crow-poetry · 11 months
An Angel’s first day on earth
You startle when my coffee maker switches on
It’s almost funny, the way your eyes go wide and search the room
I laugh and you frown
“It’s just coffee, I’ll give you some once it’s done.”
We sit side by side on the train
Your hands grab at mine, catching my cup and taking another greedy sip
“It’s good” you say, cradling the cup in your thin hands
“It is.” I agree, beginning to wonder if it’s the warmth or the taste you enjoy
You lean your cold body against mine
I decide it does not matter
I smile as you look over the horizon in awe
Your hand held tightly in mine, 
So you can step closer to the edge
See the world you so carefully helped to make
I continue to smile
At night, you curl up on the couch
Your long fingers curl around a mug
Where marshmallows float on top
I sit close
You are starting to grow warmer
For a first day on earth 
You seem to know a lot
I think I’ve missed something here
You are not an angel
Fallen from heaven
But a human far too closely resembling such a creature
And I am all the happier for it
Because I can not think of a world
Where you and I are apart.
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