chancerisquee-blog · 9 years
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He had never walked in this area of the building, but his homeroom teacher had told him to go here in order to get a permission letter for next Friday. Duties require him to do something out of the Academy.
He had noticed a boy… staring at him? He did know that he was rumoured a lot–must be one of those who know. It might be best to greet him, he decided.
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“Good day to you, stranger.” A junior? Interesting.
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“I, u-uh..uhm...” Makoto was confused, the SHSL Prince is talking to him? Is this for real?
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“I-I’m a junior, yeah!...Uh, so...you must be Prince Komaeda, right?” Makoto didn’t want to make any wrong moves, he IS speaking to THE Prince Komaeda, he wouldn’t want to accidentally get security or the entire school on his ass just because he made a mistake with his wording.
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chancerisquee-blog · 9 years
Sorry I haven’t done much replies and stuff, I was busy and eventually got distracted...but I’ll be sure to work on replies and starters tomorrow!
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chancerisquee-blog · 9 years
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Maizono noticed the slight stammer in the luckster’s voice. Was something wrong? No, I wouldn’t think so. I guess it’s nothing? Even if there is something bothering him, I suppose I shouldn’t pry into it.
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“I did, thanks! My idol life isn’t actually as busy as you might think, especially since I’m on the resting part of my cycle right now. You see, I’ve just released a new album, so that should keep my fans occupied for a while. And after it dies down in popularity a little, I start working with my advisors and coaches to compose new stuff. When the music is solid and ready for lyrics, the girls and I sit down to write out lyrics. We record the songs, release them in singles and albums as we see fit, and perform shows here and there. Then we rest! It’s a very long process though, so it’s not that bad.”
“That...isn’t as busy as I actually thought...I mean, releasing albums and singles to keep them busy in the meanwhile isn’t that bad of an idea...being an Idol isn’t all that busy of a job as it sounds like. Although, you could probably say that for any job if you managed to plan things in advance like your advisors...” Makoto learns new things everyday! Who knew the life of an idol could contain so many technicalities and planning before hand...
“Then again, I’m just a regular kid who got into this school just because I got lucky, so what would I know about a busy life...haha...” God damn it Makoto you’re being self-depriciative again :/.
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chancerisquee-blog · 9 years
phantomofmaple liked for a starter!
“E-Excuse me...?” Makoto had no idea what in the world was going on, other than a small doll looking thing had just stopped him and asked him where his airship was.
He expected a pretty normal day, but this? Makto never would’ve guessed.
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chancerisquee-blog · 9 years
The shorter one getting on their tiptoes to kiss the other
The taller one bending down to kiss them
The taller one making themselves smaller so they could hug the other person
The smaller person insisting that they can reach something really high while the taller person sits back and smiles while they stretch to reach the thing
the taller person giving piggyback rides.
The shorter person giving piggyback rides
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chancerisquee-blog · 9 years
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chancerisquee-blog · 9 years
Send ✚ for a HEALTH headcanon. Send ♕ for a CHILDHOOD headcanon. Send ✿ for a HAPPINESS headcanon. Send ␛ for an ANGER headcanon. Send ♆ for a BODY headcanon. Send ϡ for a MENTAL STATE headcanon. Send ღ for a LOVE/SEXUALITY headcanon. Send † for a RELIGION headcanon. Send ✄ for a PET PEEVE headcanon. Send ☂ for a FOOD headcanon.
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chancerisquee-blog · 9 years
Maizono wandered into the classroom, still in a daze from her morning rush. She took her seat and laid her things out on her desk. Looking around, she noticed that a lot of students had not yet arrived. The idol took a deep breath and turned around, facing Naegi with a smile on her face.
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“Good morning, Naegi-kun! Did you have a good sleep?”
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“M-Maizono-san! Uh, morning to you too!” Makoto snapped his head up to Maizono in surprise, did she hear what he was saying...? But, she did just enter the classroom...
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“I had a good sleep..I think, but what about you? You’re the SHSL Idol so you must’ve had a busy night yesterday...” Makoto tried to switch the topic over to Maizono’s idol life, he didn’t want to worry her about his own problems. It didn’t feel right with him.
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chancerisquee-blog · 9 years
HEY GUYS if a thread is boring (you lost muse, you’re just not into it) then DROP IT! i don’t give a fuck, i’d rather you drop it than have you force yourself to reply to a thread that you don’t want to write anymore. no hard feelings, just ditch it, drop it like a hot potato. erase it from your memory, get rid of it. and if you come up with a better thread, just send a message or post a starter.
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chancerisquee-blog · 9 years
Gives nose/forehead kisses
Gets jealous the most
Picks the other up from the bar when they’re too drunk to drive
Takes care of on sick days
Drags the other person out into the water on beach day
Gives unprompted massages
Drives/rides shotgun
Brings the other lunch at work
Has the better parental relationship
Tries to start role-playing in bed
Embarrassingly drunk dancer
Still cries watching Titanic
Firmly believes in couples costumes
Breaks the expensive gift rule during Christmas
Makes the other eat breakfast
Remembers anniversaries
Brings up having kids
Send a ship and I'll tell you who:
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chancerisquee-blog · 9 years
lombardiisms replied to your post “online!”
whats up you fuckin ahoge-haver
you want to fukn fight you gay bird
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chancerisquee-blog · 9 years
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chancerisquee-blog · 9 years
((see you guys later! gonna catch some zzz in the meanwhile))
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chancerisquee-blog · 9 years
spokenoblivion liked for a starter!
He heard talk about a SHSL Prince in Hope’s Peak but he never really did meet him face to face, only heard passing rumors or talk from time to time.
The only think Makoto knows for sure is that he has some kind of disease and has white hair...
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“Messy white hair....disease...” As Makoto wondered he noticed a rather familiar person in sight...white hair...princely attire...is that really who Makoto thinks he is?
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“W-Wait...i-is that..?!”
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chancerisquee-blog · 9 years
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((Ill post one more starter and then I’ll head off to bed!! I stayed up all night lmao so i need some Sleep. If there was anyone I didn’t post a starter with, I’ll post one tomorrow don’t worry!))
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chancerisquee-blog · 9 years
pinkaidoru liked for a starter!
Makoto has been getting a ton of messages from his friends back at his old school asking if he really was in the same class as Maizono...it did come as a surprise to them, who would’ve thought such an ordinary person would be classmates AND friends with such an extraordinary individual?
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“Even though I’m such a normal person, Maizono’s still fond of me...I wonder why...?” Makoto shut off his phone, he needed to get his mind off things...
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chancerisquee-blog · 9 years
//Fite me
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