bulbpix · 4 years
I cant even tell you how often I check your blog for chapter 19 😭
AHH I FORGOT TO UPDATE HERE IM ALREADY ON 21 ON WATTPAD 😭😭 thank you for reminding me!! I'll post them tmm!!
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bulbpix · 4 years
If You Just Listened - Part 18
Arthur was a little confused. No, he was very confused.
Have you ever kissed anyone before? What kind of question was that? You were acting very strange the last few times he'd seen you. He was beginning to think something was wrong.
He furrowed his brows at you. "Why do you want to know?"
You were now beginning to realize your plan wasn't so well thought out. You shrugged, turning towards the TV to hide the anxiousness in your expression.
"I dunno, I was just curious." "Well, have you?" "Have I what?"
Arthur was mildly annoyed by your avoidance of the question. He pressed forward.
"Well, if you're so curious about whether or not I've ever kissed anyone, I figured it would only be fair if you answered that question first."
Your nerves were so heightened you thought you'd turn into a babbling mess. Arthur was right, but he'd never been this aggressive in his communication before. This was definitely not the same Arthur from when you first met.
"I... I... I mean, yeah. Yeah, I have."
"Hm." Arthur nodded, turning towards the TV.
More silence.
Your heart was slamming against your ribs like a drum. What were you supposed to say now? Your plan had backfired so much more badly than you thought it would.
You turned to Arthur. "Yeah?"
Arthur smiled to himself.
"I mean yeah, I've kissed people before."
"Oh." You were honestly surprised. Was that mean? You didn't really know what answer you were expecting, but you were caught off guard nonetheless.
"When was your first kiss?"
Arthur sighed, running his fingers through his hair. He looked like he was beginning to get apprehensive. "When I was young, there was this girl that got dared to kiss me. I should've known that it was a dare, looking back now. But at the time... Well, you know."
You pursed your lips. Bad question to ask. God, this plan was a miserable failure. The best you could do now was somehow try to salvage what you could.
"Ah. Well. At least you wanted that kiss. When I was in high school this asshole just ran up and kissed me in the hallway without asking. It was gross."
Arthur raised his eyebrows, turning his head towards you.
"Wow." "Yeah."
More silence. Your curiosity had gotten the better of you now. You wondered far you could push for more information. Your plan had already gone up in flames, what harm could it do?
"So... was this girl pretty?" Arthur yawned, leaning more on the counter. "Well. At the time, I thought she was. So, yeah. Yeah, I guess."
You nodded, swinging your legs more. "And... was she the only person you've kissed?"
Arthur became visibly flushed, his brows furrowing as he turned to you.
"What the... What's going on? Why are you asking me this stuff?"
"I'm just curious! Jeez... It's not that serious."
Arthur squinted at you, before returning to his slouching position.
"No, there was another. But it didn't really mean anything." "Didn't mean anything? How do you kiss someone without it meaning anything?"
Arthur turned to you, narrowing his eyes.
"Are you okay?"
Your cheeks immediately went pink.
"Did someone do something to you? Was your shift okay today at work? We can go back there, I'll talk to them if you need me to-"
You shook your head, raising your hands.
"No, no! Nothing happened."
"Then what is this all about?"
You stammered, struggling to find a response.
"I don't- What? Arthur I just- I don't even..."
You took a breath, trying to think. You stared at your lap, desperately attempting to create some thought. Anything.
That's when an idea struck you.
"I just haven't kissed anyone in such a long time, you know. I just felt kind of embarrassed, so I wanted to talk about it..."
Arthur stared at you, his eyes wide with surprise.
You pursed your lips, nodding slightly.
Arthur felt a pang of guilt for pressuring you so much. He didn't know the reason you wanted to discuss such a weird topic, and now that he did, he couldn't help but feel a little bad for getting so worked up.
But then again, he didn't know your true intentions.
"I mean, I haven't kissed anyone in a long time either," he sighed.
This is it.
Your palms became clammy. You could do this.
"Maybe it doesn't have to be this way." You swallowed.
"What do you mean?"
"Well..." you began. "We're probably bad kissers. Being out of practice for so long, and everything, you know?"
"So, until the next time we kiss people, maybe we should practice..."
Arthur raised an eyebrow.
You fidgeted with your fingers.
"...with each other."
Arthur had no idea what was happening. All he knew was that his head was spinning. It almost felt like his stomach had fallen to the floor. What did you ask him? He thought he was going to faint. Like someone had set his whole body on fire, but in a good way, if that made any sense. He hadn't even realized how long he had been staring at you now. He swore his jaw had fallen off.
He reached up to touch it.
Nope, still there.
Do people do that? Do people practice kissing? Was that a thing? He was still recovering from the time you'd touched his shoulder. But to kiss you? To KISS you? Arthur looked down at his hands. He moved his fingers, squeezing and relaxing his knuckles.
He wasn't imagining this.
"I'm sorry- You want to... practice... kissing?" He stuttered.
You fought every urge to look away in embarrassment. You held your chin up, and nodded.
"Yeah. Do you want to do this?"
Arthur could barely comprehend what was going on, but he nodded. Slowly, he walked in front of you, standing as straight as he could and pressing down his shirt.
You sat up as much as you could on the counter, puffing your chest out. With a trembling hand, you pushed a stray hair out of your face.
"Okay..." you whispered. "Okay...." he responded.
The both of you stared at one another for a moment, unsure of what to do next.
"Okay, so just-" "I'll go here-"
The both of you shared an awkward, but comforting laugh after speaking over each other.
Arthur took a deep breath as he moved in front of you.
You tried to hide your quick breathing while you leaned forward, puckering your lips.
Arthur gulped.
Slowly and methodically, he leaned in closer. Your noses were touching. Neither of you were prepared for this. The closeness of your faces revealed just how nervous the two of you were, which, in a way, provided some ease to the situation.
Aaaand, MWAH!
You barely felt Arthur's mouth as he delivered one quick, hasty peck.
He stood up straight again, his chest rising and falling like he had just finished a jog. His face was glowing red.
"Alright," he breathed. "That wasn't so bad."
You scratched your forehead, not quite satisfied. Not at all, really.
"No, Arthur. I meant like... You know, like a real kiss."
Arthur bit his lip, blinking a few times.
"O-oh," he muttered in his now quivering voice. "No, right. Of course. Right"
He planted his palms on the counter on either side of you, pointing his head down toward your lap to compose himself. You looked down at his hair, resisting the urge to bury your nose in it again. He was so close now. You didn't know if you were ready for this.
He leaned back as if he was getting ready for a running start before standing upright again. He looked up, his light eyes practically piercing yours. His nose flared as he let out one last hard breath.
And before you could form your next thought, his lips were on yours.
He had moved towards you so quickly and forcefully that he pushed you back, you had to hang on to the counter to keep yourself from leaning entirely flat.
Your blood was rushing around your entire body now. One kiss, then another, then another. Your mind was racing. You had no idea Arthur was so... talented.
