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                                   Active Character Update:
    - Alliance
Lady Emilia Holt - Countess of Silverbell Thicket       Human Priestess/Healer - @mender-emilia
Mistress Sariss Thornheart - Priestess of the Void   Ren’dorei Shadow/Void Priestess  - @mistressthornheart​
    - Horde
Mistweaver Alenia ‘Luna’ Moonlotus - Child of Yu’lon & Jade   Sin’dorei Monk Farstrider (WrA) - @alenia-moonlotus
Illidari Nash’nolar Felsorrow - Demon Hunter of the Exiled   Sin’dorei Demon Hunter (WrA) - @mistakes-and-misgivings
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Don’t look at things you know will make you angry. Don’t read the comment sections. Don’t look at the blogs of people who add dumb comments to posts to confirm that they’re dumb all the time. Don’t read old conversations you had with people you don’t talk to anymore. Go look at pictures of kittens or something instead. Protect yourself from negativity in every way you can.
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regarding current news
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You are too sweet!! ❤️❤️ Thank you for those very kind words.
➋ Have you ever roleplayed with someone that just left an unforgettable impression on you? (who's not me this time though!)
Hands down, Emilia, more specifically her portrayal of the oldest Rigsby, Charlotte. just the night we were making new characters (unknown to each other at the time) and how close the two were to being identical, it was quite natural to ship them as sisters. 
Her OOC communication, her writing, is just amazing. One of the few roleplay partners where I know she won’t shy away from telling me something doesn’t make sense, but offer up advice on how it would all in the same breath. If you have never wrote with her you should. 
@thalsianiii thanks for the updated ask
@scout-cece @mender-emilia for mentions
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A special mermaid for a special girl @n.ora.anne ❤️ #mermaid #drawing #illustration #blue #graphicart #art #artwork https://www.instagram.com/p/BpJ4XkHg6v4/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=wcdbnc393scu
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Ghost pumpkin
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All of the banners I’ve done so far. Here’s to hoping for some more in the future. 
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Get to know the mun
¯\_(ツ)_/¯:  do you have any tumblr friends? if so, who are they?
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°):  relationship status?
ಠ_ಠ:  what is your biggest pet peeve?
(ಥ_ಥ):  finish this: i hate it when…
ʕ•ᴥ•ʔ:  what is your favorite animal?
(☞゚ヮ゚)☞ ☜(゚ヮ゚☜):  who is someone you can tell everything to?
(づ。◕‿‿◕。)づ:  are you a hugger?
(╯°□°)╯︵ ʞooqǝɔɐɟ:  besides tumblr, do you have any other social media?
﴾͡๏̯͡๏﴿?:  how old are you?
(╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻:  what are your thoughts on school?
| (• ◡•)| (❍ᴥ❍ʋ):  favorite tv show?
(ง'̀-‘́)ง:  are you okay?
(ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:  ・゚✧: sexual orientation?
┬┴┬┴┤(・_├┬┴┬┴:  are you a people person or a loner?
ლ(ಠ益ಠლ):  do you have any siblings?
ಠ╭╮ಠ:  have you ever self harmed?
(づ ̄ ³ ̄)づ:  have you ever been in love?
(☞゚∀゚)☞:  would you rather be hugged by a bunny or kissed by a doe?
(ノಠ益ಠ)ノ彡┻━┻:  how do you let your anger out?
ᕙ(⇀‸↼‶)ᕗ:  are you active?
ヾ(⌐■_■)ノ♪:  what are your favorite band(s)/artist(s)?
(╯°□°)╯︵(\ .o.)\:  who is your least favorite person?
♥‿♥:  tell us about your crush!
◔̯◔:  what time is it?
◕‿◕:  what is your guilty pleasure?
◔ ⌣ ◔:  are you a virgin?
