curious-observers · 5 years
Carter! Your opinions on D&D?
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IT suCkS. - C.S
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curious-observers · 5 years
Coffee, Tea, or Hot Chocolate for everyone?
Uhm.. hot chocolate ^*^ - D.H 
.../// yeah... - H.K 
Tea. - E.L
Indeed. What Else? - I.H 
Depends on the kind. - E.R
Depending on the company. - W.S
Is that a shitty excuse to ask me for tea later? - E.R
...No... - W.S
uh-huh... - E.R
Coffee. That’s all I’ll say. - J. 
... - - C.S
hmm!~ Hot cocoa for me! - R.C
I just have to go with coffee, keeps me awake y’know? - J.P
I-I just like.. water - Z.C
Not even an occasional hot chocolate, or cup of coffee? - L.P
haha.. no... i-im fine with just water - Z.C
;^; - D.H
put me down 4 cofe 2 lol - K.F
gatorade? gatorade. - P.M
What’s gator aid? - D.H
Oh my fucking god, Drew- come over here. - P.M 
o-okay! ^*^ - D.H
ah- - H.K 
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curious-observers · 5 years
Hello current!observers. If you had to give advice to your past selves, what would you say?
Leave. I.H
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curious-observers · 6 years
You like it? - H.K
Mhm!!! Try it!!! - D.H
Careful! - H.K
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curious-observers · 6 years
is midnight morning or night...? - h.k
its... it’s midnight... middle... night... - d.h
but it’s the start of ... of a day yeah? - h.k
...yeah... - d.h
so... noon is.. the middle of the day then... midnight would be... - h.k
....is one a clock morning or night? - h.k
nigh... morni..? well... I think... depends... - d.h
on what? - h.k
if you’re waking up then it’s... morning right..? So if you’re going to bed it’s... night.. - d.h
so would midnight work the same..? or would that start at... 12:01...? - h.k
.... it’s morning now... - d.h
it’s only four we can... we can stay here a lil longer yeah..? - h.k
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curious-observers · 6 years
how did snakes figure out the slither slither thing...? - h.k
sssllliiittthhheeerrr - d.h
drewwww you’re not helpiinngg - h.k
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curious-observers · 6 years
I wonder if mints and hot chocolate go together... - h.k
hey drew? - h.k
mhm? - d.h
Ever put the mints in the... hot chocolate? - h.k
don’t think so but go on! - d.h
we’re gonna do that now. Well tomorrow. No... what time is it..? - h.k
I wouldn’t know... it’s your room... - d.h
it’s 2 something or... whatever... - h.k
so we’re doing it today then...? - d.h
yeah. - h.k
never thought a drink would make you that happy I mean look at ya - h.k
Mmmmm stop it - d.h
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curious-observers · 6 years
i can get us a movie or something... - h.k
i don’t wanna get up... you’re warm... - d.h
I’m always warm - h.k
98.7... is there a radio in here...? - d.h
I think your room has one... but we’re in mine... do you want a mint...? - h.k
why not - d.h
what kind..? big, soft, hard, spearmint, lifesaver... dinner mints... candy cane..? - h.k
that’s a lot of mints - d.h
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curious-observers · 6 years
you are my sunshine my only sunshine - d.h
you make me happy~ when skies are grey - d.h
you’ll never know dear how much I love you - d.h
so please don’t take my sunshine away~ - d.h
you... became the bear.. - h.k
I’ve been possessed by the bear demon spirit... thing... - d.h
you’re going to regret this tomorrow you know... - h.k
it’s an excuse to drag you... downstairs and take a nap... - d.h
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curious-observers · 6 years
then we need to try things out then - d.h
that’s... we can try that tomorrow there might be a book on it somewhere... - h.k
