claudesaulniers · 3 years
could i get a seer x ur mom lol/j i love ur blog sm!!!!! make sure to take care of urselfffff
omg now did you know eli is dating my mom :flushed: /j tysm anon!!!!!!!! i appreciate that sm :’)
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claudesaulniers · 3 years
take your time on reqs homeslice! i know it can be really overwhelming sometimes, so make sure to step back and take breaks when you need to! do your best to get a good amount of rest and drink some water, too. you've got this, i believe in you!! <33
TYSM NONNIE!! ur so sweet :’)
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claudesaulniers · 3 years
hi hi hi hi!!! not a request or anything, just wanted to tell you how much i love your headcanons aaAA i've been scrolling and reading with a dumb smile on my face for a good bit now !! have a good day/night !!
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claudesaulniers · 3 years
hey y’all! sorry for going MIA on you— depression has been kicking my ass :( i’ll get requests done as soon as i can! i’m trying not to burn myself out :’)
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claudesaulniers · 3 years
sorry for lack of activity! been a bit busy— will get to your guys requests asap!!
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claudesaulniers · 3 years
Your headcannons give me some good fics materials. Can I use some of it for my idv writing ?
yes absolutely!!!!! if you wanna send it my way i’d love to read ur writing :’)
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claudesaulniers · 3 years
By the way! Is it possible to know your, like, waiting list? It's totally ok if not ^^
no problem at all!! i currently have 16 requests in my inbox, i’ll probably open requests again when i get at least half of those done!
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claudesaulniers · 3 years
hi! saw ur requests were openn ! can i request cuddling headcanons / fluff headcanons for joseph x a gn!reader who woke up from a nightmare?
a/n: absolutely!!!! nightmares r the absolute worst :((
After living in the hunters wing of the manor for so long, Joseph is a pretty heavy sleeper
He regularly has to deal with Antonio’s violin, Mary’s singing, Robbie’s laughing, and tons of roughhousing every night. This man has learned to sleep through anything
It takes a bit for him to wake up and realize what’s wrong, but when he sees you thrashing around in your sleep he’s immediately awake and alert
He’s quick to gently shake you awake, softly calling your name
When you’re finally awake, he immediately starts asking questions— He’s not the best at comfort, so he always needs to know Exactly What’s Going On to feel equipped to help
If you’re not up for talking, let him know, and he’ll stop with his frantic questioning. He’ll happily cuddle with you until you fall asleep, holding you against his chest for Maximum Warmth And Comfyness
If you need to talk it out, he’ll hear you out and do his best to understand
If it’s some strange, outlandish dream he’ll laugh it off with you
If it’s something more deeply upsetting, he’ll wrap his arm around you while you vent it out, rubbing your back comfortingly
He’ll do his best to offer words of comfort, though it’s not usually his strong suit
After you talk it out, he’ll give you a nice big hug and then plenty of cuddles to fall back asleep
If your nightmares are a recurring problem, he’ll be sure to keep a glass of water, a nice weighted blanket, and some tissues in his room each night for you! He’s Prepared
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claudesaulniers · 3 years
Helicopter dad brr 🚁🚶 (where is the man standing emote
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claudesaulniers · 3 years
Hola!! Okay so- would it be alright to ask for a matchup? 😗😗?
I’m a- 5’2, chömpky lil funky bisexual with a gender identity crisis :,) I’ve got e-boy ish cut brunette hair and brown eyes — I’m kinda boring tbh but it’s fiiiiine...
I love drawing and colouring my art so much and I create so many oc’s I never use.. anyways! I get frustrated pretty easily and I’m very anxious about medical stuff that could include pain... I’m also just anxious about most things in general- I’m getting better though! I’m not an introvert or an extrovert but ifk the word for it so - I’m kind of in the middle it really depends... I’ve also never made a decision in my life -
I think my Myers Briggs type is ESFP? And I’m pretty loud vocal wise-
Anyways I leave it there so... I hope that not too much... 😔😔
I match you with................ Michiko!
