I’m just super fucking bitter that once the flint water crisis got it’s 15 minutes of fame people stopped giving a shit. The water is still poisoned, people! Donations have plummeted and people have been forced back into drinking and bathing with the water! The medical effects of this are astounding, cases of legionnaires disease have skyrocketed, people are having seizures, people are having weird rashes break out over their body, people (including me!) are having their blood poisoned, and it’s not just lead! it’s coliform bacteria! it’s THMs! it’s all in the water and it gets into the bloodstream and breaks down blood vessels, causing bruising and petechiae and internal bleeding and no one gives a shit anymore and it’s only gotten worse like how many people are going to have to die until people realize this is still a problem
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has anyone done this yet
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YESSS all of this.
Stolitz is toxic because Stolas is abusing his authority to make Blitzø sleep with him!
Even if we assume that Blitzø has absolutely no romantic feelings for Stolas whatsoever and is only having sex with Stolas so he can get his hands on the grimoire, that is still a choice that Blitzø is making.
Having sex for purely material gain is just sex work for an alternative payment. Have sex with me and I’ll let you use my book. That is the arrangement and, as far as we can tell, Blitzø is making the conscious choice to honor that arrangement.
If Blitzø really cared, he’d probably just steal the grimoire like he, Y’know, stole it the first time. Keep in mind, that book is still Stolas’ property. Stolas is choosing to let Blitzø take the book and choosing to let him use his property. He gave Blitzø an arrangement for using the book and Blitzø agreed.
That is literally just sex work. There’s nothing toxic about sex work. There’s nothing toxic about choosing to use your bodily autonomy for your own gain.
Really, the most toxic thing about Stolitz isn’t the sex itself, it’s the miscommunication where the two parties clearly have different ideas about the arrangement and I would argue that is way more on Blitzø than it is on Stolas.
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Thank you.
HUGE emphasis on "theres nothing toxic about sex work"
the minute two characters have sex for anything other passionate love and romance, people jump to call it problematic, toxic, and abusive and im tiredddd of it.
Additionally, Blitzø is making the choice of using the Grimoire to access the living world. he said himself that it was his "easiest ticket to earth" meaning there are other ways he could access earth, likely the way that the succubi and inccubi did in episode 3.
he has complete autonomy over his decision to sleep with stolas in exchange for the book. yes, there may be a power dynamic in their interpersonal relationship based on their status in hell, but when it comes to this transaction, there is none
no one is being forced or pressured into anything.
Stolitz is toxic because Stolas is abusing his authority to make Blitzø sleep with him!
Even if we assume that Blitzø has absolutely no romantic feelings for Stolas whatsoever and is only having sex with Stolas so he can get his hands on the grimoire, that is still a choice that Blitzø is making.
Having sex for purely material gain is just sex work for an alternative payment. Have sex with me and I’ll let you use my book. That is the arrangement and, as far as we can tell, Blitzø is making the conscious choice to honor that arrangement.
If Blitzø really cared, he’d probably just steal the grimoire like he, Y’know, stole it the first time. Keep in mind, that book is still Stolas’ property. Stolas is choosing to let Blitzø take the book and choosing to let him use his property. He gave Blitzø an arrangement for using the book and Blitzø agreed.
That is literally just sex work. There’s nothing toxic about sex work. There’s nothing toxic about choosing to use your bodily autonomy for your own gain.
Really, the most toxic thing about Stolitz isn’t the sex itself, it’s the miscommunication where the two parties clearly have different ideas about the arrangement and I would argue that is way more on Blitzø than it is on Stolas.
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indigenous terminology in north america
it’s indigenous peoples’ day in the usa! to celebrate i am here to help non-indigenous folks in north america to think about the terminology they use because i know not all of y'all know how the nuances of the many things we’re called. in general, when talking about an indigenous person or character and referring to their indigeneity, referring to their specific culture is the best option. i am indigenous, but more specifically i am cree. that said, let’s talk about terminology while recognizing that the following list is super simplified to give you a brief overview.
indigenous is an umbrella term that refers to the original inhabitants of a land. it is used to talk about indigenous people worldwide. we use it as a collective term because we share many interests, but we are all different peoples and nations. people who are māori or sámi or ainu are all indigenous, but they’re all from very different places and cultures. indigenous as a term unites us, but shouldn’t be used to erase our differences.
