bylerhomo · 7 months
Noah’s mom re posted from a zionist acc the you stand with us or you support quote before he posted his statement, he didn’t make it up, it’s a common phase for zionists
Yup and he is responsible for spreading the dangerous message. He should reflect and educate his “fans” or whoever follows him.
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bylerhomo · 7 months
defending racism and zionism all so you can go to bed comfortable shipping your ship and don’t have to think twice about this war is crazy work
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bylerhomo · 7 months
Noah didn’t use that phase from the IDF. The IDF posted that phase after Noah posted it on his instagram. so the Israel government was literally quoting Noah’s words, not the other way around…
For context the language anon is referring to is “you either stand with Israel or you stand with terrorism”
I was not suggesting Noah copied the IDFs statement I was suggesting that the problem with Noah’s statement is that it is exactly the language used historically and currently to justify the current escalation of violence, killing of children and forced dislocation of people.
And it demonstrates the important thing about dehumanizing language. It’s not about who starts it, it’s about who spreads it, who condones it and who condemns it.
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bylerhomo · 7 months
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This is the exact Zionist language Noah used in his post that is so reprehensible for its binary logic that ends in total destruction for the people in Gaza. This is why people are criticizing him, using IDF terrorist language as a guise to build support for military action against people being trapt in a large prison camp with only two exits. One is shut down and the other was recently bombed and only lets in 400 people a day at most into Egypt through their immigration process. His ignorance should not have to be explained to people for them to stop defending him. People are being pressured with death threats to leave Gaza for a reason, it’s so Israeli forces can take control and gain sovereignty over the area. It’s textbook ethnic cleansing.
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bylerhomo · 7 months
Seeing people defend Noah Schnapp for his comments on Palestine is actually sickening. The dehumanization effort many are going through to promote the idea that Palestinians are terrorists and deserve what they get so they either should flee their land or die so that Israel can come and claim it is an endorsement of ethnic cleansing. The way he suggests people need to support Israel, not the victims of the attack or their loved ones specifically but the State of Israel, a mainly settler state is disgusting and shows he isn’t educated on the human rights abuses at all. You can’t frame the conflict with sympathy for Israel against Palestine and expect not to be complicit in the Apartheid regime.
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bylerhomo · 7 months
*pretends to be shocked*@chirpsythismorning
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a gay song was playing in the byler scene (tarzan boy)
literally the same lights (which was done on purpose)
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remember that Mike parallels Jack
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the Duffers are big fan of Dawson's creek and took inspiration from it
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bylerhomo · 10 months
can we get the duffers to move their stranger writers account to tumblr because twitter is unusable now lol.
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bylerhomo · 11 months
I love that Byler antis think Mike is a bad communicator. And they don’t just think that they need that to be the case in order to interpret the story in that exact way for Melvin to make sense.
Mike’s a great communicator he’s just a bad liar.
The man is a dungeon master and wants to be a professional writer. And his close friends see him as an inspirational leader.
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bylerhomo · 1 year
Believing that you’re doing the right thing, when in fact you’re doing the wrong thing - a recurring theme in Stranger Things s4
First example that may come to your mind is Jason or Vecna/Henry/001. Jason believed he was doing the right thing by trying to catch Eddie, ”the murderer”, but due to the lack of information, that was a wrong thing to do. Vecna/Henry/001 believed he was doing the right thing when trying to create a different world, but the things he did while trying to do that were horribly wrong.
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But that’s not it. Doing something you think is right, but is actually wrong, is something that everyone does in this season. I haven’t listed all examples but here’s a few:
The army
The army believes they are doing the right thing by catching Eleven, who they believe is behind the killings. But that’s a wrong thing to do, because El is actually the one cabable to help.
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The parents and Erica
The parents think they are doing the right thing by trying to keep the kids inside even tho the kids need to be helping the older teens. And Erica thinks she’s doing the right thing by calling their ”bullshit” in front of the parents and police.
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Jonathan thinks it’s the right thing to do to not go to college and stay with his family. But it’s just harming him and his relationship with Nancy.
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Young Eleven
Young Eleven believes it’s the right thing to do to try and help Peter/001 escape too. But the consequences were horrible.
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Max thought it was a right thing to do to become a bait. And also to try and attack Vecna even tho she should have stayed hidden and let El handle the situation.
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Lucas that it was the right thing to do to try and become popular. But he would have been better off with his real friends.
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The Hawkins crew and Russia crew
They thought it was a good idea to try and harm Vecna with fire and swords and shots, when actually that robbed Eleven a chance to finish him off for good. (Ofc we don’t know for sure she could have but no she didn’t even get the chance because the Vecna world just collapsed around her)
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Will thought it was the right thing to do to lie about the painting and his feelings when in fact… oh well…
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So basically all characters have done this. Except for Mike.
Oh wait…
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bylerhomo · 1 year
It’s the way Byler always sits next to each other and Melvin always sits across from each other.
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bylerhomo · 1 year
For those of you who have questioned how delusional many Byler theorists are in general because you are critical of the idea that a fact, or a pattern of facts, doesn’t really say much about a story. For those that question one’s ability to theorize with any accuracy how the facts of a plot will ultimately resolve into an ending. I just want to drop a quote from a famous gay author and literary theorist E. M. Forster:
“The intelligent novel-reader, unlike the inquisitive one who just runs his eye over a new fact, mentally picks it up. He sees it from two points of view: isolated, and related to the other facts that he has read on previous pages. Probably he does not understand it, but he does not expect to do so yet awhile. The facts in a highly organized novel (like The Egoist) are often of the nature of cross-correspondences and the ideal spectator cannot expect to view them properly until he is sitting up on a hill at the end.”
