:|| forgive me for not being here as often;; 🙏 again Twitter has dragged me back once again and so far it’s been nice! I still want to use this blog ofc but I also have a blog located here-
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He presents Hades with a plate of toast that is less burnt than usual, looking exceedingly pleased with himself. Each piece is laden with a healthy allotment of butter and strawberry preserves.
“Yes yes come in, be quick about it”.
He waves whoever knocked upon his office so early in the morning, expecting one of his aides to slink in and out yet—
Imagine his surprise to see breakfast brought to him by Hythlodaeus himself. His face drops momentarily,
He sees the toast and exhales expecting it to be burnt to a crisp. He takes the plate from him and bites into the toast,
…Only to be pleasantly surprised. It’s less burnt.
…He bites into each piece ravenously. The saltiness of the butter and sweetness of the preserves made for an appetizing meal, as he had not yet eaten. He had forgotten his manners in the moment, as a few stray drops of preserves dribbles against his chin and he has yet to realize,
“It was good…thank you”.
He finished it perhaps, in an unusually fast manner. Yet per usual he huffs as he looks at the other,
“You should be at work though Hythlodaeus”.
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a collection of character development questions based on the arcana and their themes !! this is part of a collection of tarot-themed asks. if multi, please specify which muse(s) the question is directed toward !!
[THE FOOL] - Do they weight their options when making a decision, or do they impulsively make a choice?
[THE MAGICIAN] - Are they resourceful? What skills do they possess that help them navigate the world around them?
[THE HIGH PRIESTESS] - Do they meditate? Would they be considered "in tune" with themselves, or do they struggle with personal growth?
[THE EMPRESS] - Do they participate in or have a self-care ritual? If so, what does their routine look like?
[THE EMPEROR] - Is your muse a leader? If so, what kind of leader are they? Do they take a hands-off approach, or do they micromanage?
[THE HIEROPHANT] - What are important traditions to them, if any? Do they stay true to these traditions, or do they adapt them to fit their current situation?
[THE LOVERS] - What do they consider to be the "perfect partner", be it romantic, platonic, alterous, etc.? Is there someone like that in their life?
[THE CHARIOT] - Are they confident? If so, what makes them the most confident in themselves/their abilities?
[STRENGTH] - What are they determined to accomplish the most?
[THE HERMIT] - What does their inner voice sound like? Is it self-reflecting and introspective, or domineering and judgmental?
[WHEEL OF FORTUNE] - Do they believe in destiny/fate? If so, what do they believe their "purpose" is in this life?
[JUSTICE] - Are they a mediator, or do they prefer to step away from potential conflict?
[THE HANGED MAN] - Would they sacrifice themselves, literally or metaphorically, for those close to them? If so, what kind(s) of sacrifice would they make?
[DEATH] - What is their view on the cycle of life? Do they believe in reincarnation?
[TEMPERANCE] - Are they a patient person, or do they tend to act on impulse?
[THE DEVIL] - Which of the capital vices is your muse tempted by? (Pride, Greed, Wrath, Envy, Lust, Gluttony, Sloth)
[THE TOWER] - Are they a destructive individual (be it literally or metaphorically)? If so, how?
[THE STAR] - What is their health like? Do they consider themselves healthy, or do they feel like they could make improvements to better their health?
[THE MOON] - If they had to choose one trait to describe themselves, what would it be? Is it a genuine answer, or the illusion/persona they put on for others?
[THE SUN] - What makes them feel good? This can be happy, energized, revitalized, etc. It's all about good vibes, so what gives them to your muse?
[JUDGMENT] - What was an epiphany/awakening they recently had? Did they realize something that they've been naive to? Did they discover something about themselves? What happened?
[THE WORLD] - How would they define a utopia? What would it consist of, and do they see it as something achievable?
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It's Starlight!
Send me a 💝 for a Starlight present.
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:|| a merry Christmas from me 🎄
I’m sorry I’ve been silent I got sick of all times but now I’m trying my best 🧍
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:|| ive been self indulging and making another shard of my azemm
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:|| the more I look at drakengard 3 and zero the more I relate to it in a spiritual level
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:||just found out with the lore book that the previous minfillia got beaten to death by vaultry thats
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:|| from stream I sadly had to admit to someone that who the handsome devil I was indeed drawing was hades from the hit mmorpg ff14
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 AFFECTIONATE  AND  AGGRESSIVE  BITING  PROMPTS  i have no explanations besties it is what it is
1) for sender to gently bite receiver’s shoulder while they embrace. 
2) for receiver to gently bite sender’s shoulder while they embrace. 
