chidorikiller · 2 years
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hello everyone! May here, just looking for more people to write with and follow! <3 I’m a multifandom multimuse blog, and I have muses from animanga like naruto, video games like final fantasy, supernatural, and all those superhero movies and comics!
naruto specific muses i have (thus the kakashi header): kakashi, sasuke, tsunade, hiruzen, jiraiya, && hinata!
please reblog if you are so inclined, or like if you want to interact with me!
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chidorikiller · 2 years
// moving here to a multifandom in an attempt to get like… all my small amounts of inspiration in one place.
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chidorikiller · 2 years
psst I have a blog over at @adagiosummoner if anyone’s interested. Haven’t set a Naruto verse but I can if anyone wants :)
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chidorikiller · 2 years
I want to do things but new things. So um, like for a starter or message me or something?
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chidorikiller · 2 years
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Yawns. “How long was I asleep?”
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chidorikiller · 2 years
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beep beep. is anyone there?
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chidorikiller · 2 years
“Yes,” Sakura confirmed bluntly, if a little forcefully. The kunoichi didn’t doubt for a second that it would be difficult, but if only he could survive the kind of torture Itachi had instigated on the Hatake in what felt like ages ago, where would that put her? Yes, she loved Sasuke, but she wasn’t the blind and romantic little idiot she’d been up to the Forest of Death when her fancies and fantasies were beginning to totally fracture since the Land of Waves. Straightening, she felt as though she had to provoke him a little, leaning forth as though poised to battle him. “Sensei, I’m not Rin Nohara! If that is what’s holding you back, you have to stop or else I might really end up dead if I can’t prepare for this! Then, it might really be your fault!” Bringing up her sensei’s former teammate was cruel, and the backlash of guilt was immediate, and it showed on her countenance. But, somehow, she knew she was right. 
Huffing softly, she amended, “I think I might have a way out. Genjutsu cast by a Mangekyo Sharingan is bound to be strong anyways, right? Even if it’s not the Tsukiyomi, if I can withstand that and break from it, I’ll at least be a lot better off.” Sure, she wasn’t exactly covering the bases of the emotional backlash her sensei might face, but part of her hoped she wouldn’t have to; he was former Anbu, after all, and she wondered if he couldn’t tap into that disconnected emotional core again, at least for this. 
Either way, Inner Sakura be what made or broke this unorthodox training exercise of theirs. 
Doubtless Sakura wasn’t the same girl she was in the Forest of Death, where the sight of a kunai-and-shuriken-stabbed Sasuke would make her faint. Even the sight of all her loved ones dead before her may not make her faint, though perhaps if she were forced to watch it over and over for weeks on end, without a moment’s rest or sleep... It was the same for most methods of torture. Repetition made it more intolerable. Many people could handle small bursts of torment, but hours upon hours, days, weeks of it? It took a particular type of person to be able to handle such things.
Sakura might be one of those people. But he wasn’t sure torturing her would turn her into one of those people if she wasn’t already.
Then she made the dig at his former (dead, slaughtered by him) teammate, and he just -- blinked at her. As was typical for Kakashi, emotion didn’t show on his face, though it did actually sting. Wow, that was a low blow, Sakura, he thought. Maybe you should be the one torturing me. 
He knew she didn’t like wounding him like that, and that she was doing it to prove some sort of point she thought needed proving, but he really didn’t see that point. She wasn’t Rin Nohara. Kakashi just really didn’t see how torturing Sakura would do more good than harm.
Her next suggestion was more palatable, which was what Kakashi had wanted to do in the first place. “Well, yes, that had been my initial idea,” he said, not irked per say, but a little huffy maybe. “And I think working on some meditation would help, too. To strengthen your mind even more.” A shrug. “I can still activate Tsukiyomi and fight you while you try to break free. We just can’t do it very often.” A shrug. “It requires a substantial amount of chakra.”
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chidorikiller · 2 years
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Despite his best efforts Sasuke had been once more cornered in conversation with Kakashi. The old Sensei knew just how to push his buttons, knew just want to say to make Sasuke once more grasp for the right words.
Years ago he probably would have risen to the occasion, throwing insults and threats among other desperate things in an attempt to prove himself right and just in his thinking
Now he lacked the conviction to fan the flames inside like he once did.