shit did we clean up? - h.k
yeah I went back a bit after it’s good now - d.h
sorry i... I was a little... - h.k
don’t worry about it ♡ - d.h
hey I I said don’t worry - d.h
it’s it’s happy ones don’t - jeez - h.k
but I haven’t done anything! - d.h
youre.. too sweet... you know that? - h.k
mmm... is this gonna go where I think it’s going because - d.h
I chose you Hyeong. - d.h
It’s not about whether you think you deserve me or not, but uh... you do? You deserve the world. You don’t deserve the stupid nightmares. - d.h
So we’re gonna work through it together okay? - d.h
you sound like an anime character - h.k
a.. an animay...? wait Hey that’s - answer the question! - d.h
haha yeah of course we will. After you get to sleep~ - h.k
I told you I’m staying up! - d.h
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curious-observers · 6 years
you dont have to stay up with me every time... - h.k
yes i do - d.h
no... you need to sleep too drew... - h.k
well I dont want you to be up alone - d.h
I’m not alone you’re here I can see you - h.k
I mean to talk to! I don’t want you to... to be all alone with your thoughts it’s... they can be scary sometimes... - d.h
Drew... - h.k
and besides if you talk about it then maybe it’ll help! - d.h
But I... I don’t remember them. That’s.. that’s why it’s better if you just go to sleep... - h.k
if you stay up then I stay up! - d.h
this sounds like blackmail... - h.k
That’s that’s not what I mean by it... - d.h
yeah I know that. you’re not that mean - h.k
we we can talk about other things then? If if you don’t remember it... then... um.. - d.h
Like what? - h.k
mm... hot chocolate. - d.h
Hot... chocolate? - h.k
It’s the first thing that popped into my head! I I - d.h
hahaha...~ - h.k
augh - d.h
how about... - h.k
shit this is harder than I thought - h.k
mmmmmmmmmmmmmmm - d.h
mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm - d.h
oh my god stop - h.k
okay okay ~ - d.h
would the bear help? - d.h
The...? - h.k
oh that heh... no. - h.k
hmm... - d.h
maybe you should sleep on it - h.k
On the bear? I don’t think that would be comfortable I mean it sings so it’d be hard and lumpy and - d.h
I meant conversation starters ~ - h.k
I’m staying up - d.h
I tried - h.k
tried you did - d.h
tried did you - h.k
you did tried? - d.h
i did tried - h.k
tri...chlorobenzene... what - d.h
see? you need sleep. - h.k
you need sleep more - d.h
it’s not... it’s not worth it. I’ll just get another one and I won’t get to sleep anyways. - h.k
I don’t want to wake up to you crying again! It... I want to help you! I just.. I just don’t know how... - d.h
have you tried sleeping - h.k
now you’re not even trying... and I’m being serious... - d.h
I know I know... I.. I don’t know how either... - h.k
... you don’t...? - d.h
I bottled it all up... you’ve... you’ve seen how I get when... I get physically ill drew it’s fucking bad - h.k
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curious-observers · 6 years
Zach how was the D&D?
carter invited himself into the game. take a wild guess on how that went. - z.c
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curious-observers · 6 years
Ever try and play a group D&D session?
I Doubt It Would End Well... I Believe Zachary Has Attempted It Once. Other Than That I’m Not Sure... - I.H
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curious-observers · 6 years
Hell yeah Hyeong and I fellow Virgos!
really? haha :D - H.K
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curious-observers · 6 years
good! um.. - H.K
1: Apart from tumblr, what do you like to do in your spare time?
i like to spend time with my friends...? and i kind of got into flower language recently... its interesting! since the meanings can change based on culture and stuff! - H.K
2: Name a favorite of each: food, drink, color.