aboriginal is, like indigenous, an umbrella term that refers to the original inhabitants of a land. aboriginal was a favoured term in canada for many years and is still used by some multi-nation organizations. canada’s indigenous peoples’ day (‪june 21‬) is also sometimes called aboriginal peoples’ day.
native american is a term that refers specifically to indigenous people living in what is currently the contiguous united states of america. people living in alaska or hawaii may prefer the term native hawaiian or native alaskan. if you call someone in canada native american they’ll know what you mean, but it’s not the preferred term. like indigenous, it is an umbrella term and covers many different tribes/nations. it is a term assigned to indigenous people and adopted by us, but not one we came up with ourselves.
alaska native is an umbrella term that refers to indigenous people living in what is currently alaska. they are culturally distinct peoples from native american cultures. you may be used to calling native alaskans “esk*mos” and if you are you should stop that right fucking now because esk*mo is a derrogatory term that comes from cree slang. some native alaskan people are inuit (see below), but not all are.
native hawaiian is a term for indigenous hawaiians. this is another umbrella term. native hawaiians were not included in federal programs for native americans until the 70s and some programs still exclude them, as do many discussions about native american issues even though they are also an indigenous group colonized by the usa.
native is an umbrella term used by indigenous people to refer to themselves. in north america, it may be socially acceptable to refer to indigenous people as being native, but ymmv and elsewhere in the world, it carries more racist, colonial baggage than it does here, where it is generally understood as a shortened form of native american.
american indian is a dated term that is still used in some official spaces in the united states. older indigenous people may use this (or the term indian) because they’re used to saying it. if you’re not indigenous, you should probably say native american or indigenous. amerindian is a portmanteau of this term and similarly isn’t really favoured anymore.
indian is a dated term for indigenous people in canada and the united states. it stems from the time of christopher columbus when columbus decided to call us “indian”. if you are non-indigenous, do not refer to indigenous people as indian. in canada, it is also a legal designation tied to the indian act that means some indigenous people hold “indian status,” which grants them certain rights. some indigenous people in north america have reclaimed the term indian to refer to themselves.
ndn is a slang term we use to refer to ourselves online. if you’re non-indigenous then bro. do not. it just stands for indian, you can’t!
first nations is a term analogous to native american. it is used in canada to refer to the many indigenous nations south of the arctic circle. as someone who is cree, i’m first nations. it is an umbrella term, but not every indigenous person in canada is first nations. unlike “indian”, it is not a legal term.
inuit is the term for indigenous peoples that live in what is currently canada’s north. some indigenous people in alaska (and elsewhere) may also identify as inuit because the american/canadian border is a new addition in the grand scope of their histories. inuit are culturally distinct from first nations/native americans. also inuit means “the people” and y'all my inuk friend is so fucking amused every time someone says “the inuit people” because y'all are out here saying “the the people people.” not all indigenous people in the north are inuit.
métis is a term for people who are descended from specific communities where indigenous people and non-indigenous settlers intermarried and created their own culture. they are specific, cultural communities within canada with their own culture and language. not everyone with mixed indigenous and settler ancestry is métis. for example, my dad is white and my mom is cree. i am not métis because i don’t have any connection to a historic métis community. again, this is not a legal term the way indian is.
redsk*n is a derogatory term for native american/first nations people. the term originates from the genocide of our peoples, tied with the practice of collecting bounties for the scalps (the “red skins” in question) or other body parts of indigenous people in the west. do not use the term. even if you’re talking about the football team that recently changed its name, say “the washington team” or something similar. it’s a slur. (source: https://www.washingtonpost.com/local/a-brief-history-of-the-word-redskin-and-how-it-became-a-source-of-controversy/2016/05/19/062cd618-187f-11e6-9e16-2e5a123aac62_story.html)
esk*mo is another slur. it’s an anglicized version of askipiw, a cree word which is more or less saying that inuit eat raw meat (i.e. that is implying they’re more akin to animals than people). again, even when you’re referring to sports teams that use the term in their name, don’t say it. it doesn’t matter what some white dude on QI told you, it’s not a “more acceptable” umbrella term for northern indigenous peoples. some people might use it to refer to themselves still, but, as with other terminology on this list, if you’re not indigenous, don’t say it!
