is saying, regardless of how often they repeat it. It is similar to reading text, which also varies.
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blue-opossum · 18 days
Planetary Balloons and Three-Dimensional Maps
        Planetary Balloons and Three-Dimensional Maps
        Tuesday morning, 9 April 2024 | 30th wedding anniversary
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        Before making contact in real life with my dream girl (Zsuzsanna), I had a blissful dream of an enormous blue sun on the eastern horizon. I had walked out in the backyard of the Cubitis house (though I was living in La Crosse at the time). Since then, in real life, the "blue flame" event become more predominant. I learned that the events typically came from Zsuzsanna's thoughts or at least my perception of our connection - which were validated on many levels. The “blue flame,” also called the “Blue Dot,” “Blue Pearl,” and “Blue Angel,” has been experienced by other people under different circumstances. I had traced it to Zsuzsanna with countless confirmations. It results in an inexplicable sense of bliss.
        Before I experienced it before making contact with Zsuzsanna in real life, my brother-in-law Bob, who had no interest in matters of the mind or spirit, seemed startled and claimed he saw a “blue flame” around me. Hundreds of coincidences occurred to the point where my mother’s beliefs about life changed dramatically. For example, the same day and time I got a letter from Zsuzsanna containing the front page of a paperback romance novel, my mother came into the house through the back door, having bought the same novel in a second-hand store. Another incredible coincidence related to a book I had as a boy called "Space Opera" with a curious story called "Tonight the Sky will Fall" that seemed to have ties to my life experiences. After coming to Australia and meeting Zsuzsanna, the first book I saw when going into a library in Maryborough was the same book (same edition) on the top of a stack of books on a table.
        I believe - other than the inexplicable (by society's beliefs) transpersonal link, there is an implied association with my "pink planet" dream from 6 November 1971. In that dream, my parents had to take me to Japan to "escape" the potential collision with this "twin Earth." (This concept had partly actually came from watching 1951′s “When Worlds Collide” that night.) In that dream, I focused on the twin Earth's version of Australia. In actuality, the airplane first landed in Japan when I traveled to Australia years later.
        In this dream, Zsuzsanna is on the ocean's shore. She holds six balloons that are each a kind of miniature glowing planet. They are like floating crystal spheres more than having the essence of a normal balloon. However, at one point, the sphere magnifies parts of the planet, such as a rainforest. Pages of terrain maps become visible at times. (The first poem Zsuzsanna sent me that she wrote was "These Lands I Must Travel.")
        This is vaguely similar to a vivid blissful experience from when I lived in America. It occurred during the time I was reading "Lame Deer, Seeker of Visions." I watched a spinning crystal sphere that contained close-ups of forests as well as a sunrise inside it. One influence (in that case) may have come from watching the surface of bubbles when I was young. I noticed their transitions in how they started with beautiful colors but became mossy green and black before popping.
        The blue sun dream occurred with daylight. In contrast, I have had many dreams of looking into the eastern sky at night and seeing many beautiful planets. Other people have written about the same type of content in that case.
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blue-opossum · 19 days
Creating Music in a New Way
        Creating Music in a New Way
        Monday morning, 8 April 2024
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        This dream is primarily of the hand mobility type combined with tactility, one of my most vivid dreaming modes. It combines focused coordination and vivid tangibility (somatosensory response to R.E.M. atonia). It includes a form of proto-cognizance - attempting to achieve cognizance while sleeping, and although not possible for the prevention of mental corruption and confusion of the dream state with real-world dynamics - still results in vivification as long as imaginary physicality is ongoing. Otherwise, proto-cognizance typically results in less awareness of a dream's setting in a similar way that reading in real life makes one less aware of their real-world environment.
        I am creating part of a song in an unknown area that is ambiguously both public and private. Two unfamiliar men (protoconsciousness) are present in the last stages.
        I am using two thick matte silver wires to bend around the sides of the neck of a miniature silver guitar made of metal. I hook the ends of each wire around each edge of the neck's front after wrapping them around the back. This part is so unfathomably vivid and realistic (in terms of touch and sensations) that it is mind-boggling. However, I have held and bent the same type of wire in recent times, in real life.
        By tapping the bottom of the miniature guitar on the floor, I cause a guitar chord to occur. However, I cannot get the sound as loud as I want to prepare to integrate it into the song I am making.
        After bumping the little guitar against the floor several times (though with patience and waiting a few seconds each time), I eventually become distracted and accidentally bump a button on a cassette recorder (on my right) embedded vertically in a panel that is part of a feature that is somewhat like a long folding screen (with about 7 sections). The cassette recorder is in use by one of the unknown men (emergent protoconsciousness staging), though he does not become angry at my accidental interference with his ongoing project.
        I understand that the "folding screen" is for more and more complex projects the farther the divided panel is from the opposite end. Only the two men on the "for more complex projects" have cassette decks. This area is where the two men are at work.
        The outcome naturally validates my intuitive attempt to gain real-world hand mobility and cognizance. One, this is where protoconsciousness remains in the personifications, and two, because my hand effectively uses a button on a cassette deck, albeit "accidentally." (In other words, I am attempting to make contact with real-world consciousness and viable physicality while still sleeping.)
        Wires are also associated with electricity, a signification of potential consciousness.
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