Drew goldfish... lemonade and... huh... green..? - H.K
4: Name a favorite of each: book, movie, tv show.
i i don’t read a lot but... um.... i do like the beatles movie the animated one? i forget the name of it... and tv show... uh i dont know. sorry ;-; - H.K
8: What kind of underwear do you prefer wearing?
ask someone else - H.K
12: What is a weird habit you have, or people have told you have. (Weird, not bad. No nail biting or any of that nonsense.)
becca told me that i have a... a uh tendency to have these... that i talk kinda slow sometimes and stop sentences and just.. switch them.. sometimes... and drews mentioned that i dont touch people a lot but... he touches me and.... uh.. a lot i mean... um... nevermind. - H.K
17: Name a favorite of each: band, album, song.
i like halsey but i dont think shes a band... and.. album um.. i dont have an answer for that one ^^ sorry... song though I ... I really really like obsessions by marina and the diamonds and young god by halsey - H.K
18: Why is your favorite band your favorite?
her voice is soft and its kinda comforting. and her lyrics are uh.. um... they uh.. resonate..? yeah resonate with me a bit...  - H.K
1. What is your middle name?
I dont have one ^^ - H.K
2. How old are you?
i turned 20 last year! i think... yeah twenty - H.K
4. What is your zodiac sign?
uhm... i actually forgot... august august is...virgo! ha.. thats kinda... nevermind - H.K
8. Where are you from?
.... the ground..? - H.K
12. What was your last dream about?
um it was a ... a ... i dont really wanna talk about... it right now...? sorry... maybe next time^^ - H.K
17. Who would be your ideal partner?
ha. I think you know the answer to... that... - H.K
18. Do you want children?
i... i don’t think so. i dont think id be a good uh dad,... and i .. dont trust myself.. to raise a kid withough fucking it up somehow... i mean everyone disagrees with me but... it scares me... - H.K
1,2, 4, 8, 12, 17, 18?
uh.. um.. i dont know which one you meant so… Prim went to to bed so i can do it! I i hope you dont mind sorry… - H.K 
i can do both? if you want… sorry. - H.K
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curious-observers · 6 years
1,2, 4, 8, 12, 17, 18?
uh.. um.. i dont know which one you meant so... Prim went to to bed so i can do it! I i hope you dont mind sorry... - H.K 
i can do both? if you want... sorry. - H.K
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curious-observers · 6 years
Galaxies, waxing, full moon, contemplation, night light?
for me? hmmmm ok! ~ - R.C
if anyone else wants to answer you can!! - R.C
galaxies: what are three things you want to do before you die?
I want to hmm… I want to see Hyeong sing in front of other people besides us, I want to impress Jess which you don’t need to know any details about aannndd what else? Oh! I wanna learn how to sew things properly! So I can help Jess with her projects and ease her load a bit. - R.C
waxing: what is your proudest accomplishment?
This might sound a lil bit stupid but um, I’m pretty proud of managing to make friends of Hyeong and Jess… Haha~ Hyeong wasn’t exactly the most open person I’ve ever met and Jess is… a special kind of weird sometimes. I’m really happy that I managed to get them to open up to me and to get close with them! - R.C
full moon: what type of person do you hope to be?
I hope to be helpful and inspiring to others! I don’t know if that answers the question but its all I’ve got! - R.C
contemplation: if you could wake up one morning and everything in your life was perfect, what would that look like?
Ah I dunno actually! I know that I’d really want a puppy and country-like home where its all warm and fuzzy… I think I’d still be with Jess (Lets be real for a sec, no ones better than her), and we’d be happy - duh of course. But, Life isn’t interesting without any sort of conflict or action, you know? Like how a story where nothing happens is boring as all hell? Well some would disagree but - I think, I wouldn’t change much… It’d be pretty similar just with a cute puppy! A biiigggg puppy!! - R.C
night light: who/what makes you feel safe?
God, this is gonna be cliche but Jess. She’s just… really warm and kind and an absolute sweetheart - although I’m preeettty sure she’d say ‘doll’. She just knows what to say and do and she’s like a personal guardian angel… Actually I think Carter mentioned a song that was kind of like that although it was way super tragic… Some… vocaloin thing… Oh well. - R.C
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