dont-tell-my-dad-blog · 12 years
not too pissed anymore.
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dont-tell-my-dad-blog · 12 years
him: im gonna have to call you back
me: of course you are.
him: you don't believe me?
me: it's not a matter of believing you, because i already know you're not calling me back for 6 hours.
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dont-tell-my-dad-blog · 12 years
so i have this new boyfriend , that's never really around. 
i left my previous boyfriend for this boyfriend. 
My previous boyfriend who i was with for a year, and he was so attentive and i never worried about him cheating. 
I feel like my previous boyfriend didn't deserve it. 
but i really was getting bored. 
shit happens. 
boyfriend boyfriend boyfriend. 
in case i didn't use that word enough. 
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dont-tell-my-dad-blog · 12 years
Dear ______,
i saw you today. You were walking with a girl we both know. you looked happy.  i made you hug me like you told me to do. You seemed so genuinely at peace. The best i've seen you look in a while. i regret lying to you. i deeply, deeply regret telling you that i do not like you. But what was i supposed to say? You were explaining why you couldn't be "what i wanted you to be", and apologizing, and i know how you get when you feel bad. We both know. What were you talking about with her? Were you telling her the stories you've told me? Does she know about me? Did you lie to me too because i said didn't like you? You're just a nice guy. You compliment me to comfort me not because you mean the compliments. What are you feeling? Am i just a set of ears for you? That's all i feel like anymore. I'm sorry if i'm asking you too many questions. i just want to know, what makes you smile when you see me? The feeling that you need to be polite , or do i actually make you smile? Just your stare made me feel beautiful. So... thank you. I really hope you don't read this. It's bad enough you think everything else i say is about you. so please, just overlook this. 
Don't be what i want you to be for me, be what YOU want to be for me. 
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dont-tell-my-dad-blog · 12 years
Tumblr media
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dont-tell-my-dad-blog · 12 years
i'm back
i had a tumblr account about a year ago, and i had it steady for about 3 or 4 years but so many people began to make an account i didn't feel the same anymore. i didn't feel like my posts were safe on tumblr. but i missed having my account because it  took so much of my time that once i deleted it i was completely bored. so i made a new account. A lot of people were asking me why i deleted my account so i kinda felt like i should remake it as well. 
so i'm back. and i like it (:
love, Bubbles. 
[not gonna use my real name ]
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