darnestdungeon · 7 months
I've recently seen a post on reddit pointing out background characters such as the one in the image, could you by any chance get this ripped by its self?
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Here's the little fanatic! They're really cute, aren't they? (this is just an edit I've made of the assets, the unedited textures are under the 'read more')
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EDIT: omg this is so funny, I went to save the file I edited and then apparently I had the same idea of assembling these assets earlier at some point, because there was already a file with the same name! Except I used a backdrop on this one too. (also I didn't bother to clean the white specks around the borders of each asset, as you can clearly see if you zoom on it)
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darnestdungeon · 7 months
Extracting DD2 audio guide
Hi hi, it's been a while huh? Kinda lost interest in dd overall big time, but I came here to share newfound knowledge!!
So since Darkest Dungeon 2 launched, I kept seeing people ask around (without any good answers) how to get the audio files from the game. Turns out the answer is simple! You don't even need AssetStudioGui for this-- the files you need are right there in your game's folder! Here's the way for it in windows with the game bought on Epic (it's probably similar with steam, not sure if anything changes on a mac though):
C:\Programs\EPIC\Epic Games\DarkestDungeonII\Darkest Dungeon II_Data\StreamingAssets
In the StreamingAssets folder you'll find many .BANK files, each one of these is basically a folder with many sounds inside! You just need a software to extract them.
I've used this one, apparently it can also be used to replace the sounds with ones of your choosing but I've only used it to extract so far.
After downloading and unzipping the Fmod_Bank_Tools folder (make sure to unzip it in a drive where you have free space to extract the sounds too), you'll find among the files a folder named 'bank' and one named 'wav'.
You need to copy the .BANK files you want from the StreamingAssets game folder and paste them on the 'bank' (make sure to just COPY, and NOT to cut nor erase anything!)
Say for instance you want the music it plays on the Sprawl, the Jester skill sound effects, and also the narrations about Denial. You should copy from the StreamingAssets folder the files named: hero_jester.bank, music_city.bank and vo_driving_denial.bank, and then paste them on the 'bank' folder.
Now you just need to run 'Fmod Bank Tools.exe' and click on 'extract'. After some time, a window will pop up saying it's completed and your sound files should be in the 'wav' folder! It takes a little while when you extract many folders at once, but it's super simple!
It should work the same for Darkest Dungeon 1, but no need for this since Red Hook shared all the first game's sounds here in this drive!
Now go forth and make the Highwayman's 'Open Vein' sound your notification sound! :)
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darnestdungeon · 9 months
How do you access hero barks through the game files? I can't seem to find them. I got the game from Steam, if that's any help.
If you're on a PC (Macs are different, I don't know why) go to where your game is saved on your computer (usually something like C:\Programs\Steam\steamapps\common\DarkestDungeon) and then go into the “localization” folder. The barks are on the “dialogue.string_table.xml” file, you can open it with most text editors. 
If you’re looking for DLC content barks, you might want to look for them in the “dlc” folder in the main DarkestDungeon folder, barks and text will always be in the “localization” folder in those too.
You can scroll through the file until you find the language you want (beware that the text is a bit hard to read). If you want the English version, in the past I’ve copied and pasted a cleaner version just for easy reading, you can check it here.
WAIT, it just occurred me you might be talking about Darkest Dungeon 2?
If that's the case, follow the same procedures to find you game on Steam, then go through these folders:
DarkestDungeonII > Darkest Dungeon II_Data > StreamingAssets > Localization > Sources
Darkest Dungeon II has its barks all segmented through categories rather than one big file, it's easier to find what you need but kind of a drag if you just want to read all the barks from the same character, you need to open lots of files rather than just ctrl+F your way around one doc. Here's what the bark folder should look like:
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darnestdungeon · 10 months
Hello! I was wondering if you had the hero shrine models rendered at all as I’d really love them
Hi, those are inside the OLD RENDERS folder in their respective folders (except for Vestal, which is on her own folder). Here, I'll link them for you:
Backstory Heroes
Backstory NPCs
Unrelated, but I've got a spike of energy last week and decided to upload all the dd1 alternate palette sprites to the wiki! I've had already edited and compiled all of those way back in 2021 in a google drive folder (not to mention the gifs) but I didn't know how to edit the wiki at that point. It's so complete now, it's so satisfying!!
I thought of doing the same for dd2 with my palette renders but those kinda suck: the lack of pose plus the bad lighting, they can help as reference but that's about it. I think I'll limit my wiki contributions to dd1, which is the game I like the best as well.
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darnestdungeon · 1 year
Hiiii I was wondering if you might have access to transparent/clean enemy sprites from the first game, or know where they might be found? Thank you !