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hi all, palestine’s going through a mass genocide right now and really needs help, here are a few ways you can do that
palestine children’s relief fund: provide urgent humanitarian care for children in gaza
anera: provide on-the-ground emergency relief
medical aid for palestinians: emergency relief for women and children, psychosocial support, disability help, other medical needs
doctors without borders: medical teams on the ground treating injured palestinians as needed
feel free to add on in the notes, notify me if any of the fundraisers listed arent necessary/actually helpful to donate to, and let me know if anything needs added on/modified
as always, if you cant donate then please share and spread awareness
UPDATE: this post has been edited to remove an organization by the UN (details in notes by @petite-elf )
UPDATE: companies to boycott have been added due to the direct harm they cause towards palestinians (c. @/sleepallsummer, letstalkpalestine on instagram)
Caterpillar: Caterpillar bulldozers are regularly used in the demolition of Palestinian homes and farms and in Israel’s massacres in Gaza
HP: Hewlett Packard helps run the ID system that Israel uses to restrict Palestinian movement
Puma: Puma sponsors the Israel Football Association, which includes teams in Israel’s illegal settlements on occupied Palestinian land.
SodaStream: SodaStream home drinks machines are one of Israel’s best known exports.
Ahava: Ahava cosmetics are another of Israel’s best known export companies.
Sabra: Sabra hummus is a joint venture between PepsiCo and the Strauss Group, an Israeli food company that provides financial support to the Israel Defense Forces.
Motorola: Provides Israeli military, police, prisons and immigration authority with communication technology
For more information, see bdsmovement.net/boycott-hp, investigate.afsc.org, whoprofits.org
reminder to keep checking in on my version of this post, as that is how you can see the most updated, accurate information thats specific to this post
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do u have a twitter acc?
I do! it’s @ shyguy1312_
it’s just a small account where i post art sometimes. i don’t really talk much about helluva boss there
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About Stolitz 1# flaw: I don't think Stolas fears getting too serious in a relationship with Blitzo, but he truly doesn't understand love, he never had the chance of learning that it's difficult because Stella in the first place never loved or acted that way with him, wouldn't be surprised if they never really talked with each other, so his acting out of knowledge of anything relating to it and that's why he treats Blitzo that way.
He has absolutely no knowledge of bondaries, affection and many other things, everything he's doing is coming up from his personal point of vision on what he believes is love, together with growing up a royalty, who views some demons as inferior compared to him, which isn't his fault but is quite deeply rooted in him
ooh thats really intersting
though i must say, i do think he does have a basic understanding of boundaries and proper affection and how necessary they are in a relationship. maybe he doesnt have much knowledge or experience with it, but i do think he understands the basic concept.
at the end of episode 2 where hes talking with Octavia, if he had no knowledge of how healthy relationships work, he likely would've come up with a ton of excuses and would seem legitimately confused as to why Octavia was not having fun.
something along the lines of
"what do you mean you're not having fun? im having fun. This is what Dads and daughters do together and they have fun. whats so different about us? "
you see what i mean?
but in the episode, Stolas is completely understanding of how he kinda forced Octavia into this situation and how that made her feel. he immediately cuts down on the baby talk and stops making things center around his enjoyment. its a suprisingly good example what healthy communication looks like.
honestly?? this wouldve been another really interesting avenue the show couldve taken, and it'd probably be just as emotional. having Stolas be raised as a loveless prince with no knowledge of relationships and have him slowy figure out how to actually have an organic relationship.
but i dont think thats necessarily whats going on here. its not that he doesnt know how proper relationships operate, but that hes intentionally ignoring how theyre supposed to work so he has more 'fun' with them.
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I think Octavia will be fine TBH. She might end up in danger for a bit, but the show won't kill off a (recurring) child character, it's not that dark. I could definitely see her being put in harm's way for a hot minute though.
I hope you're right! yeah the show hasnt been that dark up to this point, and killing off the child of one of the most beloved characters would be a ballsy move to say the least, but i wouldnt put it completely past them.
Idk... with the end of Episode 2 and this latest episode, i really dont think an emotional character death is so out of reach for them.
but yeah, heres hoping she'll be okay or at the very least injured.
i would much prefer to have Octavia get hurt somehow because of stolas, therefore losing trust in him, and then having to watch Stolas attempt to repair their relationship in the following season.
Thats way more compelling to me and hey, no one has to die! so yeah i hope you're right.
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yeppp. Everything we know about the Goetia family just points back to Octavia somehow being roped into this whole mess. no matter what happens im 1000% sure we're going to see striker continue to be a cunning bastard in the worst way possible
Bestie im afraid to tell you this but... Something might happen to Octavia in these final episodes...