Arthur's lips were incredibly soft. How? You had no clue. But God, you didn't want this to stop.
After regaining some of your balance, you decided to be brave. Carefully, you moved your hands in front of you, resting them on Arthur's chest. You gently traced your fingers upwards, laying them softly on his neck. A chill rushed up his spine at your touch, urging him closer to you. He pushed himself between your legs, your knees against his hips.
A faint breath escaped you as his chest shifted against yours. Your touch gave him some courage, his wide palms coming off the counter and pressing against your back. You felt his body shudder against yours, his hands now exploring you. He moved them downward, until they reached your waist. He squeezed it firmly, before yanking you somehow even closer to him, earning a small and innocent gasp from you. A ravenous fire was burning within him, he felt like he could eat you up right then and there. He bit your lower lip, tugging it slightly before resuming his feast. Your fingers went up into his hair, clutching it fiercely. You were on cloud 9.
After what felt like hours, you both desperately needed to catch your breath. You pulled your mouth away, resting your forehead against his. He looked up at your fluttering eyelids, your rosy cheeks. He wanted to hold you forever.
"So..." he panted. "That was good... um, practice," you murmured between breaths.
He smiled, his gaze shifting down to your lap. He stood up, resting one hand on his hip and pushing his hair back with the other. You shared a chuckle.
You slipped yourself off the counter, brushing yourself off. You looked up at Arthur. Without your work heels, you noticed how much taller he was than you. It made you blush.
You put on your shoes, clearing your throat. "I better head home now."
Arthur raised his eyebrows. "Oh," he responded quietly. "Okay."
You giggled. "I live right above you, you know. It's not like I'll be far."
He sighed, smiling. "Yeah. Yeah, I know."
He led you to the exit, leaning against the doorway and tucking his hands in his pockets as you stepped outside. He looked like a sad little kid. You wanted to pinch his cheeks.
"You know if- if you want to practice again. I can always... I can always help you out, if you need to- well... If you want, I mean."
You shook your head, laughing quietly to yourself. You stood on your toes, leaving a small peck on his lips.
"I'll let you know." You smiled and waved at him as you entered the staircase.
As the staircase door closed, Arthur let out a dreamy sigh, sliding down the doorway until he sat on the floor.
@geronimosanna @theworldthroughmynikon @niniita-ah @captainohgod @memory-mortis @handsomeguyslover @bitterspectrum @sosearchingromeo @aesikupills @mardema @ajokeformur-ray @lonesomevillain @a-tall-hobbit
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bulbpix · 4 years
If You Just Listened - Part 17
Your heart was racing, you could hear it pounding madly in your ears.
You nearly slipped as you turned a corner, using the pavement to push yourself back up, continuing your run farther and farther along the streets of Gotham. You could hear your small work heels clacking against the concrete, followed closely by another set of feet running behind you.
Arthur's large shoes practically slapped the ground beneath him with every step, gaining ground almost as fast as you did. Almost.
"Hey!" he called out, hardly keeping up with his own breathing.
You laughed through your panting, waving his notebook in the air as you continued your descent. "If you want it so bad, you'll have to catch me!"
The cold air whipped at your skin, but you didn't care. You'd never felt more alive. You smiled to yourself.
Arthur was chasing you. Arthur was chasing you!
What a fun thought, what a fun experience! Surely this night was one to remember, one you wouldn't soon forget.
Another corner. Then another one. Your exhaustion was beginning to slow you down, but luckily you were nearly at the apartment already. One more block, and you were there.
You nearly slammed against the glass entrance as you turned to check on Arthur's progress. He was still catching up - waving his arm in the air to slow you down. You laughed between breaths as you quickly rummaged through your pockets for your keys, letting out an exalted "Aha!" once your fingers found them.
Arthur was getting closer. You giggled nervously now, desperately trying to win your imaginary race. You quickly pushed the keys in the lock, whispering giddy "Ohmygod, ohmygod, ohmygod" 's to yourself as you did.
Boom, you were in. You sprinted into the lobby, looking from side to side for the stairs. If the elevator didn't close in time, you'd surely lose. But at the same time, the thought of scaling the stairs after all that running made you cringe.
The clock was ticking. You decided to take the elevator and hope for the best. You hastily made your way to it, rapidly pressing the button until it finally opened. You ran inside of it, pressing your back against the wall and holding the notebook against your chest.
You looked up. Arthur caught the entrance door before it could lock, using the last of his energy to sprint towards you. He tried to slow down, but it was too late. He hurdled towards you, stumbling and reaching his hands out to brace for impact. You screeched, recoiling your arms and shutting your eyes to protect yourself.
The elevator shook from the force. You stood there for a second, your eyes still shut. If Arthur was going to smash into you, you should've felt it by now. You opened one eye, then another, slowly looking up...
Your cheeks flushed at the sight before you. Arthur's arms had luckily prevented any collision between you two. But now...
One of his hands was flat against the wall by your right shoulder. His other hand was on the wall by your left. His head was pointed downwards, hovering directly above you. You hadn't even noticed the elevator door shut behind him. His breathing was hard, you could feel it on your cheeks.
You nervously chuckled.
Arthur was stunned.
By NO means did he mean to surround you like this, it was a complete accident. He was going too fast to slow down, luckily he didn't hurt you, he would have hated himself if he did. He put his hands up on pure instinct. He didn't even see where they would land.
But wow, what a great accident to have. He wished all his accidents ended in a similar fashion. To see you like this... Blushing. Nervous. Your innocent eyes looking up at him with what he swore looked like attraction.
Arthur snapped back to reality. You already told him how you felt about him. That wasn't attraction in your eyes, it couldn't have been. He made his move and you said no. There was nothing wrong with that of course, but... There was no point in flirting. What use was flirtation on someone that didn't want him? It hurt, yes. But you were still his... friend. That was good enough. If he repeated that to himself enough times, maybe he would eventually believe it.
Arthur pushed himself away from you, wiping down his shirt.
He was only a foot further from you now, but it felt like he was miles away. You felt colder now. You wanted to yank him by the collar of his perfect little sweater, you wanted to press your mouth against his as hard as you could. But... that's weird right? You and Arthur... How would that even work?
"So, can I have my book back now?"
"Oh. Oh, yeah. I guess you did technically win," you smirked as you handed over his journal.
"Technically?" he asked, tucking the book into the back of his pants.
"Technically I would've won if I'd taken the stairs."
"Well you didn't. And I caught you." Arthur tucked his hands in his pockets, returning your smug smile. "So you can talk about technicalities all you want, I still won."
You raised your eyebrows, surprised by his snarkiness. Arthur seemed to change a little more everyday. You hadn't decided whether you liked it or not yet.
But this time, you definitely liked it.
"Oh yeah, smart guy? Say that again when I get you on a running track."
Arthur laughed, looking down at his feet. He was terribly adorable when he wanted to be, whether he realized it or not. You pressed your hand to your forehead.
Jesus, what's happening to me?