Hi hi, most of the game's sprites can be found on the fandom wiki under their respective enemy page! Only downside to it is that when you try to save the files, they save as webp. I've uploaded in the wiki gifs for all the enemies' combat animations, if you want easy access to them, you can download them from my dropbox here!
Now for the static pngs, if you don't want to go through the whole wiki and you have the game, you can try and look in the files themselves (copying the next paragraphs from a previous ask) it's probably a similar process for GoG and Epic versions in PCs, Macs are different, can't help you there.
Go to where you installed Steam in your PC (usually the disk C: on your computer, unless you installed in another drive) and open the “Steam” folder, then find the “steamapps” folder, then the “common” folder and finally “DarkestDungeon”, like so:
Now in the search bar, type .png and press enter! And there you have it, after a few moments you should find all the images used in game! If you want to look at it better, I recommend copying all of it in to a folder someplace else, just so you won’t risk accidentally messing with the game files.
So yeah, you can sift from there! Have Vvulf as a freebie, just because I already had those saved and because I still find this mean old man gorgeous:
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darnestdungeon · 1 year
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Finally finished rendering all the new DD2 palettes and weapons!!
You can look at them all (in many different angles too) in the first and second link on my pinned post! Some details after read more:
Good news is that I've learned how to animate the camera and render the keyframes, so it was way WAY easier to render multiple angle this time around! The biggest effort was importing the new palettes and the new weapon models into blender, also sorting all the renders out and then using PS actions to edit the pics into a smaller size.
Bad news is that I cannot be bothered to organize my google drive folder anymore :( there are 411 new files, I cannot do it... I've moved all the old render into a big folder called OLD RENDERS and left all the new stuff floating in the main folder.
The second link in my pinned post consist of these palette comparison images, like, the individual full sized versions of this post's image! They're in a different image host service cause they were too big for my drive.
Also, after rendering it all I just noticed now that PD's beak is so long it penetrated the area light I've created, thus leaving just the tip not illuminated. Just saying so you won't think it's part of her design, it was just an oversight on my end!
But yeah, my job here is done until they introduce a new hero, I'm so tired...
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darnestdungeon · 1 year
Omg they're finally adding different palettes for the heroes in DD2! I love that the weapons are different too depending on the hero's path, I can't wait to see all of them!!
It's so nice to see concept art yellow Highwayman finally becoming its own official skin! I do miss the green palette though but maybe it'll get added later, with more paths? Also missing the different skin tones, blue HWM used to be tanner while brown HWM, paler... Edit: on a second look, i think that was the green HWM skin on the sharpshoot path, only a bit washed out! Brown HWM was the one to go then!
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I'll probably have to update my references' folder after the game launches, there will be sooo much new stuff to render. Half looking forward to it, half dreading the thought of redoing everything-- I'll try to come up with a more streamlined system. I'm thinking of learning how to animate the camera itself so I can render specific key-frames in an animation (like having the camera spin around the model so I can render multiples angles in one go?)
It'll probably take a while but I'm definitely doing it! I might not like DD2 much as a game overall but those models are sure nice to look at :)
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darnestdungeon · 1 year
Hi there! Would you happen to have links to any of Bourassa's drawing streams? I recently downloaded Bourassa's brushes, and I wanted to see his process for inspiration!
Sorry for late answer, I like to let some asks accumulate before answering, otherwise this blog will be just a big q&a. The only place I've seen some of Bourassa's drawing streams is in this channel. The streams are from before DD1 launch though, very old stuff, I don't know of any recent ones.
In case anyone else wants Bourassa's brushes, here's the link for it! They are for Photoshop but Clip Studio Paint also accepts them now-- it didn't use to work quite right because there was no dual brush feature on clip studio, the texture brush used to lack texture, but now it's exactly the same as in PS! Do load them again if you imported them before the dual brush update.
coffee-in-veins asked: thank you so much for what you do, your work on gifs and your refs never fail to inspire me <3 any time i do anything DD-related you are the first place i go looking, and you never disappoint. thank you so much for fueling my creativity!
You're too kind always <3 It's so funny to see my refs on other artists WIP screenshots, like on the corner of the screen, makes me feel helpful somehow. I wish I could redo some of the refs though, I didn't have some pictures back when I've made them (like that BH, abom, arb and crusader CoM art) not to mention all the cool art Bourassa puts out on his social media, like the Rey's helmet below. But I think I'll let them as they are, I have little to no energy for much as of lately.
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(Link to this art, Bourassa's twitter)
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darnestdungeon · 1 year
For the gifs one thing I learned is that if you go to the end of the link and remove the v (so it's .gif instead of .gifv) it won't try to save as a webp file anymore. Don't know how to it for still images though. But it is useful though for nice you want to save. Like yours!