Geisha are highly trained in many forms of art, so I think Michiko would be really interested in seeing your art! It’s certainly much different than the forms of art she practices, but that makes it all the more lovely and interesting to her.
It takes her a long time to trust people, so I think your ambiverted nature would help a lot in that respect! You’re good at keeping distance when needed and not being too overwhelming, but also sociable enough to help pull her out of her shell and bond with her!
I also think she’s very patient with people she trusts, so she’s always happy to help you when you’re anxious. She also has problems with anxiety, so you two would be able to understand each other in that regard! She also doesn’t mind helping you out with decision making, and is there to keep you calm when you have to get fixed up after a match.
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claudesaulniers · 3 years
could we have wu chang as a parental figure headcanons like the jack one?
a/n: OOH i love doing these prompts sm yes!!! found family makes my heart go <3 <3 <3
Altogether, they’re a very messy parent duo but very loving nonetheless
They aren’t very sure how to be responsible parental figures?? But at some point they accidentally adopted you, or you adopted them
And now they’re trying to figure out how to be Good At This
Xie is a LITTLE overprotective but not a total helicopter parent
He always makes sure you’re eating enough, sleeping enough, etc.
He knows you can handle yourself well enough, but he still worries a bit
Fan, on the other hand, is more the type of parent who will see you beating someone up and be like “hell yeah that’s my kid!” (assuming you have good reason to be beating said person up)
They definitely tease you a lot in matches
Fan will chase you around just to get a reaction out of you, and Xie will (somewhat unintentionally) bug you by constantly giving you random pointers and stuff
“Oh! Decoding goes by faster if you do it like this—“ / “It’s better to vault windows by doing this—“ / “You’re more likely to block a bit by doing this—“
If you tell him to stop, he’ll reluctantly quiet down with all the random interruptions
Fan is more of a “they learn better if they figure it out themself” type parent though
If you call either of them ‘dad’, they WILL lose it. Not in front of you, but later when they’re alone, they’ll be like “THEY CALLED ME DAD??”
They’ll be emotional about it for DAYS
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claudesaulniers · 3 years
oh my god please you’re the first person that writes for Yidhra I’m gonna cry I love her so much 🤧 but yes anyways if your requests are open may I request Yidhra with a shy s/o ? 🗣❤️
At first, they’re a bit confused by your shyness!!
Is it not normal for lovers to kiss each other on the cheek?? Why are you blushing and covering your face with your hands!!
They go into a minor crisis thinking that they’ve totally misunderstood human intimacy and that they’re scaring you
They certainly don’t mind scaring people, but you’re different!! They do not want to scare you at all, unless they’re feeling a bit mischievous
It takes Yidhra a bit to understand that you’re just easily flustered
Once they do, though, they think it’s incredibly cute. And also very amusing
They might mess around a bit just to intentionally get you all flustered!! But they’d never go past your limits
Expect lots of random kisses bc Yidhra just cannot get over how happy it makes them feel to see you blush
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claudesaulniers · 3 years
sorry for not posting anything yesterday! it’s been a little bit of a wild week for me :’) will be hopefully writing some stuff later today!!!
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claudesaulniers · 3 years
If you're up for some angst... Andrew, Luca, and Melly w/ their s/o dying in their arms? It's up to you whether or not you want them to have a happy ending ;)
a/n: anon sending this ask in:
Tumblr media
Andrew Kreiss
Oh, this man is not handling this well at all.