Happily, sadly. Luckily, unluckily. Good, bad. Whatever way you spun it, you were hopelessly head over heels.
The elevator stopped on Arthur's floor. He took a step out, holding the door with his hand. He looked towards you, trying to form some words. Anything to stay with you just a little longer.
"I'm... um. I guess I'm going home now," he croaked, his eyes briefly fluttering downwards as he spoke.
"Yeah... okay. Same here," you awkwardly replied. You immediately cursed yourself for the lack luster response.
Think of something!
"Okay..." Arthur whispered, his hand lingering on the elevator door.
"Do you need some company tonight?" You blurted out.
Crap. Was that obvious? Your cheeks turned pink. Did that sound like what I think it sounded like?
"Since your mom's in the hospital and everything, I mean."
Arthur tried his best to keep himself from bursting. A smile began to creep on his lips, but he quickly faked a cough and regained his composure.
"Yeah, if you want to. That'd be nice."
"Cool," you smirked. His performance didn't fool you.
"Cool," he retorted. He tilted his head slightly downward as you walked past him out of the elevator, attempting to hide the grin that was beginning to form on his face.
Arthur unlocked his apartment, dramatically bowing as he opened the door for you.
You giggled at his showmanship as you made your way inside. You hadn't really paid much attention to what the apartment looked like the last time you were here, your adrenaline kept you far more focused on ensuring Penny's survival. The memory made your heart sink a bit.
But now that you really had a chance to look around, it wasn't so bad. It was certainly not the most organized living space you'd seen, but it was cozy. Floral seemed to be the overall theme of the place, you assumed Penny took over the design. You walked into the living room, your hand sliding against the counter that divided it from the kitchen. Tacky, but comfy. It fit Arthur's personality well. You jumped up a bit, pulling yourself on to the counter and sitting on it, letting your legs hang freely and kicking off your heels.
After locking the door, Arthur meekly approached you, seemingly embarrassed.
"I know it's not the neatest place ever, but..."
You smiled gently towards him, his coyness tugging firmly at your heart strings.
"Not so tough anymore, are you?" you teased. "No, I like it, Arthur. It's nice here."
Arthur scoffed as he approached you, leaning his arm on the counter beside you. A few moments of silence passed. Usually your quiet moments with Arthur were peaceful, calm. But the emotions that had recently begun to stir within you had changed that. You felt tense and shy, like you were moments away from saying something stupid. But since when did you worry about that? Especially with Arthur. You said stupid things to each other all the time without thinking twice about it. Why was this so different now?
"I'll turn the TV on," Arthur abruptly said. You felt relieved by the break in the silence.
Arthur made his way to the television, leaning down to switch it on. He flipped through the channels until he found the Murray Franklin Show, which appeared to just be starting.
He turned back to you, smiling. "This is my favorite show. You watch it?"
You shrugged, watching as he made his way back towards you. "Sometimes. Depends on the guest."
Arthur nodded as he took his place by you again. Was he closer this time? You tried to focus on the show, keeping yourself distracted from your fast-beating heart. The bravery created by all the booze you had consumed had nearly completely worn off by now.
Was it hotter than usual in his apartment? Why were you sweating so much? You looked down at your lap. Your hands were trembling and wet with perspiration. You tugged at your shirt collar, glancing over at Arthur.
He didn't seem to share your nervousness. He was contently watching the television, small laughs escaping him every now and then.
You thought of something. A plan. It could work, but it could also end disastrously. But... was it even worth carrying out? Your parents wouldn't exactly approve of someone like Arthur. And that's if they ever got to meet him in the first place. You don't imagine they would ever be interested in visiting Gotham. And you had no idea whether Arthur would ever be interested in leaving Gotham, especially with his mother being in her current state. But if you left Gotham... what was the point in coming here in the first place? And your co-workers would never let you live this one down. If word got to the comedians, you were finished at Pogo's. There was no way you'd climb your way up from there.
You looked up at him.
He was leaning against the counter, a smile stretched across his face. His life was a humble one, but he did whatever he could for you whenever he could. You couldn't say that about many people in your life.
You gathered your courage.
"Hey, Arthur?"
He raised his eyebrows, turning to you.
"Have you ever kissed anyone before?"
@geronimosanna @theworldthroughmynikon @niniita-ah @captainohgod @memory-mortis @handsomeguyslover @bitterspectrum @sosearchingromeo @aesikupills @mardema @ajokeformur-ray @lonesomevillain @a-tall-hobbit
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bulbpix · 4 years
If You Just Listened - Part 16
A/N- Sorry everyone for such a long wait! I put two chapters up on my wattpad and totally forgot to move them here!
You and Owen sat uncomfortably close, your knees to your chests under the bar. You looked up at Lucy, desperate to stand and stretch your legs.
"Now?" "Not yet," she whispered back.
You groaned, pressing your forehead to your knees.
"This doesn't seem worth it," you mumbled. "Shh!" Owen hissed, tilting his head upwward. He stuck his ear out as much as he could, listening intently.
Finally, the sound of jingling keys came.
"Night Mike!" exclaimed Lucy. A few others in the closing crew also bid him goodbye.
As usual, Mike grumbled his barely understandable response before making his way out.
There was dead silence, Lucy waited until she heard the exterior door close.
"ALRIGHT, THE COAST IS CLEAR," she called out.
You and Owen stood up, your back stinging from your uncomfortable position. You looked around, watching as staff members crawled out from every possible hiding spot in Pogo's. It was a sight to behold.
Everyone gathered around the bar, holding out their empty glasses. It was restock day. Finally, after all the excitement, it had arrived. You were almost beginning to think it was a myth, that the day would never come. But once you saw the crate of brand new bottles of booze, you knew tonight was the night.
As each crew member's shift ended, they hid within Pogo's - behind curtains, under tables, and in your case - beneath the bar. The plan was to wait after closing until Mike left, then everyone would take part in all the old bottles of liquor. You heard some pretty exciting tales of previous restockings, and you hoped to create some of your own tonight.
Everyone's cup was full, and the air was full of excitement. After filling yours, you joined Owen and Lucy for your first drink of the night.
"Cheers guys," you began, raising your cup to theirs. They clinked their glasses to yours, downing the drinks with ease. You tried to do the same, but your face involuntarily twisted from the bitterness of the alcohol.
"Such a rookie," Owen mumbled, rolling his eyes. "She'll get used to it," Lucy responded, lightly shoving his arm.
You didn't say anything, swirling a remaining drop of rum around in your glass. You were happy, but sad at the same time. You felt like you were finally part of the Pogo's crew, just one of the team doing their part, another member of the club. You looked around at the faces around you. Everyone was smiling and laughing. Even some of the comedians snuck in to take part in the celebration. It was nice. But was it that nice?
Your eyes drifted to the ground.
You were beginning to think your steps to success in Gotham would be fruitless. You didn't seem to be any closer to stardom than when you arrived. And even if you were, it didn't matter much to you anymore. Seeing what you've seen, focusing on becoming famous felt like such a superficial desire. Gotham was a sick place. The streets were filthy. The people were struggling to survive. Those with the power to help didn't seem to help at all. They fed off the poor and weak. Is that what you wanted to become? A leech?