Sasuke still felt conflicted. Conflicted about a great many things. Naruto had caused that fracture inside himself. That piled on top of many great revelations.  From acknowledgement, to fury, to tempered restraint. Sasuke had felt a whole spectrum of emotions concerning his old team through the years.
“I don’t know.”
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Kakashi nodded. That--made sense, actually. That Sasuke didn’t know. It was hard when your family was killed by your brother when you were a kid, then your brother told you to hate him in order to kill him, then you found out at the end that was all some weird way to make you strong. Well, weird to Kakashi. It didn’t really make sense to him. Either way, growing up with all that couldn’t make understanding your emotions easy. 
“Hmm,” Kakashi said thoughtfully, putting a hand to his chin. “Time will tell,” he said. “Until them, don’t let anyone pressure you about it--even me,” he added with a chuckle. 
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chidorikiller · 2 years
It was such a bitter consideration to have to think about, but Sakura couldn’t let herself be that foolish, heart-driven preteen she’d been just a few years ago. Because, if she did, it spell destruction of so much she knew, her home and comrades… Sakura wanted to believe that Sasuke hadn’t been so influenced by Orochimaru as to turn evil like the Sannin, but she couldn’t take any chances. She couldn’t believe that Sasuke would suddenly have a change of heart if they reunited when it was clear that he cut ties with everyone in lieu of his endgame, that he didn’t have room in his heart for anything else except hatred nurtured towards his older brother.
“Um… I did some reading, but I heard that it’s almost impossible to break out of things like the Tsukiyomi or a Sharingan’s genjutsu unless you’re closely related, but… I need you to cast genjutsu on that level on me, Kakashi-sensei. I need to at least be able to handle it.” Because she didn’t doubt that Sasuke had become far more ruthless than he had in his younger days when she’d blacked out because of him. She’d gotten in the way before, and who knew what he’d do if she came between him as an obstacle to cut down?
“I can’t take any chances. We have to assume that Sasuke might try to kill us, right? So… I can’t let anything get in the way of that, even if we try to bring him back before he’s branded a nukenin.”
There were some ways to train to prepare yourself to fight against a Sharingan user. Not many, but some. Kakashi had been prepared to teach her. But what Sakura suddenly suggested… One eyebrow raised. "You want me to-" He stopped. Maybe he was misunderstanding. "Do you only want me to expose you to Tsukiyomi or are you saying you want me to develop whatever torture I think Sasuke might come up with for you inside Tsukiyomi?"
Kakashi sincerely hoped it was the former, for a number of reasons. First, he was unsure if a person could really get used to torture. To some extent you could, but he thought it would quickly reach a point where he would only damage her psyche trying to 'get her used to it,' and it would stop doing any good. Especially since he wasn't an enemy, he was her sensei. Which was the other main reason he didn't want to do it. He cared about her. He wanted to protect her, not torture her. Doing that went against every fiber of his being. It would hurt his psyche. And what if he accidentally went too far and permanently hurt her mentally?
Yes, he sincerely hoped he could get away with the latter. // @shikkotsunin​
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chidorikiller · 2 years
𝐓𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬 𝐈 𝐥𝐢𝐤𝐞 𝐦𝐲 𝐑𝐏 𝐩𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐧𝐞𝐫𝐬 𝐭𝐨 𝐤𝐧𝐨𝐰:
I like to be called: M
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One thing you should know about me: Because of my job and my health I am frequently on and off hiatus, with periods of me not being online–BUT I will always be back. And I do lurk around more often than I am here posting. I also am always logged in on my phone, so if you need me, feel free to message me.
One thing you should know about RPing with my character(s): I have a lot of blogs, and I’m trying to manage them all. They are this one, @slughime​, @konohamuses​ , @tangledkunoichi​ , and @mistysenbons . This is my main, @chidorikiller , and it’s hard to keep up who’s following who and who I’m following on what account. So please forgive me! But if you like or I like a starter call and you want a different muse, feel free to ask.
First language: english!
Age range: under 13 | 14–17 | 18–22 | 23–25 | 26–29 | 30+ | 40+ | 70+
Am I okay with N.SFW?:  yup, though not for the sake of it.
My favorite/most common thing to rp is: stuff with lots of emotions in it!
