dailyaclore · 5 years
this is what its like being a gay man playing fire emblem three houses
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dailyaclore · 6 years
Lore 10/24
A conversation with Alannah Ryan and Layla Hassan reveals they believe that the Koh-I-Noor was destroyed by Berg’s bomb with the rest of Gramatica’s lab. Because there is no reason the Assassins would keep the information otherwise from them, it seems that after escaping Gramatica’s lab with the Koh-I-Noor, Elijah did not reunite with the Assassins, possibly because of the presence of Berg’s Templar reinforcements.
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dailyaclore · 6 years
Lore 10/23
Alice and Thomas Adler had stolen an Animus from Abestergo and kidnapped the amnesiac Maxime Gorm in an attempt to find a way to utilize the Bleeding Effect to curse the amnesia of their daughter Elisa. Forced to relive the memories of Eddie Gorm, Maxime was able to escape from his bindings at the same time Elisa and her doctor (who was secretly an Assassin) paid the Alders a surprise visit. Under the orders of the Brotherhood, Elisa’s doctor killed Thomas and Alice. Maxime successfully killed the doctor. The two amnesiacs fled the house before the Brotherhood could arrive.
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dailyaclore · 6 years
Lore 10/22
Despite Amunet’s wish to kill Ceasar in private, Brutus was able to convince her and the rest of the senator assassins to kill Julius Ceasar in public and claim responsibility. This attracted the wrath of the Roman public and made them a target of Octavian and other Ceasar loyalists. The negative repercussions of such a public murder solidified Amunet’s belief and teachings that the Hidden Ones must act in secret. This formed the basis of the “Hide in plain sight” tenant of the Assassin’s Creed.  
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dailyaclore · 6 years
Lore 10/21
When Marcus Junius Brutus committed suicide when he was close to be captured by Octavian’s forces, the Hidden Ones recovered his body. Despite his disagreements with Amunet, the Hidden Ones attempted to revive him using the original Shroud of Eden. He was able to physically come back to life, but only when he was physically in contact with the Shroud. Brutus lacked consciousness, and so the Shroud was removed and he was buried. Contact with his shroud imparted his genetic memories on it, allowing Giovanni Borgia to dream of them because of the child’s contact with the Shroud as an infant.
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dailyaclore · 6 years
Lore 10/19
For a long time, the Assassin Brotherhood had banned the use of poison in assassinations. With Altair Ibn’Ahad as the Mentor of the Brotherhood, along with many other reforms, lifted the ban on poison and using information gleaned from his Apple of Eden, designed a hidden blade that could be used to inject poison.
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dailyaclore · 6 years
Lore 10/18
Robert Fraser was an Abestergo Entertainment employee in 2014. With an interest in history and art, he was assigned to relive the genetic memories of Arno Dorian. Due to Arno’s high concentration of Isu DNA, the bleeding effect was very strong. Robert was assigned Dr. Victoria Bibeau as a therapist, who at that time was unaware of Abestergo’s Templar affiliation. Despite her best efforts, Robert slowly began to believe he was Arno more and more, with a stronger intensity and greater frequency. He had even broken up with his girlfriend because of his love for Elise. Eventually, Robert fully believed he was Arno and was responsible for leaking Arno’s unsequenced genetic memories to the Assassins before being shot. A templar agent known only as the Journeyman took over the sequencing of Arno’s memories for the Templars after Robert’s death.
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dailyaclore · 6 years
Lore 10/17
Known locations of Swords of Eden as of 2017:
Piece of Eden #25: This is the Sword of Eden owned by Jacques De Molay, Thomas Francois Germain, and Arno Dorian, among others. By 2016, the Templars (specifically Alan Rikkin) were in possession of the sword, but believed it to be damaged in the battle between Germain and Arno. When Simon Hathaway explored the memories of Gabriel Laxart, a close friend of Joan of Arc who wielded the same sword, he realized that the sword had been missing a vital component, a stone known as the Heart. After recovering the Heart and giving it to the Templars, the Sword was restored to its full powers, those that effect ally and enemy morale, rather than the more violent powers Germain coaxed out of it.
Mongol Sword of Eden: This sword was possessed by Genghis Khan and his grandson Hulegu Khan after his death. As of Hulegu Khan’s death in 1265 at the hands of the Assassin Nergui, it is unknown if he had the sword and what happened afterward.
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dailyaclore · 6 years
Lore 10/16
The portable HR-8 animus model was developed in the Madrid facility at the behest of Sofia Rikkin.
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dailyaclore · 6 years
Lore 10/15
Although almost nothing is known about Animus Subject 14, they were mentioned, along with Subject 4, by Dr. Victoria Bibeau as people who had suffered extreme bleeding effects. Subject 14′s time as the Animus Subject was prior to December 2010, the date of death of Subject 15.
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dailyaclore · 6 years
Lore 10/14
Abestergo Industries doesn’t just produce pharmaceuticals and genetic memory based entertainment. According to Callum Lynch, “everything from cough syrup to cereal was produced by them. Hell, they probably manufactured the pentobarbital used to execute prisoners and the tissues their loved ones sobbed into afterward.”
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dailyaclore · 6 years
Lore 10/13
Despite never using the Animus herself, it was Sofia Rikkin that pushed for a more realistic Animus experience, causing the development of the 4.3 and related models that allowed the subject to physically copy the movements of their ancestor. The giving of subjects items, usually weapons, that belonged to their ancestors was also an immersion initiative created by Sofia.
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dailyaclore · 6 years
Hey check these guys out! They're pretty cool
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dailyaclore · 6 years
Lore 10/12
Callum had stolen software containing games based on genetic memories and resold it to wealthy kids from a precursor company to Abestergo Entertainment during his teenage years (mid to late 90s). 
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dailyaclore · 6 years
Lore 10/11
The alloy that is woven into Shrouds and used to construct other Pieces of Eden is called Bathoricka by Abestergo. 
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dailyaclore · 6 years
In 30BCE, Aumunet confronted Cleopatra in the royal palace at Alexandria. With the city under siege by Octavian’s Roman forces, she convinced the Pharoah that the best thing for Egypt was for Cleopatra to commit suicide. After getting Aumunet to promise to care for her eldest son, Cleopatra used the vial of asp poison given to her by Aya to commit suicide.
Although the general public remembers Cleopatra’s death as a suicide, the Assassins of the Renaissance remembered Aumunet, not as the founder of the Hidden Ones or the Assassin Brotherhood, but as the one who assassinated Cleopatra with an asp and she was honored as such, with a tomb containing a most likely misidentified corpse and a fairly accurate statue. It is unknown if Aumunet told the Hidden Ones that she assassinated Cleopatra, or if the truth was corrupted later on.
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dailyaclore · 6 years
Lore 10/9
Cleopatra’s eldest son by Julius Caesar, Caesarion didn’t die shortly after his mother’s death as is commonly believed. After Amunet convinced Cleopatra to commit suicide, she made Aya promise to take her son out of Egypt. Amunet agreed and took Caesarion back to Rome to train him as a Hidden One.
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