You thought about your night at the hospital with Arthur.
Arthur was unemployed now. His mother was ill. He barely ate. It's like he'd awoken a sense of duty in you that you had never felt before. You wanted to help him. You wanted to help people like him. Before you came here, the only person you truly cared about was yourself. Your clothing. Your makeup. Your future in fame. Your sheltered life had brought you here, to this state of mind. You had never known financial hardship.
You didn't want to be famous, you just wanted to see your family and help some people out.
Gotham was rough, but it taught you some lessons that you wouldn't soon forget.
Owen snapped his fingers in your face.
"Hey, you alive in there? You even paying attention to what we're saying?"
You shook yourself from your trance. "Huh?"
Lucy nodded towards one of the TVs. "Apparently those protests are getting worse and worse. A few riots broke out and everything. All because of some clown."
A clown?
"Wait, what do you mean some clown?" you asked, your chest beginning to tighten. You visioned Arthur, bloody and beaten against your apartment door.
Lucy raised her shoulders. "Some guy in a clown get-up shot three guys on the subway. Have you really not heard about that?"
"It's been plastered all over the news," Owen added.
You shook your head, "No, no I heard... But I didn't know it was a clown."
"Well not really a clown," Owen continued. "It was just a guy wearing a clown mask."
You sighed in immense relief. A mask. Arthur didn't wear a mask to work.
"That's why all the protestors are wearing 'em," said Lucy as she refilled the glasses. "Anyways, why are we even talking about this? Shouldn't we be getting plastered?"
You smiled, a small chuckle escaping your lips. "You're right, you're right. Tonight isn't the night to worry."
Owen wrapped his arm around yours and Lucy's shoulders, pulling you towards a larger group of Pogo's employees.
"Now let's have some fucking fun."
Things got crazier and crazier as the night went on. Some of the waiters danced on the tables, others played games like strip poker, some were just getting into plain and simple fist fights. You were definitely having a great time watching it all unfold.
You lost track of exactly how many drinks you had, but you were definitely drunk. You found yourself often stumbling, grabbing onto tables and chairs for balance as you made your way around Pogo's. You decided to see what your friends were up to, barely managing to keep yourself upright as you ventured back to the bar.
"Ow-ahn? Loosee..ee?" you drunkenly called out, finally reaching the bar. You leaned against it, looking around. You turned, groaning in annoyance when you spotted them - they were leaning against the entrance to Mike's office, heavily making out.
"Get a rooooom!" You called out.
Lucy pried her face off Owen, laughing when she saw you.
"Looks like someone's fucked up," she teased. You flipped her off.
Owen pulled his head up, his cheeks red and his face sweaty. He was clearly well beyond drunk. "You're juuszt jealous 'cause yoer boyfriend isn't heere!"
You scrunched your eyebrows. "Whaht boyfrahnd?"
Lucy sucked her teeth. "Please, everyone sees you flirting with that weird laughing guy that's always here."
You felt your face turn red in embarrassment. You never flirted with Arthur, especially not at Pogo's. The only thing you were guilty of was being his friend. Although recently you began to feel a little more than that... but you were certainly not going to tell anyone that.
"H-Hey fuhck you, he's nawt my boyfrehnd!"
"Sure," Lucy said sarcastically as she turned back to Owen.
Apathy. You hated apathy. No one here ever seemed like they cared about what you had to say. Everyone would always brush you off, never taking you seriously. Not once. You felt anger rising in you. At yourself. At Lucy. At everyone you'd let step over you. You never defended Arthur, even after he'd help you countless times. Because of what? You wanted to impress some jerks at your crappy job? Maybe you were drunk, but you weren't going to stand for it any longer. Your irritation began to sober you up.
"Even if he was my boyfriend, what the fuck do you care? All you care about is drinking and hitting on random guys WHILE you're on the clock," you snapped.
Lucy glared at you, "What's your problem?" Owen messily brought a finger to her lips, "S-Shh, don't wooree about it, she's juhst drank."
"Fuck you too, Owen," you continued. "Bossy fucking prick. You act like you're the manager when guess what, we have the same fucking job! Screw this, I'm leaving."
You began to turn around, when you felt a hand grab your arm. Lucy looked at you in the eyes, sighing.
"You're drunk. Just calm down," she whispered.
You pulled your arm, but her grip was firm. The more you fought against her, the stronger she held on to you. You finally felt yourself begin to cool off.
"Fine," you grumbled. "Good," she replied. She let go of you, making her way back to Owen, who quickly wrapped her back up in his arms.
You rolled your eyes at the sight, pretending to gag. Lucy returned the finger you'd given her earlier. You shook your head, making your way to the exit. Your head was still spinning from the alcohol.
"You think she'll be alright out there?" Lucy asked. "She'll be fiiiine," Owen responded, pressing his mouth against hers. Lucy shrugged, resuming what they started.
You stumbled a bit as you stepped outside, leaning against the railing as you made your way up the concrete steps out of Pogo's. As you reached the top step, you hesitated once you saw the figure of a man standing against a nearby wall, veiled by shadows. You didn't want to move any closer, worried for your safety.
A car drove by, its headlights illuminating the area.
Arthur stood there, scribbling quietly in his notebook.
You smiled in alleviation and delight, happier than ever to see him. You ran towards him, wrapping hin tightly in your arms and sending him stumbling backwards.
He yelped in surprise, looking down at you with wide eyes. He grinned, giddy with excitement when he saw that it was you.
"I thought I was being mugged again," he said quietly, chuckling to himself.
You laughed, releasing him from your hug. You rubbed your arms, suddenly realizing how cold it was. You looked at what Arthur was wearing - Just his thin tan jacket as usual.
"How long were you out here?" "Does it matter?" "Well, yeah. It's freezing..."
Arthur shrugged. "Just wanted to make sure you got home safe. I'm not really busy at the moment."
You raised your eyebrow. "What were you doing this whole time?"
Arthur held up his notebook. "Just writing down some jokes to pass the time."
"Let me see that!" you exclaimed, snatching the notebook from his hands.
"Hey!" He tried to grab it from you, but you held it just out of his reach.
"If you want it, you're gonna have to take it from me!" you giggled deviously.
With that, you ran out into the Gotham night.
@geronimosanna @theworldthroughmynikon @niniita-ah @captainohgod @memory-mortis @handsomeguyslover @bitterspectrum @sosearchingromeo @aesikupills @mardema @ajokeformur-ray @lonesomevillain @a-tall-hobbit
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bulbpix · 4 years
If You Just Listened - Part 15
Everyone had left that night, leaving you to close up on your own. No, you'd never done it on your own before, but Owen called out, leaving you to carry the torch by yourself.
Your boss, Mike, was the last one to leave, waddling out of his office like a fat penguin and practically coughing out a lung. He stopped in the main area before leaving, turning towards you.