In other words, it’s normal not to see where things are heading in a plot when one fact’s relationship with the other facts are still open to many possibilities of meaning. But they will ultimately cement themselves into a meaningful relationship with all the other facts of the plot. You might find this idea flimsy because facts can be arbitrary and meaningless. Forster’s answer to that line of thinking is somewhat addressed when he later on states that:
“The plot-maker expects us to remember, we expect him to leave no loose ends.”
Here we can see why these details that story theorists point out ultimately matter because the plot maker expects that we will think they do. These facts will ultimately come to have a meaning, if the story is worth anything. That is because the creators want to not just meet but exceed their audience’s expectations. There are avenues for season 5 to go with all the facts they established in these 4 prior seasons but they ultimately are bound by the facts they gave us and the relations that those facts share with each other. That is why theories can be helpful because they treat these facts like they matter and they help understand and predict the ways in which the story can develop in a meaningful way that exceeds our own expectations.
I hope this rant made some sort of sense to people.
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bylerhomo · 1 year
What if the stranger writers spoil Byler endgame as part of the writers strike 😊🤭. Netflix better pay all their writers!
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bylerhomo · 1 year
Mike is so hopeless, I love him. I watched this scene in detail, up-close, and realised Mike legitimately does not look at El once while she’s talking to him. Not a single time (til the end of the scene). Yet he sneaks exactly six glances at Will 😭. He’s clinging to El for dear life trying to do the whole boyfriend routine but it just feels so…off? And it’s because he’s not engaging with her at alllll, he��s smiling with this weird dead behind the eyes look and staring vaguely into space rather than at her. He’s so clearly distracted by Will, it’s insane how they manage to make it so subtle yet obvious.
This is 100% the type of stuff Finn was referring to when he said Mike’s trying to ‘be normal and keep on a normal path’ and when he made fun of Mike like ‘I’m super excited to see my girlfriend in California’. It’s clear as day: Mike is putting on an act, and that act includes playing the good boyfriend and ignoring Will. I wonder why those two things always happen simultaneously?
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bylerhomo · 1 year
Those people, they're not wired like me and you.
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Murray Bauman - S02E05 Dig Dug
Seriously, tell me this speech doesn't perfectly describe Milkvans.
I made this because I was trying to figure out how to make GIFs. That's the entire reason.
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bylerhomo · 1 year
Here’s a clearer version of the parallels I was talking about. Mike and Hopper are literally wearing matching outfits to Max and Susan while they hug, but Will’s reaction is lining up with Max’s. I’m clawing at the walls trying to figure out who’s about to get wingardium leviosa’d on that damn hill 😭 or if this is them about to go crazy together bc Vecna ain’t confined to just one person’s mind at a time.
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bylerhomo · 1 year
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The writers are testing Bylers today!
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bylerhomo · 1 year
Let’s talk about why Redditors and other “GA fans” (Reddit is not a GA forum, it’s for a certain type of fan looking for others who are obsessing about the show let’s be honest).
They tend to be hostile or at the most indifferent to Byler shippers in a way that “straight male” dominated spaces are hostile to female and queer aspects of any fandom. They look for ways to sideline Byler’s theories by saying that the media interpretation of Mike and Will’s relationship by Bylers is delusional and reading too much or too poorly into what the writers intended with them.
Of course they pretty much said the same thing about Will is gay truthers back in season 1 and 2 and even into 3 (some even in volume 1 of season 4).
There is this consistent denial of queerness in this GA fandom space for the same reason there is denial about the impact and importance of achievements and contributions by non white historical figures in “mainstream Western History”, it’s to prop up the delusions of the reader to make them feel seen and important above and beyond others who might feel seen by media that are different from them.
Neither Bylers nor anti Bylers have direct access to the intentions of the Duffer Brothers for what they think about Mike and Will’s relationship and each character’s sexuality and honestly what the creators think doesn’t matter that much in regards to how fans enjoy the show as it is. The Duffers aren’t kings of meaning and interpretation they just create the foundation for which us viewers craft the meaning and where communities discuss and debate these meanings.
So I hope that anti Bylers realize they aren’t closer to the truth of the series or have a more authentic relationship to Stranger things than Byler. They just want to rule the roost of the fandom because Byler, to them, represents for them a challenge to their heteronormative fantasy of the 1980s, of genre fiction, of nerd culture, and of adolescent love stories.
I know that if the fans who are hostile to Bylers, or who think it’s just not ever going to be a valid canonical interpretation, read this, they will think I am overstepping, that I am forcing my feelings about anti Bylers onto them and that they wouldn’t care if Stranger Things was made with Byler being canonical, they just disagree that it is a canonical reading.
The problem with that argument of course is that it assumes a canonical reading is about believability and not about possibility. It’s conflates an audience’s beliefs about a character/plot with what the show reveals about that character/plot. Being anti Byler is about spreading a belief about the show’s canon in a way to invalidate Bylers. It is not a disagreement of possibility, because quite frankly anything is possible in a work of fiction. And if you look at what the show reveals about Mike through out the series, Bylers are very likely on to something.
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