3) for sender to sensually bite receiver’s neck during a moment of intimacy. 
4) for receiver to sensually bite receiver’s neck during a moment of intimacy. 
5) for sender to aggressively bite receiver’s hand during a fight. 
6) for receiver to aggressively bite sender’s hand during a fight. 
7) for sender to playfully bite receiver’s neck while hugging them from behind. 
8) for receiver to playfully bite sender’s neck while hugging them from behind. 
9) for sender to aggressively bite receiver’s arm during a fight. 
10) for receiver to aggressively bite sender’s arm during a fight. 
11) for sender to wake up receiver by playfully nipping at their nose. 
12) for receiver to wake up sender by playfully nipping at their nose. 
13) for sender to wake up receiver by sensually kissing and biting at their neck. 
14) for receiver to wake up sender by sensually kissing and biting at their neck. 
15) for sender to playfully kiss receiver’s chin then close their teeth around it. 
16) for receiver to playfully kiss sender’s chin then close their teeth around it. 
17) for sender to playfully bite the air at receiver. 
18) for receiver to playfully bite the air at sender. 
19) for sender to aggressively bite the air at receiver as a warning. 
20) for receiver to aggressively bite the air at sender as a warning. 
21) for sender to playfully nip at receiver’s fingers. 
22) for receiver to playfully nip at sender’s fingers. 
23) for sender to aggressively nip at receiver’s fingers. 
24) for receiver to aggressively nip at sender’s fingers. 
25) for sender to sensually bite at receiver’s nipple. 
26) for receiver to sensually bite at sender’s nipple. 
27) for sender to sensually bite at receiver’s chest/breast. 
28) for receiver to sensually bite at sender’s chest/breast. 
29) for sender to sensually bite at receiver’s earlobe. 
30) for receiver to sensually bite at sender’s earlobe. 
31) for sender to sensually bite receiver’s thighs. 
32) for receiver to sensually bite sender’s thighs. 
33) for sender to randomly grab receiver’s arm and bite like a love nip. 
34) for receiver to randomly grab sender’s arm and bite like a love nip. 
35) for sender to bite receiver’s lip while kissing. 
36) for receiver to bite sender’s lip while kissing. 
37) for sender to bite [ specify body part and context ] 
38) for receiver to bite [ specify body part and context ]
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:|| update on the hades pic-
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Confession Meme
Got something to take off your chest? Send "CONFESS" + one of the emojis below and receiver's muse will have to confess about it. Reblog, please do not repost or add.
😋 Confession about receiver muse's guilty pleasure/s.
😍 Confession about receiver's muse crush.
🥲 Confession about a recent memory that receiver's muse doesn't like talking about.
🤗 Confession about a childhood memory that receiver's muse doesn't like talking about.
🤩 Confession about someone receiver's muse feels starstruck around.
🤔 Confession about how receiver's muse really feels about sender's muse.
🥱 Confession about a time sender's muse bored receiver's muse.
🤐 Confession about a time receiver's muse should have said something but didn't.
😴 Confession about a time receiver's muse slept through something they probably shouldn't have.
🫠 Free choice! Make a confession of any kind.
😞 Confession about receiver's muse's greatest disappointments in life.
🤑 Confession about one a purchase receiver muse made and wants no one to find out about.
🤯 Confession about something receiver's muse finds mind-blowing or extraordinary about sender's muse.
🥵 Confession about something that turns receiver's muse on but others may find unusual or odd.
😱 Confession about receiver's muse's greatest fear/s.
🥴 Confession about one of receiver's muse's drunken texts/phone calls.
😡 Confession about something sender's muse done that made receiver's muse secretly angry/frustrated/annoyed.
🤕 Confession about receiver's muse injuries/sickness (past or present).
🤒 Confession about accidentally injuring/getting sender's muse sick.
🤡 Confession about an embarrassing moment that happened to receiver's muse.
🥸 Confession about pretending to be/disguising themselves as someone when interacting with sender's muse.
🥳 Confession about going to a party/celebration/event without sender's muse.
🫣 Confession about secretly catching sender's muse naked.
🫢 Confession about secretly catching sender's muse doing something embarrassing.
🤫 Confession about a rumor they heard about sender's muse but never told them.
🤥 Confession about a lie they told sender's muse recently.
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:|| I think tonight I may draw and color in the additional picture of Hades I’ve drawn in the new style to chill out
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:|| I wanted to post on here too but I got an anon on twt saying you should reply to me and this is a gentle reminder to please do not rush me. I am working five days a week on top of previously mentioning I’m still trying to schedule an mri for my brain tumor so thank you 🙏
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the world's worst couple.
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many such cases
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