cloudsmoothies · 1 year
Update on the WIP!! 🍰
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cloudsmoothies · 1 year
Grounding tips if you're dissociating in public.
If you're in a public place it can be harder to ground. Here are things that have worked for us:
Pick a random colour and then find and name - out loud if possible, but in your head can help too - all the things you can see that are that colour. EG "that streetsign is green. This grass is green. That person's coat is green". Alternatively, just say the name of the colour every time you see something with that colour. If you run out of a colour too quickly, pick another one and start again.
Control your breathing. It's very easy to lose control of your breathing when dissociated. Try to focus on it, and count your breaths to whatever breathing exercises work for you. If you're not sure what to do, one good breathing exercise is to Breath In for 5 seconds, Hold It for 3 seconds, then Breathe Out for 6 seconds and repeat. Focus on how your breath feels; is the air warm, neutral or cold as you breathe in and out?
Wiggle your toes and feet, and/or your fingers and hands. This helps with the circulation flowing throughout your body, which can help you ground easier.
If possible, remove yourself from your current location. If you're in a cafe or library or store/shop, go to the bathroom if you feel able to, or leave the place briefly and walk around. If you're on the street, go into a nearby shop/cafe/mall/centre etc. If possible, a quieter place like a park may work best. Either way, try to change your location, as the change in scenery can help you with the dissociation.
Carry chewing gum and/or water. It's okay if you don't have them this time, but drinking water (especially if it's cold water), chewing gum or eating something small may help.
If any of these helped you, I'm glad! If not, that's okay! You will be alright, and your experiences are still valid. The unfortunate thing with dissociative disorders is that sometimes there's not much you can do except wait for it to pass. I promise you that you will be okay, and that this will pass in time.
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cloudsmoothies · 1 year
Might not get back to this one, but I'm very proud of it 🍰/📚 ☺️🫰 Made my own brushes just for this piece too!
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cloudsmoothies · 1 year
Is it just me or does alter communication sometimes sound like animal crossing dialect. Like, I understand perfectly what they're saying, but also it just sounds like "blvlsblsbksbsmbs!"
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cloudsmoothies · 1 year
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bound to fall in love
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cloudsmoothies · 1 year
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cloudsmoothies · 1 year
fight in the system? call that an alter-cation
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cloudsmoothies · 1 year
[ Before You Scroll ]
Hello! Welcome! My name is Rhys and I am one of the most frequent fronters for our system known as Skyward! Unlike my other Tumblrs, this is a shared blog with my fellow headmates and will be treated as such. Below the break is not only introductions but common themes that will be on this blog. Remember to control your online experience to keep yourself safe and happy. All love!
Common Themes on this blog included Yami Kawa Aesthetic (mild gore possible: #yami-kawa), Gender and Alters (#gender-dyphoria), Dissociative Disorder Awareness, Learning Plurality, and Artworks. Be aware I use “#(trigger)” for content and please blacklist as needed! I am happy to give you a guide how to do so! <3 Stay safe!
"#(trigger) tw", "#(trigger) content", or just simply "#(trigger)" will allow the blacklister to simply block the trigger word itself OR the trigger word with the hashtag. both will be caught and will be equally effective for whatever purposes the blacklister desires...
System Name: Skyward System
Headmate Count: 11 (?)
Diagnosed: March 2022
Body Age: ‘98 Child - Adult
System Members That Would Like
To Introduce Themselves:
📚 D - They/Them - Body Age 
🍰 Rhys - She/Her - Body Age
🚀 Kodie - He/Him/Any - Locked 24
🕸️ Cooper - He/Him - 19
Common Hobbies & Points of Interest: 
Star Wars, SuperWhoLock, MCU, Baking, HTML, and Creative Writing...
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cloudsmoothies · 1 year
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