dreamsendtrade · 6 years
Hearing another voice seemed to already work on appeasing his nerves, so he took a deep breath and focused on the officer and her questions. Of course that ended up on him eyeing her up and grinning smoothly.
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“Sorry sorry... It reached a boiling point, y’know? I didn’t mean to startle a beauty like yourself, Ms. Officer. I’m Raymond, but you can call me Ray. What would your name be?” The man leaned against a desk trying his best to be a charmer.
Why was he there again?
Oh right, the word stalker snapped him slighty out of it.
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“The stalker is called Fairia Adelista, F-A-I-R-I-A A-D-E-L-I-S-T-A, she’s in my apartment right now and I need someone to get her outta there! ... Not that I couldn’t myself, it’s just as I said I fear for my life. She’s kinda nuts and once got really close to me with a knife.”
‘Love Shot’
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dreamsendtrade · 6 years
Reblog if your muse is a CAT person
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dreamsendtrade · 6 years
‘Love Shot’
[ closed starter for @bombersaway ]
That was the last straw.
Maybe Raymond hadn’t been the most sensible guy in the world, and maybe he could have treated most of the women that got into his life a little better, but still there was no reason for Fairia to break into his place out of the blue like that. What did he do to deserve this? ... He preferred not to have an answer, actually. 
The shock and fright as he opened his front door to the white-haired woman waving at him from his couch fueled his decision to report the stalker once and for all, fleeing after slamming the door shut. He still cared for her and everything, but enough was enough. It hadn’t been long since they broke up so yeah maybe she was still having problems to... Move on, but this was too much.
Barging into the police station nearby, he stomped all the way to the first officer in sight - that happened to be a pretty blonde lady... No time for that, Ray, this is a serious issue.
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“Hi..... I’d like to file a complaint against a stalker....... I fear for my life, ok?”
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dreamsendtrade · 6 years
There was no arguing that, he thought. It was true after all, this kid had killed many and for a good while didn’t even care; didn’t know what remorse or regret felt like. Raymond couldn’t help but also question at the back of his mind if he indeed felt guilt now or if this was the HD treatment speaking, like a sort of brainwashing. 
“…But… You are a kid,” he replied after a moment of pondering those bitter words, placing his chin on the back of one hand and not taking his eyes off the other. It did relieve him a bit to know Russell wasn’t being treated like any other criminal, because he was most definitely not. Probably.
“That’s good though, actually... I might not have been able to do much about the staff around here.” He gave him an awkward little grin because he had been talking out of his ass a bit since this wasn’t his branch’s business at all. Not to mention he was pretty sure he passed by a woman with a vicious glare - most likely a bad affair he could barely remember. So yeah, good thing they were kind.
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“About your aunt though... So she’s not taking responsibility for you anymore, huh?” Ray carefully avoided delving into the unknown territory of the boy’s feelings just yet and focused on what he could talk about and help with. The chair creaked and the sound echoed, reminding him of where they were.
“That’s just harsh, she’s your family. Not to mention all that money, and it was a lot of money. I’d be letting you eat candy before dinner and stuff... Why are you lying to them though? You could find a proper foster family, y’know? This place is kinda.....” His eyes wandered around the mostly empty room, very plain and oppressive. 
All this time he had no idea of what went through this child’s life because it was very confidential, the only ones that knew that much should be the research staff. Too bad that jerk wasn’t anywhere to be found lately... Or maybe he just didn’t look for him, the latter was most likely. Nonetheless, Raymond should really learn more about this case.
‘Been a while’
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dreamsendtrade · 6 years
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The sudden bluntness worked like a slap to the face with Raymond truly at a loss for words, and he would know about slaps to the face. Although it also made him feel way too unprepared for this situation since he could barely deal with an enraged lady, how to comfort a kid like that? Was there even someone prepared for such a delicate scenario? Regardless, it was a little too late now, and even through it all Russell was indeed too calm. A good child, lost and scared after such harsh treatment by his own dreams and... Happy Dream. His branch.
Time to take responsibility.
“... Take it easy, buddy, it’s okay. ... No need to apologize, at least not to me.” He started and shifted his weight, arms falling to his sides while allowing himself closer to the bed to grab the chair nearby. Raymond twirled it in place before sitting with his chest to the backrest, embracing it as his eyes inspected the boy a little closer. His head tilted slightly.
“I know... You probably feel like that for a good reason, and- I have no idea what I could possibly say to make you feel better,” the man decided to be just as honest with a hint of sorrow, eyebrows furrowing like staring at a difficult puzzle and scratching the side of his head.
“Anyway, you’re here right now, hm? ...So tell me, are they treating you right? If not, there should be something I could do about that.”
Ray wanted to ask a bunch of questions at once; when he would be ready to leave, if he had somewhere to stay, talk to him about girls and poor decisions, hell at least buy the boy an ice cream. But if life taught him anything it was he had to be more considerate of others and less hurried, Fairia a lingering reminder of such.