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Tallulah ‘Tal’ Jane Sault
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The Basics ––– –    Age: 22    Birthday: February 29 (Leap Day)    Race: Human, Kul Tiran
   Gender: Female    Sexuality: Heterosexual    Marital Status: Single Physical Appearance ––– –    Hair: Black, crazy curly.    Eyes: One blue, one brown.    Height: 5’7”    Build: Skinny, androgynous, somewhat lanky, with lean muscle.    Distinguishing Marks: Occasional small burn scars, typically has scrapes on her knees or elbows.    Common Accessories: Small dagger, gold locket that hangs from her neck. Personal ––– –    Profession: Munitions    Hobbies: Gambling, drinking, doing crosswords.    Languages: Common    Residence: Dampwick Ward, Boralus    Birthplace: Dampwick Ward, Boralus    Religion: None.    Patron Deity: None.    Fears: Dying. Relationships ––– -    Spouse: None, single.    Children: None.    Parents: Jack and Veronika Sault, both alive. Divorced.    Siblings: Beatrice Sault.    Other Relatives: Unnamed cousins.    Pets: None. Traits ––– - * Bold your character’s answer.    Extroverted / In Between / Introverted    Disorganized / In Between / Organized    Close Minded / In Between / Open Minded    Calm / In Between / Anxious    Disagreeable / In Between / Agreeable    Cautious / In Between / Reckless    Patient / In Between /  Impatient    Outspoken / In Between / Reserved    Leader / In Between / Follower    Empathetic / In Between / Apathetic    Optimistic / In Between / Pessimistic ��  Traditional / In Between / Modern    Hard-working / In Between / Lazy    Cultured / In Between / Uncultured    Loyal / In Between / Disloyal    Faithful / In Between / Unfaithful Additional information ––– – Smoking Habit: Yes. Drugs: None. Alcohol: Often.
RP Hooks ––– –
You might know Tal if you are Kul Tiran and of common birth.
You also may know Tal if you are familiar with Kul Tiran petty crime.
You may know Tal if you have/do work around the Boralus harbor.
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Brennigan ‘Bren’ Lasair
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FULL NAME: Brennigan Lasair
FACE CLAIM: Jes Macallan
RACE: human
OCCUPATION: sellsword/mercenary - works for the side her conscience chooses, rather than selling her services to the highest bidder
WHERE TO FIND HER: Bren goes where the work is, so long as it’s somewhere in Kul Tiras. Though she’s left the islands before, it never seems to be too long before she returns home.
WHAT SHE’S UP TO: Lately she’s been hanging out in and around Boralus. She’s there to look for work and to check out the mainlanders, who she has little trust or liking for.
HOW TO INTERACT WITH HER: Out-of-Character: Tell me you want to meet her! Let’s get together and figure out a starting point for RP. In-Character: Your muse may run into her in Borauls, or elsewhere on the islands if she’s out on a job. Walkup RP is welcome if I’m marked in-character. (C’mon, do it! I’m shy and un-observant, so just walk up and jump in.)
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 
I’ll offer more details as I get a better feel for who Bren is and what she’s all about, but here’s a little teaser bio for now. As I said in an earlier post, I’ll eventually be looking to place her in a guild. I just have to get to know her a bit more before I can be sure of where she’ll be a good fit. Have an idea about that? Let me know what you’re thinkin’!
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LFC:  Eston Riley Vega
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Description: “Clever as the devil and twice as handsome.”
Once a seasoned member of the Kul Tiras fleet, Eston has since found himself a more ‘simple’ existence in Boralus - although not by his own choice.  A fisherman by day and a bartender by night at The Curious Octopus, he prefers to keep himself as active as possible.  This may also include a bit of mercenary work, smuggling illegal goods, and underground brawlers’ clubs, but those are not subjects for polite company.
Silver strands intermingle with a head full of short, jet black hair; that along with the crow’s feet that crinkle from the outer edges of his eyes suggest he is no longer in his youth.  Seldom seen without at least a five o'clock shadow, a goatee seems to be his usual preference in facial hair styling.  On very rare occasion, usually for fancier events, he can be seen with a smooth cheek.  
His most striking feature are probably those vivid baby blue eyes; not just the color but the intensity contained within.  Those who find themselves the subject of his gaze may feel as if he is looking into them, down to their very cores, instead of just at them.  However, Eston himself would say his best feature are his full, slightly pouty lips.
Eston stands at an average height for his kind, his body a canvas for all the hardships of his past.  Musculature built for agility and speed rather than pure strength, even after his forced retirement he continues his disciplined training of both body and mind.  On occasion he walks with a slight limp, more so when the weather is poor, favoring his left leg.  Although he usually wears long pants, should he ever be seen without he’s fitted with a bronze prosthetic leg starting at his left mid-thigh.  His back is covered in thin, lengthy scars that crisscross one another at random, suggesting a rather brutal flogging at some point in his past.