Oh that does work on tumblr, I had no idea! Thanks! I used to convert the webp back into gifs or png using this site, but this is easier. Again, you don't need to do this for my gifs cause there's a link for a dropbox folder with all of them, on my pinned post!
Anonymous asked: You are doing god's work with the dd animations
Ah thank you, making those gifs took a ton of work, so I’m glad it was appreciated! There were some other gifs I wanted to make (like some attack animations) but I think to make them look their best I’d have to let go of the transparency, some effects do not look good with the no dithering transparency setting I’m using. I also wanted to make some gif sets with the enemies and monsters animations (which are already on the wiki btw), but for that I’d need to resize them to fit nicely here. But I’m not doing anything anytime soon. Here, have the little animation that plays before combat, I couldn't fit it anywhere:
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Anonymous asked: I hope something positive happens to you today
Hah thanks anon, nothing positive happened on the day you’ve sent this (way waaay long ago) all I did was play video games. Then again, nothing negative happened either! Thanks for the nice message <3
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darnestdungeon · 1 year
Tumblr started turning gifs into webp when you try to save them, so here’s the link for the walking DD heroes from my previous post, in case you want them!
Put them under your email signature, it will sure look professional :)
I’ve got the idea to make those gifs after seeing this post, it just looked so cute! Little guys walking across your screen! What if I did the same with the gifs I ripped from Darkest Dungeon? My mind was set, I just needed to make a gif slide to the right, how hard could that be?
(…A lengthy backstage process after the read more...)
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If you have an easy solution that could have ended my headache much sooner, please let me know, I'd love to learn. But yeah, it didn’t take long before I noticed I had no clue how to achieve my goal. The problem consisted in how to deal with two simultaneous but different types of movement in one gif (the walking animation + the sliding to the right animation), all while preserving the quality and transparency.
First thing that came into mind was manually moving each frame of the walking gifs a little to the right but it would take SO much time and it would be SO boring I refused to even consider it again. Even with automate actions it would take so fucking long, there have got to be a better way, I mean, it was literally just sliding a gif to the right.
I’ve tried searching for sites that could let me do it to no avail. I did find GIPHY’s gif editor though, it allowed me to edit the gifs in very pleasing ways, totally not vomit inducing (albeit not transparent, it lost some points on that front).
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I’ve considered some screen capture gimmicks with an open source software called ScreenToGif but I already knew from experience that the background removal function leaves behind ugly artifacts in the borders of the gifs, same thing with OBS.
I’ve tried looking up in DragonBones, the very own software I’ve used to export the game assets, but I could not figure out a way to make the whole thing move together all while having the regular animation play on loop, if that makes sense? But then again, I didn’t look much into it because I’ve finally had an idea that would work!
I could use a video editing software to make it all happen! I even had a very good open source software installed already, kdenlive! There was an initial problem where I could not figure out how to preserve the transparency, kdenlive would always render the gifs with black backgrounds. But after some googling I’ve found out you could render a video with alpha, so all I would have to do in the end was to convert the video back into a gif!!
First, I’ve rendered a video consisting of 10 sequences in a row of the walking hero gif, so the loop was long enough so they could walk all the way across the borders of the video (the original gif only lasted 1 second). I’ve done that 18 times, one for each hero– NOT counting all the times I had to try and try again for some, ignore the rest of the paragraph, it’s all technical problems. Some kept turning out with white borders around the heroes for some unknown reason (anti, sb, crusader and arb). The problem went away after I used the original untrimmed gif for each of them but THEN I had to redo crusader’s gif from the DragonBones project up because there was too much empty space around his gif in particular and then it would look small in the end if I hadn’t redone it. Reynauld, always the problem boy.
Then I had to find out how to change kdenlive’s project resolution to fit each final gif dimensions. I guess I didn’t quite figured out how to change it in the end, but I did notice whenever you bring an image that’s not quite the size of the default project, the software would ask if you wanted to switch to that resolution. So I took note of each of their heights and then saved white rectangles measuring 2000px width x their respective heights. All I had to do now was drop the right rectangle into the project before editing said hero and we’re set!
I’ve chosen 2000px as width resolution because then the gifs would look very tiny when sized down in Tumblr’s dashboard! But afterwards I realized that choice meant I could not optimally use my convertor of choice (EZGIF.com, a free and excellent gif editing site) to turn the videos back into gifs, because there was a limit on the resolutions, the gifs with height higher than 300 would turn out all deformed, and the other option would make the quality way too shitty. Luckily by the end I found out Photoshop had an option to import videos as animation frames, and all I had to do was save them as gif directly from PS, with no resolution constraints!
Anyways, let’s wrap this up because I’m getting incredible tired just from recalling and typing it up everything that I’ve done yesterday. I’ve literally spent the entire day on this silly project.