I've been thinking about this all night and i am in shambles.
Here Stella says "I dont care who you have to go through, make it happen"
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not "i dont care what you have to do, make it happen"
not " I dont care how you do it, make it happen"
She says "i dont care who"
There has to be a particular reason that this is the wording the the crew decided to go with.
idk... it sounds like foreshadowing and i dont like it.
even if its not Octavia this line in itself HAS to indicate that there is a 'who' that striker will have to go through in the future...
Additionally, just...the overall structure of the shot immediately after she says this.
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visually, Octavia is the SUBJECT of this scene. She is Directly in the middle of the shot, which again COULDVE BEEN DONE DIFFERENTLY IN SO MANY WAYS. they couldve had the shot cut to stolas himself, they couldve had it pan over to stolas, they couldve had it just be Stolas and Stella in a hallway as Stella talks to striker just within earshot stolas. but no. they chose to include Octavia in this scene and have her be at the center of it.
Her placement between her mother and father may also visually imply that she may be caught in the crossfire between her father's antics and her mother's wrath.
like- its literally displayed perfectly in this shot. Stolas being an oblivious ditzy idiot and Stella being Furious AF. literally the core issue of their family dynamic that often ends up hurting Octavia the most out the three of them.
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y'all... it is not looking good....
Like please god tell me im grasping at straws...
please viv prove me wrong. PLEASE
i will literally shatter into a million pieces and die if we have to explore Stolas coming to terms with the fact that he was the reason for the most important person in his life getting hurt or worse...
like....it got me thinking........
What if the line "when im gone you'll be okay" in Stolas's song wasnt a lesson for Octavia to learn
but for Stolas to learn.......
i am NOT okay.
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idk about you on this matter but having conflicts with characters where there's a chance of them getting hurt or anything bad happening to them is more interesting and makes us truly adore a character than nothing happening at all and them being okay, otherwise the character ends up flat and boring
oh no, i definitely agree! i wasn't negating this fact. stakes are great . they keep the audience on their toes, and make it so that the decisions your characters make feel like they actually have a meaningful impact.
I just-
I dont want Octavia to die..?!
I dont want anyone to die, and its kind of hard to look at the story from an objective technical perspective when some emotionally gut punching shit might happen to your favorite characters
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Bestie im afraid to tell you this but... Something might happen to Octavia in these final episodes...
I've been thinking about this all night and i am in shambles.
Here Stella says "I dont care who you have to go through, make it happen"
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not "i dont care what you have to do, make it happen"
not " I dont care how you do it, make it happen"
She says "i dont care who"
There has to be a particular reason that this is the wording the the crew decided to go with.
idk... it sounds like foreshadowing and i dont like it.
even if its not Octavia this line in itself HAS to indicate that there is a 'who' that striker will have to go through in the future...
Additionally, just...the overall structure of the shot immediately after she says this.
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visually, Octavia is the SUBJECT of this scene. She is Directly in the middle of the shot, which again COULDVE BEEN DONE DIFFERENTLY IN SO MANY WAYS. they couldve had the shot cut to stolas himself, they couldve had it pan over to stolas, they couldve had it just be Stolas and Stella in a hallway as Stella talks to striker just within earshot stolas. but no. they chose to include Octavia in this scene and have her be at the center of it.
Her placement between her mother and father may also visually imply that she may be caught in the crossfire between her father's antics and her mother's wrath.
like- its literally displayed perfectly in this shot. Stolas being an oblivious ditzy idiot and Stella being Furious AF. literally the core issue of their family dynamic that often ends up hurting Octavia the most out the three of them.
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y'all... it is not looking good....
Like please god tell me im grasping at straws...
please viv prove me wrong. PLEASE
i will literally shatter into a million pieces and die if we have to explore Stolas coming to terms with the fact that he was the reason for the most important person in his life getting hurt or worse...
like....it got me thinking........
What if the line "when im gone you'll be okay" in Stolas's song wasnt a lesson for Octavia to learn
but for Stolas to learn.......
i am NOT okay.
296 notes · View notes
[thinks about stolitz] when you. you you when you when when when when when you whem
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everyone shut up
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and wish Nigel & Patrick Ratburn a happy wedding anniversary 💒 🎂💕
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Hope you like a serious striker jshavgahava
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Happy bird noises 🦉
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mayyybe gala and pink lady but yall are on thin ice
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stole this from the tl but i need to know
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