dogiplier · 5 years
It’s good to hear from you! Sorry you had to endure so much, but it seems like you figured it out and are thriving now. I hope things continue to go well for you — you deserve it Welcome back 2.0 😊
Thank you so much!!
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dogiplier · 5 years
Ya know what still haunts me? Markistar
Markistar is the devils seed our mothers warned us about
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dogiplier · 5 years
For a genuine demonic experience please reverse Marks laugh happy halloween
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dogiplier · 5 years
did you find the video you posted where you had reversed mark's laughter? it haunts me skndksjs
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dogiplier · 5 years
I'm watching back my videos and I'm in actual tears at this when the fuck did I make this
i’ve made another. help. i cannot stop
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dogiplier · 5 years
I'm sorry all of that has happened to you. But I'm glad things are better. Thanks for the update. Even if you don't come back to Tumblr lots of people still think of you. Thanks for everything and I hope everything stays good and gets even better for you.
Genuinely that means so much. I always worried about disappointing everyone but it was a real time in my life that tested me to the max and I had to put all my focus on it.
It feels good... to have the support still here. I've always said it and I'll say it again, this community will always be No.1
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dogiplier · 5 years
Where I've been...
Hey... so... long time coming huh? I've seen the many posts I've made where I've said ILL BE BACK DONT WORRY ILL BE BETTER THAN EVER... I was lying to you and to myself.
My intention was good, I WANTED to come back, I WANTED to be a strong member of this community again but it was at a point in my life where things were bad. I never told you guys the extent of it.
To put it brief, in this past year I have had a major break up, I've been homeless twice, I've lost all my savings and everything personal to me, I've been in hospital multiple times due to a back condition i never knew i had but that's actually crippling me as we speak and will continue to do so for the rest of my life, when I became homeless for the second time I became so stressed I stopped eating and I started to lose my hair.
That was two months ago.
Now, I'm back in my hometown, I've moved into a house with my current partner, I'm getting a promotion soon to become management in my job, I'm content financially, I'm in contact with a neurosurgeon for my back. I'm happy, like actually genuinely happy for the first time in ages.
I am not gonna sit here and say I will be back on tumblr all the time because again, i lost everything including laptop and tablet. But I am on twitter and I wanna continue with twitter if anyone is actually interested! Maybe in the future I'll be back on here, but right now I certainly cannot keep up the pace.
I'm sincerely sorry for anything I put you guys through and for seeming to abandon all of you so abruptly, it was never intentional, please believe that.
I love you all, Dogi xxx
Twitter: Dogipli
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dogiplier · 6 years
Ok i dont know how to begin this without feeling awkward and weird but I want to apologise to everyone for being so distant. I promise you, this was not intentional. I was in such a busy place where it became impossible to keep up this blog, but this blog is not over. I'm very determined to get it back up again.
I have had some hate involving my disappearance and on a weird level, I get it. (The other part of me wants to sass but i probably shouldnt)
I love you all so much, and the love of markiplier has never left, im still as much trash ever so trust me there alright ok.
I sincerely hope most of you understand, but from now on, i swear ill make more effort. Although im afraid i cant provide gifs as Welcome To The Game 2 made me slam my laptop and break my keys so I cant type at all ha fab
Things will change on this blog, Im determined to make it happen, but for the time being I hope y'all accept my apology 💜
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dogiplier · 7 years
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just a boy and his guitar.
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dogiplier · 7 years
Mark: I’m going to be more active on social media interacting with you guys.
Mark: I drew a giant dick look
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dogiplier · 7 years
I hope ur doing well dogidoo.. we miss you on here!
Thank you bby!! (whooaaa dogi is actually online wtf is this bullshittery)
I’m doing ok, still trying to be an adult and simultaneously succeeding and failing at the same time so honestly nothing has changed haha dw im f i n e
i want a tumblr day today though because ive not been on in so long and honestly a part of me has forgotten how to make gifs jfc wish me luck 
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dogiplier · 7 years
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Here’s a sweet pic of my doggo 💕 - @itsmianicole
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dogiplier · 7 years
I hope things start to get better soon for ya hun, I really want to finish my driving lessons so I can come up and give ya a hug and some cake in person. Here's hoping things start looking up for you soon.
Yesssss you 100% should come visit me one day!! I think things will start looking up, ill get there eventually 😊 LOVE YA
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dogiplier · 7 years
*scoops up the precious dogi* I hope everything works out for you and you feel better. If not, I will personally fly to where you live and give you cookies and a warm blanket! (But seriously, I'm always here to talk if you need a friend :) ))
Come to England and rescue me from this hell.Haha no honestly, I'm generally fine! Its just theres a lot of stuff going on personally that I NEED to deal with that im kinda scared to deal with ??? y'all get me im sure
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dogiplier · 7 years
You know ive actually not watched any Mark videos for about 3 weeks now because im working 294739573 hours a week and honestly how am I coping
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dogiplier · 7 years
You know ive actually not watched any Mark videos for about 3 weeks now because im working 294739573 hours a week and honestly how am I coping
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dogiplier · 7 years
Hope you're doing fine and get better soon!!! ❤❤❤❤
Thank you bby that means the world ❤
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