He’s holding onto you so tightly it probably hurts
He’s got tears and snot everywhere and he is /begging/ for you to stay awake
You’re all he’s got and he loves you so very much— He is NOT prepared to lose you
He tears off his sleeve to stop any bleeding, kisses your wounds, holds you impossibly close
He tries everything
He screams and begs for someone, /anyone/ to come help
He hums you a lullaby that he only half remembers to try and keep you calm
He tells you random stories about his time as a grave keeper— Literally anything to keep your mind off the pain and to keep you awake
Keeps thinking he’ll wake up from this any moment now, and this will all be some nightmare
He can’t stop crying no matter how hard he tries
He will thank every single god he can think of if you make it out of this alive. He will never let you out of his sight again (/hyperbole, he still respects your boundaries). He gets even More protective of you, if that’s even possible
If you don’t make it out, he’ll close your eyes and press a kiss to your forehead. He isn’t crying anymore— He’s got no tears left to cry after all that screaming and sobbing
He’s the one to dig your grave and put up your headstone— Fitting, isn’t it?
He’s never the same afterwards. He’s a shell of what he used to be. No more shy smiles of embarrassed blushes— Just an exhausted man with no more emotions left to spend
Luca Balsa
Laughs it off at first
This totally can’t be happening, right? You’re fine! Emily or Aesop will be here any moment to treat your wounds!
The longer it drags on, the more painfully it dawns on him that help isn’t coming
“You’ve gotta be kidding.” / “I’m dreaming, right?” / “This seriously isn’t funny, y/n.”
Once it finally dawns on him that. Yes. This is real. This is happening. He’s a mess
He’s bouncing back and forth between laughing and crying hysterically
He cannot fathom how this could possibly be happening— He can’t rationalize this in his head. There’s no way this is happening
He holds you so tightly in his arms, cracking jokes to lighten to the mood and make you laugh the pain away
He does everything he can to make your last moments the best he can
If you make it out of this alive, he’s a sobbing mess. He holds onto you and doesn’t let go for DAYS. Begs you to never scare him like that again
If you don’t, he’s at a complete loss
How did he let this happen? Why didn’t he save you? Where did he go wrong?
He has no idea where to go from here
He curses the entire fucking universe for all the ways it’s screwed him over, especially now
Misses you more and more every day
Melly Plinius
At a total loss. It all happened too fast for her to comprehend
One second it all seemed fine, and the next you were bleeding out in her arms
She holds you tight, whispering reassurances and humming songs and cracking jokes
She asks you to tell her your favorite bugs, and in turn she explains a bunch of fun facts about them— All to keep you awake, to keep you aware
She runs her fingers through your hair, holds your hands, kisses your forehead— She’s so desperate to make you feel better and to just keep you awake as long as she can
She puts on a calm facade as not to scare you. She promises you’ll be okay, that it isn’t too bad
Inside, she’s screaming and sobbing
If you pull through, she’s so thankful
She spends an entire day with you, holding you close, infodumping to you, reading to you, singing songs with you— Everything she can. She never wants to take you for granted again.
If you don’t— She loses everything that once made her herself. She stops reading. She stops gardening. She slowly loses her connection with all her bugs and pets
She’s completely hollow
She manages to pick herself back up eventually, but she’s never the same after you
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claudesaulniers · 3 years
this is incredibly weirdly specific BUT!! lab rats as a concept are super comforting to me so. headcanons of joseph, luca, and eli w/ a reader who’s some kinda artificial human that was made as an experiment? reader acts Rlly Weird bc they were raised in a creepy lab, so they do bizarre things trying to fit in with Normal Humans (i.e. eating with their hands instead of utensils, brushing their hair with a toothbrush, weird shit like that!!)
!!!!! this is really creative. i also found this really funny to write, so thank you for sending this in! (under the cut for length) - mod vera
joseph, luca & eli with an artificial human reader!
joseph desaulniers:
joseph is a little weirded out to find out that you are technically not a human, but he thinks that it adds to your character.
you're a bit strange and rough around the edges, but he's really trying his best to help you i promise.
he tries his best to teach you how to do normal everyday things.
one day, he's teaching you how to eat food at the dining room at the hunters' side of the mansion when all of a sudden you just pick up the largest slab of pork steak and start inhaling it. kirby who?
this man PANICS.