Black-inked markings litter the knuckles of both hands, those familiar with the Drust may recognize these as runes used to shape magic.  Another tattoo fully encircles his right forearm, a forest scene with the base of the trees beginning at his wrist and stretching all the way up to his elbow.
Confident and charming in most of his interactions, Eston makes for an enjoyable conversationalist and an insatiable flirt.
RP Platforms: In-game, Tumblr (In-game name is Estonn - Wyrmrest Accord, Alliance)
What I’m looking for: Casual, long-term, open to pre-established relationships as well!  Cross-faction friendly.
RP hooks: -He’s a bartender at The Curious Octopus in Mariner’s Row. -Fisherman by day. -Once a part of the Kul Tiras Navy -Any involvement in the black market, he does a lot of smuggling! -A usual at brawler’s clubs and gambling halls. -Mercenary for hire.
Please feel free to message me here or send me a starter if you’re interested!
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President Obama tries to get a driver’s license
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((OOC)) Updated Blog Roll
Hey followers! @manaheart is my “main” tumblr blog from which all follows and asks come, but Leona Manaheart is not actually my main character. Below is my blog roll so that if you’re not already following my active characters, you can start if you wish! I do not have an OOC tumblr and don’t plan on starting one for the foreseeable future. So, without further ado, A Blog Roll: TALON MANAHEART, Blood Elf Hunter (Horde - Loyalist) IGN: Falconer | tumblr: @dragonhawker
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Talon is Leona’s fraternal twin sister and my main character. She is a falconer; from Burning Crusade through Legion, she has been a falconer in the elven tradition (i.e. she flies dragonhawks, not birds of prey), but in BFA she will begin flying birds of prey and a lot more real world falconry will work its way into my writing for her. She currently belongs to the Meadowshine Crew, led by Captain Mathias Meadowshine.
CAMILLE SILVERSUN, Void Elf Priest (Alliance - Neutral) IGN: Carnavas | tumblr: @camille-silversun
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Camille is the formerly “long lost” childhood friend of the Manaheart twins. She is an insomniac who suffers from night terrors and sleep paralysis; a strange, prophetic dream led her to Tol Barad, where she was reunited with her friends. She now works at the tavern as a hostess. She is a writer (journaling and poetry) and fortune-teller (tarot and palmistry). She is my newest character; her activity and presence should grow significantly in BFA. Her allegiance is complicated but can best be described as neutral; although she serves the Alliance, she also considers herself loyal to her people - including the Sin’dorei. Consequently, she can sometimes be found at Horde events that welcome Alliance attendance. 
LEONA MANAHEART, Blood Elf Mage (Horde - Loyalist) IGN: Manaheart | tumblr: @manaheart
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Leona is Talon’s fraternal twin sister. She is a pyromancer who dabbles in blood magic. She is ambitious, power-hungry, cunning, and absolutely ruthless. She was meant to be the head of House Manaheart, but lost everything in the Fall of Quel’Thalas. After years of trying to find a place for herself among the nobility of Silvermoon City, she appeared in Tol Barad, armed with Talon’s secrets and a nefarious plan for a brilliant future. I hoped to advance this storyline during BFA, and may still, but it is currently on the back burner.
FELICIEN “FELIX” BLUEMOON, Nightborne Mage (Horde - Neutral) IGN: Felicien | tumblr: @talldrinkofarcwine
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Felix is a young arcane mage aspirant - and when I say young, I mean he’s by far my youngest character at thirty years old. He is a Suramari street rat who fled the city and made his way to Silvermoon City and later Tol Barad, where he studies in peace, away from the brewing conflict between factions. He earns his keep by working as a bartender (though he is more of a barista). He is an herbalist, and thinks of himself as a “medicine man” of sorts. I don’t play Felix often, but am looking for contact with him, and seeing as he is meant to be a neutral character, he will eventually appear Alliance side using a Night Elf model, at which time I will update this blog roll with the name.
I am very much available for RP on Talon and Camille (seriously, I’m starving for it). I would love to RP both in-game and over Discord; I am much more available for RP via Discord since I can post while mobile, but Talon can be found in-game frequently and on request, and Camille can be found at HOTR every Thirsty Thursday and at Maelstrom (First Fridays). I do not RP on tumblr. For my Discord, either find me in The Heart of the Raven Discord, or send me a PM on tumblr and I will trade Discord IDs with you.