"You got the keys to lock up?" he grumbled.
You nodded, holding them up so he could see.
"Good, good..." He made his way to the exit, pulling his jacket on. "Now, you got a lot of work to do. Gather the plates, wash 'em. Then vacuum the carpet. You gotta put all the seats upside down on the tables before you do that, though. Clean up the counters, mop the kitchen... and I think that's it."
"Yup, yup. I got it," you assured.
Mike mumbled a few more directions, but you were sure they weren't important. He pulled his hat on, making his way out of Pogo's.
You tip-toed towards the exit, peering out the small window in the door to make sure he was totally gone.
You wiped your forehead, slinging a small towel over your shoulder. There was a long night ahead of you, that was certain — but honestly you didn't mind. There were no co-workers to pester you, no boss to throw orders at you, and no customers to keep happy. You could put on the TVs and some music, just focusing on your cleaning. And the best part of it was — you'd get paid for every minute.
You took the remote from behind the bar, switching on the TVs and muting them. You picked up a small radio from under the counter, switching through the channels until you found one that played hits of the 50s and 60s.
"It's all coming together," you happily whispered to yourself. You tied your hair into a ponytail, resting your fists on your hips. You were ready to tackle the night.
But it felt like you were forgetting something...
You remembered hugging Arthur last night before heading back home to rest. He hugged you so tightly, you swore he'd break your ribs. You couldn't imagine what must've been going through his mind. The guilt he must've felt. You didn't want to leave him alone, but you had to.
He called you the next morning, before you headed off to work.
"Hey..." his voice croaked through the grainy speaker.
"Arthur, how are you? Did you sleep? You're still at the hospital?"
"I'm okay... My mom is... Well she's okay. She's okay. I slept a little, but... yeah. I'm still here. You're going to work soon?"
You twisted your phone cord tightly around your finger.
"Yeah, why?"
"Oh... I was just wondering if you had time for breakfast or something. But it's okay. I'll just... I'll just have what the hospital hands out. It's alright."
You pressed your fingers over your temple.
"I'm sorry-" "No, please. Don't be. You're getting off at the usual time tonight?" "Yeah, I am." "Okay. I'll be there to walk home with you then."
You chuckled into the phone. Even with his mother in the hospital, Arthur wanted to make sure you were safe. There were no words to describe how grateful you were for his friendship.
"Sounds good."
You slapped your forehead. With Owen calling out, there was no way you'd be able to get out on time. It'd be an extra two hours, at least. Was Arthur already there?
You walked towards the exit, heading out towards the hallway that lead outside. You unlocked the old door and pushed it open, looking from side to side.
Sure enough, Arthur was already there, waiting for you. He was resting his back against the wall, smoking a cigarette as always. You chuckled, leaning on the doorway.
"Can I help you, sir?"
Arthur looked up in surprise, smiling once he realized it was you. He flicked the cigarette to the ground, extinguishing it under his foot as he approached you.
"I'm afraid we're closed, you're gonna have to come back tomorrow," you joked, holding your hand up as if to stop him from entering.
"Very funny," he grinned. "So, ready to go?"
You sighed, scratching the back of your head. "Actually, no. We got a call out, so I'm on my own cleaning up tonight. Gonna be a while to finish up... Honestly you should just head home."
Arthur shook his head. "No. Out of the question. You're not walking home alone while I'm around. I'll help you close up." With that, he pushed past you and made his way into Pogo's.
You raised your eyebrows at him. "Oho, you did NOT just do that."
Arthur looked over his shoulder at you, smiling. "No, it looks like I did. So, we doing this or what?" He pulled off his coat, hanging it on the entrance rack as he grabbed a cleaning towel from the bar.
You stopped in your tracks, watching him as he got to work wiping the tables. You scoffed in amazement,  crossing your arms.
What's gotten into this guy?
Whatever it was, it was fun to see Arthur like this. He deserved to be happy. You smiled, joining in the work.
It was tough, there was no denying it. About an hour in, you decided to call for a break.
You wiped some sweat off your forehead, turning to Arthur. "You want some water before we move on to vacuuming?"
Arthur finished mopping up the kitchen, looking up at you breathlessly. He nodded, walking to the main area and plopping himself down into a seat. He pulled off his navy sweater, rolling up the cuffs of his white button-down above his forearms. He pressed his palms to his face, pushing his hair back and slouching down into the chair.
Your eyes scanned him up and down. You couldn't help but think he looked... attractive.
Woah. What am I even thinking? Focus. Just focus. We're almost done.
You brought out a pitcher of water, along with two glasses. You set them out on the table, filling both cups. After sitting down across from Arthur, the two of you barely hesitated, gulping down the cold water with fervor.
Arthur set down the now empty glass in front of him, trying to catch his breath.
"I knew your job here was rough..." he began, slightly panting, "but I didn't think it was this bad."
You laughed, running your finger along the inside of the cup. "Yup. So if I'm ever in a bad mood after a shift, you know why."
Arthur smiled, and the two of you quietly enjoyed the music coming from the radio.
But suddenly...
You heard the outside entrance being pulled open, the old creaky door alerting you of a visitor.
You shot up from your seat, squinting through the small window of the exit. Mike was walking down the hallway.
If he saw you invited someone in, you were done. Done.
You looked at Arthur, then the door, then back at Arthur.  
Quickly, you yanked him upwards by his arm and rushed him towards the bar, pushing him down behind the counter. Arthur looked at you, worried and confused.
"W-What's going on-" "Shhh!"
You cupped your hand over his mouth, holding a finger to your lips. Arthur stared at you wide-eyed for a moment, but nodded.
You ran back out towards the tables, pretending to wipe them.
Mike finally reached the club entrance, pulling it open and catching his breath.
"Still on the tables? Jesus..." he heaved. "No, no. I'm just doing some final touches. After this, I just have to vacuum and we're all set."
Mike raised his eyebrows in surprise. "Huh. Didn't know you had it in you."
He adjusted his pants, walking towards the bar. You swallowed hard.
I hope to Christ he doesn't see Arthur.
Mike rested his hand on the bar's counter, scanning it. You felt a bead of sweat drip down your forehead.
"Thought I left my keys here...Had to take the fucking subway all the way back. Third time in two months I forget this shit..." He sighed angrily, making his way into his office.
You waited until he was far enough inside his office before scurrying over to the bar. You peered over it, seeing Arthur huddled into the corner, his knees to his chest. He looked up at you, smiling and giving a thumbs up. You let out a breath, smiling back at him.
You heard Mike lock up his office, and hurried back to the tables.
"Found 'em," he said, holding up his keys triumphantly. You smiled and nodded.
"Alright, time to take this fucking train again. Night," he lazily waved at you, and headed out.
You held your breath, waiting until you finally heard the hallway door creak shut.
You sighed in relief, laughing in alleviation and spun around. Arthur chuckled, pulling himself out from behind the bar. You ran to him, jumping and wrapping your arms around him. He stumbled backwards, hanging on to you as you nearly knocked the both of you over.