After I had the alpha movs of their looping walk cycles, all I had to do was to drop the respective rectangle into the project (to change the project's resolution to match it to the hero’s height) and then drag the mov to the timeline and apply a transformation effect with two key frames: one at the start of the clip moving the clip so it starts from out of the left border of the screen, and the other key frame by the end of the clip, with the clip ending outside the right border. Doing it so would make the whole clip slide across the screen, appearing on the left and disappearing on the right!
I also had to figure out how to make it start with them already on the screen instead of the gif starting on an empty screen, but cutting the video would interfere with the transformation effects, so I had to render it first and edit it again later (I cut a little bit of the beginning of the video and pasted it back on the end). Luckily rendering those tiny gifs only took like 3 seconds each, because I basically had to do it thrice for each gifs.
After turning them all back into gifs in PS it was done!! I saved two versions, one original sized and one 50% smaller, just because I know there are people out there with internet connections that could not handle loading a gifset of 10 gifs at around 4MB each.
And that was it, I’ve learned a lot, I’m never doing anything like this again :)) thanks for reading it all if you did, I'm so so tired
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darnestdungeon · 1 year
DD girls crossing your dash
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darnestdungeon · 1 year
DD boys crossing your dash
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darnestdungeon · 1 year
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I've updated the generator with the new parties, plus it looks better now! It should be easier to update it with each new hero added too, before it used to be screenshots from the crossroads menu itself-- now I've made it more modular, separate images for each hero and such.
If you're not playing DD2, I also have a DD1 party combo randomizer and other random generators, more in my pinned post!
DD2 named parties
Put together a simple generator that spits a random named party for Darkest Dungeon 2, so feel free to use it if you’re looking to vary your runs! [Fully updated with the last patch!]
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DD2 party combo generator
A list of all the combos here!
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darnestdungeon · 1 year
alright y’all it’s time for your DD kin assignment: Which Darkest Dungeon Hero Are You?
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darnestdungeon · 1 year
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DD1 combat animation
I've just finished putting these (and their idle and walking animations) in the Darkest Dungeon wiki! In my pinned post, there's a link for an album with all of them + their alternate palettes.
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darnestdungeon · 1 year
Hey, do you have any sort of reference sheet for the coven? Or really, all the enemies of the weald? I went through your dd1 reference masterpost and didn't see any weald enemies that aren't... Brigands.
Hi, that masterpost originally was meant only as a compilation of all the heroes references I've made a while back. Eventually, I've ended up making some other random sheets that I included in the same folder, but I didn't intend to sound like it was a masterpost of all things DD1, just a masterpost of all the references I had made. I do not currently have any enemies reference sheets other than the ones in the folder.
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Sorta unrelated, but I finally have all the game animations I have wanted to export into gifs-- enemies included! I just don't know what to do with them now, the different heights and widths of the gifs make photosets look awful here on Tumblr (example below, some get giant, some tiny, most get oddly cropped). I guess I'll figure something out eventually, give me some time and I'm putting those on the game's wiki too.
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In case you're curious, these were the tutorials I followed to get the animations: (x) and (x). After following the steps to open the files, you just need to export the animation as a PNG sequence and then put the sequence together in any gif making software. It's not a difficult process, but doing it over 400 times in a row (not counting the failures) is what was most tiresome.
There were also some files that took some editing, like the crusader's step or the Crimson Court enemies wing animation (before and after editing below, the wings moved so fast they pretty much vanished).
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These two girls are an example of gifs I can safely put together in the same gif, because they have the same size and number of frames. It's not as simple with all the other ones. I might need to resize them all so they all look good in a post....... ughhh the work......
Anyways, I might make some more enemies reference sheets once I'm done with the gif making adventure, but I can't make any promises, I'm just one person after all.
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darnestdungeon · 1 year
Have you heard about our lord and saviour Dild?
Why yes of course, I have one myself! This is a Dismas/Dild plushie I've made three years ago, back when the official DD discord used to host fan content contests. It won third place and I've got the artbook as a prize-- there were only four contestants, but still! :D
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More details of plushmas here, it even has a tag on my blog <3
For those who don't know about Dild, it was basically based on that meme where one breaks down a picture or more based on its syllables, and then mix and match the pieces for humorous results, as in such:
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I'm not sure who came up with that, some searches on both the official DD subreddit and discord server seem to indicate a user named Coley was the first to post it, but I have no way of telling whether they created the meme or just took it from somewhere else. If you do know more about it, feel free to comment or reblog!
Dild's natural charisma quickly infatuated the community, resulting in lots of memes, fanarts, two mods and at least three plushies (no fanfics though, surprisingly enough considering what I've already witnessed out there in Ao3).
It's either a cult classic or a dead meme by now, depends on who you ask.
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