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//Absurdly helpful for people writing royal characters and/or characters who interact with royalty and members of the nobility.
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Kul Tiras Communities.
As a reminder, there are two Kul Tiras communities worth joining if you’re interested in roleplaying in Kul Tiras, or with Kul Tiran people. They are:
Boralus Port:  A Wyrmrest Accord based community. If the code does not work, please contact Ethad, Margö, Bearborn, Krisea, Sinmyr or Merdyth in game for an invite, all located on Wyrmrest Accord.
Boralus Roleplaying: A cross-server collaboration featuring players from Wyrmrest, Moon Guard, and more. If the code does not work, please contact Oraibi on Wyrmrest or Moon Guard for the invite.
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Blog Re-Roll
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(( Adding a fourth main to the BfA line! These four will be my active blogs on here for IC interactions and other fun collaborative stuff! Don’t be shy to poke me about any one of them :D Clicky Click their names to be lead to their blog! ))
Amaris Cieltus (FC: Adelaide Kane)- Sin’dorei Crusader (who may go Blood Knight xD) Her duties are to her people, the Sin’Dorei, the 194th, her family, and the Horde. Along with superior combat skills, Amaris enjoys Diplomatic affairs. During her retirement a after the birthof her daughter she spent those years as a Diplomat for the Horde, trying to contain peace between the races of the Horde and with the Alliance. You’ll find her to be loving, and kind, and has a good balance between serious and playful. Her blog consists of her own thoughts, short stories, meaningful conversations, that are in character. Out of character will consists of other writings from individuals with respected credit, art (of her or others) and aesthetic photos.
Calithea Dawnrose (FC Lily James)- Sindorei Farstrider, who is a wild firecracker. Born noble, but really hates acting such a part. Cal is very wild, free willed and spirited. Her bubbly personality and EXTREME extrovertness make it hard for one not to converse with her. Cal is also known for her liaisons around Silvermoon and Dalaran, with other woman, and sometimes men, but with rules such as no touching her. Though with such a personality, she kept a lot of her personal life bottled up, and feelings which made it hard for her to actually want to get close to others. Especially after her two older brothers deaths and her father.She used her liaisons as a coping mechanism. Her blog consists of her own thoughts, short stories, meaningful conversations, that are in character. Out of character will consists of other writings from individuals with respected credit, art (of her or others) and aesthetic photos. Safeya Redvers  (FC  Katheryn Winnick)-  She yet has a blog, and I am in the works of getting one going for her, once I stop being lazy about it. Sindorei Shield/Battle Maiden, born noble along side with her twin brother, but the two had became disinherited see story here  and now are with a organization called The Sect. Safeya had always been the quiet twin. Focusing more on her skills as a warrior, and a blacksmith. She grew up wanting to be a shield maiden, though with recent events she is retiring her shield to be a battle maiden. With a strong interest in the titans and gods, Safeya is hops to make pilgrimage to Stormheilm and speak to Odin himself, in hoping on in a next life to become one of The Valkyrie. Her blog consists of her own thoughts, short stories, meaningful conversations, that are in character. Out of character will consists of other writings from individuals with respected credit, art (of her or others) and aesthetic photos. (Note her story is still very much in the works as well.) Ayame Cieltus (FC: Demi Lovato)-  Sin’dorei Monk, Mistweaver. Ayame has spent the last bit of years living in Pandaria. After learning her family is around and kicking it was time to let them know she was alive, and survived a ambush some years ago, leading to the death of their mother Relinari Windstrider-Cieltus, and what they thought the death of Ayame. Ayame sought out Amaris, in Val’sharah now being introduced with the 194th. She was held captive for about  week, having to convince she was who she said she was and not a threat to Amaris or any of the others. She has recently signed with them and is now a Weaver within the ranks. She has taken a giant leap from her calm, peacefull life, so it will be interesting how she manages. Her blog consists of her own thoughts, short stories, meaningful conversations, that are in character. Out of character will consists of other writings from individuals with respected credit, art (of her or others) and aesthetic photos.  Thanks for re-reading <3
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