"I thought I was done for, like, completely done! " You looked up at Arthur, smiling. "My heart is pounding so hard right now, I didn't think we'd pull that off! Especially when he was looking over the counter..."
You suddenly realized how close your face was to Arthur's. You let go of him, taking a step back. You could feel your blood rushing to your cheeks.
You cleared your throat. "Sorry- We should, uh... Let's just vacuum and get out of here."
You rushed into the supply room, muttering swears at yourself for your stupidity.
Arthur stood there in stunned silence.
He didn't have to imagine a single thing. The sparkle in your eyes, your soft pink lips stretched into that adorable smile. He wanted to believe that was for him. But you told him how you felt. Even his imagination couldn't wipe that memory away. "I don't think that's a good idea right now."
He sighed, his hand reaching up to his shoulder and squeezing it. At least you were friends. That's all that mattered.
Vacuuming didn't take long. The two of you worked quickly together. Arthur set each chair upside-down on their respective tables, and you followed behind him hurriedly, passing the vacuum under each one.
Finally, the two of you took a step back, admiring all your work.
Arthur scratched the back of his neck. "Looks good," he mumbled. "Yeah, it does...Wanna celebrate our hard work?" Arthur turned to you, raising an eyebrow. You grinned. "Come," you directed, leading him to the bar.
He sat at a stool as you walked behind it. You set out two shot glasses, filling them both up with whiskey. He picked his up slowly, furrowing his eyebrows.
"Um... You sure your boss won't mind?" You shrugged. "I doubt he'd even notice. Besides, fuck that penguin-looking mother fucker."
Arthur's eyes suddenly shot open. He suddenly snorted, his face turning completely pink.
You looked at him, smiling with confusion. "What?"
Arthur couldn't speak, he buried his face in his hands, his shoulders shaking with quiet laughter. You chuckled quietly along with him, not understanding what he was laughing at. "What's so funny?"
He suddenly burst with loud laughter, leaning back in his stool and swinging his head back. He nearly fell off it, his arms swinging wildly until he regained his balance, continuing to laugh all the while.
And that was it.
You don't know what it was - you don't know what happened, but... It felt like you were watching him in slow motion. Your gaze was stuck on him, and you couldn't shake it.
But you didn't want to look away anyway.
You could feel your heart gently pounding away in your chest. Your hands became clammy with sweat. Your head was spinning. Your face was warm. What was this feeling?
Arthur's happy laughter was intoxicating. It was loud, awkward, funky, bizarre... and amazing. You wanted to listen to it for as long as you could. Were you sick? What was happening to you?
No, you couldn't be. When you were sick, you didn't want to be sick. But this feeling... you wanted this feeling. You loved this feeling.
"I've NEVER heard you curse like that!" he finally managed to say through his dying laughter. "I couldn't have imagined you saying anything like that. Ever."
You opened your mouth to speak, your trance being so strong it felt impossible.
"Aha... yeah..."
Arthur let out a cheerful sigh, shaking his head before quickly downing his shot and standing up. "Alright, what do you say we go home?"
You watched him as he pulled his sweater back on, heading towards the exit. Your eyes fluttered, and you took a deep breath.
The walk home was the best walk you'd had in your life.
A/N- AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHH FINALLY SOME FUCKING ROMANCE. god. i made myself wait so fucking long. jesus. this slow burn is killing me as much as i hope its killing you guys
@geronimosanna @theworldthroughmynikon @niniita-ah @captainohgod @memory-mortis @handsomeguyslover @bitterspectrum @sosearchingromeo @aesikupills @mardema @ajokeformur-ray @lonesomevillain
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bulbpix · 4 years
If You Just Listened - Part 14
The ride back home was long. Painfully long. It was obnoxiously boring on the way to the station, but even more so on the way back. You leaned against the window, staring out into the gray Gotham sky. You felt strange admitting it, but Arthur made the ride much more bearable. Him and his nice-smelling hair.
You groaned, your cheeks turning pink at the embarrassing memory. You crossed your arms, sinking down into your seat.
You wondered what Arthur was doing so far away from home. Maybe it was a job prospect? No, there's no way he'd be able to make this commute on a frequent basis. So then, what could he be possibily be doing so far out?
You furrowed your eyebrows. It wasn't your place to poke your nose in Arthur's business... or his hair.
You groaned again, pulling your winter cap down over your eyes.
Why did I do that?
After the long and dull bus ride, followed by a long and dull walk home, you were finally back at your apartment. The sun was setting, and your day off was nearly over. You sighed, annoyed that you barely had a chance to relax. But, you quickly pushed that thought aside. You were there for Arthur and that's all that mattered.
You wasted no time stripping off your winter layers, dressing yourself in more comfortable clothes before collapsing on your bed. You barely remembered anything after laying down, falling into a deep sleep shortly after. You were exhausted...
THUMP! You shot up, pushing your face out of the pile of pillows. You heard the clanging of kitchenware against the floor from the apartment under you.
What was that?!
Your gaze shot up, looking towards the window. It was night now, it couldn't have been more than an hour since you fell asleep. Which meant...
Arthur wasn't home yet.
So then, what was that noise from his apartment? His mother should have been the only one home. Was she okay? Maybe she just tripped.
You hopped off the bed, pressing your ear against the groud.
A few seconds passed. A few more. A minute now. Two minutes.
You bit your nails, your anxiety growing in intensity.
God damn it, get up....
Another minute passed. Still nothing.
"Alright, screw this." You grabbed a sweater and quickly slid it on before jumping out on to your balcony. You rushed down the fire-escape steps, yanking Arthur's apartment window open with as much force as you could muster.
You hoped inside, scanning the living room for signs of her. You cautiously walked through, not sure of what exactly you were dealing with...
Please don't be burglars. Please don't be burglars.
You reached a door to what you assumed was the kitchen. Carefully, you pushed it open...
Penny was laying there on the ground, her arms shaking, reaching around herself without any direction. Her phone was dangling by its cord from the counter, a loud, flat dial tone coming from the speaker.
Your heart began pounding with fear. You were not experienced in first-aid care by any means. Yet within a week, you were thrust into these intense situations twice. First Arthur, and now his mother.
You dropped to the ground, pulling her head on to your lap.
"Ms. Fleck, can you hear me? What happened?!"
She tried to speak, but only responding in unintelligible mumbles.
You didn't know what was wrong. You didn't know how to help. You yanked the phone off the counter, your trembling fingers quickly dialing 911. Penny wasn't going to die. Not while you could do something about it. You wouldn't let this happen to Arthur. Not now.
You held Penny tightly by her shoulders, pressing her close to you.
Your voice was wobbly, and your grip on the phone was unstable, but you managed to get the message across.
"Please, please hurry... I don't know what to do, she can't talk, she's barely moving... I-I'm freaking out here. I'm freaking OUT here, please please tell the ambulance to come soon or she's going to die. She's going to die in my arms if you don't... I don't know what to...Please, please, tell them to hurry-"
"The ambulance is on its way ma'am, just calm down. They'll be there soon."