" oh mon dieu - sacre bleu, putain de bordel de merde! "
he has to come over and (reluctantly) remove the half of the steak that was hanging out of your mouth shows you how to properly eat it.
eventually you get the hang of everyday life & joseph is crying proudly because you've progressed so much.
will lift you up & spin you around right after you finish eating dinner properly. (spoiler alert: being spun around does not bode well with your stomach).
he's probably decked mary in the face for her snide comments about you being his pet.
luca balsa:
luca wants to know everything.
can you do anything special? do you have strange abilities? WAIT, CAN YOU TURN YOUR HANDS INTO WEAPONS?
luca is also a bit strange after being in prison for so long, bbbbbbut he knows most normal human things so he tries his best to show you what to do.
one morning, he comes into your room with breakfast, only to see you trying to eat your manor diary. you thought that it was your breakfast because it had randomly showed up on your desk throughout the night.
he has to actually shock you (on accident) to stop you from taking a big chunk out of it.
after that, he shows you what is food and what isn't. he'll help you learn the differences between things that are inedible and edible.
sooner or later, luca finally tests you - he holds an object and and item of food and you have to point at the one that is food.
you aced it! he didn't even have to help you.
he drops whatever he's holding and launches himself at you in excitement, trapping you in a hug.
you get a congratulatory pat on the head. generally, he's really proud of you!
eli clark:
eli doesn't judge you at all. he'll listen to your story and definitely be very supportive - he doesn't even think of you differently!
brooke and eli both help you adjust to life in the manor and life outside of being in a lab. brooke normally keeps you company while eli is away.
but one evening, both brooke and eli were away - he had told you to get ready for bed and what it entailed, including brushing your hair.
there is an honest look of confusion on his face as he (and brooke) walk over to you, taking the toothbrush away from your hands and explaining the difference between a toothbrush and a regular brush.
" [ name ], this isn't how you brush your hair - if you didn't know, you should've called for me and i would've helped you. "
it's a gentle scolding, but you learn the difference between a regular hairbrush and a toothbrush VERY quickly.
he kinda stays nearby for a week to make sure you don't start using a toothbrush to brush your hair rather than a hairbrush...
one evening he really has to go, so he tells you to pack up for the night and you get nervous on your own, trying to think about what eli had been telling you for a while.
when he comes back, he finds you brushing your hair normally and he almost cries. but you can't tell. nope. not at all.
after you're done brushing your hair, he'll gently pat your head and give you a kiss on the forehead, congratulating you on being able to do it on your own.
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claudesaulniers · 3 years
quick question! are poly asks okay? i saw no character x character, but is character x reader x character allowed?
yes!! i’m totally ok w that!! :-)
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claudesaulniers · 3 years
Do you write for jack? If you do can you write how he would be like as a parental figure? If you don’t write for him you can write any other hunter if that’s okay with you! Have a great day!❤️
a/n: i do write for jack!! i think he’s a funny little guy :]
He’s a very awkward parental figure, that’s for sure— He isn’t quite sure what he’s doing, but he still tries!
He’s constantly really worried about hurting his child/child figure— His hands /are/ made of blades, after all
He holds back from hugs or head pats or anything, no matter how badly he wants to give them
If you reassure him that it’s okay, he’ll give some awkward hugs or very light head pats
He probably makes really stupid dad jokes. ESPECIALLY the “dad, I’m ___” “hi ___, I’m dad” joke
Does his best to keep his past from his child/child figure— He really doesn’t want to scare them away or make them think of him any differently
He’s TERRIBLE at domestic stuff like cooking, cleaning, etc. but he will try his best to if asked
Tells a lot of stories about his life in the London backstreets!! Minus any talk of the murder stuff, of course. But he gets super into it and tells it super dramatically— Prepare for lots of giggles
He regularly gets really sad that he can’t hold his kiddo’s hand
Bonus: In the show Legion, David and Sydney hold hands by taking a little handkerchief and each holding onto part of it as a way to simulate holding hands— I think it would be so cute if Jack and his kiddo did smthn like that :’)
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