Cried twice at work today. So far
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« Don’t hesitate if you need help setting up those pieces »
« Do you know where those go? No? It’s okay I’ll show you later »
God just choke me already
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When your boss says he’ll come help you with something but it’s the local hotboy that shows up
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My guy you look so much like a lesbian, it turns me on
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I love my fiancé very much and I would never ever cheat on him. That being said, we don’t make love anymore and being able to ogle at cute guys at work is the only thing keeping me sane rn
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I haven’t been such a goddamn slug in so long. Feels bad
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Pirate woman, that’s gotta be one of my favourite genders
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If I were
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Mom, dad, I know you love me, and I love you too. But I want you to know you’re the voices I hear in my head telling me I’m better off dead
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I’m no one
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Who am I
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À souère ça va pas bein buddé
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All my impulsive brain tells me to do is to immediately rent a storage space, buy a pickup, go to my parents place, pack up everything I have left there, and leave with the boat and only come back on holidays. Wish I had the work stability to do that. I don’t even think I can realistically do one of these things. FUCK
I want to punch many many walls
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I’ve never been more than a thing. I want out
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Hey, you’re gone again. I don’t know if you’ll see this, but I hope you’re taking care of yourself, and I hope we’ll talk again. Otherwise, I’m wishing you a good life
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I can’t explain it, long hair just does something to me..
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The only reason I’m not dead yet is cause I don’t own a garage. Lemme tell ya if all I had to do was sit in my car and wait to disappear you wouldn’t have heard of me lol
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