You nodded to yourself, trying to control your breathing. It was going to be okay. It was going to be okay.
After what felt like eternity, the paramedics finally arrived. You watched them strap her on to a stretcher, biting your nails the entire time. You followed them closely, your eyes never leaving Penny as they transported her down to the lobby.
"Is she going to be alright? Is she okay? What's wrong with her?"
The paramedics ignored your questioning, continuing to wheel her out into the courtyard. A crowd of apartment residents had gathered, trying to see what was going on. They briefly blocked your path, but you shoved them to the side, not wanting to leave Penny unaccompanied.
You pushed the final one to the side, exasperated and catching your breath. You latched on to the end of the stretcher as they began loading her into the ambulance.
"Mom? What... What's going on?"
Your eye flicked upwards. Arthur stood by you, his expression panicked, yet calm. It didn't seem like he knew you were there.
One of the medics blocked you both, holding his hand up to stop you two.
"Excuse me. Are you family?"
"I'm her son," he answered quietly, his gaze staying on Penny.
The medic turned to you.
"And you?"
Arthur looked up, surprised. He hadn't even noticed your presence.
"She's... She's um..."
"I'm his sister," you answered. "That's our mom."
The paramedic nodded, allowing you both on the ambulance. Arthur stared at you in what looked like amazement, stuck in place.
"Go, go. Let's go," you directed, gently pushing him into the ambulance and squeezing yourself beside him.
The ride to the hospital was a blur to you. Arthur was bombarded with questions about her medical history. You barely understood any of them, but he handled them with ease. You buried your face in your hands, praying that everything would go well.
After reaching the hospital, you and Arthur were instructed to stay in the waiting room as they ran some tests on her. Arthur was clearly drained and exhausted, so you did your best to gather all the paper work and handle the arrangements.
You sat there in silence for a few moments, before Arthur broke the air.
"I'm gonna head out to smoke," he sighed as he began to stand up. "I'll go with you," you blurted. You didn't want to leave him alone. "No, no. It's cold... you should just stay-" "If you need me, I'm there," you reminded him. "I'm coming with you." Arthur nodded in thanks, and the two of you stepped out into the frigid Gotham night.
You rarely smoked, but the events of that night called for nicotine. You smoked two cigarettes in a matter of minutes, but Arthur was way ahead of you. You both sat on a bench outside, shivering and puffing cigarettes like chimneys.
Thankfully however, smoking seemed to calm him down considerably. He sat up, clearing his throat.
"So... how did you find her?" he asked. You took another drag, coughing and shaking your head. "I just heard a thud from your apartment. I guessed something was wrong and I ran down... she was laying on the floor so I just..." you shrugged, taking another puff. "I just called 911. I didn't know how to help."
Arthur nodded, flicking his cigarette to the ground.
"Hey," he whispered. You looked up at him. "You made sure my mom was safe tonight. I don't know what would've happened if you weren't there. I don't think I can ever pay you back for that." You shook your head at him. "What- Arthur, no. No. You shouldn't even be thinking that." "It's true. You're the best sister I could ask for."
Arthur smiled, a small chuckle escaping his lips. You scoffed, punching his shoulder.
"Anytime, big bro."
You chatted with Arthur for a few minutes more, before eventually standing up and stretching. He quickly stood up after you, not wanting to be without company.
"I better go, Arthur. I gotta be up early tomorrow for work," you explained. You felt guilty leaving Arthur now, but you had no choice.
Arthur nodded, looking down at his feet and kicking a small pebble.
The sight nearly stopped your heart.
"I'm sorry, I don't want to go now but..."
Arthur shook his head. "No, please. You've done more than enough. You'd better head home."
You stared at Arthur for a few moments, smiling. You wished there was more you could do for him. You wished there was more you could say.
Arthur (on the other hand) let his actions speak for him. He took a step closer to you, wrapping his arms around you and pulling you in for a hug. You sighed, hugging him tightly back. You rested your cheek on his shoulder, squeezing your eyes shut.
It'll be alright, buddy.
Arthur didn't know if it was right to do that or not, but God, did it feel good. It was exactly what he needed right now. His emotions and thoughts were swirling in his mind - How, of all days, did this have to be the day he wasn't home? You and his mother were the only people he cared about. He was beyond thankful that you were there to take care of her. But what if something happened to you? You were with him the ride there, but you were alone on the way back. If something happened to you while he wasn't there...
He squeezed you tighter, not wanting to imagine it. He swore from this day on, he would always be there to walk you home from work. No matter what.
You patted his back, gently pulling yourself away from him.
"Alright, I'm headed home, bud. You know my number. Call if you need anything."
It pained Arthur that he wouldn't be able to take you home tonight, but his mother needed him. He took a deep breath.
"Okay, okay. Thank you."
You smiled, giving him one last hug before making you way into the night.
Arthur's eyes stuck on you until they couldn't any longer.
@geronimosanna @theworldthroughmynikon @niniita-ah  @captainohgod @memory-mortis @handsomeguyslover @bitterspectrum @sosearchingromeo @aesikupills @mardema @ajokeformur-ray @lonesomevillain
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bulbpix · 4 years
If You Just Listened - Part 13
Public transportation in Gotham wasn't the best. After witnessing fights, drug deals, and countless other events on the buses and trains, you eventually came to the decision that walking was best. But today was an exception.
Once you'd dried your laundry and finished talking to Arthur last night, you carried your clothes to your apartment and settled in. Shortly after heading to bed, you suddenly heard what sounded like yelling and banging from the apartment under you... Arthur's apartment.
It didn't sound too serious, probably just a dispute between mother and son. Still, you felt bad. Arthur just had a very big day, his comedic debut. It shouldn't have ended with a fight. But, there was nothing you could do. You tucked yourself in, and waited for the yelling to die down.
This morning, Arthur told you he needed to do something important. Something very important. You assumed it had something to do with the fight last night. You were undeniably curious, but didn't want to press too much. It seemed like a personal issue.
"Can you come to the train station with me?" he asked. "I know it's a pain in the ass, but..."
You shook your head. "Arthur, we're friends. If you need me, I'm there." You crossed your arms, smiling at him. He smiled a bit, but you could tell he wasn't in his usual cheery demeanor today. "So where is this train station?"
Arthur scratched the back of his head. "That's the annoying part. It's in Elmont."
Of course it's in fucking Elmont.
You stopped yourself from groaning. Elmont was a neighborhood so far uptown from the city that there was no way you two could walk. You'd have to take the bus, which you did NOT want to do. At all. And it wouldn't be a short ride either - it would be an hour there and back, at the very least (And that's without traffic!). You dreaded the public transportation of Gotham. Arthur couldn't have asked you to go to a train station in downtown Gotham. Nooo, it's gotta be Elmont!
"Pfft, Elmont? Don't even worry about it. Let me just get myself together and I'll see you in the lobby, yeah?"