Canon Character RP Friendly?:yes | no |  
OC RP Friendly?: yes | no | - with the caveat that the oc has an about and rules, and is not a self-insert type character or insert-into-story type that assumes best friends/relatives with key characters without consulting said characters while roleplaying with them.
RP blog: does contain ooc posts - mostly ask memes and musings | doesn’t contain ooc posts | occasionally contains ooc.
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chidorikiller · 2 years
@chidorikiller​ liked for a starter
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“Mr. Ukki deserves a friend,” she states, shoving a healthy looking jade plant into his gloved hands. “Just know if you kill it, I will take it personally.”
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This is a big responsibility. Like having a child. Does that mean... “Is this our child together, Miki?” he asks, wide-eyed. A pause, then he chuckles. “Kidding. Thank you. I’ll take good care of it.”
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chidorikiller · 2 years
@chidorikiller said: ❛  rough day today , i assume ?  ❜ (for deidara or kidomaru? :) <3)
it’s been about three months now, one of which was dedicated to him being stuck in a coma, resting somewhere in some underground hospital room. he’d been strapped down, too, as far as he could tell. not that he could remember, but he’d heard things. the last month left spend being endlessly questioned, then tortured, then questioned again over information he either didn’t have or wouldn’t give. at some point, he was getting some sort or reprieve from the constant questioning, sometimes allowed outside his of-so familiar prison cell. sometimes — rarely — he as allowed outside the building, able to get fresh air.
today was one of those days, a ‘fresh air’ sort of day and while kidōmaru could have been enjoying his time away from needless mental torment, he spent it like he usually did: fairly irritated. it wasn’t like he was truly free ( not as if he’d ever really been free from anything anyway ), not with the few hidden and fewer not-so-hidden eyes that watched his every action, surely waiting on some move he had very little intention on making. if he wanted to leave, he’d have left by now, but there’s no reason to tell them that.
and so, kidōmaru spends his time standing underneath some tree, two sets of arms crossed while the third had hands resting on his hips. naturally, his frown is placed upon his lips as the wind blows, eyes focused on some children running some ways away. he’d rather spend his time staring off into some distance than watch as he’s approached, all but blatantly ignoring the fairly familiar kakashi as he comes. “ what’s it to you? ”
He had some idea of what the kid had gone through. Anyone who had been working for Orochimaru would have been put through rigorous questioning, likely torture of different kinds. He hated putting anyone through that, let alone a kid, but some things were done in certain ways because people decided it was what needed to be done. And while Kakashi didn’t question it, per say, he did feel some remorse and wanted to see for himself how Kidomaru was doing. Maybe -- no, certainly it wasn’t his place -- but he still couldn’t stop himself from investigating.
“It’s... something to me,” he answered vaguely, waving a hand in the air. His eyes scan their surroundings lazily. He can sense the ninja around watching their every move. Not that Kakashi is the one threatened by that. “Bet all your days are rough, though.”
He waited for the expected sarcastic and bitter response, and continued. “Anyway, I have a proposition for you.”
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chidorikiller · 2 years
// I wish all of you a very happy day! I'm trying to come back btw, I got covid and then after I got better, my boss was like "you're gonna work 24/7 now" so I'm like aaaaah stress so ... yeah
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chidorikiller · 2 years
Continued ask from [here] with @indra-descendant​
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Kakashi put his hands in his pocket and let out the smallest of sighs. Far from trying to be a soothsayer that foretold the wisdom of the ages, or even from trying to instill some hope in Sasuke, Kakashi had been trying to remind Sasuke of of the concrete reality of his life here in Konoha. Namely, the good in the world consisted of his friends, like Naruto and Sasuke, and the enjoyment he could find from their friendship.
But this was dismissed as a distraction. Kakashi couldn’t say he was surprised. It was so typically Sasuke. He just hoped it wasn’t how the kid truly felt.
A roll of his eyes, and Kakashi looked up at the clouds in the sky before returning his gaze to his student. “I suppose you could call Naruto and Sakura a distraction. I suppose you would. But I also suppose part of you doesn’t truly feel that way.”
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chidorikiller · 2 years
// tentatively here to write. is anyone actively here?
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chidorikiller · 2 years
// Sorry I’ve been gone, everyone! Will be back probably around the end of the month, maybe sooner?
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chidorikiller · 2 years
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“Wait, what did YOU think it meant?” // @sennenryuu​
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