“You can tell me, ok?”
‘Been a while’
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dreamsendtrade · 6 years
Ah there we go, he wasn’t surprised by such a bewildered expression really, like Russell was seeing a ghost. In the place of his dreams there were many a ghosts after all, and so had Ray been warned the ones that interacted directly with the experiment could expect a wide array of reactions. But again this was very unusual, not often that those guys survived.
It was all a little too cold when it came down to it, so the man shook it off and closed the door behind himself while keeping a neutral look and wary of the kid’s condition. His brown coat remained although it lacked the details and he wasn’t really all that different from his dream version so maybe that’d help in a way, his eyes inspected his movements carefully for a second.
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“Is it too soon? Ah sorry, I kinda heard of... Well, you, and came down to see how you were doing right away.” He leaned against the wall and crossed his arms over his chest, sighing softly, for a moment going with the silence and staring at the ceiling like the lack of eye contact would give Russell some privacy.
“So.... No sign of Walter so far, eh? I mean, he told me he would be checking on you after finishing up the paperwork. Man, way to commit... Uh, that guy should be coming soon anyway!” Raymond tried reassuring even though it was questionable whether this was a good decision to meet after all. They only allowed him out of curiosity, probably. Poor kid still treated like an experiment, and to see those wide eyes filled with so much - opposite to the hollow-eyed boy from the second day - was... Overwhelming.
‘Been a while’
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dreamsendtrade · 6 years
‘Been a while’
[ closed starter for @dcrangcdmaniac ]
It was very good getting out of that machine, going back to reality after a job well done. He wanted nothing more than (after escaping the building before Fairia could come around) spend days doing nothing even remotely related to Dreamsend Enterprises. That was the goal after every failed experiment, at least.
But this one was successful. Everyone was flabbergasted by the undoubtly triumphant conclusion of day 7 in which the boy came out unharmed at first, and that was worth a raise in his own personal opinion. Certainly his superiors would overlook all past behavior and grant him a one year vacation to anywhere he pleased.
Yet, those wonderful selfish thoughts fled his mind the second he heard of what was the boy’s first action once awake. He had passed by to grab his paycheck when they told him of the suicide attempt and that raised many conflicts deep within. Not like Raymond was one to question his career, a job was a job, but this time it was just a kid. Just a kid. And they had some nice moments, in that troubled mind of Russell’s.
Many motives fueled the decision to visit the boy after all, letting go of his hat by the entrance and facing Russell with a small smile.
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“Hey, buddy. Remember me?”
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dreamsendtrade · 6 years
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Yue is having NONE of Raymonds shit
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dreamsendtrade · 6 years
Permanent Starter Call
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Liking/Reblogging this post will let me know a couple of things!
I may tag you in closed starters!
I can also send you ic or ooc asks!
I can reply to open starters, and so on.
Overall- I can interact with your muse and you’d be happy to interact with my Russell!
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dreamsendtrade · 6 years
Did a bunch of following, unfortunately only from the main blog, and set up most stuff for the blog. Maybe.
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If you can’t find the ask button join the club it’s here, there and everywhere!
Too lazy to change the theme now, but since it’s fairly new I doubt I should worry about asks. Anyways, let’s get this going pretty please. Just joined the fandom and I’m in dire need for some roleplay action with this womanizer.
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dreamsendtrade · 6 years
(( like or reblog for interaction with sandy cheeks from end roll ))
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dreamsendtrade · 6 years
If we are RPing together
you do not have to:
get to my thread just because you’re working on other replies
avoid posting often just because we’re both online and it’s your turn
push yourself to write something just because you see me on
I understand:
that sometimes you only get muse for certain threads
you may not know what to reply with at the moment
some threads you have are in an exciting moment and you’d rather put your focus into those
RPing is for fun. Don’t force yourself to get stuff done. Your replies are worth the wait.
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dreamsendtrade · 6 years
im not at my laptop right now but hey everywan!! ^_>^ i’d love to be a little more active with this account, so like or reblog this post if you want me to write a starter for us!! canons (even from other games, long as there’s ample info about the character) and ocs are fine!
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dreamsendtrade · 6 years
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((Time to get this show on the road! I’ve just made this blog and would love to find people to RP with, so please like/reblog if you’d be willing to RP with Dogma from End Roll and I’ll give you a follow, thanks!!))
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dreamsendtrade · 6 years
like or reblog if you want to interact with a lonely church boy who likes long walks anywhere that isn’t near the water it’s creepy.
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dreamsendtrade · 6 years
//arriving late to the fandom 50 years late ayyy
rebloggle if you’re willing to rp with a post-game au Russell Seager from END ROLL? c:
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dreamsendtrade · 6 years
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                                 FORGOTTEN PORTRAIT                       “You feel like you have forgotten something….”
       Hello everyone. If you are interested in interacting with Fake / Fabricated!Gary from IB horror RPG then leave a like or reblog this post, please? I will check out your blog as soon as I can!
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