Arthur nodded, and began his way downstairs.
You shut the door behind you, grumbling as you went about your apartment. "Fucking Elmont."
And now here you were, on a crowded bus that smelled like an armpit. Luckily, you and Arthur were able to find seats. You tried to strike a conversation with him a few times, but it didn't seem like he was in the mood to talk today.
You furrowed your eyebrows. This behavior was weird, even for Arthur. Whatever happened last night must have really been serious. Although you weren't enjoying this trip in any sense, you truly wanted to be there for him. You sighed, staring at his knee. You wanted things to be better. For both of you.
Halfway through the ride, you felt your eyelids begin to grow heavy. You turned to Arthur. He seemed to be zoned-out, staring through the window. Still not in the mood to talk.
You yawned, deciding that if you were going to nap, this would be your chance. You adjusted your arms, sinking down into your jacket, falling into a surprisingly easy sleep...
"Excuse me?" "Mm...?
You slowly opened your eyes, looking towards the source of the voice. An older woman was leaning towards you from the seat across yours. You rubbed your eyes, trying to adjust them. You couldn't exactly remember what you were doing on this bus upon waking up.
"The last stop is coming up. Just wanted to let you and your friend know." She smiled, and turned back ahead.
My friend...? Oh. Right.
You felt a heaviness on your shoulder. You turned to see what it was, your face immediately being buried in a bunch of brown hair.
Arthur had fallen asleep on your shoulder.
You turned your head forward, wondering how he ended up there. He probably fell asleep sitting up, the rocking of the bus eventually knocking him to the side. Imagining it made you chuckle.
I wonder what his hair smells like...
Wait, what?
That was a weird thought. Why would you care how his hair smelled? What were you, some kind of creep? Who even thinks of that? You were just tired. This bus ride was long, and boring. Yeah, that was it. Your brain was probably just looking for a way to entertain itself. Stimulating the senses, or something. Yeah.
You peeked over at him. Still sound asleep.
It would be harmless, Arthur wouldn't even notice. Was it a crime to want to smell something? What, like using your nose was illegal? What harm could it do?
You slowly turned your head towards his, hesitating.
Arthur wouldn't care right?
Or would he?
This was weird...
Ah, you were just overthinking it.
Slowly, you sunk the tip of your nose into his chestnut locks. You closed your eyes, gently burrowing into his hair as you inhaled. He smelled smoky, yet sweet. Like a combination of cigarettes and honeysuckle. Where did the honeysuckle come from? Maybe it was his shampoo. You dug your nose deeper, nearly touching his scalp. He smelled earthy, and natural. Like he showered recently, but not too recently. If you could describe his scent, the only word that came to mind would be... comfortable. What a friend was supposed to smell like. Friend-scented? You smiled.  
Arthur rustled, slowly picking his head up and nicking your nose.
Your face shot forward, your eyes shooting open. You folded your hands together tightly.
He adjusted his shoulders, his eyes still squinting from tiredness. He touched the top of his head, shifting his gaze towards you.
"Were you... sniffing me?" Crap. "What?" "What were you doing just now?" "I literally have no idea what you're even saying."
You buried yourself further into your jacket and scarf, your face now beet-red. He was asleep, you were so sure he was asleep. Was he awake the entire time? Did he just wake up? You prayed to God it was the latter.
"I could've sworn I felt you-" "Arthur, can you just focus, please? Look, we're already at the stop."
Arthur blinked a few times, clearly puzzled by the entire situation. He looked ahead, and sure enough, you had reached your destination.
The bus came to a slow, creaking halt at the station. The driver looked behind his seat, shouting, "Last stop! Everybody out!"
You and Arthur got up, stretching from the long ride. You stepped outside, walking him towards the station entrance. As you reached one of its glass doors, he took a deep breath and turned to you.
"I just want to say something," he sighed.
"Is this about the smelling thing? 'Cause I swear it wasn't what you think it was. I was looking out the window and your head was right there and I just needed to breathe like any human does so I inhaled through my nose but your hair was also in the way so it LOOKED like I was smelling your hair but I wasn't I was just turning my head and your head was also there and I was breathing but while my nose was-"
Arthur held his hand up, stopping your ramble.
"I believe you, I just wanted to say thanks for coming," he said flatly.
His calm attitude only served to make you all the more embarrassed. Shouldn't this be the other way around? Usually he was the flustered one.
"I have to get on my train now," he continued. "I'll see you tonight?"
You nodded. "Yeah, just stop by if you need me, why not."  
Arthur gave a low-spirited smile, turning towards the entrance.
Before he could take a step, you grabbed him by his arm and yanked him into a tight hug. He tensed up, unsure of what to do.
You were hugging him. This wasn't his imagination.
This was... real.
Cautiously, he wrapped his arms around you.
"I don't know what's going on, but I can tell it's a lot. I'm here for you, bud. Whenever you need me." You squeezed him tighter.
Arthur was speechless. Never in his most fantastical dreams would he have imagined to have a friend like you. He felt... undeserving. He hadn't done anything to earn you as a companion. Why were you here? He shut his eyes tightly, feeling his body begin to shudder with grateful, yet sad laughter. He pulled you closer to him, unbelievably thankful to have you here in this moment.
You patted his back, used to his laughter by now. You sighed, hoping whatever he was dealing with would be over soon.
After a few minutes, Arthur began to calm down. He stood up straight, sniffling a bit and grinning at you.
"Thanks." "Don't mention it."
Arthur walked towards the train station entrance, pulling open a glass door. He stopped there, turning to you.
"Also, I was awake the whole time," he added, an amused smile on his face. "You're weird."
And with that, he disappeared into the station.
Your expression sunk, your face immediately going pale. You yanked your winter cap further down on to your head, wanting to bury yourself inside it as you ran towards a departing bus.
Did Arthur just call me weird? Arthur, of all people? I hate my life.
A/N - Looks like Y/N can be just as creepy. anyways - IM BAAAAAACCCCCKKK, AND FINALS ARE OVER!! GET READY FOR BACK TO BACK FICS GUYS - and sorry for the wait ehehehe....
@geronimosanna @theworldthroughmynikon @niniita-ah  @captainohgod @memory-mortis @handsomeguyslover @bitterspectrum @sosearchingromeo @aesikupills @mardema @ajokeformur-ray
(i hope i got this tagging thing right? im still new to this lol)
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bulbpix · 4 years
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Inspired by my convo w/ @lavenderheartz :D 
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bulbpix · 4 years
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The excellence
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bulbpix · 4 years
Me: *moans at Arthur Fleck smirking*
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bulbpix · 4 years
doctor: you have 1 minute and 44 seconds to live.
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bulbpix · 4 years
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bulbpix · 4 years
do you ever just
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bulbpix · 4 years
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bulbpix · 4 years
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bulbpix · 4 years
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You see all this - the lights, the show, the audience - all that stuff, I’d give it all up in a heartbeat to have a kid like you.
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bulbpix · 4 years
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JOKER 2019
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